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The key takeaways are that obligations can arise from contracts or by operation of law, and that consent plays an important role in determining what obligations a person has agreed to.

The document defines an 'obligation' as something one is bound by law, duty or agreement to pay, do or entrust to another.

Examples of 'operation of law' obligations mentioned include tax obligations and other statutory obligations imposed by government.


Form #12.040
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Sovereignty Education and
Defense Ministry (SEDM)
August 10, 2018

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• Information appearing in this presentation is educational in nature
• Everything presented is based on:
– Thousands of hours of scriptural and legal research
– Review and use of the resulting research by the over 1 Million people who have visited
and are currently using the SEDM Website and Family Guardian Website
– Continuous feedback from our many readers that have improved the quality of the
information over time
• If you find anything inaccurate in this presentation, our Member
Agreement, Form #01.001 makes it a DUTY of all members to
promptly bring the error to our immediate attention with supporting
evidence so that we may continually improve our materials. Your
evidence must be completely consistent with our presentation
Reasonable Belief About Income Tax Liability, Form #05.007
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• The application of this information to your specific legal
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• The information presented is copyrighted and subject to the
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• Our disclaimer is the SAME disclaimer as the U.S. government uses.
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ACT, 17 U.S.C.

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1. Dedication
2. Introduction
3. Definition of “Obligation”
4. “Operation of law” obligations
5. “Contract” obligations
6. How consent affects obligations
7. Burden of proof upon those asserting an obligation
8. Government NEVER satisfies the Burden of Proof
9. No One can prove a NEGATIVE
10. Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.) and obligations
11. Implied Consent
12. How property affects obligations
13. How “contracts” are obfuscated to LOOK like
“operation of law”

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14. Challenging the enforcement of a civil “obligation”
15.Challenging the enforcement of a civil “obligation” in
16.Conclusions and Summary
17.Further References

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"Under basic rules of construction, statutory laws enacted by legislative bodies cannot impair
rights given under a constitution. 194 B.R. at 925. "
[In re Young, 235 B.R. 666 (Bankr.M.D.Fla., 1999)]

“The rights of the individuals are restricted only to the extent that they have been voluntarily
surrendered by the citizenship to the agencies of government."
[City of Dallas v Mitchell, 245 S.W. 944]

“Life, faculties, production— in other words individuality, liberty, property— that is man. And in
spite of the cunning of artful political leaders, these three gifts from God precede all human
legislation, and are superior to it.”
[Frederic Bastiat (b. 1801 - d. 1850), The Law;
"For the principal aim of society is to protect individuals in the enjoyment of those absolute
rights, which were vested in them by the immutable laws of nature; but which could not be
preserved in peace without the mutual assistance and intercourse, which is gained by the
institution of friendly and social communities. Hence it follows, that the first and primary end of
human laws is to maintain and regulate these absolute rights of individuals."

"By the absolute rights of individuals we mean those which are so in their primary and strictest
sense; such as would belong to their persons merely in a state of nature, and which every man
is entitled to enjoy whether out of society or in it." - Ibid.
[William Blackstone, Commentaries (1765); SOURCE:

[More at: Unalienable Rights Course, Form #12.038; https://sedm.org/LibertyU/UnalienableRights.pdf]

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For the commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You
shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not bear
false witness,” “You shall not covet,” and if there is any other
commandment, are all summed up in this saying, namely, “You
shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the
fulfillment of the law.
[Romans 13:9-10, Bible, NKJV]
“Do not strive with [or try to regulate or control or enslave] a
man without cause, if he has done you no harm.”
[Prov. 3:30, Bible, NKJV]

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• A frequent source of anger and frustration is when the
government attempts to administratively enforce an alleged
• Most of the time, the government enforcement is ILLEGAL
and even unconstitutional. It is illegal because:
– It disturbs your right to be left alone, and therefore represents an
“INJUSTICE” (Form #05.050)
– It presumes (Form #05.017) a civil status (Form #13.008) or obligation you
don’t in fact have as a justification for the enforcement. This violates due
process of law (Form #05.045) if not authenticated by evidence before a
neutral third party BEFORE enforcement commences.
– It abuses your legal ignorance to victimize you with obligations you don’t
have and therefore makes you the target of THEFT, exploitation, and
– It is misrepresented as “law” rather than merely “contract enforcement” or
“private law”. See:
What is “law”?, Form #05.048
– They are acting as having an alleged but not actual right to shift the
burden of proof on you - instead of keeping it on the person asserting the
obligation, where it lawfully AND legally belongs. Form #05.025
– It is instituted outside the exclusive geographical jurisdiction of the
government doing the enforcing. That location is usually federal territory.
Form #05.018
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• Those wishing to prevent the illegal enforcement MUST learn
how to successfully challenge it administratively and in court
or they can become the target essentially of an organized
crime government mafia trading in stolen property.
• The purpose of this presentation is to show them how to
successfully do that.
• All enforcement actions are predicated on the authority to
enforce an alleged “obligation”.
• If you can prove that you have not such “obligation”, the
authority of the government to enforce is DESTROYED.

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Definition of “Obligation”
• “Obligation” is defined in the California Civil Code as follows:
Civil Code - CIV
DIVISION 3. OBLIGATIONS [1427 - 3272.9]
( Heading of Division 3 amended by Stats. 1988, Ch. 160, Sec. 14. )
PART 1. OBLIGATIONS IN GENERAL [1427 - 1543] ( Part 1 enacted 1872. )
TITLE 1. DEFINITION OF OBLIGATIONS [1427 - [1428.]] ( Title 1 enacted 1872.)

1427. An obligation is a legal duty, by which a person is bound to do or not to do a

certain thing.
(Enacted 1872.)

• The California Civil Code and California Code of Civil

Procedure then describe how obligations may lawfully be
created. Section 22.2 of the California Civil Code (“CCC”)
shows that the common law shall be the rule of decision in all
the courts of this State. CCC section 1428 establishes that
obligations are legal duties arising either from contract of the
parties, or the operation of law (nothing else). CCCP section
1708 states that the obligations imposed by operation of law
are only to abstain from injuring the person or property of
another, or infringing upon any of his or her rights.

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Definition of “Obligation”
Civil Code - CIV
(Heading added by Stats. 1951, Ch. 655, in conjunction with Sections 22, 22.1, and 22.2 )
22.2. The common law of England, so far as it is not repugnant to or inconsistent with the Constitution of the
United States, or the Constitution or laws of this State, is the rule of decision in all the courts of this State.
(Added by Stats. 1951, Ch. 655.)
Civil Code – CIV
DIVISION 3. OBLIGATIONS [1427 - 3272.9]
( Heading of Division 3 amended by Stats. 1988, Ch. 160, Sec. 14. )
PART 1. OBLIGATIONS IN GENERAL [1427 - 1543] ( Part 1 enacted 1872. )
TITLE 1. DEFINITION OF OBLIGATIONS [1427 - [1428.]] (Title 1 enacted 1872.)
[1428.] Section Fourteen Hundred and Twenty-eight.
An obligation arises either from:
One — The contract of the parties; or,
Two — The operation of law. An obligation arising from operation of law may be enforced in the manner
provided by law, or by civil action or proceeding.
(Amended by Code Amendments 1873-74, Ch. 612.)
Civil Code – CIV
DIVISION 3. OBLIGATIONS [1427 - 3272.9]
(Heading of Division 3 amended by Stats. 1988, Ch. 160, Sec. 14. )
( Part 3 enacted 1872. )

1708. Every person is bound, without contract, to abstain from injuring the person or property of another, or
infringing upon any of his or her rights.
(Amended by Stats. 2002, Ch. 664, Sec. 38.5. Effective January 1, 2003.)

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Summary of How Obligations are Created
• Therefore, when anyone from the government seeks to
enforce a “duty” or “obligation”, such as in tax
correspondence, they have the burden of proof (Form
#05.025) to demonstrate one of the following two things:
1. That you expressly consented to a contract with them. This is one of the
two mechanisms recognized in Osborn v. Bank of U.S., 22 U.S. 738 (1824)
2. That “operation of law” is involved. In other words, that you injured a
specific, identified flesh and blood person and that such a person has
standing to sue in a civil or common law action.
• The main difference between the above two methods of
creating obligations is CONSENT or its ABSENCE.
“Contracts” require INFORMED CONSENT while “operation
of law” does NOT.
• For more on CONSENT, see:
Requirement for Consent, Form #05.003
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Why is Consent the foundational difference
between the Two Methods of Creating Obligations?
• Consent is the foundation of the difference BECAUSE:
– The Declaration of Independence specifies that all just powers of
government derive from “the consent of the governed”.
– The only type of law that can operate without INFORMED consent is the
criminal law and the common law.
– Anything done to you CIVILLY without your INFORMED and EXPRESS
consent is therefore inherently “UNJUST” (Form #05.050).
– “Justice” (Form #05.050) is legally defined as “the right to be left alone”.
“Do not strive with [or try to regulate or control or enslave] a man without cause, if
he has done you no harm.”
[Prov. 3:30, Bible, NKJV]
"The makers of our Constitution undertook to secure conditions favorable to the
pursuit of happiness. They recognized the significance of man's spiritual nature, of
his feelings and of his intellect. They knew that only a part of the pain, pleasure and
satisfactions of life are to be found in material things. They sought to protect
Americans in their beliefs, their thoughts, their emotions and their sensations. They
conferred, as against the Government, the right to be let alone - the most
comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men."
[Olmstead v. United States, 277 U.S. 438, 478 (1928) (Brandeis, J., dissenting); see
also Washington v. Harper, 494 U.S. 210 (1990)]
– If you don’t consent to ANYTHING the government does CIVILLY, the only
choice they have is to LEAVE YOU ALONE.
– It is a maxim of the common law that you should deliver on all your
contracts, because when you don’t, you take other people’s property and
impose an injury on their time to regain it, which interferes with THEIR
right to be left alone. Contracts create property rights.

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Burden of Proof in Enforcing an Obligation
• When anyone from the government asserts that you have an
obligation, THEY as the moving party have the burden of
proof (Form #05.025) to prove it with legally admissible
• They may NOT satisfy that burden with either a belief or a
presumption (Form #05.017). Pursuant to Federal Rule of
Evidence 610, neither beliefs or opinions constitute legally
admissible evidence. Likewise, a presumption (Form
#05.017) is not legally admissible evidence for the same
reason. We cover why presumptions are not evidence in:
Presumption: Chief Weapon for Unlawfully Enlarging Federal Jurisdiction,
Form #05.017
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• That burden of proof BEGINS with speaking TRUTHFULLY in
a verified affidavit signed under penalty of perjury describing
the facts which give rise to their “cause of action”. Such an
affidavit is, in fact, what the Declaration of Independence

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Government can NEVER Successfully meet the
Preceding Burden of Proof!
• In our experience, government has NEVER been able to meet
the preceding burden of proof (Form #05.025) as the moving
party asserting an alleged but not actual obligation.
• They cannot meet the burden of proof because:
– You can’t trust anything they say or write or publish, and especially on the
phone, in their publications, or on their website. See:
Reasonable Belief About Income Tax Liability, Form #05.007
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– The ONLY thing the courts say you can rely on is that which is
authenticated under penalty of perjury by a fact witness who is legally
accountable for telling a falsehood.
– They NEVER sign anything under penalty of perjury and therefore can
NEVER realistically offer evidence to meet their burden of proof.
– Government attorneys are NOT “fact witnesses” and cannot act in that
capacity. They can’t in fact be BOTH a “government attorney” and a “fact
witness” at the same time. Neither can the judge.
– Even those who CAN act as fact witnesses must have a delegation order
that allows it, and cannot have a financial interest in the outcome without
committing a crime. 18 U.S.C. §208. IRS NEVER satisfies this requirement
• Therefore, there is NO way for the government to satisfy its
burden of proof (Form #05.025) lawfully. It must resort to
DISHONEST and even CRIMINAL means to do so.
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No One is Required to Prove a NEGATIVE
• No man can prove they did not do something! No one!
• No one can prove that:
– He wasn’t driving 80 mph down the highway . . . or
– That he does not owe a tax:
"..the taxpayer can not be left in the unpardonable position of having to prove a
[Elkins v. United States, 364 U.S. 206, 218, 80 S.Ct. 1437, 1444, 4 L.Ed.2d. 1669
(1960); Flores v. U.S., 551 F.2d. 1169, 1175 (9th Cir. 1977); Portillo v Comm'r, 932
F.2d. 938, Affirming, reversing and remanding 58 T.CM 1386, Dec 46, 373 (M), TC
Memo, 1990-68 [91-2 USTC P50, 304]; Weimerschirch [79-1 USTC P9359], 596 F.2d.
at 361]
– . . or that he does not owe a credit card company.
• Instead, he must require those making a claim prove their
claim with strict proof of claim.

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“Operation of Law” Obligations
• “Operation of law”:
– Involves situations where neither party gave INFORMED CONSENT (Form
#05.003) to the other in any form.
– Always involves an injury of some kind to the equal rights (Form #05.033)
of one party by the other party.
• The injury inflicted forms the basis for the following in a civil
– A “claim”.
– “Standing” to sue in a constitutional court.
– Damages which can be calculated based on the injury.
• If an injury cannot be proven in court with court admissible
evidence, then the case MUST be dismissed per Federal Rule
of Civil Procedure 8(b). A mere motion of the court can
dismiss the case. Sometimes the judge will dismiss the case
without such an motion to reduce his workload.
• Enforcement of the CRIMINAL law is another example of
“operation of law”. The victim of the crime received an injury
that he or she did NOT expressly and formally consent to. If
in fact they either consented to the injury or ASKED for it,
then they have no standing to prosecute the perpetrator.

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“Operation of law” does NOT apply
to a refusal BY YOU to consent to receive a “benefit”

“Men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable

rights,-'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness;' and to
'secure,' not grant or create, these rights, governments are
instituted. That property [or income] which a man has
honestly acquired he retains full control of, subject to these
[1] First, that he shall not use it to his neighbor's injury, and
that does not mean that he must use it
for his neighbor's benefit [e.g. SOCIAL
SECURITY, Medicare, and every other
public “benefit”];
[2] second, that if he devotes it to a public use, he gives to
the public a right to control that use; and
[3] third, that whenever the public needs require, the public
may take it upon payment of due compensation.”
[Budd v. People of State of New York, 143 U.S. 517 (1892) ]

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“Contract” Obligations
• Examples of “contract” obligations include:
– Written contracts.
– Verbal (parol) contracts.
– Trusts. The U.S. Constitution is an example of such a trust. Even the
Bible is a trust, see:
» Ministry Introduction, Form #12.014.
» Delegation of Authority Order from God to Christians, Form #13.001, Sections
3.8 and 3.9.
– Civil franchise statutes. See Form #05.030. An example is the Internal
Revenue Code, Subtitle A and C, which are PUBLIC OFFICE franchise
statutes. See Form #05.001.
– Government employment agreements. See Title 5 of the U.S. Code.
• INFORMED consent (Form #05.003) is the basis of all
• Contracts with the government are referred to as:
– Privileges.
– Public rights.
– Publici juris.
– Congressionally created rights.
– Entitlements.
– Franchises (Form #05.030).

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“Consent” v. “Operation of Law”
• Anything you EXPRESSLY provide INFORMED CONSENT to
CANNOT form the basis for an injury.
“Volunti non fit injuria.
He who consents cannot receive an injury. 2 Bouv. Inst. n. 2279, 2327; 4 T. R. 657;
Shelf. on mar. & Div. 449.
Consensus tollit errorem.
Consent removes or obviates a mistake. Co. Litt. 126.
Melius est omnia mala pati quam malo concentire.
It is better to suffer every wrong or ill, than to consent to it. 3 Co. Inst. 23.
Nemo videtur fraudare eos qui sciunt, et consentiunt.
One cannot complain of having been deceived when he knew the fact and gave his
consent. Dig. 50, 17, 145.”
[Bouvier’s Maxims of Law, 1856;SOURCE:

• Therefore, “operation of law” can NEVER be used to impose

an obligation WITHOUT a VALID contractual relationship that
is a product of FULLY INFORMED CONSENT and
DEMONSTRATED mutual consideration, UNLESS you:
– Violate the contract and therefore injure the other party to the contract.
– Injure a specific flesh and blood human being.

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Implied Consent
• Consent (Form #05.003) can be EXPLICIT or IMPLICIT.
“Implied consent. That manifested by signs, actions, or facts, or by inaction or
silence, which raise a presumption that the consent has been given. For example,
when a corporation does business in a state it impliedly consents to be subject to
the jurisdiction of that state's courts in the event of tortious conduct, even though
it is not incorporated in that state. Most every state has a statute implying the
consent of one who drives upon its highways to submit to some type of scientific
test or tests measuring the alcoholic content of the driver's blood. In addition to
implying consent, these statutes usually provide that if the result of the test shows
that the alcohol content exceeds a specified percentage, then a rebuttable
presumption of intoxication arises.”
[Black’s Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, pp. 276-277]

• If you ACT like someone who consents, then you are

PRESUMED to consent. This is called IMPLICIT consent.
“Procuration.. Agency; proxy; the act of constituting another one's attorney in fact.
The act by which one person gives power to another to act in his place, as he could
do himself. Action under a power of attorney or other constitution of agency.
Indorsing a bill or note "by procuration" is doing it as proxy for another or by his
authority. The use of the word procuration (usually, per procuratione, or
abbreviated to per proc. or p. p.) on a promissory note by an agent is notice that
the agent has but a limited authority to sign.
An express procuration is one made by the express consent of the parties. An
implied or tacit procuration takes place when an individual sees another managing
his affairs and does not interfere to prevent it. Procurations are also divided into
those which contain absolute power, or a general authority, and those which give
only a limited power. Also, the act or offence of procuring women for lewd
purposes. See also Proctor.”
[Black’s Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, pp. 1086-1087]

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Avoiding Implied Consent
• How the government avoids implied consent on THEIR part:
– By asserting sovereign, official, or judicial immunity, which means that
they cannot be sued for injuries (“operation of law”) if they operate within
the bounds of their lawful delegated authority.
– By claiming that YOU are a party to a contract with THEM as a “citizen”,
and that by virtue of that contract and you invoking the CIVIL STATUS of a
CONTRACTOR called a STATUTORY “citizen” or “resident”, you
IMPLIEDLY CONSENTED to their sovereign immunity.
– "Every man is supposed to know the law. A party who makes a contract
with an officer [of the government] without having it reduced to writing is
knowingly accessory to a violation of duty on his part. Such a party aids in
the violation of the law."
[Clark v. United States, 95 U.S. 539 (1877)]
• Other ways government unlawfully or deceitfully procures
your IMPLIED rather than INFORMED consent:
Requirement for Consent, Form #05.003, Section 9: Government avoidance
of legal requirement for consent

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Avoiding Implied Consent
CONSENT. An agreement to something proposed, and differs from
assent. (q.v.) Wolff, Ins. Nat. part 1, SSSS 27-30; Pard. Dr. Com. part 2,
tit. 1, n. 1, 38 to 178. Consent supposes,
1. a physical power to act; 2. a moral power of acting; 3. a serious,
determined, and free use of these powers. Fonb. Eq. B; 1, c. 2, s. 1;
Grot. de Jure Belli et Pacis, lib. 2, c. 11, s. 6.
2. Consent is either express or implied. Express, when it is given viva
voce, or in writing; implied, when it is manifested by signs, actions, or
facts, or by inaction or silence, which raise a presumption that the
consent has been given.
[. . .]
8. - 6. Courts of equity have established the rule, that when the true
owner of property stands by, and knowingly suffers a stranger to sell
the same as his own, without objection, this will be such implied
consent as to render the sale valid against the true owner. Story on Ag.
Sec. 91 Story on Eq. Jur. Sec. 385 to 390. And courts of law, unless
restrained by technical formalities, act upon the principles of justice;
as, for example, when a man permitted, without objection, the sale of
his goods under an execution against another person. 6 Adolph. & El
11. 469; 9 Barn. & Cr. 586; 3 Barn. & Adolph. 318, note.
[Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, Fourth Edition, 1848]

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Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.)
and Obligations
• Notice the language in the definition of “procuration”
previously. People doing things for you constitute an “offer”
and you being silent constitutes an “acceptance” and
• In the Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.):
– The person performing the services (rendering property) is the Merchant
(U.C.C. §2-104(1)). Sometimes also called a Creditor..
– The person accepting the services (property) is the Buyer (U.C.C. §2-
103(1)(a)). Sometimes also called a Debtor.
– A “procuration” or “purchase” of the property or services (which are also
property) happens when the Buyer does not interfere with the rendering of
the services by the Merchant.
– The rendering of the services thereby incurs an implied obligation to
render something in return of equal value, unless the property or services
have clearly been identified as a GIFT rather than a LOAN before they were
rendered by Merchant to the Buyer.
• This process is abused by the government all the time. It is
described in:
Requirement for Consent, Form #05.003, Section 10.2
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Implied Consent
– INFORMED consent is necessary for any contract to be VALID.
– IMPLIED consent is not INFORMED consent.
– IMPLIED consent is also called “sub silentio”.
– IMPLIED consent is UNETHICAL in the legal field and you should take
EXTREME measures to ensure that you are never victimized by it.
– We use the phrase “INFORMED CONSENT” throughout this presentation
to automatically shift the burden of proof BACK to the government
enforcing a usually ALLEGED but not ACTUAL “obligation”.
– INFORMED CONSENT implies true, correct and complete disclosure of all
rights surrendered by accepting an offer by the government.
– Franchise statutes CANNOT fulfill the process of “INFORMING” you if any
one of the following applies:
» You don’t consent to participate in them.
» Government ISN’T ALLOWED to offer them within a constitutional state. See
Form #05.030.
» You aren’t the party domiciled on federal territory who is even eligible to
participate in federal franchises and who is mentioned in the following ruling:
“Every man is supposed to know the law. A party who makes a contract with an officer
without having it reduced to writing is knowingly accessory to a violation of duty on his part.
Such a party aids in the violation of the law.”
[Clark v. United States, 95 U.S. 539 (1877)]

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Implied Consent: The Invisible Snare
“SUB SILENTIO. Under silence; without any notice being taken. Passing
a thing sub silentio may be evidence of consent”
[Black’s Law Dictionary, Fourth Edition, p. 1593]
“Qui tacet consentire videtur.
He who is silent appears to consent. Jenk. Cent. 32.”
[Bouvier’s Maxims of Law, 1856;
1589. A voluntary acceptance of the benefit of a transaction is
equivalent to a consent to all the obligations arising from it, so far as
the facts are known, or ought to be known, to the person accepting.

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Avoiding Implied Consent
• You have a RIGHT under the common law to NOT receive a “benefit”
and therefore “property”. “Benefit” and “property” are synonymous:
Invito beneficium non datur.
No one is obliged to accept a benefit against his consent. Dig. 50, 17, 69. But if he does not
dissent he will be considered as assenting. Vide Assent.
Potest quis renunciare pro se, et suis, juri quod pro se introductum est.
A man may relinquish, for himself and his heirs, a right which was introduced for his own
benefit. See 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 83.
Quilibet potest renunciare juri pro se inducto.
Any one may renounce a law introduced for his own benefit. To this rule there are some
exceptions. See 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 83.
[Bouvier’s Maxims of Law, 1856;
SOURCE: http://famguardian.org/Publications/BouvierMaximsOfLaw/BouviersMaxims.htm]
• A failure or refusal to EXPRESSLY accept or consent to a “benefit”
or the government property it constitutes cannot form the basis for
an “injury” or “operation of law”, as we pointed out earlier. We
cover this further in:
Government “Benefits” Scam, Form #05.040
• If your rights are “unalienable” as the Declaration of Independence
states, then you aren’t ALLOWED by law to consent to give them
away. Therefore, consent to receive a benefit isn’t even rationally
possible on land within a state of the Union that is protected by the
Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. See:
Unalienable Rights Course, Form #12.038

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Avoiding Implied Consent
• You can avoid giving consent by:
– Identifying YOU as the only Merchant and the government as the only
– Identifying anything they give you without you asking for it as a GIFT
RATHER than a “loan” or “grant”. This is because:
» You aren’t ALLOWED to consent to give away an unalienable right.
» God’s delegation of authority in the bible forbids surrendering rights to any
– Reserving all your rights on every government form you sign or submit.
U.C.C. §1-308.
– Requiring that ALL CONSENT must be IN WRITING signed by both parties.
– Prohibiting “parol” or “verbal” contracts or IMPLIED consent (Form
– Define all potentially geographical terms that could be subjected to
equivocation and thus change the terms of the contract. Every form MUST
define all such terms. Under the U.C.C., “the language of the offer and the
language of the acceptance MUST be the same”. See:
Mirror Image Rule, Mark DeAngelis

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Avoiding Implied Consent
– Identifying YOUR terms and conditions as the EXCLUSIVE and sole
source to mediate all disputes between the parties. This prevents
“counter-offers” under the U.C.C.
– Identify the government as UNABLE to make a business out of offering to
alienate rights that are UNALIENABLE according to the Declaration of
Independence. Therefore the CANNOT make a counter-offer.
• Examples that show how to avoid IMPLIED consent. See:
– Injury Defense Franchise, Form #06.007
– Tax Form Attachment, Form #04.201, Section 7: Constraints on the
Delegated Authority of the Submitter in Relation to the Government
– Tax Form Attachment, Form #04.201, Section 8: Constraints Pertaining to
Your Response to This Communication and All Communicates With, To, or
About the Submitter
– Affidavit of Citizenship, Domicile, and Tax Status, Form #02.001, Section 5:
Mandatory Franchise Agreement

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How Property Affects Obligations
How, then, are purely equitable obligations created? For the most part, either by
the acts of third persons or by equity alone. But how can one person impose an
obligation upon another? By giving property to the latter on the terms of his
assuming an obligation in respect to it. At law there are only two means by which
the object of the donor could be at all accomplished, consistently with the entire
ownership of the property passing to the donee, namely: first, by imposing a real
obligation upon the property; secondly, by subjecting the title of the donee to a
condition subsequent. The first of these the law does not permit; the second is
entirely inadequate. Equity, however, can secure most of the objects of the doner,
and yet avoid the mischiefs of real obligations by imposing upon the donee (and
upon all persons to whom the property shall afterwards come without value or
with notice) a personal obligation with respect to the property; and accordingly
this is what equity does. It is in this way that all trusts are created, and all
equitable charges made (i. e., equitable hypothecations or liens created) by
testators in their wills. In this way, also, most trusts are created by acts inter vivos,
except in those cases in which the trustee incurs a legal as well as an equitable
obligation. In short, as property is the subject of every equitable obligation, so the
owner of property is the only person whose act or acts can be the means of
creating an obligation in respect to that property. Moreover, the owner of property
can create an obligation in respect to it in only two ways: first, by incurring the
obligation himself, in which case he commonly also incurs a legal obligation;
secondly, by imposing the obligation upon some third person; and this he does in
the way just explained.
[Readings on the History and System of the Common Law, Second Edition,
Roscoe Pound, 1925, p. 543]

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How Property Affects Obligations
• Rules of property:
– All rights are property.
– Anything that conveys rights is property.
– Contracts convey rights and therefore are property.
– All franchises are contracts and therefore property.
• Ownership
– The essence of OWNING property is the right to exclude any and
all others, INCLUDING governments, from using or benefitting
from the property.
– If you lose any aspect of control over property you OWN
EXCEPT the ability to hurt others with it, then those asserting
such control has STOLEN your property. That taking of property:
» Is a violation of the Fifth Amendment Takings Clause.
» Is a “trespass” under the common law.
» Can be remedied WITHOUT quoting or using statutory codes. Both
the Bill of Rights and the common law are “self-executing” and don’t
need any statutes or even the consent of the parties to enforce.

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How “Contracts” are Obfuscated
to LOOK like “Operation of Law”
• Franchise statutes are the OPPOSITE of “operation of law”
and should NEVER be confused with “operation of law”.
• We lump contracts into the bigger category of franchises as a
subset of franchises.
• As contracts, franchises (Form #05.030) only pertain to those
CONSENSUALLY (Form #05.003) participating.
• If you are NOT a STATUTORY “officer” or “employee” of
“U.S. Inc.” federal corporation (Form #05.024), then the club
franchise “rules” don’t apply. Those “rules” are MOST civil
statutes. See:
– Proof That There Is a “Straw Man”, Form #05.042
FORMS PAGE: https://sedm.org/Forms/FormIndex.htm
DIRECT LINK: https://sedm.org/Forms/05-MemLaw/StrawMan.pdf
– Why Statutory Civil Law is Law for Government and Not Private Persons,
Form #05.037
FORMS PAGE: https://sedm.org/Forms/FormIndex.htm
DIRECT LINK: https://sedm.org/Forms/05-MemLaw/StatLawGovt.pdf
• The MAIN source of jurisdiction of any government to
regulate ANYTHING is franchises. Learn how they work!

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How “Contracts” are Obfuscated
to LOOK like “Operation of Law”
• ALL CIVIL (other than criminal) obligations fit in the
“contract” category and are implemented with civil
franchises (Form #05.030). This INCLUDES the income tax.
“All the powers of the government [including ALL of its civil enforcement powers
against the public] must be carried into operation by individual agency, either
through the medium of public officers, or contracts made with [private]
[Osborn v. Bank of U.S., 22 U.S. 738 (1824)]

• All franchises are contracts.

• A contract is not “law” in a classical sense, but “PRIVATE or
SPECIAL law” that only applies to the parties to the contract:
“Private law. That portion of the law which defines, regulates, enforces, and
administers relationships among individuals, associations, and corporations. As
used in contradistinction to public law, the term means all that part of the law
which is administered between citizen and citizen, or which is concerned with the
definition, regulation, and enforcement of rights in cases where both the person in
whom the right inheres and the person upon whom the obligation is incident are
private individuals. See also Private bill; Special law. Compare Public Law.”
[Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, p. 1196]

• For court admissible evidence proving that franchises and

the contracts they implement are not “law”, see:
What is “law”?, Form #05.048

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How “Contracts” are Obfuscated
to LOOK like “Operation of Law”
“special law. One relating to particular persons or things; one
made for individual cases or for particular places or districts;
one operating upon a selected class, rather than upon the
public generally. A private law. A law is "special" when it is
different from others of the same general kind or designed for a
particular purpose, or limited in range or confined to a
prescribed field of action or operation. A "special law" relates
to either particular persons, places, or things or to persons,
places, or things which, though not particularized, are
separated by any method of selection from the whole class to
which the law might, but not such legislation, be applied. Utah
Farm Bureau Ins. Co. v. Utah Ins. Guaranty Ass'n, Utah, 564
P.2d. 751, 754. A special law applies only to an individual or a
number of individuals out of a single class similarly situated
and affected, or to a special locality. Board of County Com'rs of
Lemhi County v. Swensen, Idaho, 80 Idaho 198, 327 P.2d. 361,
362. See also Private bill; Private law. Compare General law;
Public law.”
[Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, pp. 1397-1398]

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How “Contracts” are Obfuscated
to LOOK like “Operation of Law”
• Tax collectors try to deceive you by:
– Making alleged “tax obligations” LOOK like “operation of law”
– Addressing the recipient of tax correspondence as “you” instead of
“taxpayers”. That means they are “practicing law”, usually illegally, by
making legal determinations about your civil status that they have NO
DELEGATED AUTHORITY to make and which are a TORT if they make.
Your Exclusive Right to Declare or Establish Your Civil Status, Form #13.008
– Never addressing the following subjects in the correspondence:
» The existence of those who are NOT “taxpayers” (Form #05.013). See:
Your Rights as a “Nontaxpayer”, Form #08.008
» WHETHER you as the recipient are a franchisee called a “taxpayer”
» The evidence proving that you EXPRESSLY rather than IMPLIEDLY consented
to the franchise civil status (Form #13.008) of “taxpayer”.
» Whether you are even ALLOWED to consent to become a franchisee called a
“taxpayer” as someone who was never lawfully elected or appointed into public
office. You can’t and it’s a crime to even pretend that you did.
» What allows them to even make a CONCLUSIVE presumption about your status
without even providing the evidence that justifies the unconstitutional
conclusive presumption.
– PRESUMING (Form #05.017) that “You” and “taxpayers” (franchisees) are
synonymous. They almost NEVER are. This represents:
» A violation of due process of law.
» Criminal identity theft, as documented in Form #05.046

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How “Contracts” are Obfuscated
to LOOK like “Operation of Law”
• On the subject of presumptions (Form #05.017):
– A “conclusive presumption” is one that can become the basis for
administrative enforcement without the need to litigate.
(1) [8:4993] Conclusive presumptions affecting protected interests:
A conclusive presumption may be defeated where its application would impair a
party's constitutionally-protected liberty or property interests. In such cases,
conclusive presumptions have been held to violate a party's due process and equal
protection rights. [Vlandis v. Kline (1973) 412 U.S. 441, 449, 93 S.Ct. 2230, 2235;
Cleveland Bed. of Ed. v. LaFleur (1974) 414 U.S. 632, 639-640, 94 S.Ct. 1208, 1215-
presumption under Illinois law that unmarried fathers are unfit violates process]
[Federal Civil Trials and Evidence, Rutter Group, paragraph 8:4993, p. 8K-34]

– It is unconstitutional to make a conclusive presumption about your civil

status (Form #13.008), such as “taxpayer” (Form #05.013) if you are
protected by the Constitution as a state national (Form #05.006).
“It is apparent,' this court said in the Bailey Case ( 219 U.S. 239 , 31 S.Ct. 145, 151)
'that a constitutional prohibition cannot be transgressed indirectly by the creation
of a statutory presumption any more than it can be violated by direct enactment.
The power to create presumptions is not a means of escape from constitutional
[Heiner v. Donnan, 285 U.S. 312 (1932); Bailey v. Alabama, 219 U.S. 219 , 238, et
seq., 31 S.Ct. 145; Manley v. Georgia, 279 U.S. 1 , 5-6, 49 S.Ct. 215.]

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Challenging the Enforcement of a
Civil Obligation Administratively
If you are the victim of illegal enforcement of franchise statutes
then the best approach is to:
1. Provide legal evidence in affidavit form that you are not a party to the
franchise being enforced. See, for instance: Affidavit of Citizenship,
Domicile, and Tax Status, Form #02.001
2. File a criminal complaint with the enforcement agent and the Department
of Justice identifying yourself as a victim of criminal identity theft. See:
Government Identity Theft, Form #05.046
FORMS PAGE: https://sedm.org/Forms/FormIndex.htm
DIRECT LINK: https://sedm.org/Forms/05-MemLaw/GovernmentIdentityTheft.pdf
3. State that if they do not correct your civil status (Form #13.008) to that of
a STATUTORY non-resident non-person (Form #05.020) and discontinue
illegal enforcement (Form #05.032), in their actions in contacting you or
affecting your property or time they are:
» Approaching you as the Merchant (U.C.C. §2-104(1)) of your property and
services and time.
» Acting as a Buyer (U.C.C. §2-103(1)(a)) of those services.
» Acting in a private, personal capacity and OUTSIDE their delegation of authority
order in which they waive official, judicial, and sovereign immunity.
» Agree to pay you for your services and property as a Merchant under the terms
and conditions of the following:
Injury Defense Franchise, Form #06.027
FORMS PAGE: https://sedm.org/Forms/FormIndex.htm
DIRECT LINK: https://sedm.org/Forms/06-AvoidingFranch/InjuryDefenseFranchise.pdf

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Challenging the Enforcement of a
Civil Obligation In Court
• Court remedy for illegal enforcement of non-existent
government obligations:
– A common law action of trespass in state and not federal court against the
IRS Commissioner and/or the agent bothering you IN THEIR PERSONAL
– Emphasize that the Injury Defense Franchise, Form #05.027, governs the
choice of law, keeps the case in state court and prevents it from being
removed to federal court.
– Define the obligations being illegally enforced by the de facto government
(Form #05.043) as neither contractual, a lawful franchise, or a STATUTORY
“tax”. This ensures that:
» The Anti Injunction Act cannot be invoked. 26 U.S.C. §7421. See the following
for further details:
Flawed Tax Arguments to Avoid, Form #08.004, Section 8.11
FORMS PAGE: https://sedm.org/Forms/FormIndex.htm
DIRECT LINK: https://sedm.org/Forms/08-PolicyDocs/FlawedArgsToAvoid.pdf
» The Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies is unnecessary. See Form #08.004,
Section 8.5 above.
» The Full Payment Rule does not apply. It only applies to statutory “taxpayers”.
Laing v. U.S. 423 U.S. 161, 96 S.Ct. 473 (1976)
» The court cannot declare you a “taxpayer” or treat you as one without
committing criminal identity theft. See 28 U.S.C. §2201(a).
» No statutes apply. They only apply to public officer franchisees. See Form
#05.037 and Form #05.042.
– Send them a Notice of Lien for the amount due in Form #05.027 above.

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Challenging the Enforcement of a
Civil Obligation In Court
• For a practice guide that implements the previous steps in
the case of alleged but not actual “taxes”, see:
Civil Court Remedies for Sovereigns: Taxation, Litigation Tool #10.002
FORMS PAGE: https://sedm.org/Litigation/LitIndex.htm
DIRECT LINK: https://sedm.org/ItemInfo/Ebooks/CivCourtRem-Tax/CivCourtRem-

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Further references
• Proof of Claim: Your Main Defense Against
Government Greed and Corruption, Form
• Proof of Claim: The Key to Freedom

• PRIVATE Rights and Their Protection

– Enumeration of Inalienable Rights, Form #10.002
– Legal Remedies that Protect Private Rights Course,
Form #12.019
– Unconstitutional Conditions Doctrine Law Review

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Further references
• Property and Separation of Private and Public
– Separation Between Public and Private, Form
– Foundations of Freedom, Video 3: Status, Rights,
and Privileges, Form #12.021
SLIDES: http://sedm.org/LibertyU/FoundOfFreedom-Slides.pdf
VIDEO: http://youtu.be/ymC1GPE0gss

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Further references
• Corruption
– Government Corruption, Form #11.401
– De Facto Government Scam, Form #05.043
• Franchises
– Government Franchises Course, Form #12.012
– Government “Benefits” Scam, Form #05.040
– Government Instituted Slavery Using Franchises,
Form #05.030

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