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NOAA Technical Report NMFS 64 April 1988

Illustrated Key to
Penaeoid Shrimps of Commerce
in the Americas
Isabel Perez Farfante


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Marine Fisheries Service

The major responsibilities of the National Ma rine Fisheries Service (NMFS) are to monitor and assess the abundance and geographic distribution of fishery resources, to
understand and predict fl uctuations in the quantity and distribution of these resources, and to establish levels for their optimum use. NMFS is also charged with the development
and implementation of policies for managing national fishing grounds, development and enforcement of domestic fisheries regulations, surveillance of foreign fishing off United
States coastal waters, and the development and enforcement of international fishery agreements and policies. NMFS also assists the fishing industry through marketing service
and economic anal ysis programs, and mortgage insurance and vessel construction subsidies. It collects, analyzes, and publishes statistics on various phases of the industry.
The NOAA Technical Report NMFS series was establ ished in 1983 to replace two subcategories of the Technical Reports series: "Special Scientific Report-Fisheries" and
"Circular." The se ries contains the following types of reports: Scientific investigations that document long-ternl continuing programs of NMFS; intensive scientific reports on
studies of restricted scope; papers on applied fishery problems; technical reports of general interest intended to aid conservation and management ; reportS that review in con-
siderable detail and at a high technical level certain broad areas of research; and technical papers originating in economics studies and from management investigations. Since
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Copies of NOAA Technical Reports NMFS are available free in limited numbers to governmental agencies, both Federal and State. They are also available in exchange for
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5285 Port Royal Road , Springfield, VA 22161. Although the contents have not been copyrighted and may be reprinted entirely, reference to source is appreciated.

13. Guidelines for reducing porpoise mortality in tuna purse seining, by James M. 31. Shark catches from selected fisheries off the U.S. east coast, by Emory D. Ander-
Coe, David B. Holts, and Richard W. Butler. September 1984, 16 p. son, John G. Casey, John J . Hoey, and W. N. Witzel 1. July 1985, 22 p.

14. Synopsis of biological data on shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum 32. Nutrient Distributions for Georges Bank and adjacent waters in 1979, by A. F .
LeSueur 18 18, by Michael J. Dadswell, Bruce D. Taubert, Thomas S. Squiers, Donald J. Draxler, A. Matte, R. Waldhauer, and J . E. O'Reilly. July 1985,34 p.
Marchette, and Jack Buckley. October 1984, 45 p.
33. Marine flora and fauna of the Northeastern United States. Echinodermata :
15. Chaetognatha of the Caribbean sea and adjacent areas , by Harding B. Michel.
Echinoidea, by D. Keith Serafy and F. Julian Fell. September 1985,27 p.
October 1984, 33 p.

16. Proceedings of the Ninth and Tenth U.S.-Japan Meetings on Aquaculture, by 34. Additions to a revision of the shark genus Carcharhinus: Synonymy of Apriono-
Carl J . Sindermann (editor). November 1984, 92 p. don and Hypoprion, and description of a new species of Carcharhinus (Carcharhinidae),
by J . A. F. Garrick . November 1985 , 26 p.
17. Identification and estimation of size from the beaks of 18 species of cephalopods
from the Pacific Ocean, by Gary A. Wolff. November 1984, 50 p. 35. Synoptic review of the literature on the Southern oyster drililhais haemastoma
j1oridana, by Philip A. Butler. November 1985 , 9 p.
18. A temporal and spatial study of invertebrate communities associated with hard-
bottom habitats in the South Atlantic Bight, by E. L. Wenner, P. Hinde, D. M. Knott, 36. An egg production method for estimating spawning biomass of pelagic fish;
and R. F. Van Dolah . November 1984, 104 p. Application to the northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax , by Reuben Lasker (editor) .
December 1985, 99 p.
19. Synopsis of biological data on spottail pinfish , Diplodus holbrooki (Pisces;
Sparidae), by George H. Darcy. January 1985, II p.
37. A histopathologic evaluation of gross lesions excised from commercially impor-
tant North Atlantic marine fishes, by Robert A. Murchclano, Linda Despres-Patanjo,
20. Ichthyoplankton of the Continental Shelf near Kodiak Island , Alaska, by Arthur and John Ziskowski . March 1986, 14 p.
W. Kendall, Jr. , and Jean R. Dunn. January 1985, 89 p.

38. Fishery atlas of the northwestern Hawaiian Islands, by Richard N. Uchida and
21. Annotated bibliography on hypoxia and its effects on marine life, with emphasis
James H. Uchiyama (editors). September 1986, 142 p.
on the Gulf of Mexico , by Maurice L. Renaud. February 1985, 9 p.

22. Congrid eels of the eastern Pacific and key to their Leptocephali, by Solomon 39. Survey of fish protective facilities at water withdrawal sites on the Snake and
N. Raju. February 1985, 19 p. Columbia Rivers, by George A. Swan, Tommy G. Withrow, and Donn L. Park. April
1986, 34 p.
23. Synopsis of biological data on the pinfish, Lagodon rhomboides (Pisces:Sparidae),
by George H . Darcy. February 1985, 32 p. 40. Potential impact of ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) on fishe ries, by
Edward P. Myers, Donald E. Hoss, Walter M. Matsumoto, David S. Peters, Michael
24. Temperature conditions in the cold pool 1977-8 1: A comparison between southern P. Seld , Richard N. Uchida, John D . Ditmars, and Robert A. Paddock. June 1986 ,
New England and New York transects , by Steven K. Cook. February 1985, 22 p. 33 p.

25. ParasitOlogy and pathology of marine organisms of the world ocean, by William 4 1. A stationary visual census teChnique for quantitatively assessing community struc-
J. Hargis, Jr. (editor). Ma rch 1985, 135 p. ture of coral reef fishes, by James A. Bohnsack and Scott P. Bannerot. July 1986, 15 p.

26. Synopsis of biological data on the sand perch, Dipleclrum formosum (Pisces ; 42. Effects of temperature on the biology of the northern shrimp, Pandalus borealis,
Serranidae), by George H. Darcy . March' 1985, 21 p. in the Gulf of Maine, by Spencer Apollonio, David K. Stevenson, and Earl E. Dunton,
Jr. September 1986, 22 p.
27. Proceedings of the Eleventh U.S.-Japan Meeting on Aquaculture, Salmon
Enhancement, Tokyo , Japan, October 19-20, 1982, by Carl J . Sindermann (editor). 43. Environment and resources of seamounts in the North Pacific, by Richard N.
March 1985, 102 p. Uchida, Sigeiti Hayasi, and George W. Boehlert (editors). September 1986, 105 p.

28 . Review of geographical stocks of tropical dolphins (Stenella spp. and Delphinus

44 . Synopsis of biological data on the porgies , Calamus arctifrons and C. proridens
de/phis) in the eastern Pacific , by William F. Perrin, Michael D. Scott, G. Jay Walker,
(pisces; Sparidae), by George H . Darcy. September 1986 , 19 p.
and Virginia L. Casso March 1985 , 28 p.

29 . Prevalence, intensity , longevity , and persh<tence of Anisakis sp. larvae and Lacis- 45. Meristic variation in Sebastes (Scorpaenidae) , with an analysis of character associa-
torhynchus tenuis metacestodes in San Francisco striped bass, by Mike Moser, Judy tion and bilateral pattern and their significance in species separation, by Lo-chai Chen.
A . Sakanari , Carol A. Reilly , alld Jeannette Whipple . April 1985 , 4 p. September 1986, 17 p.

30. Synopsi, of bIOlogical data on the pink shrimp, Pandalus borealis Kr6yer, 1838, 46. Distribution and relative abundance of pelagic nonsalmonid nekton off Oregon
by Sandra E. Shumway, Herberi C . Perkins, Daniel F. Schick, and Alden P. Stickney. and Washington 1979-84, by Richard D. Brodeur and William G . Pearcy . December
May 1985, 57 p. 1986, 85 p.
NOAA Technical Report NMFS 64

Illustrated Key to
Penaeoid Shrimps of Commerce
in the Americas
Isabel Perez Farfante

April 1988


C. William Verity, Jr. , Secretary
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
William E. Evans, Under Secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere
National Marine Fisheries Service
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) does not approve, recommend
or endorse any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned in this
publication. No reference shall be made to NMFS, or to this publication fur-
nished by NMFS, in any advertising or sales promotion which would indicate
or imply that NMFS approves , recommends or endorses any proprietary
product or proprietary material mentioned herein, or which has as its purpose
an intent to cause directly or indirectly the advertised product to be used or
purchased because of this NMFS publication.

Introduction 1

Key to families

Superfamily Penaeoidea
Key to commercially important families 6

Family Aristeidae Wood-Mason , 1891

Key to genera and species 6
Aristaeomorpha Joliacea (Risso, 1827) 6
Aristeus antillensis A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier, 1909 7
Plesiopenaeus edwardsianus (Johnson, 1868) 7

Family Penaeidae Rafinesque, 1815

Key to genera 8
Genus Artemesia Bate , 1888
Western Atlantic
Artemesia ionginaris Bate. lR88 8

Genus Penaeus Fabricius, 1789 9

Key to western Atlantic species 9
Penaeus (Litopenaeus) schmitti Burkenroad, 1938 9
Penaeus (Litopenaeus) setiferus (Linnaeus, 1767) 9, 10
Penaeus (FarJantepenaeus) brasiliensis Latreille, 1817 10
Penaeus (FarJantepenaeus) duorarum Burkenroad, 1939 11
Penaeus (FarJantepenaeus) notialis Perez Farfante, 1967 11
Penaeus (FarJantepenaeus) subtilis Perez Farfante, 1967 12
Penaeus (FarJantepenaeus) aztecus Ives, 1891 12, 13
Penaeus (FarJantepenaeus) paulensis Perez Farfante, 1967 13
Key to eastern Pacific species 13
Penaeus (Litopenaeus) vannamei Boone, 1931 14
Penaeus (Litopenaeus) occidentalis Streets, 1871 14
Penaeus (Litopenaeus) stylirostris Stimpson, 1874 15
Penaeus (Farfantepenaeus) brevirostris Kingsley, 1878 15
Penaeus (FarJantepenaeus) californiensis Holmes, 1900 16

Genus Protrachypene Burkenroad, 1934 16

Eastern Pacific
Protrachypene precipua Burkenroad, 1934 16

Genus Trachypenaeus Alcock, 1901 17

Key to western Atlantic species 17
Trachypenaeus constrictus (Stimpson, 1874) 17
Trachypenaeus similis (Smith, 1885) 18
Key to eastern Pacific species 19
Trachypenaeus byrdi Burkenroad, 1934 19
Trachypenaeus pacificus Burkenroad, 1934 19
Trachypenaeus Juscina Perez Farfante, 1971 20
Trachypenaeus Jaoe Obarrio, 1954 20, 21

Genus Xiphopenaeus Smith, 1869 21
Western Atlantic
Xiphopenaeus kroyeri Heller, 1862 21
Eastern Pacific
Xiphopenaeus riveti Bouvier, 1907 22
Family Sicyoniidae Ortman, 1898
Genus Sicyonia H. Milne Edwards , 1830 22
Key to western Atlantic species 22
Sicyonia brevirostris Stimpson, 1874 22
Sicyonia typica (Boeck, 1864) 23
Key to eastern Pacific species 23
Sicyonia brevirostris Stimpson, 1874 23
Sicyonia penicillata Lockington, 1879 24
Sicyonia disdorsalis (Burkenroad, 1934) 24, 25
Sicyonia ingentis (Burkenroad, 1938) 25

Family Solenoceridae Wood-Mason, 1891

Key to genera 26
Genus Haliporoides Stebbing , 1914 26
Eastern Pacific
Haliporoides diomedeae (Faxon , 1893) 26

Genus Pleoticus Bate, 1888 27

Key to western Atlantic species 27
Pleoticus muelleri (Bate, 1888) 27
Pleoticus robustus (Smith, 1885) 27

Genus Solenocera Lucas, 1849 28

Key to eastern Pacific species 28
Solenocera agassizii Faxon, 1893 28
Solenocera florea Burkenroad, 1938 28, 29
Solenocera mutator Burkenroad, 1938 29

Acknowledgments 29

Glossary 30

References 32

Introduction ________________
Illustrated Key to Penaeoid
Shrimps of Commerce The American commercial penaeoids , consisting of 37 species of
shrimps, constitute the most valuable segment of the U.S . fishing
in the Americas industry. In 1986, total domestic commercial landings of all
shrimps tincluding carideans) amounted to 244.4 million pounds
(heads-off weight) with an ex-vessel value of $662.7 million
(Thompson 1987) . The penaeoid contribution to these figures was
ISABEL PEREZ F ARF ANTE about 205 .8 million pounds, valued at $622.6 million . An addi-
National Marine Fisheries Service tional 238 .0 million pounds of penaeoids (heads-off) worth $944.3
Systematics Laboratory million (FOB) were imported from other American countries,
National Museum of Natural History bringing the combined value of penaeoids to about $1.57 billion.
Washington , D.C. 20560 Penaeoids are fished from North Carolina to Argentina in the
western Atlantic and from California to northern Peru in the eastern
Pacific . Most species are harvested at depths of less than 70 m.
Only four western Atlantic and two eastern Pacific species are
taken at depths greater than 70 m; three of the western Atlantic
The commercially important species of penaeoid shrimps comprise 4 families, 12 species, however, are fished irregularly .
genera, and 37 species in the Americas. This key is supported by 49 figures Because of their economic value and abundance in estuarine and
including lateral views of whole shrimps in 10 of the 12 genera and detailed littoral ecosystems, these shrimps are widely studied, and the liter-
figures of male (petasma) and female (thelycum) genital structures of the species. ature treating them is extensive. Correct identifications of the spe-
A glossary of terms used in shrimp taxonomy plus a bibliography of references
cies are essential as a background for basic biological research,
useful in identifying shrimps are included.
ecological investigations, studies involving population dynamics,
fisheries impact, and statistical analyses of landings and imports.
Taxonomic revisions and extensions of fisheries to new grounds
have reduced the utility of most of the existing keys , and some of
the more comprehensive keys (restricted unfortunately. to biolo-
gists trained in shrimp taxonomy) do not include definitions or
illustrations of diagnostic characters. The illustrated keys provided
herein are based on features which should facilitate determination
of species by a wide variety of users.
In the keys , the scientific name of each species is followed by
vernacular names, the maximum length attained by members of
each sex, and geographic and bathymetric ranges . Appended to the
keys are a glossary and a list of references for readers interested in
more in-depth study of the systematics of penaeoids. Characters
used in the keys are depicted in Figures 1-5.
Shrimps are crustaceans belonging to the Order Decapoda, as
are lobsters, crayfishes, crabs, and hermit crabs . They have a firm
integument and a body consisting of two regions : the cephalotho-
rax and the abdomen. In many, the carapace is produced anteriorly
into a rostrum and characteristically bears the following ap-
pendages: antennules (first pair of feelers), antennae (second pair
of feelers), mouthparts (consisting of mandibles, two pairs of max-
illae, and three pairs of maxillipeds), and five pairs of pereopods
(legs). Basically, the abdomen consists of six segments: segments
1-5 usually bear a pair of swimming appendages (pleopods or
swimmerets), and the sixth segment bears the uropods (broad ap-
pendages) often forming, with the median tail piece or telson, a tail
The shrimps constitute a large group, about 2,500 species, that
exhibit great diversity in size, ranging in length from a few to about
350 mm. The body of shrimps is commonly laterally compressed,
the rostrum is usually armed with teeth , and the abdomen is longer
than the carapace. The antennules bear a small scale or spine at the
base (the stylocerite), and the antennae bear a large , platelike scale
(the scaphocerite). The pereopods are usually slender, but in some
species a single or pair of pereopods may be robust. The pleopods
are well developed and, except in a relatively small number of
species, are present on all five anterior abdominal segments .
Shrimps, in general, are widely distributed, occurring in marine ,
estuarine, and fresh waters, from the Equator to the polar regions.
Most marine species occupy shallow or moderately deep waters , Sergestoids can be separated from the penaeoids by the lack or
but some are found at depths of almost 5,700 m; the majority of reduction in size of the fourth and fifth pairs of pereopods and by
commercial species are taken on continental or island shelves at having a smaller number of gills.
depths of less than 100 m, but a few are caught at depths as great A second major group of shrimps , the stenopodoids, form the
as 800 m. Although many shrimps are pelagic , most are benthic , Infraorder Stenopodidea, which are of no commercial importance .
living on a large variety of bottoms includi ng mud , peat , sand, They exhibit an arrangement of the abdominal pleura similar to that
rock , fragments of shells , or mixtures of these materials. Also, of the penaeoids and sergestoids, but differ by having the third of
some dwell on coral reefs , among sponges, or are associated with the firs t three pairs of chelate pereopods considerably elongate, and
other invertebrates. gills trichobranchiate. The firs t pair of pleopods in males lack
Among most shrimps , as in the other decapods, the sexes are endopods, and the females carry the eggs on the pleopods until
separate , but certain species first undergo a male phase and are they hatch as zoeae or at a later developmental stage .
later transformed into females . The gonopores open usually on the The carideans consistute a third major group of shrimps, consist-
proximal article of the third pair of pereopods in females and on the ing of about 10 superfamilies comprising the Infraorder Caridea,
fifth in maies; however, in males of certain groups of species they many members of wh ich are of major economic importance . They
open on the adjacent sternite . are characterized by the third pair of pereopods never being
There are several major groups of shrimps , the relationships of chelate, by the pleura of the second abdominal segment overlap-
which are still uncertain. Penaeoid and sergestoid shrimps consti- ping those of both the first and third segments, and gills phyllo-
tute the lnfraorder Penaeidea. They are characterized by the first branchiate. Males lack a petasma but usually possess appendices
three pairs of pereopods being chelate (ending in pincers) and of internae on all pleopods; females carry the eggs on the pleopods
similar size and shape , the pleura of the second abdominal segment until they hatch as zoeae or at a later developmental stage . These
overlapping the third but not the first , and the gills dendobranchi- shrimps constitute the basis of a large number of fisheries in tem·
ate . Males bear a supposedly copulatory structure, the petasma, perate waters, but are of decidely less economic importance in th ~
consisting of the enlarged and interlocked endopods of the firs t pair western Atl antic and eastern Pacific than are the penaeoids .
of pleopods. The genital apparatus of females, situated on the last Many penaeoids other than the species treated herein may occur
two thoracic sternites, consists of a thelycum , which is composed in the commercial catches; however, because of small size, soft
of either protuberances and depressions or of single or paired plates body, or scarcity , they are of li ttle or no economic value. Identifi-
covering single or paired seminal receptacles for the reception or cation of many of these shrimps may be aided by the references
enclosure of spermatophores . Females release eggs directly into section .
the water (instead of carrying them on the pleopods) , and the eggs
hatch as nauplii .

-.-------,c arapac e--------r---------------------abdomen--------------------.


1- 6 abdom.inal segments
me 8 i a I ra ~n w; -tr.'-T;"-,'.:

lateral ramu8----'-'.,....,~·

Figure 1
Lateral view of generalized penaeoid shrimp showing structures and terms used in keys.

A rostral teeth
I ,
epigastric tooth

submarginal carina

non grooved

Figure 2
Characters used in keys to penaeoids. A. Lateral view of carapace. B. Type of carapaces, dorsal view.
C. Cross section of antennular flagella: a. filiform; b. flattened.


third article

p arapenae i d


podobra nc hi a
pleurobranc hia movable fixed
spines spines

Figure 3
Characters used in keys to penaeoids. A. Antennule. B. Types of appendices masculinae in penaeoid families:
a. Aristeidae; b. Penaeidae; c. Solenoceridae; d. Sicyoniidae. C. Pereopod with branchiae. D. Types of telsons.

a b c

Figure 4
Types of eyes in tbe families: a. Aristeidae; b. Penaeidae; c. Sicyoniidae; d. Solenoceridae.

~~--r-sternite XIII
anterior process
~~~_posterior process
'"'-,--",f&:-:~I'ateral plate
····· '~=--~ternite XIV

A posterior

Figure 5
Terms applied to: A. Petasma; B,C. Tbelyca. D. Types of abdomen in: a. Caridea; b. Penaeidea.

Superfamily PENAEOIDEA
Key to commercially important families

la . Postorbital spine present. Both antennular flagella flattened in one of three genera of family treated here. Basis of second pair of
pleopods produced into distolateral projection .. .. . . ... . . ........ .. ....... . . . . . . ... . ... . ..... . .. . ... . . .. Solenoceridae
(Species not fished commercially
in the western Atlantic) .

lb. Postorbital spine absent. Both antennular flagella filiform. BasIs of second pair of pleopods not produced distolaterally .... . ... 2

2a . Integument rigid, stony in appearance. First antennular article with vestigial prosartema. Posterior three pairs of pleopods uniramous ,
with exopod only .. . ... . ............. . .... . .. . ...... ... ....................................... . .... . Sicyoniidae

2b . Integument rather flexible. First antennular article with well developed prosartema. Posterior three pairs of pleopods biramous , with
endopod and exopod .. ..... . ................. . .... . ..... . . . ... . . .......... . .. .. ...... ....... ... ... .. .. ....... 3

3a. Dorsal and ventral flagella inserted at distal margin of third article of antennular peduncle. Males with second pair of pleopods bearing
appendix masculina at base of endopod, lacking appendix interna. Penultimate thoracic segment with I well developed arthrobranchia
or, if with 2, anteroventral one rudimentary . .. . .. . .. . . .... . . ... . .. . .. .. . ......... .. . ...... . . . ........ . . . . Penaeidae

3b . Dorsal flagellum insert~d at about proximal half of third article of antennular peduncle. Males with second pair of pleopods bearing
appendix masculin'a and appendix interna at base of endopod . Penultimate thoracic segment with 2 well developed arthrobran-
chiae .. .. .. . . . . ...... . . .. ...... ..... .. .. . .. . ........ .. . ........... . ... . .. ... ................ . ... . .. Aristeidae
(Species not fished commercially
in the eastern Pacific) .

Family ARISTEIDAE Wood-Mason, 1891

Key to genera and species

lao Body setose . Rostrum with many dorsal teeth . Hepatic spine present. Petasma with dorsolateral lobule considerably overreaching
ventromedian lobule. Thelycum with posterior protuberance on sternite XIV short, rounded, and relatively thin and clearly free
anteriorly ............. ...... . .. . .. .... ... .. . . ........................ . .. ... Aristaeomorpha foliacea (Risso, 1827)
Red gamba prawn, giant red shrimp.
Gamba roja, chorizo . Fig . 6.

Figure 6
Aristaeomorpha/oliacea. A. Lateral view (setae not figured). R. Dor-
solateral view of right half of petasma. C. Thelycum. Scales:
A = 10 mm; R,C = 3 mm.

Maximum total length: males, 170 mm; females, 225 mm. Western Atlantic: south of Massachusetts to the Straits of Florida, throughout
the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea to off the Atlantic coast of Venezuela . Eastern Atlantic: Bay of Biscay to Bahia de Rio de Oro,
Africa, and Mediterranean Sea. Indo-West Pacific: off east Africa, Madagascar, Maldives, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, New
Caledonia, Fiji, and Japan (records from the Pacific perhaps pertain to a different species). Depth \70-\75 to 1300 m.

lb. Body polished . Rostrum with 3 dorsal teeth . Hepatic spine lacking . Petasma with dorsolateral lobule extending as far as or only slightly
overreaching ventromedian lobule. Thelycum lacking posterior protuberance on sternite XIV or, if present, elongate, subelliptical and
almost completely fused . .... .. ... . ....... . .. . ...... . .... ... . . . ......... . . . . . .. .. ... . . . .... .. .. ....... .... .. . . 2

2a. Cervical sulcus shallow and short, not nearly reaching dorsomedian line. Gastro-orbital carina lacking. Third pair of pereopods lacking
podobranchia. Petasma with ventral costa falling conspicuously short of terminal margin of ventrolateral lobule , its distal extremity not
produced in apical hook. Thelycum lacking posterior protuberance on sternite XIV ... . .. . ................. . ... .... . . . .. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aristeus antillensis A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier, 1909
Purple-headed gamba prawn . Gamba violeta. Fig. 7.

Figure 7
Arisleus anti/lensis. A. Lateral view. B. Dorsolateral view or right
haIr or petasma. C. Thelycum. Scales: A = 10 mm; B.C = 2 mm.

Maximum total length: males, 112 mm; female~, 193 mm . Off Cape Henlopen , Delaware (38°43'N), through the Gulf of Mexico and
Caribbean Sea , and southward to French Guiana l . Depth 200-750 m, occasionally as much as 1100 m.
IMaterial examined during the preparation of this study revealed that the geographic range of this species , as well as that of Trachypenaeus cons/rictus. T. faoe. T. pacificlIs.
Solenocera agassizii. and S. florea, extends beyond the previously known limits .

2b . Cervical sulcus deep and long , almost reaching dorsomedian line . Gastro-orbital carina strong and sharp . Third pair of pereopods with
well developed podobranchia. Petasma with ventral costa extending to distal margin of dorsolateral lobule, there produced in apical
hook . Thelycum with strong posterior protuberance on sternite XIV ...... .. .. .. . Plesiopenaeus edwardsianus (Johnson, 1868)
Scarlet gamba prawn . Gamba carabinero, lan-
gostino moruno. Fig. 8.

Figure 8
Plesiopenaeus edwardsianus . A. Lateral view. B. Dorsolateral view or
right haIr or petasma. C. Thelycum. Scales A =20 mm; B,C = 2 mm.

Maximum total length: males, 193 mm; females, 334 mm . Western Atlantic: Grand Bank (43°42') south through the Gulf of Mexico
and Caribbean Sea to French Guiana. Eastern Atlantic: Portugal including Azores and Madeira Is., to South Africa (absent from the
Mediterranean Sea). Indo-West Pacific: off east Africa to Australia and Japan (records from this region might belong to a different
species). Depth 200-1850 m.
Family PENAEIDAE Rafinesque, 1815

Key to genera

la. Rostrum with dorsal and ventral teeth . Last thoracic segment with gills (pleurobranchiae) . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . ... . . . . . ... Penaeus

I b. Rostrum with dorsal teeth only. Last thoracic segment lacking gills .. . .. . .......... . . . .. . . ......... . . . . . .. .... ... . .. .. 2

2a . Telson with pair of well developed, fixed, posterolateral spines and usually 2 pairs of more anterior movable spines. Ventromesial
margin of first antennular article bearing spine (parapf naeid spine) . .. .... ........... . . .. . . .. . ............ . .. . Artemesia
(Western Atlantic)

2b. Telson with or without posterolateral spines , if present , small and movable . Ventromesial margin of first antennular article lacking spine
. .. ..... .. ......... . .............. . ....... . .. ... .... .. ...... ....... ........ . ... .. . . ... .. . .. ... .... ......... 3

3a. First 3 pairs of pereopods with palm of chelae very elongate, more than 3 times as long as dactyl. Petasma produced distally in pair
of lateral horns, their apices forming slender hooks. Thelymm with anterior margin of plate of sternite XIV V-shaped . ..... . .. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Protrachypene
(Eastern Pacific)

3b . First 3 pairs of pereopods with palm of chelae not elongate. Petasma produced distally in pair of lateral horns, their apices not hooklike.
Thelycum with anterior margin of plate(s) of sternite XIV convex or straight and narrowly and deeply cleft . ..... . ........... 4

4a. Carapace with longitudinal suture but lacking transverse suture (at least in adults). Fourth and fifth paIrS of pereopods with elongate
dactyl subdivided into articles ...... . .... ... ....... . ... .. . .. .... ...... . . . ......... .... ...... ....... .. Xiphopenaeus

4b. Carapace with longitudinal and transverse sutures. Fourth and fifth pair of pereopods with dactyl neither elongate nor subdivided into
articles .... ......... .... .. .. . . ... . . . . .. ....... . . ... . . .... . .......... . ..... . . . .. . .. . .. . .. ... .... Trachypenaeus

Genus Artemesia Bate, 1888

Western Atlantic

Only one species in the genus Artemesia ionginaris Bate, 1888

Argentine stiletto shrimp. Ca-
maron. Camarao argentino, cama-
rao serrinha, camarao ferrinho,
c camarao barb a brancha . Fig. 9.

Figure 9
Artemesia /onginaris . A. Lateral view of cara-
pace. B. Dorsal view of petasma. C. Thely-
cum. Scales: A = 5 mm; B = 3 mm; C = 2

Rostrum long , styliform, sinuous , and bearing 7 to 14 basally situated teeth in advance of epigastric tooth . Fourth and fifth pairs of pereopods
very long and flagelliform . Petasma with distal part of dorsolateral lobule h.:avily sclerotized, produced distally in strong, laterally curved
projection, and at about 0 .75 rom length bearing long , slender, sinuous horn mesially . Thelycum with pair of elongate, posteriorly divergent
prominences on sternite XIV; pair of contiguous plates deflected anteriorly, and abutting subtriangular, median protuberance on sternite

Maximum total length: males, 106 rom; females, 145, rarely as much as 152 mm. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil , to Rawson (43°15'S), Argentina.
Littoral to 68 m.

Genus Penaeus Fabricius, 1789
Key to Western Atlantic species

lao Adrostral sulcus and adrostral carina short, ending at level of or only slightly posterior to epigastric tooth. Gastrofrontal carina absent.
Petasma lacking distomedian projections. Thelycum of "open type," lacking plates and seminal receptacle on sternite XIV . (Subgenus
Litopenaeus, "non-grooved species") .... ... . .... ... . ........................ .. ....................... ... ...... 2

lb. Adrostral sulcus and adrostral carina long, conspicuously surpassing epigastric tooth, often reaching almost to posterior margin of
carapace. Gastrofrontal carina present. Petasma with well developed distomedian projections . Thelycum of "closed type," possessing
lateral plates meeting in midline and seminal receptacle on sternite XIV. (Subgenus Farfantepenaeus , "grooved species") . . . .. 3

2a. Petasma with inner surface of distal part of lateral lobe smooth, lacking diagonal ridge , and with submedian inner lapel bearing deep
distal emargination. Thelycum with pair of subparallel anterolateral ridges followed posteriorly by pair of rather widely separated
rounded protuberances on sternite XIV .. . .. . .. ........ .... .. . ... ...... Penaeus (Litopenaeus) schmitti Burkenroad, 1938
White shrimp, southern white shrimp . Camar6n
blanco, langostino blanco . Camarao legitimo, cama-
rao verdadeiro, camariio branco . Fig. 10.

Figure 10
Penaeus (Lilopenaeus) schmitti. A. Dorsal view of carapace. B. Ven-
tral view of petasma. C. Thelycum. Scales: A to mm; B,t 3 mm. =

Maximum total length: males , 175 mm; females, 235 mm. Caribbean Sea, from Cuba to Guadeloupe and from Belize to Venezuela,
and along the Atlantic coast of South America to Laguna, Brazil. Estuarine and marine to 47 m.

2b. Petasma with inner surface of distal part of lateral lobe bearing diagonal ridge and with submedian inner lapel bearing shallow distal
emargination . Thelycum with pair of sharp, anterolateral ridges converging posteriorly and pair of closely set posterior lobes on sternite
XIV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Penaeus (Litopenaeus) setiferus (Linnaeus, 1767)
White shrimp, northern white shrimp. Camar6n
blanco. Figs. 11-12.

Figure 11
Penaeus (Lilopenaeus) seti/erus. Lateral view.
Scale = 20 mm .

A c

Figure 12
Penaeus (Utopenaeus) setiferus. A. Dorsal view of carapace. B. Ventral view of petasma. C. Thelyrum. D. Pos-
terodorsal part of sixth abdominal segment. Scales: A = 10 mm; B,C = 3 mm; 0 = 2 mm.

Maximum total length: males , 175 mm; females, 257 mm. Fire Island, New York, to Saint Lucie Inlet. Florida. Gulf of Mexico: off
Dry Tortugas Islands and Tampa Bay, and from Ochlockonee River, Florida, along the coast of USA and Mexico to Campeche.
Estuarine and marine to 90 m.

3a. Petasma with distomedian projection long and distal fold fonn ing large auricle (protruding considerably inward) bearing small spines;
ventral costa with apex free from adjacent membranous part . Thelycum with anteromedian comers of lateral plates produced anteriorly
forming two small projections covering posterior process; latter usually bearing deeply situated median carina posteriorly. Dark spot
at juncture of third and fourth abdominal segments ........ .. . .. . Penaeus (FlIr!antepenaeus) brasiliensis Latreille, 1817
Pink spotted shrimp, red spotted shrimp . Camaron rosado
con mancha; langostino rosado con mancha. Camariio
rosa, camariio lixo. Fig . 13.



Figure 13
Penaeus (Farfantepenaeus) brasiliensis. A. Dorsal view of carapace. B. Lateral view of right half of petasma .
C. Thelycum (from Little Bahama Bank). C'. Anterior part of thelycum (from Brazil). D. Posterodorsal part of sixth
abdominal segment (from Saint Augustine, Florida). 0'. Posterodorsal part of sixth abdominal segment (from
Camocin. Brazil). Scales: A = 10 mm; B-D' = 3 mm.

Maximum total length: males, 191 mm; females, 250 mm. Off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, and Bennudas to Florida Keys; in the
Gulf of Mexico, known only from northeast of Marquesas Keys, Florida Bay, and From Bah(a de Campeche to Cabo Catoche, Yucatan ,
Mexico. Also along the West Indies, Caribbean coast of Central and South America, and Atlantic coast of South America to Rio Grande ,
Rio Grande do Sui, Brazil. Estuarine and marine to 75 m, rarely to 366 m.

3b. Petasma with distomedian projection relatively short and distal fold not fonning auricle; ventral costa with apex attached to adjacent
membranous part . Thelycum with anteromedian comers of lateral plates not produced; posterior process exposed. Dark spot present
or absent on abdomen at juncture of third and fourth abdominal segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4

4a . Petasma with distal part of ventral costa bearing minute spines along free border and compact group of strong teeth on attached border.
Lateral plates of thelycum with anteromedian comers slightly divergent; posterior process with undivided median carina. . . . . .. 5

4b. Petasma with distal part of ventral costa unarmed along free border but bearing narrow patch of small teeth on attached border or
irregular group of apical teeth. Lateral plates of thelycum with anteromedian comers widely divergent; posterior process with anteriorly
bifurcate median carina .............. . ... . . . .. .. .. . .. . . ...... .......... .... ... . ... ...... . ...... ...... . ....... 6

5a. Dorsolateral sulcus of sixth abdominal segment narrow , ratio of keel height to sulcus width (measured at about 113 of segment length
from posterior margin) usually more than 3, sulcus sometimes virtually closed. Dark spot present at juncture of third and fourth
abdominal segments ....... . ... ... .. .. ..... . ............. . .... Penaeus (Farfantepenaeus) duorarum Burkenroad, 1939
Pink shrimp, northern pink shrimp, pink spotted shrimp.
Camaron rosado . Fig. 14.

Figure 14
Penaeus (Far!antepenaeus) duorarum. A. Dorsal view of carapace. B. Lateral view of right half of petasma.
C. Thelycum. D. Posterodorsal part of sixth abdominal segment. Scales: A 10 mm; B-D 3 Mm. =

Maximum total length: males, 190 mm (occasionally as much as 269 mm); females, 280 mm . Lower Chesapeake Bay and Bermudas
to Straits of Florida; in the Gulf of Mexico, from Dry Tortugas Islands along the coast of USA and Mexico to Cabo Catoche and south
to Isla Mujeres . Estuarine and marine to 55 m, rarely to 277-375 m.

5b. Dorsolateral sulcus broad , ratio of keel height to sulcus width usually less than 3. Dark spot at juncture of third and fourth abdominal
segments present in Caribbean populations but absent in South American populations ............... . .......... . ......... .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Penaeus (Farfantepenaeus) notWlis Perez Farfante, 1967
Pink shrimp, southern pink shrimp. Camaron acaramelado;
in South America, camaron rojo sin mancha or langostino
rosado sin mancha . Camarao rosa . Fig . 15.

Figure 15
Penaeus (Faifantepenaeus) notialis. A. Dorsal view of carapace. B. Lateral view of right half of petasma.
C. Thelycum. D. Posterodorsal part of sixth abdominal segment. Scales: A = 10 mm; B-D = 3 Mm.

Maximum total length: males, 175 mm; females, 200 mm . Western Atlantic: Cuba to Virgin Islands and from Bahia de la Ascension,
Quintana Roo, Mexico , along the Caribbean coast of Central and South America and the Atlantic coast of South America to Alagoas,
Brazil. (Records from Ilheus to Cabo Frio need confirmation) . Eastern Atlantic: west coast of Africa, from Mauritania to Angola.
Estuarine to 100 m, rarely to 700 m.

6a. Adrostral sulcus relatively short, never approaching pasterior margin of carapace, shallow and narrow posteriorly, where 115 to 3/4
times width of post rostral carina ... . ... . .. . .. . . .. .... . . . ..... .. . Penaeus (Farjantepenaeus) subtilis Perez Farfante, 1967
Dark shrimp, southern brown shrimp. Camaron cafe, ca-
maron marron, langostino amarillo. Camarao vermelho , ca-
marao lixo. Fig. 16.

Figure 16
Penaeus (Fatfantepenaeus) subtilis. A,B. Dorsal views of carapace. C. Lateral view of right half of petasma.
D. Thelycum. E. Posterodorsal part of sixth abdominal segment. Scales: A,B = 10 mm; C-E = 2 mm.

Maximum total length: males , 152 mm; females, 205 mm. Cuba through the Antilles and from Honduras along the Caribbean coast
of Central and South America and the Atlantic coast of South America to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Estuarine and marine to about 90 m,
rarely to 192 m.

6b. Adrostral sulcus long, almost reaching posterior margin of carapace. deep and broad posteriorly, where 4/5 to 2 times width of
postrostral carina ..... ... . ..... . . ... . . ... . ... ... .. ... . ... .. ........ ..... . .. ... . ... . . .... . ..... . . .. . .... .... . 7

7a. Median ' sulcus long and deep along entire length. Dorwlateral sulcus broad, ratio of keel height to sulcus width usually less than 3.
Petasma with distal part of ventral costa tapering to point , arc-shaped, and armed with elongate patch of closely set small teeth on
attached border. Thelycum with anterior and posterior processes relatively broad ... . . . ....... . ... . ... . ..... .. .... .. . . . . . .
_.. _____ . _____ . _____ . _• _. __ ____ .. _.. _. _.... . ....... . ......... . ...... Penaeus (Farjantepenaeus) aztecus Ives, 1891
Brown shrimp, northern brown shrimp. Camaron
cafe, camaron cafe nortefio, camaron moreno.
Figs . 17-18 .

Figure 17
Penaeus (Fatfantepenaeus) auecus.
Lateral view. Scale = 15 mm.

Maximum total length: males, 195 mm; females, 236 mm . Martha's Vineyard , Massachusetts , to the Florida Keys and into the Gulf
of Mexico to northwest of Sanibel Grounds, and from Apalachicola to northwestern Yucatan, Mexico . Estuarine and marine to 110 m,
rarely to 165 m.
Figure 18
Penaeus (Farfantepenaeus) aztecus. A. Dorsal view of carapace. B. Lateral view of right half of petasma.
C. Thelycum. D. Posterodorsal part of sixth abdominal segment. Scales: A = 10 mm; B,C = 2 mm; D = 3 mm.

7b. Median sulcus short, shallow, and often interrupted . Dorsolateral sulcus narrow, ratio of keel height to sulcus width usually more than
3, sulcus often virtually closed. Petasma with distal part of ventral costa blunt, almost straight, and armed with irregularly arranged
group of conspicuous teeth on attached border. Thelycum with anterior and posterior processes narrow ............ . .... . .... .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Penaeus (Farfantepenaeus) paulensis Perez Farfante, 1967
Sao Paulo shrimp. Langostino rojo, camar6n rojo. Camarao
rosa. Fig. 19.

Figure 19
Penaeus (Farfantepenaeus) pauknsis. A. Dorsal view of carapace. B. Lateral view of right half of petasma.
C. Thelycum. D. Posterodorsal part of sixth abdominal segment. Scales: A = 10 mm; B-D = 3 mm.

Maximum total length: males, 171 mm; females, 215 mm. Cabo Frio, Brazil, to Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Estuarine and
marine to 55 m, rarely to 130 m.

Key to eastern Pacific species

1a. Adrostral sulcus and adrostral carina short, ending at level of or only slightly posterior to epigastric tooth. Gastrofrontal carina absent.
Petasma lacking distomedian projections. Thelycum of "open type," lacking plates and seminal receptacle on sternite XIV. (Subgenus
Litopenaeus, "non-grooved species") .......... . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . ... . ... . . .......... .. .. . . . ..... . .......... 2

lb. Adrostral sulcus and adrostral carina long, conspicuously surpassing epigastric tooth, often reaching almost to posterior margin of
carapace. Gastrofrontal carina present. Petasma with well developed distomedian projections. Thelycum of "closed type," possessing
lateral plates meeting in midline and seminal receptacle on sternite XIV. (Subgenus Farfantepenaeus, "grooved species") ..... 4

2a . Rostrum with 1 or 2 ventral teeth, posterior tooth situated at level of or anterior to anterior dorsal tooth; rostral tooth formula, usually
8-9/1-2, in advance of epigastric tooth . Petasma with free distal part of lateral lobe long (considerably overreaching median lobe) and
subelliptical. Thelycum with pair of oblique sharp ridges on anterior part of sternite XIV, mesial part of ridges produced ventrally in
sharp auricles; sternite XIII bearing large, semicircular to subrectangular median protuberance ... .. ..... . ...... ........... . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ....... Penaeus (Litopenaeus) vannamei Boone, 1931
White shrimp, white leg shrimp . Camaron
blanco , camaron patiblanco, langostino blanco.
Fig . 20

Figure 20
Penaeus (LiJopenaeus) vannamei. A. Anterola!:eral \'iew of carapace. B. Dorsal view of petasma. C. Thelycum.
Scales: A = 10 mm; B,C = 3 mm.

Maximum total length: males, 187 mm; females, 230 mm. Northernmost part of Gulf of California southward to Tumbes, Peru.
Estuarine and marine to 72 m.

2b. Rostrum with more than 2 ventral teeth , none situated anterior to antcrior dorsal tooth. Petasma with free distal part of lateral lobe short
(not overreaching median lobe) or if long, subangular. Thelycum lacking pair of ridges on anterior part of sternite XIV .. .. ... 3

3a. Rostrum usually with dorsal teeth .on anterior one-third, rostral tooth formula usually 9-12/3-5, in advance of epigastric tooth.
Antennular flagella shorter than peduncle . Petasma with free distal part of lateral lobe (subtriangular but with sinuous borders) very
elongate (considerably overreaching median lobe) and outer surface of lobe lacking denticles. Thelycum with pair of inclined
posterolateral ridges on sternite XIV, sternite in adult, except posterolateral ridges, densely covered with setae; sternite XIII bearing
small median protuberance . ........ . . .. . .. .. . . ..... . .. .. ... . . ........ Penaeus (Litopenaeus) occidentalis Streets, 1871
Western white shrimp. Camaron blanco , langostino
blanco . Fig. 21.

Figure 21
Penaeus (Lilopenaeus) occiden/alis. A. Anterolateral view of carapace. B. Dorsal view of petasma. C. Thelycum.
Scales: A = 10 mm; B = 3 mm; C = 2 mm.

Maximum total length: males, 190 mm; females, 230 mm. Chiapas, Mexico, southward to Isla Lobos de Tierra, Peru, and Islas
Galapagos , Ecuador. Estuarine and marine to 30 m, rarely as much as 155-160 m.

3b. Rostrum lacking dorsal teeth on anterior 113; rostral tooth formula usually 5-10/3-8, in advance of epigastric tooth . Antennular flagella
longer than peduncle . Petasma with free distal part of lateral lobe short (not overreaching median lobe) and outer surface of lobe armed
with irregular rows of denticles situated near terminal border. Thelycum with strong, longitudinally disposed prominence bearing
median keel on sternite XIV, latter naked; sternite XIII bearing median ridge . . ................... . ...... . . . . .... . .. ... . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Penaeus (Litopenaeus) stylirostris Stimpson, 1874
Blue shrimp. Camar6n azul, camar6n blanco, lan-
gostino azul, langostino blanco. Fig. 22

Figure 22
Penaeus (Litopenaeus) stylirostris. A. Anterolateral view of carapace. B. Dorsal view of petasma. C. Thelycum.
Scales: A = 10 mm; B,C = 4 mm.

Maximum total length: males, 215 mm; females, 263 mm. Gulf of California and Punta Abreojos, Baja California Sur, southward to
Paita, Peru. Estuarine to 27 m, rarely to 45 m.

4a. Gastrofrontal carina usually almost indistinct anteriorly. Gastro-orbital carina relatively short, at most occupying posterior 3/5 of
distance between hepatic spine and orbital margin . Posterior part of adrostral sulcus directed mesially. Petasma with distomedian
projection short, barely overlapping ventral costa; latter subangular, blunt apically, there bearing 1 to 4 small teeth on inner border;
distal fold small, not forming auricle. Thelycum with lateral plates of sternite XIV setose anteriorly; posterior process bearing anteriorly
bifurcate posteromedian carina .... . .. . .. . ... . .. . . . ..... . . . .. .. . . Penaeus (Farfantepenaeus) brevirostris Kingsley, 1878
Red shrimp, pink shrimp, crystal shrimp. Camar6n rojo,
camar6n cristalino, langostino rojo. Fig. 23.

Figure 23
Penaeus (Farfantepenaeus) brevirostris. A. Anterolateral view of carapace. B. Dorsolateral view of right half of
petasma. C. Thelycum. D. Posterodorsal part of sixth abdominal segment. Scales: A 10 mm; B·D 2 mm.= =

Maximum total length: males, 150 mm; females, 190 mm. Off northern Sinaloa, Mexico, to SW of Cabo Blanco, Peru, and Islas
Galapagos. Estuarine and marine to 120 m, rarely to as much as 183 m.

4b. Gastrofrontal carina well defined anteriorly. Gastro-orbital carina long. occupying at least 4/5 of distance between hepatic spine and
orbital margin . Posterior part of adrostral sulcus almost straight. Petasma with distomedian projection long, conspicuously overlapping
ventral costa; latter strongly arched, pointed apically , a:,d lacking teeth on inner border; distal fold forming large auricle (protruding
considerably inward) bearing small spines . Thdycum with lateral plates of sternite XIV lacking setae; posterior process bearing
undivided median carina ... . . . ...... . ... . . . .. ... ......... . ..... Penaeus (Farfantepenaeus) californiensis Holmes, 1900
Yellowleg shrimp, golden prawn . Camaron cafe , camaron
pata amarilla, camaron pata colorada. Fig. 24 .

Figure 24
Penaeus (FarJanlepenaeus) californiensis. A. Anterolateral view of carapace. B. Dorsolateral view of right half of
petasma. C. Ventrolateral view of same. D. Thelycum. E. Posterodorsal part of sixth abdominal segment. Scales:
A = 10 mm; B,C = 2 mm; D = 3 mm; E = 5 mm.

Maximum total length: males, 153; females , 210 mm . San Francisco Bay. California, southward through the Gulf of California to
Callao, Peru, and Islas Galapagos , Ecuador. Estuarine and marine to 50 m, rarely to 180 m.

Genus Protrachypene Burkenroad, 1934

Eastern Pacific

Only one species in the genus Protrachypene precipua Burkenroad, 1934

Titi shrimp . Camaron titl, pomada. Fig . 25 .

Figure 25
Prolrachypene precipua. A. Lateral view of
carapace. B. Dorsal view of petasma. C.
Thelycum. Scales: A = 5 mm; B,C = 2 mm.

Rostrum long. styliform, and bearing 7 to 9 teeth in advance of epigastric tooth. First three pairs of pereopods with elongate palms and short
dactyls; fourth and fifth pairs very long and flagelliform . Petasma produced in broad lateral horns terminating in proximoventrally directed
hook; ventral part of hom (ventrolateral lobule) terminating in semicircular flap surpassing distally dorsal part (dorsolateral lobule).
Thelycum with plate of sternite XIV exhibiting anterior margin deeply angular, V-shaped; median protuberance on sternite XIII roughly
pentagonal although anterior margin convex .

Maximum total length: males, 91.7 mm; females, 96.5 nur... El Salvador to Tumbes, Peru . Shore to about 40 m.

Genus Trachypenaeus Alcock, 1901
Key to western Atlantic species

la. Abdomen naked except for bands of setae flanking dorsal keel of last 2 or 3 segments . Males with protuberance on sternite XIV
goblet-shaped , constricted posteriorly; petasma as figured. Females with thelycum setose; anterior margin of plates of sternite XIV
strongly convex ; anterior margin of median protuberance on sternite XIII convex or subangulate. Exopods of fifth pair of pereopods
long, reaching, or almost reaching level of distomesial extremity of basis ...... . .. Trachypenaeus constrictus (Stimpson, 1874)
Roughneck shrimp. Camaron fijador. Camarao
ferrinho. Figs . 26-27 A-C, Db.

Figure 26
Trachypenaeus constriclus . A. Lateral view.
Scale 20 mm.

Figure 27
Trachypenaeus constriclus. A. Dorsal view of petasma. B. Ventral view of posterior part of thorax in male. C. Thelycum.
Db. Exopod of fifth pereopod. Trachypenaeus simi/is. Da. Exopod of fifth pereopod. Scales: A = 0 mm; B-D = 1 mm.

Maximum total length: males, 71 mm; females, 93 mm . Tangier Sound, Nova Scotia, south Chesapeake Bay , Virginia, Bermuda, and
southward through the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea to Bahia de Zimbros (27°l3'S), Brazil. Shallow water to 91 m.

lb. Abdomen with dorsal bands and lateral patches of setae on posterior 3 segments. Males with protuberance on stemite XIV subpyrami-
dal , sloping regularly to posterior apex; petasma as figured . Females with thelycum naked; anterior margin of plates of stemite XIV
straight or concave . Exopods of fifth pair of pereopods short, not nearly reaching level of distomesial extremity of basis . . . . ... .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . Trachypenaeus similis (Smith, 1885)
Yellow roughneck shrimp . Camaron
fijador. Figs. 27 Da, 28-29 .

Figure 28
Trachypenaeus similis . Lateral view. Scale = 10 mm.

Figure 29
TrachypelUU!us simiJis. A. Dorsal view ofpetasma. B. Ventral view of posterior part of thorax in male. c. Thelycum.
Scales: A-C = 2 mm.

Maximum total length : males, 72 mm; females, 104 mm . Florida Keys through the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea to S of Ponta
de Paquea, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Depth 2 to 92 m.

Key to eastern Pacific species

lao Spine present on posterior end of dorsomedian carina of last 2,3, or 4 abdominal segments. Telson unarmed. Males with protuberance
on sternite XIV roughly spindle shaped, usually traversed by median longitudinal groove; petasma as figured. Thelycum with plates
of sternite XIV produced anteriorly in moderately long, subelliptical flaps, falling short of anterior margin of median protuberance on
sternite XIII, latter strongly excavate .... . ........ . .............. ..... . ........ Trachypenaeus byrdi Burkenroad, 1934
Carabalf shrimp. Camar6n cebra, tigre ,
carabalf, indio; langostino cebra, caravelf.
Fig . 30.

Figure 30
Trachypenaeus byrd;. A. Lateral view of carapace. B. Dorsal view of petasma. C. Thelycllm. Scales: A = 10 mm;
B.C = 3 mm.

Maximum total length: males, 134 mrn; ft:males , 189 mm. Mexico to northern Peru. Depth 2 to 40 m.

I b. Spine present on posterior end of dorsomedian carina of last abdominal segment only. Telson with posterolateral spines. Males with
protuberance on sternite XIV subpyramidal, (sloping to posterior apex) . Thelycum with plate(s) of sternite XIV short and subrectangular
or produced in elongate flaps, almost reaching anterior margin of median protuberance on sternite XIII ... . .. . ....... ..... 2

2a. Telson with proximal triangular patch of long setae on each side of median sulcus . Petasmal horns with base expanded distally before
tapering regularly to apex and anterior margin sinuous. Thelycum with plates of sternite XIV short and subrectangular, not nearly
reaching anterior margin of median protuberance on sternite XIII; latter not excavate, usually protruding ventrally on mid part .. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trachypenaeus pacijicus Burkenroad, 1934
Zebra shrimp. Camar6n cebra, tigre, carabalf,
camaroncillo cebra; langostino cebra; caravelf.
Fig. 31.

Figure 31
Trachypenaeus pacifICus . A. Lateral view of carapace. B. Dorsal view of petasma. C. Thelycum . Scales: A = 3 mm;
B = 1 mm; C = 2 mm .

NW of Cabo San Quintin, west side of Baja California Sur, and throughout the Gulf of California southward to Tumbes, occasionally
to Hiacho , Peru . Depth 5 to 100 m.

2b . Telson lacking proximal patches of long setae. Petasmal horns not expanded basally , tapering regularly to apex, and anterior margin
convex . Thelycum with plates of sternite XIV produced anteriorly in elongate, tonguelike flaps , almost reaching ~nterior margin of
median protuberance on sternite XIII ; latter deeply excavate . . .... .. . .. ...... .. . . . . .. . .... ... .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3

3a. Tel son with posterior pair of lateral spines fixed . In males, median process on sternite XIII usually ovate (with obtuse or acute apex),
occasionally subelliptical: petasma as shown in Figure 33A. Thelycum with plates of sternite XIV bearing oblique narrow bands of
setae, and lateral margins strongly curved posteromesially, forming acute angle at junction with posterior thoracic ridge . . ... . .. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Trachypenaeus fuscina Perez Farfante, 1971
Pinto shrimp . Camar6n cebra. tigre. carabalf;
langostino cebra. Figs . 32-33 .

Figure 32
Trachypenaeus fuscina . A. Lateral view.
Scale = 10 mm.

Figure 33
Trachypenaeus fuscina. A. Dorsal view or petasma. B. Ventral view of posterior part of thorax in male. C. Thely·
cum. D. Telson. Scales = 2 mm.

Maximum length: males , 108 mm; females , 150 mm. Golfo de Tehuantepec, Mexico, to Paita, northern Peru. Depth 5 to 100 m.

3b. Telson with posterior pair of lateral spines movable. In males, median process on sternite XIII subtrapezoidal (widest anteriorly) to
suborbicular; petasma similar to that of T . fuscina . Thelycum with plates of sternite XIV bearing broad lateral patches of setae and
lateral margins almost straight, forming about 90 0 angles with posterior thoracic ridge . . . . .. Trachypenaeus faoe Obarrio, 1954
Indio shrimp. Camar6n cebra, tigre,
carabalf; langostino cebra. Fig. 34.


Figure 34
Trachypenaeus faoe. A. Ventral view of posterior part of thorax in male. B. Thelycum. C. Telson. Scales: A,B =
2 mm; C=4mm.

Maximum total length: females. at least 100 mm , probably more . Southern part of Gulf of California (off Isla Altamura, Sinaloa,
Mexico) southward to Golfo de Guayaquil, Ecuador. Sublittoral to 24 m.

Genus Xiphopenaeus Smith, 1869

Rostrum long , sinuous , with very elongate, styliform anterior part varyingly elevated and armed with only dorsal teeth (usually five) basally.
Carapace with epigastric tooth situated distinctly posterior to firsi (posterior) rostral tooth. Longitudinal suture long, reaching about
midlength of carapace; transverse suture lacking in adults. Last two pairs of pereopods long, flagelliform , with elongate multiarticular
dactyls. Petasma produced distolaterally in pair of relatively broad horns. Thelycum with plate of sternite XIV broad, protuberance of
sternite XIII quite short, and slit between them almost horizontal.

Western Atlantic

Only one species in the region ............... . . .. . . . .. . . .. .... . . . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . . .... Xiphopenaeus kroyeri Heller, 1862
Seabob, Atlantic seabob . Redi sara-
sara, Bugi sara-sara. Camar6n siete
barbas . Camarao chifrudo, camarao
sete barbas, piticaia. Fig. 35.

Figure 35
XiphIJpenaeus kroyeri. A. Lateral view. B. Dactyl. C. Dorsal view
of petasma. D. Thelycum. Scales: A,B = 1 mm; C,D = 2 mm.

Maximum total length: males, 115 mm; females, 140 mm. North Carolina (between Cape Hatteras and Cape Lookout) south through the
Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea to Ponta do Zimbros, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Estuaries and offshore to 70 m.

Eastern Pacific

Only one species in the region Xiphopenaeus riveti Bouvier, 1907

Pacific seabob. Botalon, camaron
barbon, siete barbas, titi, langostino
titL Fig. 36.

Figure 36
X iphopenaeus riveli. A. Lateral view
of carapace. B. Dorsal view of
petasma. C. Thelycum. Scales: A = 3
mm; B,C = 2 mm.

Maximum total length: females, 170 mm. Gulf of California, Mexico, to Paita, Peru. Depth 3 to 70 m.

Family SICYONIIDAE Ortmann, 1898

Genus Sicyonia H. Milne Edwards, 1830

Key to western Atlantic species

I a. Postrostral carina almost always with 3 teeth posterior to level of hepatic spine, occasionally anterior one of these at level of or slightly
anterior to hepatic spine. Rostrum bearing 2 dorsal teeth, rarely 3. Petasma with distal projection of dorsolateral lobule short, its apical
part curved dorsally . Thelycum with plate of sternite XIV almost flat or slightly raised laterally in paired low bulges .. ... .. . .. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sicyonia brevirostris Stimpson, 1874
Brown rock shrimp, hardback . Ca-
maron conchiduro, camaron de piedra,
camaron de roca. Fig. 37

B c
Figure 37
Sicyonro brevirostris. A. Lateral view. B.
Dorsal view of petasma. C. Thelycum. Scales:
A = 10 mm; B,C = 2 mm.

Maximum total length : males, about 125 mm; females, about 130 mm. In the western Atlantic: off Norfolk, Virginia, along the coast
of the United States, and through the Bahamas to the scuthern coast of Cuba, and around the Gulf of Mexico from the Florida Keys
to Isla Con toy , Yucatan (perhaps also off Guyana) . In the eastern Pacific: off southern Mexico, from Colimas to Chiapas; however,
its occurrence in this region needs confirmation. Sublittoral to 190 m (rarely to 329 m) .

1b. Postrostral carina with 2 teeth posterior to level of hepatic spine . Rostrum bearing I or 2 teeth. Petasma and thelycum similar to those
of S . brevirostris (Fig . 38) ..... . .. .. .. .. ..... . .. .... ........ .... .. .... . . .. ..... . . . ..... . .. S. typica (Boeck, 1864)
Kinglet rock shrimp. Ca-
mar6n reyecito, ca-
mar6n de piedra . Cama-
rao da pedra. Fig . 38.

Figure 38
Sicyonia typica. A. Lateral view. B. Dorsal view of petasma. C.
Thelycum. Scales: A = 10 mm; B = 1 mm; C = 2 Mm.

Maximum total length: females, 74 mm . Off Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, southward through the Gulf of Mexico to Caribbean
Sea (Antilles , Central and South America) and along the Atlantic coast of South America to SE of Ilha de Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Shallow water to 101 m.

Key to eastern Pacific species

la. Postrostral carina with 2 or 3 teeth posterior to level of hepatic spine ......... . .. ........ . . . ... . .... ... . ... . . . .. . .... 2

lb . Postrostral carina with I tooth posterior to level of hepatic spine .... . ....... .... . . .. .. . .. ... . .... . . . . ...... ... .... .. 3

2a. Postrostral carina almost always with 3 teeth posterior to level of hepatic spine, occasionally anterior one of these at level of or slightly
anterior to hepatic spine. Rostrum bearing 2 dorsal teeth, rarely 3. Petasma with distal projection of dorsolateral lobule short, its apical
part curved dorsally . Thelycum with plate of sternite XIV almost flat or slightly raised laterally in paired low bulges. Branchiostegite
lacking large spot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Sicyonia brevirostris Stimpson, 1874
Brown rock shrimp, hardback . Ca-
mar6n conchiduro, camar6n de piedra,
camar6n de roca. Fig. 37.

Maximum total length: males, about 125 mm; females, about 130 mm. In the eastern Pacific: off southern Mexico, from Coli mas to
Chiapas; however, its occurrence in this region needs confirmation. Depth not included in the few records reported . In the western
Atlantic: from Norfolk, Virginia, along the coast of the United States and the Bahamas to the southern coast of Cuba, and around the
Gulf of Mexico from the Florida Keys to Isla Contoy, Yucatan (perhaps also off Guyana).

2b. Postrostral carina with 2 teeth posterior to level of hepatic spine, never with tooth at level of or slightly anterior to hepatic spine . Rostrum
usually bearing I dorsal tooth (rarely 2). Petasma with distal projections extremely long and slender. Thelycum with plate of sternite
XIV raised in strong bulges. Branchiostegite with moderately large, purplish brown spot sometimes bearing poorly defined but diffuse
yellow center . ............ . ...... . ..... . ....... . ... ... . . .. . .. . ... . .. .. ... . . . Sicyonia penicillata Lockington, 1879
Rock shrimp, target shrimp , peanut rock
shrimp. Cacahuete, camaron de piedra,
camaron de roca. Fig. 39.

Figure 39
Sicyonia penicU/ata. A. Lateral view.
B. Dorsal view of petasma. C. Thely-
cum. Scales: A = 10 mm; B = 1 mm;

Maximum total length: males, about 130 mm; females, about 110 mm. From southwest of Punta Canoas (29°20'N), Baja California
Norte, southward to BahCa San Lucas, and in the Gulf of California, from the northern end to BahCa Concepcion on the west and to
Punta Arbolata, Sinaloa, on the east. Its recorded presence off Punta Arenas, Costa Rica, needs confirmation. Depth 0.60 to 180 m.

3a. Dorsomedian carina of first abdominal segment produced into tooth considerably larger than posterior tooth on carapace. Petasma with
distal projections of dorsolateral lobules turned mesially and lacking terminal filament. Thelycum with posterior component of median
plate flat or slightly raised posterolaterally, not bearing short bosses cut by transverse suture . . . ... .. . ... . .. . .. .. .. .... ... . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sicyonia disdorsalis (Burkenroad, 1934)
Rock shrimp, keel rock shrimp. Camaron
conchiduro, camaron duro, langostino cas-
cara dura . Fig. 40.

Maximum total length: males, 88.8 mm; females, 98.7 mm. Bahia Santa Maria to the tip of Baja California Mexico, and from off the
central coast of Sonora, Gulf of California, southward to Callao, Peru. Depth 5 to 139-93 m.


Figure 40
Sicyonia disdorsalis. A. Lateral view. B. Dorsal view of
petasma. C. Thelycum. Scales: A = 10 mm; B = 1 mm; C = 2 mm.

3b. Dorsomedian carina on first abdominal segment produced into tooth smaller or only slightly larger than posterior tooth on carapace.
Petasma with distal projections of dorsolateral lobules divergent and produced in short filament. Thelycum with posterior component
of median plate bearing paired short lateral bosses cut by transverse suture ... . . . . . . . . .. Sicyonia ingentis (Burkenroad, 1938)
Ridge back prawn, rock shrimp, Pacific
rock shrimp. Camaron de piedra, caca-
huete . Fig . 41.

Figure 41
Sicyonia ingentis. A. Lateral view. B. Dorsal view of
petasma. C. Thelycum. Scales: A = 10 mm; B = 1
mm; C=2mm.

Maximum total length: males, about L57 mm; females, about L80 mm. Monterey Bay , California, southward to IsLa Marfa Madre
(22°00'N), and throughout the Gulf of California. Depth 5 to 183 m, occasionally to 293-307 m .

Family SOLENOCERIDAE Wood-Mason, 1891

Key to genera
(Ranges noted refer only to American waters)

1a. Dorsal and ventral antennular flagella flattened . Lateral ramus of uropod lacking distolateral spine . .. . . .... . ...... Solenocera
(Eastern Pacific)

lb . Dorsal and ventral flagellum subcylindricaI. Lateral ramus of uropod armed with distolateral spine . . .... . ... .. . . .. ... .... . 2

2a . Epigastric tooth separated from first (posterior) rostral teoth by interval not conspicuously greater than that between first and second
rostral teeth . Suprahepatic spine lacking ..... . ... .... . . .. . .. . . .. ... . ..... .. . .. . ... . .. .. . . . . . . . .... . . ... .. . Pleoticus
(Western Atlantic)

2b . Epigastric tooth separated from first rostral tooth by interval conspicuously greater than that between first and second rostral teeth.
Suprahepatic spine present ..... ..... . .... .. . . . .. . .. . . ....... .. . . . . ... . .... .... . .. . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . .. Haliporoides
(Eastern Pacific)

Genus Haliporoides Stebbing, 1914

Eastern Pacific

Only one species in American waters Haliporoides diomedeae (Faxon, 1893)

Chilean knife shrimp . Gamba roja, ca-
mar6n cuchilla , camar6n de profundi-
dad . Fig . 42.

Figure 42
c Haliporoides diomedeae . A. Lateral view. H. Dorsal view (partly bent
= =
laterally) of petasma. C. Thelycum . Scales: A IS mm; H,C 3 mm.

Rostrum moderately long , at most slightly overreaching antennular peduncle; armed with 2 to 5 dorsal teeth; epigastric tooth separated from
first rostral tooth by long interval. Cervical carina bearing 1 well developed suprahepatic spine , occasionally accompanied by smaller more
dorsal one . Petasma with row of cincinnuli short, occupying about proximal 1/3 of median line; ventromedian lobule abruptly broadening
distally and with lateral part of terminal margin serrate . Thelycum lacking ridge or strong protuberance on sternite XIV , latter smoothly
convex , often bearing minute central tubercle; posterior part of sternite XIII armed with strong median protuberance.

Maximum total length: males, 198 mrn; females, 215 mrn. Off Peninsula de Azuero , Panama, to Ta\cahuano, Chile (36°40'S) . Depth 240
to 1,866 m .

Genus Pleoticus Bate, 1888

Key to western Atlantic species

lao Body polished. Rostrum reaching at most distal third of second antennular article. Posterior part of submarginal carina lying well dorsal
to ventral margin of carapace . Petasma cincinnulate along only proximal 215 of median line; distal part of ventromedian lobule cornified
and bearing tenninal suboval projection and lateral, spurlike one. Thelycum with anterior part of sternite XIV bearing pair of slightly
convex , small plates, each with 2 minute tubercles; sternite xm bearing heavy, strongly produced , median projection . . . ...... .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . ... . .. . ... . .. .. . . ... . .... . . ..... .. . .. . . .. ....... . ........... Pleoticus muelleri (Bate, 1888)
Argentine red shrimp . Lan-
gostino , langostfn . Lagostinho
da Argentina, camarao de San-
tana, camarao vennelho. Fig.

Figure 43
PleoticlIs muelleri. A. Lateral view of carapace. B. Dor-
sal view of left half of petasma. C. Thelycum. Scales:
A = 10 mm; B = 2 mm; C = 3 mm.

Maximum total length: unrecorded in males (37.5 mm c1) ; females, 190 mm (58 m cl). Praia de Santana , Espirito Santo, Brazil,
southward to northwestern Golfu de San Jorge, Comodoro Rivadavia. Argentina. Depth 2 to 100 m.

lb . Body densely covered with minute setae. Rostrum nearly reaching or slighdy overreaching antennular peduncle . Entire submarginal
carina lying adjacent to ventral margin of carapace. Petasma cincinnulate along entire median line; ventromedian lobule rather flexible
and lacking projections . Thelycum with anterior part of sternite XIV bearing pair of strong, usually anteriorly curved, subtriangular
projections ; sternite XIII armed with rather strong but low anteromedian ridge ....... . . . . . .. Pleoticus robustus (Smith, 1885)
Royal red shrimp. Camar6n rojo
gigante, camar6n real rojo, lan-
gostino rojo. Figs. 44-45.

Figure 44
Pleoticus robuslus. Lateral view. Scale = 10 mm.

Figure 45
Pleoticus robustus . A. Dorsolateral view of left B
half of petasma. B. Thelycum. Scales: A,B =

Maximum total length: males, 180 mm; females , 225 mm. South of Martha's Vineyard (40 0 00/l5"N) through the Gulf of Mexico and
the Caribbean Sea to French Guiana. Upper continental slope, 180 to 730 m.

Genus Solenocera Lucas, 1849

Key to eastern Pacific species

lao Rostral plus epigastric teeth 8 to 10, usually 9 . Pterygostomian spine broad based, joining carapace dorsally in gentle curve. Petasma
with distal projection of ventromedian lobule rounded . Thelycum with pair of projections on sternite XIV large, their length greater
than half median length of sternite; median protuberance on sternite XIII not raised (ventrally) in paired projections . . ... .. .... .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solenocera agassizii Faxon, 1893
Ocean pink, kolibri shrimp. Ca-
mar6n chupaflor, camar6n rojo.
Fig . 46 .

B c
Figure 46
Solenocera agassiz;;. A. Lateral view
of carapace. B. Dorsal view of right
half of petasma. C. Thelycum . Scales:
A = 10 DlDl; B,C = 3 mm.

Maximum total length: males, 115 mm; females , 149 mm . Off Cabo Bianco, Costa Rica, to Islas Lobos de Afuera, Peru. Depth 86
to 384 m .

I b . Rostral plus epigastric teeth 5 to 8, usually 6 or 7. Pterygostomian spine narrow based, joining carapace dorsally at about right angle.
Petasma with distal projection of ventromedian lobule subacute or subtruncate. Thelycum with pair of projections on sternite XIV small,
their length not more than half median length of sternite; median protuberance on sternite XIII raised (ventrally) in paired conspicuous
projections . . ... . . .. . . . . . . ........ . ... .. .. . .. . ... . . .. . ..... . . ..... . . .... . .... ..... . ... .. ... . . ............ .. 2

2a. Petasma with distal projection of ventromedian lobule subtruncate and bent dorsally in lapel-like fashion; distal projection of ventro-
lateral lobule saberi ike and long. reaching as far distally as projection of ventromedian lobule . Thelycum with sternite XIII lacking
anteromedian elevation and with median protuberance, acutely concave posteriorly, bearing anterior tubercle ............ . .. . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Solenocera florea Burkenroad, 1938
Camar6n chupaflor, camar6n rojo,
fide\. Figs . 47-48.

Figure 47
Solenocerajlorea. Lateral view. Scale = 5 DlDl.

Figure 48
Solenocerajlorea. A. Dorsal view of right half of petasma. B. Thely-
cum. Scales: A,B = 2 mm.

Maximum total length: males, 72 mm; females, 80.3 mm. Off Boca de las Animas, along the west coast of Baja California Sur2, and
from Isla Altamura, Sinaloa, Mexico, southward to SW of Punta Pimentel, Peru. Depth 13-183 m.

2This is the rlfst time that S . florea has been recorded from the ocean side of Baja California Sur. In addition to the material from Boca de las Animas , hundreds of specimens
deposited at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography were obtained from various localities along the coast of the peninsula to Bahia Todos Santos.

2b. Petasma with distal projection of ventromedian lobule tapering to mesial apex and not bent dorsally; distal projection of ventrolateral
lobule elliptical and short, falling considerably short of apex of ventromedian lobule. Thelycum with sternite XlII bearing blunt
anteromedian elevation and with median protuberance, strongly convex posteriorly, lacking anterior tubercle ......... .. ... ... .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solenocera mutator Burkenroad, 1938
Little humpback shrimp. Camaroncito
rojo. Fig . 49.

Figure 49
Solenocera mutator. A. Lateral view of carapace. B. Dorsal view of petasma. C. Thelycum. Scales: A = 5 mm;
B,C =2 mm.

Maximum total length: males, 72 mm; females, 78 mm . Off southern California, along the west coast of Baja California Norte and
Sur, Gulf of California, and southward to Isla Lobos de Tierra, Peru . Depth 2-236 m.

Acknowledgments _________________________________________________________________________

I hereby thank Richard J. Berry of the Southeast Fisheries Center, fered valuable suggestions; their time and efforts are much appre-
National Marine Fisheries Service, for the space and facilities ciated.
provided the illustrator and me. Horton H. Hobbs, Jr. , Fenner A. Special thanks are due Maria M. Dieguez who prepared the
Chace , Jr., both of the Smithsonian Institution , Bruce B. Collette illustrations; her artistic talent, penchant for detail , and generous
and Austin B. Williams, both of the Systematics Laboratory, Na- cooperation made this work possible .
tional Marine Fisheries Service, reviewed the manuscript and of-

Glossaryl ________________________________________________________________________________

This glossary is intended for use in the identification of penaeidean Cervical sulcus Groove sometimes present on the carapace; it is
shrimps. mesially transverse, laterally oblique, and extends from or near the
Abdomen "Tail" or that part of the body posterior to the hepatic sulcus toward the middorsal line of the carapace .
cephalothorax, consisting of six body segments or somites and the Chela, pI. -ae Pincer fonned by the two distal podomeres, or
telson. segments, of a pereopod in which the movable finger or dactyl
Adrostral carina Ridge flanking the rostrum, sometimes nearly opposes a fixed finger fonned by a distal extension of the
reaching the posterior margin of the carapace . propodus.
Adrostral sulcus Groove flanking the rostrum mesial to the Cicatrix, pI. -ices Longitudinal disposed ridge(s) often present
adrostral carina, sometimes nearly reaching the postenor margin of on the sixth abdominal segment.
carapace. Cincinnuli Minute interlocking processes projecting from the
Antenna, pI. nae More lateral of the two paired flagellate ap- dorsomesial margins of the petasmal endopods.
pendages projecting anteriorly from the anterior end of the body. Closed thelycum Female structures (plates and protuberances)
Antennal flagellum Multiarticulate, whiplike tenninal part of on the posterior two thoracic sternites associated with or covering
the antenna. the seminal receptacle(s) .
Antennal peduncle Basal articles of the antenna, from which Cornea Faceted portion of the eye.
the flagellum arises . Coxa, pI. -ae First or proximal segment of a typically 7-
Antennal region Area on the lateral face of the carapace poste- segmented appendage.
rior to and encompassing the antennal spine. Dactyl Tenninal segment of a typically 7-segmented appendage.
Antennal spine Spine present on the anterior margin of the cara- Dendobranchiate gill One in which the paired primary branches
pace just ventral to the orbital margin. are subdivided, sometimes highly so.
Antennular flagella Multiarticulate paired filaments (sometimes Distomedian fold Distal pleat in the dorsolateral lobule of the
flattened and lamellate) of the antennule . petasma.
Antennular peduncle Basal articles of the antcnnule, from Distomedian projection Distal , relatively narrow extension of
which the flagella arise . the dorsomedian lobule of the petasma.
Antennule More mesial of the two paired flagellate appendages Dorsolateral lobule Dorsal part of the lateral lobe of the
projecting from the anterior end of the body. petasma.
Anterior process Anterior part of an elongate median protuber- Dorsolateral sulcus Longitudinal groove sometimes present
ance lying on the penultimate (XIII) thoracic sternite. close to the dorsomedian line of the sixth abdominal segment.
Appendix intern a , pI. dices -nae Slender lappet, sometimes Dorsomedian carina Ridge extending along the middorsal line
rodlike , at the mesial base of the endopod of the second pleopod of the abdominal segments.
of many males. Dorsomedian lobule Mesial part of the median lobe of the
Appendix masculina, pI. dices- nae Lappet, sometimes scale- petasma.
like, at the mesial base of the endopod of the second pleopod Endopod Mesial branch of a bifurcate appendage, especially one
(dorsal to the appendix interna if latter is present). arising from the basis or from the protopodite of the pleopod .
Arthrobranchia, pI. -chiae Branchia attached to the joint area Epigastric tooth Tooth on the carapace situated above the gas-
between the body and the first segment of a leg. tric region behind the first (posterior) rostral tooth.
Article Anyone of the divisions of a segmented appendage. Exopod Lateral branch of a bifurcate appendage arising from the
Articular membrane Uncalcified integument at a joint permit- basis or from the protopodite of the pleopod .
ting movement of the exoskeleton, as between the segments of a Eyestalk Peduncle or unfaceted portion of the eye supporting the
pereopod. cornea.
Basis, pI. -ses Second podomere, or segment, from the proximal Flagellum, pI. -la Multiarticulate, usually whiplike tenninal part
end of a typically 7-segmented appendage. of the antennule or antenna.
Branchia, pI. -chiae Respiratory organ (gill) associated with an Frontal region Anterior area of the carapace lying between the
orbits and bounded posteriorly by the gastric region .
appendage or the body wall.
Gastric region Principal mesial area on the carapace lying ante-
Branchial region Portion of the carapace overlying the branchial
rior to the cervical sulcus and bounded posteriorly by the cardiac
cavity. region, laterally by the branchial and hepatic regions, and anteri-
Branchiostegal spine Short spine on or near the anterior margin orly by the frontal and orbital region.
of the carapace ventral to the antennal spine and dorsal to the Gastrofrontal carina Short longitudinal ridge extending poste-
anteroventral angle of the carapace. riorly from the ventral extremity of the orbital margin .
Branchiostegite Expanded lateral part of the carapace covering Gastrofrontal sulcus Short longitudinal depression accompany-
the gills. ing the gastrofrontal carina dorsally .
Carapace "Head shield" covering the cephalothoracic segments Gastro-orbital carina Short longitudinal ridge extending (often
of the body . curving) anterodorsally from the cervical sulcus toward the orbital
Carpus, pI. -pi Fifth podomere from the proximal end of a
Hepatic carina Longitudinally or obliquely disposed ridge of
typically 7-segmented appendage.
variable length lying ventral to the hepatic spine .
Cephalothorax Fused anterior part of the body bearing all of the Hepatic region Paired anterolateral areas on the carapace
appendages except the pleopods and uropods. bounded posteriorly by the branchial region, mesially by the gas-
tric region, and anteriorly by the antennal region.
Hepatic spine Lateral spine situated near the anterior margin of
IA number of the definitions included are taken from Chace and Hobbs 1%9. the hepatic region on the carapace .

Hepatic sulcus Groove ventral to the hepatic region extending Propodus, pI. -di Sixth or penultimate segment of a typically
from near the anterior margin of the carapace posteriorly . 7-segmented appendage.
Ischium, pI. -chia Third segment from the proximal end of a Prosartema Narrow scalelike process arising from the mesial
typically 7-segmented appendage. base of the first antennular article.
Laterallobe One of the paired lateral parts, often folded, of the Pterygostomian spine Marginal spine arising from the
petasma. anterovental angle of the carapace.
Lateral plate One of the paired, adjacent flaps sometimes Rostrum, pI. -tra Anteromedian projection of the carapace be-
present on stemite XlV in females . tween the eyes.
Longitudinal suture Fine longitudinal line extending posteri- Scaphocerite (antennal scale) Laterally rigid lamellate exopod
orly from just above the base of the antennal spine. of the antenna.
Mandible One of the heavily calcified jaws lying anterior to Seminal receptacle Invagination(s) of the integument of the
(beneath, in ventral view) the other mouth parts . fourteenth segment of females for the storage of sperm after copu·
Maxilliped One of a pair of three sets of cephalothoracic ap- lation.
pendages arising posterior to the primary mouthparts . The most Somite Body segment.
prominent set, the third or outer maxillipeds, are slender elongate
Sternite Ventral part of a thoracic or abdominal segment
appendages resembling the pereopods.
Median lobe One of the paired dorsal parts, often folded, of the Sternum Ventral surface of the cephalothorax or abdomen .
petasma. Stylocerite Pointed scale arising from the lateral base of the first
Median protuberance Conspicuous elevation, sometimes plate- article of the antennular penduncle.
like, arising from the posteromedian part of the penultimate (XIII) Submarginal carina Longitudinal ridge adjacent, or somewhat
thoracic sternite. dorsal, to the ventral margin of the branchiostegite.
Median sulcus Dorsomedian groove on the carapace. Suprahepatic spine Spine arising from the posterior border of
Merus, pI. -i Fourth segment from the proximal end of a typi- the cervical carina dorsal to the hepatic spine .
cally 7-segmented appendage . Taxon, pI. -a Any taxonomic unit such as an order, family,
Open thelycum Structures (protuberances, ridges, and depres- genus, or species.
sions) on the posterior two thoracic sternites for the reception of the
Telson Terminal unit of the abdomen bearing the anus .
spermatophores in females lacking seminal receptacles.
Orbital margin Anterior border of the carapace, often contigu- Tergum, pI. -a Arched dorsal portion of each of the first five
ous to the eye. abdominal segments or somites.
Orbital region Paired areas on the carapace just posterior to the Thelycum, pI. -ca Genital modifications of the two posterior
eyes . thoracic sternites in females including protuberances, ridges, de-
Orbital spine Spine projecting from the ventral extremity of the pressions, plates surrounding or leading to the gonopores , or
orbital margin . shielding the seminal receptacle(s).
Orbito-antennal sulcus Longitudinal or oblique depression be- Transverse suture Fine short vertical line extending dorsally
tween the orbital margin and the hepatic spine . from the ventral margin of the carapace.
Palm Portion of chela proximal to finger. Trichobranchiate gill One in which the branches are fingerlike
Parapenaeid spine Spine projecting from the distomesial mar-
and project from a central axis .
gin of the first antennular article.
Pereopod One of the five postenor paired appendages or legs Uropod Paired biramous appendage attached to the sixth abdom-
attached to the cephalothorax. inal somite usually combining with the telson to form a tail fan .
Petasma, pI. mata Male genital structure consisting of the much Ventral costa Ridge extending along the ventromesial margin of
enlarged and coupled endopods of the first pair of pleopods . The the ventrolateral lobule of the petasma.
presence or absence of a petasma, or in juveniles the position of the Ventrolateral lobule Ventral part of the lateral lobe of the
petasmal endopods (situated more distally in females than in petasma.
males), is the easiest means of distinguishing between the sexes in Ventromedian lobule Lateral part of the median lobe of the
penaeidean shrimps. petasma.
Phyllobranchiate gill One in which the branches are platelike,
usuall y occurring in paired series.
Pleopod One of the biramous paired appendages typically aris-
ing from each of the first five abdominal segments. In the shrimps,
they are primarily swimming organs.
Pleurobranchia, pI. -ae Branchia attached to the body wall
(pleural membrane).
Pleuron, pI. -ra One of the lateral flaps on each of the first five
abdominal segments.
Podobranchia, pI. -ae Branchia borne on the basal segment
(coxa) of a thoracic appendage.
Podomere Anyone of the segments of an appendage, such as a
segment (also article) of a pereopod or maxilliped.
Posterior process Posterior part of an elongate median protuber-
ance projecting onto the last (XIV) thoracic sternite.
Posterior protuberance Conspicuous elevation arising from the
posteromedian part of the last (XIV) thoracic sternite.
Postorbital spine Spine situated near the orbital margin pos-
terodorsal to the antennal spine .
Postrostral carina Dorsomedian ridge extending from the base
of the rostrum posteriorly, sometimes nearly reaching the posterior
margin of the carapace.

References ___________________________________________________________________________________


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