Why Would A Person Need A Central Venous Catheter?
Why Would A Person Need A Central Venous Catheter?
Why Would A Person Need A Central Venous Catheter?
Why would a person need a central ■■ To deliver nutrition directly into the
venous catheter? blood when food or liquids cannot be
Common reasons for having a central line given through the mouth, stomach,
include: or intestine.
■■ To give IV medications over a long period ■■ To connect a person with kidney failure
of time because a large vein can tolerate to a hemodialysis machine that clears
an IV catheter for a longer time than a the body of wastes and extra fluid.
small vein. Examples of such medications ■■ As part of the procedure of inserting a
are antibiotics and chemotherapy. right heart catheter (also known as a
■■ To deliver IV medications as an pulmonary artery or Swan Ganz catheter).
outpatient. Compared with a shorter IV,
Risks of a central venous catheter
a central venous catheter is less likely
Some of the possible risks of a central venous
to come out of the vein and this allows
catheter may include:
patients to be more active and receive IV
■■ Discomfort during placement—
medications at home.
Discomfort can result from the needle
■■ To rapidly deliver large amounts of fluid stick and placement of the catheter at
or blood, for example when a person is in the time it is inserted. Your health care
shock. provider will lessen the pain with a local
■■ To directly measure blood pressure in numbing medicine (an anesthetic). The
a large or central vein. This can help discomfort is usually mild and lessens
manage how much fluid a person needs. once the catheter is in place.
■■ To take frequent blood samples (more ■■ Bleeding—Bleeding can occur at the time
than once each day) without being the catheter is inserted. The bleeding is
“stuck” many times. usually mild and stops by it self.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol. 176, P3-P4, 2007 • Online Version Updated March 2015. www.thoracic.org
ATS Patient Education Series © 2007 American Thoracic Society
■■ Infection—Any tube (catheter) entering home, your health care provider will show
the body can make it easier for bacteria you how to care for your catheter.
from the skin to get into the bloodstream. How do I know if there is a problem
Special care in cleaning and bandaging
with the catheter?
the skin at the catheter site can decrease
the risk of infection. Some central venous
■■ The catheter may be infected if you have:
catheters are tunneled under the skin so the ––Redness, tenderness, or swelling where
entry site into the vein is away from the the catheter enters the skin
skin entry site. With care, central venous ––Fever or chills
catheters can remain in the body for several
■■ The catheter may be blocked if it is
months without becoming infected.
difficult or impossible to flush.
■■ Blocking or kinking—Blood clots may
■■ The catheter may be coming out of the
begin to form in the catheter but regular
vein if the length of catheter outside the
flushing of the catheter usually prevents
skin is getting longer.
the clots from blocking the tube. If the
catheter becomes kinked, it must be Authors: Bonnie Fahy, RN, MN, Marianna Sockrider, MD, DrPH
repositioned or removed by your health Adapted from: Constantine A. Manthous, MD & Martin J. Tobin,
care provider. MD, “A Primer on Critical Care for Patients and Their Families”
ATS Website, www.thoracic.org/patients/.
■■ Collapsed lung—This is called a
pneumothorax. The lung is very close to
Additional Lung Health Information
the veins in the neck and chest. When a
central venous catheter is placed in the American Thoracic Society
chest area, if the needle passes through or
misses the vein, the needle could pierce National Institutes of Health (NIH)
the lung causing the lung to collapse. If patientinstructions/000156.htm
this happens, your health care provider
can reinflate the lung by placing a tube patientinstructions/000157.htm
between the ribs to remove the air that
has leaked from the lung (see ATS Patient
Series Chest Tube Thoracostomy www.
What to do
Common Questions 4 Work with your health care provider to learn how to
care for your central venous catheter.
How long will the catheter stay in? 4 If you have any sign of infection or other catheter
In general, the tube will stay in as so long as problem, call your health care provider immediately.
it is needed and the catheter is not blocked Doctor’s Office Telephone:
or infected. This may be days or months.
How can I keep the catheter from
getting infected?
Anything that touches the catheter site and
anything that goes into the catheter must be
sterile. If you are caring for your catheter at
This information is a public service of the American Thoracic Society. The content is for educational purposes only. It should not be used as a
substitute for the medical advice of one’s health care provider.