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The UK’s Leading Ventilation Company

Vent-Axia Pure Air

1st Edition
A filter to take care
of health and home
The focus on Indoor Air Quality has never been ‘habitable’ rooms (lounge and bedrooms).
as strong as it is today. Pressure on local councils Clean filtered air is circulated throughout the
require air quality reports to be completed in home every two hours.
most habitable areas whilst changes to local
construction legislation puts responsibility on MVHR not only extracts harmful pollutants but
developers to ensure air to dwellings is filtered to also allows the air coming into the home to be
increasingly higher standards. filtered, taking out harmful airborne bacteria and
dangerous contaminants. The Vent-Axia Pure Air
Whilst the Vent-Axia Mechanical Ventilation with filter is fitted to the intake airflow and incorporates
Heat Recovery (MVHR) range offers high levels two types of filtration:
of particle filtration, up to and including F7, the • Enhanced activated Carbon which removes
New Vent-Axia Pure Air now sets the benchmark unpleasant odours and harmful gasses such
for high level filtration. The Vent-Axia Pure Air as Nitrous Oxide (NO2).
targets pollutants generated outside of the home, • G4 or F7 particulate filters which can
by traffic and industrial processes, and reduces remove tiny airborne contaminants such as
these before supplying the air into the dwelling. pollen, bacteria and even PM2.5 diesel
MVHR is the most energy efficient and effective
method of ventilation in new homes. Air is The combination of MVHR and Vent-Axia Pure
extracted from ‘wet’ rooms (bathrooms, kitchen) Air filtration offers the ideal indoor environment.
and exhausted to outside. At the same time
fresh, filtered, pre-warmed air is supplied into
Vent-Axia Pure Air
The Indoor Air Quality Filtration System

Particle Nitrogen Meeting

Filtration Dioxide Filter IAQ levels
Vent-Axia Pure Air is available In urban areas vehicles are Particle filters conform to
with G4 or F7 particle filters. G4 responsible for about 99% of EN 779 and combined with
filters can remove up to 90% of Nitrogen Dioxide pollution. specially formulated gas filters,
the PM10 particles in the air, this Respiratory problems and help meet indoor air quality
includes some bacteria, most increased incidences of asthma levels conforming to EU Directive
pollens and many types of industrial result from high levels of NO2. 2008/50/EC.
dust. The finer F7 filters remove up The Vent-Axia Pure Air filters
to 80% of the tiny PM2.5 particles, incoming air, helping to meet
this includes fine diesel particulates. World Health Organisation
guidelines for NO2 levels in homes.

Extensive Spigot Noise
Model Range Options Attenuation
From small apartments to large A range of rectangular and In addition to improving air
offices, Vent-Axia Pure Air has a round spigot sizes, including quality, external noise is
range of sizes to suit. The size combinations of both offer attenuated as it passes through
and specification of each unit will unique versatility at the point of the unit thus reducing induct
be determined by the required installation. The filter unit can be noise and helping to achieve
airflow of each application. installed vertically or horizontally specified sound levels in
allowing optimum use of space. dwellings.

Consultant’s Specification
Product Specifications
The unit shall comprise of a galvanised steel outer casing. Physical media panel filters contained in a cardboard housing shall be located
at both spigot ends of the unit. Panel filters of Grade G4 to EN779 having an arrestance above 90% making it suitable for the removal of
PM10 particulates. An additional particulate filter of grade F7 to EN779 can be included to further reduce smaller particles (PM2.5) to
an efficiency between 80 and 80% at 0.4μm.

Example Stock Ref: PA 50 - 125 125 - 25

Pure Air Litres Per Second Intake Spigot Dia. Exhaust Spigot Dia. PM Filter Grade

Intake Spigot Exhaust Spigot Clean Filter Approximate Unit

Stock Ref Airflow l/s (mm)* (mm)* Filter Types Pressure Drop (Pa) Weight (kg) Curve Ref
PA50-125125-25 50 125Ø 125Ø PM2.5 100 25 1
PA50-125204-25 50 125Ø 204 x 60 PM2.5 100 25 1
PA50-204204-25 50 204x60 204x60 PM2.5 100 25 1
PA50-125125-10 50 125Ø 125Ø PM10 45 25 2
PA50-125204-10 50 125Ø 204x60 PM10 45 25 2
PA50-204204-10 50 204x60 204x60 PM10 45 25 2
PA100-150150-25 100 150Ø 150Ø PM2.5 100 49 3
PA100-150220-25 100 150Ø 220x90 PM2.5 100 49 3
PA100-220220-25 100 220x90 220x90 PM2.5 100 49 3
PA100-150150-10 100 150Ø 150Ø PM10 45 49 1
PA100-150220-10 100 150Ø 220x90 PM10 45 49 1
PA100-220220-10 100 220x90 220x90 PM10 45 49 1
PA200-200200-10 200 200Ø 200Ø PM10 45 96 4
PA200-250250-10 200 250Ø 250Ø PM10 45 96 4
PA300-315315-10 300 315Ø 315Ø PM10 45 144 5
*Airflow may be reversed through the unit to offer alternative spigot options.

Accessories Unit Configuration

Model Stock Ref.
50 l/s insulating jacket PAJAC-50 Configurable Supply Spigot Configurable Extract Spigot
100 l/s insulating jacket PAJAC-100 Replaceable PM2.5 or 10 Filters
Spare PM2.5 filter PAFIL-25
Spare PM10 filter PAFIL-10
Spare Gas filter PAFIL-NO2

The Vent-Axia Pure Air may be installed in a vertical or horizontal
Replaceable Gas Filters
orientation. When installing on the 'atmosphere' side of the MVHR
unit, insulated jackets are available. Access to filters is available
on both sides via bolted lift off panels. Various spigots including
rectangle and round are available to suit ductwork systems for
both domestic and commercial duct work.

Pollutant Gases, NO2, SO2, O3, VOC

A specially formulated activated carbon and chemical mix acts
upon pollutant concentrations common in dirty city air, reducing
them to below guidelines set by current legislation. Gas and
particulate filters are removable from either side of the unit.

Technical Specification
Dimensions (mm)
Access Space
Filters can be accessed from either side of the unit.



Top Side Front

Airflow l/s A B C D E F G H I J
50 310 980 50 700 25 435 405 10 220 340
100 620 980 50 700 25 730 700 10 220 650
200 620 980 50 700 110/85 730 700 10 420 650
300 620 980 50 700 160 730 700 10 630 960

Spigot Configuration
25mm 25mm 25mm

25mm 25mm 25mm

125Ø to 204x60 204x60 to 204x60 125Ø to 125Ø 200Ø to 200Ø

150Ø to 220x90 220x90 to 220x90 150Ø to 150Ø 250Ø to 250Ø
315Ø to 315Ø

Pressure Drop
300 50


Pressure (Pa)

Pressure (Pa)

1 2 3
100 5

0 0
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Airflow (l/s) Airflow (l/s)

By Appointment to H.M. The Queen
Suppliers of Unit Ventilation Equipment
Vent-Axia, Crawley, West Sussex


Free technical, installation and sales advice is available

Sales Centre:
Domestic & Commercial
Sales Tel: 0844 856 0590
Sales Fax: 01293 565169
Tech Support Tel: 0344 856 0594
Tech Support Fax: 01293 532814

Heating Support
Sales Tel: 0844 856 0590
Tech Support Tel: 0344 856 0594

Sales Tel: 0844 856 0591
Sales Fax: 01293 534898
Tech Support Tel: 0344 856 0595
Tech Support Fax: 01293 532814

Email: [email protected]

Supply & Service

All sales made by Vent-Axia Limited are made only upon the terms
of the Company’s Conditions of Sale, a copy of which may be
obtained on request. As part of the policy of continuous product
improvement Vent-Axia reserves the right to alter specifications
without notice.

A British company supporting British manufacturing

Vent-Axia Group Ltd Products you can trust 402405/1116

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