AIAAobsAvoid PDF
AIAAobsAvoid PDF
AIAAobsAvoid PDF
Both techniques have been implemented and are being Sensors on the Ratler include wheel encoders, turn-rate
tested on a prototype wheeled rover. In particular, in one gyro, a compass, a roll inclinometer, and two pitch
experiment the stereo-based local obstacle avoidance inclinometers (one for each body segment). There is a color
system was used to drive the rover safely over ten camera for teleoperation, and we have added a camera mast
kilometers in outdoor, natural terrain. We are currently and four black-and-white cameras for stereo vision, and an
integrating the laser-based hazard detection subsystem, and Accuity laser proximity rangefinder.
will test the complete system by traveling autonomously
over greater distances and rougher terrain. Figure 2 presents a block diagram of the overall navigation
software system. The real-time controller handles servoing
of the motors, collecting and processing of the internal
sensor signals (encoders, compass, inclinometers), and
dead-reckoning calculations [4]. It runs on a 286 and a 486
CPU board, connected by an STD bus, and communicates
with the rest of the system via serial link. The laser
subsystem (Section 4) also runs on-board, on another 486
The cycle time is currently about 4 Hz on a 66Mhz 486 in Many thanks to other members of the Lunar Rover
the test configuration. This includes no effort for optimizing Navigation team, in particular Eric Krotkov, Martial
the algorithms, relatively dense sampling, and a high range Hebert, Fabio Cozman, Richard Goodwin and Sven Koenig.
precision, which requires more time by the laser (currently This work has been partially supported by NASA, under
15% of the total time). It is expected that the speed can be grants NAGW-3863 and NAGW-1175.
increased considerably without significant loss of detection
reliability by streamlining code and reducing range References
precision to more realistic values.
[1] L. Katragadda. J/ Murphy, W. Whittaker and D. Gump.
An obvious extension would be to incorporate information Commercial lunar rover mission for science and
about vehicle movements and the planned path. This would edutainment, In Proc. AIAA Forum on Advanced
enable the metrics to evaluate each point on the elevation Developments in Space Robotics (this volume), Madison,
profile in accordance with the specific parts of the rover that WI, August 1996.
will be passing that point. However, the add-on should be
kept apart from the base-line system so that there always is [2] A. Kelly. An intelligent predictive control approach to
a working backup if the required information from the rover the high speed cross country autonomous navigation
should become unavailable. problem. Technical Report CMU-CS-TR-95-33, Carnegie
Mellon University, 1995.
The stereo-based approach allows the rover to actively [5] J. Purvis and P. Klarer. RATLER: Robotic all terrain
change its steering angle to avoid obstacles in the mid-range lunar exploration rover. In Proc. Sixth Annual Space
(3-7 meters in front of the rover), but it is rather slow, and Operations, Applications and Research Symposium,
can miss certain types of hazards, such as depressions. The Johnson Space Center, Houston TX, 1992.
laser-based subsystem is much simpler and faster, analyzing
high-resolution data immediately in front of the rover (100- [6] L. Robert, M. Buffa and M. Hebert. Weakly-calibrated
150 cms), but can only command the robot to stop. stereo perception for rover navigation. In Proc. Image
Understanding Workshop, 1994.
We anticipate that the combination of these two techniques
should give very good performance over wide range of [7] J. Rosenblatt and C. Thorpe. Combining multiple goals
terrain. Having tested the stereo and obstacle avoidance in a behavior-based architecture. In Proc. Intl. Conf.
planner extensively (in one experiment autonomously Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 136-141, Pittsburgh,
traversing 10 kilometers of natural terrain), we know the PA, August 1995.
types of terrain where its performance is weak, and have
designed the laser proximity system specifically to address [8] R. Simmons, E. Krotkov, L. Chrisman, F. Cozman, R.
those weaknesses. Goodwin, M. Hebert, L. Katragadda, S. Koenig, G.
Krishnaswamy, Y. Shinoda, W. Whittaker, and P. Klarer.
We are currently working to integrate the laser-based Experience with rover navigation for lunar-like terrains. In
hazard detection component into our complete navigation Proc. Intl. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
system, and to fine tune the various metrics. The next step 441-446, Pittsburgh, PA, August 1995.
is to demonstrate that the integrated system will enable the
rover to navigate extremely reliably in rougher and more [9] R. Simmons, E. Krotkov, L. Chrisman, F. Cozman, R.
varied terrain. Goodwin, M. Hebert, G. Heredia, S. Koenig, P. Muir, Y.
Shinoda, and W. Whittaker. Mixed-mode control of
navigation for a lunar rover. In Proc. SSI/Princeton Space
Manufacturing Conference, Princeton, New Jersey, May