Daikin Sky Air R22 Replacement Product Catalog

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Daikin Airconditioning UK Ltd

R22 Replacement
A complete solution for the replacement of R22 systems

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R22 – Replacement
of air conditioning systems
Due to the significant developments of heat pump
technology – older forms of air conditioning run
less efficiently than the systems available today.
This has a direct impact on the CO2 emissions of the
building. With a view to making replacement of
old systems as cost effective as possible, the Daikin
‘Super Inverter RZQ’ condensing units can be installed
using existing pipe work.
The full range of Sky Air fan coils can be used including
the revolutionary Roundflow Cassette. When combined
with the RZQ 71, 100, 125 and 140 models, the range
of capacity is from 7kW to 14kW.

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Daikin Airconditioning UK Ltd provides a complete

solution for the replacement of R22 systems.
Previously, R22 pipe work could only be used by using
‘cleaning filters’ to remove the residue from the R22 pipe
work. However Daikin is leading the replacement market
with ‘filterless’ technology.

Reuse existing pipe work Recycling

Filterless technology can be used on all R22 systems, The WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electrical Equipment)
which are still running at the time of replacing and have directive 2002/96/EC came into force late 2007.
no history of compressor burnout. Each system will be The directive deals with the end of life disposal of many
required to run for 30 minutes before pump down. categories of electrical and electrical equipment.
See flow chart for more details.
Fixed air conditioning is not yet in scope of that recognition.
Eliminating the requirement for cleaning filters reduces the However it is understood that this could be brought into
risk of the cleaning filter being left in a system – breaking scope within two to three years.
down resulting in critical system contamination.
Regardless of whether in or out of scope, Daikin is working
As good as the filters are, R22 systems with contaminated in association with installers, to act in an environmentally
oil following a burnout are almost impossible to completely responsible way. Our End of Life Take Back scheme is a
correct. voluntary scheme whereby air conditioning equipment that
has reached the end of it’s life can be collected from site
and reprocessed by an authorised WEEE recycler.

For more details and full terms and conditions,

please visit www.daikin.co.uk

Financial rewards
100% first year tax allowances are available for the
expenditure on technologies and products listed on the
government website www.eca.gov.uk. By investing in these
qualifying products, companies will receive tax free relief
for their investment much earlier than otherwise would be
the case.
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Head Office

Daikin Airconditioning UK Limited

The Heights, Brooklands, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 0NY
Tel 0845 6419000 Fax 0845 6419009


Printed using vegetable oil based inks, on 75% recycled paper.

UK 11.07. Designed by Swim Design T/ 01454 415977.

Daikin Europe N.V. is approved by LRQA for its Quality

Management System in accordance with the ISO9001 Daikin units comply with the European regulations
standard. ISO9001 pertains to quality assurance regarding that guarantee the safety of the product.
design, development, manufacturing as well as to services
related to the product.

Daikin Europe N.V. participates in the Eurovent Certification

ISO14001 assures an effective environmental management Programme for Air Conditioners (AC), Liquid Chilling Packages
system in order to help protect human health and the (LCP) and Fan Coil Units (FC); the certified data of certified
environment from the potential impact of our activities, models are listed in the Eurovent Directory. Multi units are
products and services and to assist in maintaining and Eurovent certified for combinations up to 2 indoor units.
improving the quality of the environment. VRV products and FWD-units are not within the scope of the
Eurovent Certification Programme.

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