App F Therapy Programme Following SDR

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Therapy Programme Following SDR

Ankle dorsiflexor/plantarflexor strengthening in supine without weights

Therapist's aim
To strengthen the ankle dorsiflexors/plantarflexors.
Client's aim
To strengthen your ankle muscles.
Therapist's instructions
Position the patient in supine. Instruct the patient to dorsiflex and plantarflex their ankle.
Client's instructions
Position yourself lying on your back. Start with your toes pointing down. Finish with your toes pointing up.
Progressions and variations
More advanced: 1. Progress using strength training principles.

Ankle plantarflexor strengthening in sitting without weights

Therapist's aim
To strengthen the ankle plantarflexors.
Client's aim
To strengthen your calf muscles.
Therapist's instructions
Position the patient in sitting with their knees together. Instruct the patient to lift their heels off the floor by
plantarflexing the ankles.
Client's instructions
Position yourself sitting with your knees together. Start with your feet flat on the floor. Finish with your heels
lifted off the floor. Ensure that you keep your toes on the floor.
Progressions and variations
Less advanced: 1. Place a bandage around the knees to hold them together. More advanced: 1. Place a
weight over the knees.


Therapist's aim
To strengthen the hip extensors.
Client's aim
To strengthen the muscles at the back of your hip.
Therapist's instructions
Position the patient in crook lying. Instruct the patient to lift their bottom off the bed.
Client's instructions
Position yourself lying on your back with your knees bent. Lift your bottom off the bed.
Progressions and variations
Less advanced: 1. Decrease the height of the lift. More advanced: 1. Sustain the lift. 2. Perform the exercise
using one leg.
Hip abductor/adductor strengthening in supine without weights

Therapist's aim
To strengthen the hip abductors and adductors.
Client's aim
To strengthen the muscles at the side and on the inside of your hip.
Therapist's instructions
Position the patient in supine with their legs adducted. Instruct the patient to abduct and adduct their leg.
Ensure that the foot remains vertical.
Client's instructions
Position yourself lying on your back. Start with your leg parallel to your other leg. Finish with your leg out to
the side. Ensure that your foot is kept vertical.
Progressions and variations
More advanced: 1. Progress using strength training principles.

Hip flexor strengthening in supine

Therapist's aim
To strengthen the hip flexors.
Client's aim
To strengthen the muscles at the front of your hip.
Therapist's instructions
Position the patient in supine. Instruct the patient to flex their hip and slide their foot towards their bottom.
Client's instructions
Position yourself lying on your back. Start with your knee straight. Finish with your knee bent. Ensure that you
slide your foot along the bed.
Progressions and variations
More advanced: 1. Progress using strength training principles.

Straight leg raise

Therapist's aim
To strengthen the hip flexors and knee extensors.
Client's aim
To strengthen the muscles at the front of your hip and knee.
Therapist's instructions
Position the patient in supine with their legs extended. Instruct the patient to flex one hip while keeping their
knee extended.
Client's instructions
Position yourself lying on your back with your legs straight. Start with your leg straight and your heel on the
bed. Finish with your leg straight and your heel above the bed.
Progressions and variations
More advanced: 1. Progress using strength training principles.
Assisted unilateral hamstring stretch in supine

Therapist's aim
To induce transient increases in hamstring extensibility.
Client's aim
To induce transient increases in the extensibility of the muscles at the back of your thigh.
Therapist's instructions
Position the patient in supine with their hip flexed and knee extended and their leg resting on your shoulder.
Apply a gentle upwards pressure to their leg to push their hip into further flexion. Ensure that the knee
remains straight.
Client's instructions
Position yourself lying on your back with your hip bent and knee straight and your leg resting on your
carer/therapist`s shoulder. Instruct your carer/therapist to apply a gentle upwards pressure to your leg to bend
your hip further. Ensure that your knee remains straight.
Progressions and variations
More advanced: 1. Push leg further into hip flexion. 2. Add ankle dorsiflexion.
1. Impaired or absent sensation of stretch. 2. Seek medical clearance for patients with recent injuries.

Moving from side to side in sitting

Therapist's aim
To improve the ability to sit unsupported.
Client's aim
To improve your ability to sit unsupported.
Therapist's instructions
Position the patient in sitting with their thighs supported, both feet flat on the floor and hands resting on their
thighs. Instruct the patient to press down through each buttock in turn.
Client's instructions
Position yourself sitting with your thighs supported, both feet flat on the floor and your hands on your thighs.
Practice moving from side to side and then sitting upright again.
Progressions and variations
Less advanced: 1. Decrease the amount of sideways movement. More advanced: 1. Decrease the amount of
thigh support ensuring that weight is borne through the leg in the direction of the movement

Reaching forward in sitting

Therapist's aim
To improve the ability to stand up from sitting.
Client's aim
To improve your ability stand up from sitting.
Therapist's instructions
Position the patient in sitting with a target object placed in front of them. Instruct the patient to reach forwards
to touch the target. Ensure that the ankles are dorsiflexed and weight is borne through the affected leg.
Client's instructions
Position yourself sitting with a target object placed in front of you. Practice reaching forwards to touch the
target. Ensure that your toes are aligned under your knees and you weight-bear through your affected leg.
Progressions and variations
Less advanced: 1. Position the target closer. 2. Use scales under the feet to give feedback about the amount
of weight borne through each foot. More advanced: 1. Position the target further away.
1. Provide stand-by assistance if required.

Reaching while seated

Therapist's aim
To improve the ability to sit unsupported.
Client's aim
To improve your ability to sit unsupported.
Therapist's instructions
Position the patient in short sitting on a plinth with an object placed on a stool obliquely in front of them.
Instruct the patient to reach for the object without using their other hand for support.
Client's instructions
Position yourself sitting over the edge of a plinth with an object placed on a stool in front and to the side of
you. Practice reaching for the object without using your other hand for support.
Progressions and variations
Less advanced: 1. Perform similar activities sitting in wheelchair. 2. Ensure thighs and feet are well supported.
3. Decrease reaching distance. More advanced: 1. Decrease thigh support. 2. Sit on different height stools. 3.
Increase reaching distance. 4. Instruct the patient to carry out different tasks. 5. Instruct patient to move
objects between their two hands.
1. Ensure that the patient does not fall forwards.

Knee extension in standing

Therapist's aim
To improve the ability to stand or walk.
Client's aim
To improve your ability to stand or walk.
Therapist's instructions
Position the patient in standing in front of a plinth with their knee slightly bent and a piece of foam placed
between their knee and the plinth. Instruct the patient to straighten their knee to squash the foam against the
Client's instructions
Position yourself standing in front of a bed with your knee slightly bent and a piece of foam placed between
your knee and the bed. Practice straightening your knee to squash the foam against the bed.
Progressions and variations
Less advanced: 1. Provide hand support for balance. 2. Use a softer piece of foam. More advanced: 1. Use a
denser piece of foam.

Maintaining a kneeling position

Therapist's aim
To improve the ability to maintain a kneeling position.
Client's aim
To improve your ability to maintain a kneeling position.
Therapist's instructions
Position the patient in kneeling with quoits in one hand. Instruct and encourage the patient to throw the quoits
while maintaining hip extension.
Client's instructions
Position yourself in kneeling with quoits in one hand. Practice throwing the quoits while maintaining an upright

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