Alty2006 PDF
Alty2006 PDF
Alty2006 PDF
Department of Computer Science, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leics LE11 3TU, UK
Department of Computer Science, Business College, Kuwait
Keywords: Multimedia; Learning; Learning style; Dyslexia; Sensing and intuitive learners; Experimental study
Corresponding author. Tel.: + 44 116 294 088.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (J.L. Alty), [email protected]
(A. Al-Sharrah), [email protected] (N. Beacham).
0953-5438/$ - see front matter 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
892 J.L. Alty et al. / Interacting with Computers 18 (2006) 891–909
1. Introduction
Until graphical and multimedia user interfaces emerged in the 1990s, the choice of
digital media for representing information on a computer screen was limited to text,
iconic symbols and sounds. Today, a wide choice of media are available ranging
from video, animation, and sound to music, gesture and speech. Designers of com-
puter systems are now faced, therefore, with a major problem—that of choosing the
best digital media (or media combination) for a particular task, user and domain
combination. They have to ‘form’ or develop multimedia interfaces ‘that best match
all the resources of their target learners’ (Cobb, 1997, p. 12) and understand how
such interfaces assist in ‘forming’ or developing understanding (or mental models,
for example) in the user. Therefore, it is important for the designers of multimedia
interfaces to have a clear understanding of how information that is presented in dif-
ferent digital media is stored, manipulated and recalled by learners.
However, different resources are often required for the same application depend-
ing on the users’ goals. Users may have a variety of different task sub-goals that
they wish to achieve, such as completing the task as quickly as possible, improving
their understanding of what is presented, or simply enjoying the interaction, but
the media choices that support the learning goal, for example, might actually inhib-
it efficiency. A task analysis approach will clarify what the user sub-goals are (Dia-
per and Stanton, 2004) but will not necessarily identify the most appropriate media
to be used.
• Learner motivation
• Improving understanding
• Making sense of large data sets
• Reducing cognitive workload
• Providing information to users with special needs
1998). Such work has suggested general rules for media selection and use, but more
commonly little empirical evidence is produced to substantiate decisions for selecting
appropriate media (Race, 1988).
Mayer and his colleagues have carried out a number of experiments on the
effects of media on learning—a summary of which can be found in Mayer
(2001). Subjects were provided with material in a number of different multimedia
presentations. The material presented explained for example, how a lightning storm
developed, how a car’s braking system worked or how a bicycle tyre pump worked.
The material was presented in many different multimedia forms and the subjects’
remembering, and understanding of the material, was measured in a series of tests.
The results obtained gave rise to a set of design principles about multimedia design.
However, Scaife and Rogers (1996), in an analysis of static and graphical represen-
tations, have argued that the absence of cognitive processing models has still
resulted in a lack of practical guidelines for interface designers. A good review of
the work currently in progress is given in the Handbook of Multimedia Learning
(Mayer, 2005).
The use of digital technologies has generated a new paradigm in our educational
methodologies and strategies (Ken and Mai Neo, 2002), and some have claimed that
an overemphasis on technology is a distraction to the main issue (Clarke, 1994). The
introduction of new technologies has always led to predictions of massive effects on
learning that have often not been borne out in practice. Clarke claimed that informa-
tion can be represented using any number of different media and that pedagogy is the
really important issue. Whilst we support the importance of pedagogy, we also support
Cobb’s (1997) position that digital media can still affect learning outcomes from the
perspective of cognitive efficiency ‘‘Efficient instructional media systems are symbol
systems that do some of the learner’s cognitive work for them. It goes without saying
that the most efficient medium would not necessarily be ideal for every stage of learn-
ing’’ (Cobb, 1997, p. 11).
More recently, Narayanan and Hegarty (1998) have stressed the importance of
employing a cognitive process model when designing multi-modal material. They
carried out empirical studies investigating how this could affect the learning perfor-
mance of students particularly when communicating dynamic information using ani-
mation techniques (Narayanan and Hegarty, 2002). Their approach is based upon a
set of design principles derived from applying the model. They found that there was
no significant difference in the performance of subjects being taught using a multi-
modal presentation compared with the performance obtained when a paper based
representation of the same model was used. The work suggests that structure and
content are more important than the dynamics and interactivity offered by the mul-
ti-modal approach. However, it is important to note that their domains were that of
the operation of a mechanical system and the execution of an algorithm. In each
case, interactivity and animation played key roles.
894 J.L. Alty et al. / Interacting with Computers 18 (2006) 891–909
Select Organising
Words Words
Words Ears Sounds
Pictures Eyes
Images Model
Select Organising
Images Images
The Spatial Contiguity Principle has been supported by other work including that
of Sweller and Chandler (1994), and research on textbook illustrations (Mayer et al.,
1995). The Coherence Principle is related to the idea of expressiveness (Alty, 1999;
Williams and Alty, 1998) where it is suggested that media effects can be expressed
in terms of a Signal-to-Noise ratio.
There are alternative views of memory storage that challenge Dual Coding
Theory. One challenge is Propositional Theory (Rieber, 1994), which proposes that
a transformation of linguistic information takes place into a semantic form of
storage in long-term memory. The Propositional Theory disputes the superiority
of pictures over words because people process and rehearse pictures more fully than
words. However, approaches based on the two channel approach still seem to be
useful today, in spite the advancements in new technology and changes in education
(Paivio, 1991; Sadoski and Pavio, 2001).
Earlier experiments that have examined the effects of media on learning have been
constructed over relatively simple subject domains—for example, the operation of a
braking system or cistern, so we decided to carry out a series of multimedia learning
experiments on a much more complex domain to see how well the results would scale
up. One problem with using complex domains is student motivation. If the material
is complex and there is no over-riding goal to support improving learning and under-
standing, and it is likely that students will lose interest. A domain is required that
students need as part of their studies (and therefore are motivated).
A domain within a University context that is acknowledged to be inherently dif-
ficult, and yet for many students constitutes a most desirable skill to attain, is the
domain of statistics. Most masters and doctoral students require statistical knowl-
edge for analysing their experiments, and this sub-domain of statistics is reasonably
compact. At Loughborough University, there is a Masters course on Multimedia
Interface Design, and an important aspect of the course is the design and evaluation
of HCI experiments using statistics. The statistics material is typically taught in four
one-hour lectures on the course and covers basic information about the Null
Hypothesis, the Binomial Distribution, Non-parametric tests and Normal Distribu-
tions and their use in HCI experiments. The material used in this course was there-
fore chosen for our experiments.
896 J.L. Alty et al. / Interacting with Computers 18 (2006) 891–909
cal. Finally, the text was replaced by an identical verbal description. Again some mod-
ifications were required to ensure the content and structure was, as far as possible,
equivalent. Extensive trials with users resulted in a number of improvements.
Table 1
The 13 major learning style models identified by Coffield et al. (2004)
Test Assessment
Allinson and Hayes CSI (1996) Best evidence of reliability and validity. Pedagogical implications
not fully explored. Suitable tool
Apter (2001) Merits further research in an educational context
Dunn and Griggs (2003) Lack of independent research on the model. Forceful claims about
impact are questionable
Entwistle (1998) Potentially useful but needs more development
Gregorc (1994) Theoretically and psychometrically flawed
Herrmann (1989) Although largely ignored offers promise. Is more inclusive and
Honey and Mumford (2000) Widely used but needs to be redesigned to address weaknesses
Jackson (2002) Has promise for wider use and consequential refinement
Kolb (1999) Problems about reliability, validity and learning cycle
Myers and McCaulley (1985) Not clear which 16 elements are most relevant
Riding and Rayner (1998) Potential value not well served by an unreliable instrument
Sternberg (1999) An unnecessary addition to the many models
Vermunt (1998) A rich model with potential use for post-16 education where text-
based learning is important
The factors, which influenced us in deciding which particular learning style test to
choose, were:
The model adopted was that of Felder and Soloman (Felder, 1993). This model
characterises learning style on four major axes—Sensing versus Intuitive, Sequential
versus Global, Active versus Reflective and Visual versus Verbal learning styles. One
important reason for choosing this approach was its previous use in scientific and
engineering situations. Furthermore, in Coffield’s classification, the Felder model
is termed a ‘flexibly stable learning preferences’ learning style, and two of the three
major models which came close to meeting Coffield’s consistency, reliability and
validity criteria were also in this learning style family. The inventory has been inde-
pendently tested and validated, and shown to produce reliable results (Zywno, 2003).
The test is also easy to administer.
Since the proposed research was of an exploratory nature and the test was readily
available it was decided to use it though the test has been criticised for confounding
aural and symbolic modalities. Table 2 summarises some differences across the four
axes of the model.
The position of the learner on the four Felder axes is determined by administering a
test with 44 questions about attitudes. The results of the test are expressed as an odd
integer (1–11) followed by the letter ‘a’ or the letter ‘b’ (e.g. 7a). The ‘a’ and ‘b’ refer
J.L. Alty et al. / Interacting with Computers 18 (2006) 891–909 899
Table 2
Brief description of the different Felder learning styles
One polarity Opposite polarity
Sensing learners—prefer facts and prefer using Intuitive learners—prefer to discover possibilities
well-known relationships and relationships
Sequential learners—tend to learn material Global learners—absorb material often randomly
in steps without necessarily seeing the connections
Active learners—prefer rushing in and doing Reflective learners—prefer to reflect before starting
Visual learners—prefer pictures and visual Verbal learners—prefer written and spoken text
to the polar styles and the integer is the strength of the tendency towards that style.
Thus a 9a on the Sensing/Intuitive axis suggests a strong tendency to a Sensing style,
whereas a 5b would indicate a moderate tendency to an Intuitive learning style. Usually
the different learning styles are spread evenly across the population as a whole. How-
ever, on the Visual/Verbal axis, there is usually a predominance of visual learners. Two
example questions from the Felder test are given in Table 3. Question 17 is concerned
with Active/Reflective Learning and 20 is concerned with Sequential/Global Learning.
Before the presentation of the first module, therefore, students were asked to
answer the 44 questions in the Felder questionnaire to determine their learning style.
The resulting distribution of learning styles over the student class is shown in Fig. 3.
All students really enjoyed taking this test and they were interested in their indi-
vidual result. As expected, the visual style was much more common than the verbal
style, so this axis was ignored in these experiments. The Visual/Verbal distribution
shows the typical visual bias in the population obtained in the Felder test.
The nature of the domain did not lend itself to animation. However, ideas and
diagrams were built up progressively on the screen. As new diagrammatic elements
were introduced, the text would simultaneously appear on the screen or the spoken
commentary would occur. Occasionally, blinking was used to emphasise elements
being discussed. Colour was also used to connect important sections of text or dia-
grams. In this experiment, the students did not interact with the presentations.
A post-test was administered after each module presentation. The post-tests for
all four presentations carried 19 marks. Some typical questions are shown in Table
4. There were recall questions, recognition questions and questions that tested trans-
fer knowledge. The experimenters independently marked the questions, and the
marks awarded were almost identical in each case. Where there were disagreements
these were resolved by discussion (but there were few).
Table 3
Two example questions from the Felder test
17. When I start a homework problem, I am more likely to:
(a) start working on the solution immediately
(b) try to fully understand the problem first
20. It is more important to me to me that an instructor:
(a) lays out the material in clear logical steps
(b) gives me an overall picture and relates the material to other subjects
900 J.L. Alty et al. / Interacting with Computers 18 (2006) 891–909
4 5
0 0
11a 9a 7a 5a 3a 1a 1b 3b 5b 7b 9b 11b 11a 9a 7a 5a 3a 1a 1b 3b 5b 7b 9b 11b
11a 9a 7a 5a 3a 1a 1b 3b 5b 7b 9b 11b 11a 9a 7a 5a 3a 1a 1b 3b 5b 7b 9b 11b
Table 4
Typical post-test questions: the number indicates from which module the question is taken
1. Some statistical methods require the data to be transformed into a particular format. Is anything lost as
a result? Can you give an example?
1. What examples were given in the lesson of one-tailed and two-tailed hypotheses?
1. When we carry out an experiment and the results appear to support our hypothesis what actually might
be happening?
2. Which of these are properties of the binomial distribution?
+ Equal chances of success and failure
+ Chance of success = 1 chance of failure
+ Only symmetrical distributions
+ Fixed number of trials
3. For two conditions in an experiment we have the following differences expressed as ranks.
+1+2 3+4 5 6 7
+ What is the smallest Rank Sum?
+ What is the largest Rank Sum?
+ What Positive Sum would you expect if this was a random result?
4. Why is the Normal Distribution so important? How does it relate to the other distributions such as
Ranking and Binomial?
The students were divided into three groups (A, B, and C) with each group bal-
anced for gender and learning styles as far as possible. Groups were then given
the four modules (in the different presentation formats) as detailed below (Table 5).
The presentations were given on succeeding days of the course (Monday, Tues-
day, Thursday and Friday) and the post-tests were conducted immediately after
J.L. Alty et al. / Interacting with Computers 18 (2006) 891–909 901
Table 5
Groups and presentation formats
Presentations Text Text + Diagrams Voice + Diagrams
Null hypothesis Group A Group B Group C
Binomial distribution Group B Group C Group A
Ranking Group C Group A Group B
Normal distribution Group A Group B Group C
Mean Scores
9 Sound+Diagrams
7 Text+Diagrams
5 Text Only
Null Binomial Ranking Normal
the presentations. As can be seen in Table 5, the groups of students were moved
between the presentation formats on succeeding days to avoid biasing the results
by the characteristics of any group. An analysis of the answers to previous knowl-
edge revealed that very few students had previous knowledge of the subject area,
and even some of that knowledge was incorrect. Any student who indicated that they
had more than 30% previous knowledge was eliminated from the test. In fact, only
one student was eliminated on the first day and three on the second day. None were
excluded on the third and fourth days. As a check, a full analysis was carried out
ignoring previous knowledge and the results were almost identical. Altogether there
were 61, 66 and 66 students in each of the three presentation types.
The most striking result was the superiority of the Sound + Diagrams presenta-
tion format over the other two. The scores achieved in the four modules are shown
in Fig. 4.
A one-way ANOVA analysis on performance between the three presentation
styles revealed a significant difference (F = 4.612, 2, 190, p < 0.011). The means
and standard deviations are Text Only 9.82 (3.7), Text + Diagrams 9.94 (4.09) and
Sound + Diagrams 11.69 (3.92).
A post hoc LSD comparison test showed the superiority of the Sound + Dia-
grams presentation over the other two (Table 6).
902 J.L. Alty et al. / Interacting with Computers 18 (2006) 891–909
Table 6
LSD Post hoc comparison between the three presentations
Presentation comparison Significance level
Text Only
Text + Diagrams 0.857
Sound + Diagrams 0.007
Text + Diagrams
Text Only 0.857
Sound + Diagrams 0.011
Sound + Diagrams
Text Only 0.007
Text + Diagrams 0.011
Dependent variable: score.
Furthermore, the effect persists across the different module contents even though the
nature of the content varied considerably. For example, the first module (Null Hypoth-
esis) is very descriptive, whereas the Binomial and Ranking modules are more mathemat-
ical in nature. Although scores generally increase over the 4 days there was no
appreciable learning effect. The means and standard deviations for the total score for
each module over the 4 days are 9.60 (4.71), 10.18 (3.43), 10.79 (3.7) and 11.41 (3.52).
An analysis of variance indicates no significant performance difference over the 4 days
(F = 1.915, 3, 189, p < 0.129). A post hoc LSD comparison indicated that there was a sig-
nificance level of p < 0.024 between days 1 and 4 but this may be due to the nature of the
material presented on day 4 compared with day 1 rather than a learning effect.
The results agree with those of Mayer (2001). A similar improved performance for
the Sound + Diagrams presentation is observed as with Mayer’s Sound + Pictures
presentation. The similarity in performance between Text + Diagrams and Text
Only surprised us. Dual Coding Theory (and Mayer’s results) predicts that the form-
er will be more effective. We suspect that the way in which the material was presented
affected this result. Text was placed on one side of the screen and the Diagrams on
the other (see Fig. 2). This violates Mayer’s Spatial Contiguity principle and proba-
Mean Score
Sense Intuit Sense Intuit Sense Intuit Sense Intuit
Null Binomial Ranking Normal
bly results in additional cognitive processing. It is likely that the Text + Diagrams
presentation would have been better than Text-only if this had been done.
An analysis was carried out to determine if the participants’ learning style had an
effect on learning. There were no clear effects for Global versus Sequential learners,
or for Active versus Reflective learners. However, there were interesting differences
for Sensing versus Intuitive learners. The results for this group are shown in Fig. 5.
The dependent variable, mean score, is the same as used for the previous analysis.
A 2·3 ANOVA analysis with presentation and learning style as factors yielded the
results displayed in Tables 7 and 8.
In all cases the means are higher for Intuitive Learners, though less marked for the
Text Only case. The standard deviations are well within a factor of two and Levene’s
test for equality of error variances yielded a significance factor of p < 0.973 showing
that the error variance was equal across groups.
The Analysis of variance shows a highly significant effect between Sensing and
Intuitive learners (F = 18.506, 1, 187, p < 0.0001), but interestingly no interaction
effect between Presentation and Learning style.
A 2·4 analysis of variance yielded the following results for performance over the
four modules. There is a highly significant difference in the performance of Sensing
Table 7
Descriptive statistics for sensing and intuitive learners
Present Sens/Int Mean SD N
Text Only Sens 9.31 3.623 45
Int 10.90 3.714 21
Total 9.82 3.700 66
Text + Diag Sens 8.80 3.816 46
Int 12.55 3.546 20
Total 9.94 4.095 66
Sound + Diag Sens 11.09 3.569 44
Int 13.24 3.882 17
Total 11.69 3.753 61
Total Sens 9.72 3.775 135
Int 12.16 3.773 58
Total 10.45 3.928 193
Dependent variable: score.
Table 8
2·3 ANOVA results for sensing and intuitive learners
Source Type III sum of squares df Mean square F Sig.
Corrected model 425.444a 5 85.089 6.273 0.000
Intercept 19460.921 1 19460.921 1434.821 0.000
Present 116.847 2 58.423 4.307 0.015
Sensint 250.998 1 250.998 18.506 0.000
Present* sensint 34.942 2 17.471 1.288 0.278
Error 2536.338 187 13.563
Total 24041.000 193
Corrected total 2961.782 192
R squared = 0.144 (adjusted R squared = 0.121).
904 J.L. Alty et al. / Interacting with Computers 18 (2006) 891–909
and Intuitive learners over the four modules (F = 17.525, 1, 185, p < 0.0001). There
is no significant difference in the performance in the individual modules (F = 1.729,
3, 185, p < 0.163) and there is no significant interaction effect (F = 2.3462, 3, 185,
p < 0.918).
It is not completely clear why the Intuitive style learners performed better overall. It
is not due to the type of presentation nor the information in each module. However, the
content of the four modules is more theoretical than practical and this might explain the
result. Perhaps then theoretical nature of the material favoured the Intuitive learners.
We are planning a much more practically orientated learning experiment involving the
replacement of components of a computer. This will hopefully benefit Sensing Learn-
ers. More carefully designed experiments are needed in which the tasks and media cho-
sen more closely match the learning style characteristics.
In the study described in Section 7, there were six registered Dyslexic students and
we were able to examine the difference in scores in the post-test between Dyslexic stu-
dents and non-Dyslexic students. Although the sample was too small to achieve signif-
icance the experimental results suggested that computer-based media combinations
might affect learners who have Dyslexia differently to non-Dyslexic learners. This
was unexpected, since the learning materials used involve both verbal and nonverbal
The experiment was therefore repeated with 30 Dyslexic students from Loughbor-
ough University. The participants were taken from various courses taught at the
University and all volunteered for the study. Participants were mainly from Science
departments (10), and Engineering departments (12), but there were eight students
from Arts departments. The participants completed a number of cognitive assess-
ments using the Lucid Adult Dyslexia Screening software (LADS, 2000) and a Visual
Perceptual Problems Inventory (VPPI). Whilst each participant was being assessed,
the participant’s data from the Learning Style test was analysed and used to place
him or her in one of three groups according to his or her Sensing/Intuitive learning
style. As far as possible, each group was also balanced according to gender and
learning styles.
Because of the different backgrounds of the students in this experiment each par-
ticipant was given a pre-test. The three groups were then were presented with the
material from the first module (The Null Hypothesis module) in the three different
media combinations—sound and diagrams, text and diagrams, and text alone. Then
after seeing the presentation, each participant was given a post-test. The results are
shown in Fig. 6. A one-way ANOVA analysis showed that the difference was highly
significant (F = 3.735, 2, 27, p < 0.037) and a post hoc analysis LSD test showed sig-
nificant differences between Text Only and both Sound + Diagrams (p < 0.016) and
Text and Diagrams (p < 0.049) the Text Only having better learning scores. If this is
compared with the earlier results (the first part of Fig. 4) it is interesting that the Dys-
lexic students responded quite differently to Non-Dyslexic students.
J.L. Alty et al. / Interacting with Computers 18 (2006) 891–909 905
% of correct answers
Sound and diagrams
Text and diagrams
Text only
Pre test Post test Difference
ent level of cognitive skills, learning style preferences, competence and experience.
The sound and diagrams presentation may have assisted in the retention of non-ver-
bal information but resulted in little retention of the verbal information. The presen-
tation containing text and diagrams may have resulted in little retention of the visual
verbal and nonverbal information because of a split-attention effect (Sweller et al.,
1998). The effect may exacerbate the difficulties Dyslexic learners experience due
to their skills being less fluent, more demanding and more error prone (Peer, 2003).
9. Conclusions
The initial experiments replicated the effects observed by Mayer and his col-
leagues. However, the domain of learning used was a more complex domain—that
of Statistics applied to Null Hypothesis testing, and the students were highly moti-
vated. The experiment has now been carried out three times (on large numbers of
students) and in each case the Sound + Diagrams media combination significantly
outperforms the Text + Diagrams and the Text-only presentations. Dual Coding
Theory suggests that a difference ought to have observed between the Text + Dia-
grams and Text-only presentations but performance was actually very similar. We
suspect this was because our design introduced a ‘split attention’ effect from the Text
and Diagrams being physically separated on the page. This required increased cog-
nitive effort by the learner and reduced the Text + Diagrams effectiveness. In future
experiments, we will endeavour to eliminate this effect.
The results differ from those of Narayanan and Hegarty in that significant differ-
ences were observed between the different media combinations. We suspect that the
nature of the domain and the lack of interactivity contributed to this difference.
There was no animation in our presentations, and the progressive explanation of
the nature and use of statistics is very different from explaining a mechanical oper-
ation (where animation is usually highly relevant). An experiment that uses media
combinations to guide the replacement of components in a computer, where the
effects of Narayanan and Hegarty might be observed, is now being planned.
The second set of experiments showed that there was a significant effect of one of
the student learning styles—Sensing verses Intuitive learning—though no significant
differences were observed on the other two axes (Sequential versus Global or Active
versus Reflective). It is not obvious why this difference was observed and this
requires further study perhaps by using a more sensitive Learning Style test. It is
likely to be related both to the nature of material presented (practical examples ver-
sus theory) but the media used may also have an effect. For example, the use of video
material (not used in our experiments) might favour Sensing learners over Intuitive
learners, as would a very practical task. On the other hand, a learning situation
where theory was heavily used is likely to favour Intuitive learners. The effects of dif-
ferent media combinations on learning in practical tasks (such as changing compo-
nents in a computer) might yield interesting learning style differences.
One of the most interesting effects found in the study was the very different
response to media combinations of Dyslexic students, initially observed in the first
J.L. Alty et al. / Interacting with Computers 18 (2006) 891–909 907
experiment, but replicated in the special study which concentrated on Dyslexic stu-
dent subjects only. The experiment suggested that different computer-based media
combinations affected learners who have Dyslexia differently to non-Dyslexic learn-
ers. This was unexpected, since the learning materials used consisted of both verbal
and nonverbal content. Whilst we would have expected the Dyslexic subjects to have
problems with text alone, it was not expected they would have problems with text
and diagrams or with sound and diagrams. Interestingly, some Dyslexic subjects
obtained higher scores when having information presented as text alone than with
text and diagrams.
The findings from the study also suggest that information presented using text
and diagrams for non-Dyslexic learners may not be the most efficient way of present-
ing information to Dyslexic learners. Furthermore, the results could not be com-
pletely explained by Dual Coding Theory (Paivio and Begg, 1981). It is possible
that the different media combinations put different cognitive loads on the Dyslexic
students compared with non-Dyslexic students. Perhaps the Text-only presentation
facilitated Dyslexic coping strategies. Interestingly, the presentation style we thought
might have given the best results (Text and Diagrams) actually resulted in the worst
performance. For a more detailed analysis of these results for Dyslexic students, see
Beacham and Alty (2006).
Findings from the study have raised a number of new and important issues.
Firstly, how might computer-based media affect Dyslexic learners differently to
non-Dyslexic learners, and secondly, should e-learning materials be designed specif-
ically for Dyslexic students? The study suggests that that varying the combinations
of computer-based media affects the learning outcomes of Dyslexic students in a
different way to those of non-Dyslexic students implying that serious consideration
needs to be given as to the way e-learning materials are designed and delivered.
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