BS En438 1

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B S I BS*EN*438:

PART*& 91 3624669 0254393 4
BS EN 438 :
1 I
Part 1 : 1991

high-pressure laminates
(HPL) - Sheets based on
thermosetting resins
Part 1. Specifications

This European Standard EN 438-1 : 1991has the status of a

British Standard

Stratifiés décoratifs haute pression (HPL) - Dekorative Hochdruck -

Plaques à base de résins thermodurcissables- Schichtpreflstoffplatten(HPL) - Platten auf
Partie 1:Spécifications Basis härtbarer Harze -
Teil 1:Spezifikation

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

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Cooperating organizations

The European Committee for Standardization, under whose supervision this

European Standard was prepared, comprises the national standards
organizations of the following Western European countries.

Austria Oesterreichisches Normungsinstitut

Belgium Institut belge de normalisation
Denmark Dansk St andardiseiingsraad
Finland Suomen Standardisoimisliito,r.y.
France Association francaise de normalisation
Germany Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.
Greece Hellenic Organization for Standardization
Iceland Rchnological Institute of Iceland
Ireland National Standards Authority of Ireland
Italy Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione
Luxembourg Inspection du Travail et des Mines
Netherlands Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut
Norway Norges Standardiseringsforbund
Portugal Instituto Portuguès da Qualidade
Spain Asociación Española de Normalizacióny Certificación
Sweden Standardiseringskommissionen i Sveiige
Switzerland Association suisse de noimalisation
United Kingdom British Standards Institution

This British Standard was

published under the authority of Amendments issued since publication
the Standards Board and comes
into effect on 31 October 1991 Amd. No. 1 Date I R x t affected
O BSI 1991

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
Committee reference PRMí76
Draft 88135026

ISBN O 680 19900 2

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BS EN 438 : Part 1 : 1991


Cooperating organizations Inside front cover
National foreword i
Foreword 2
B x t Of EN438-1 : 1991 3
O Introduction 3
1 Scope and field of application 3
2 Reference 3
3 Definition 3
4 Classification 3
5 Requirements 5
6 Properties 6
A Addendum to specification table 7, relating to test methods 7,9
and 10 10
B Addendum to specification table 7, relating to test method 14 13
1 Classification system and typical applications 4
2 Index for resistance to surface wear 5
3 Index for resistance to impact 5
4 Index for resistance to scratching 5
5 Permitted variations of thickness 6
6 Permitted departure from flatness 7
7 Property requirements 8
1 Broken corner 6
2 Measurement of straightness 7
3 Measurement of squareness 7
4 Effects of surface finish and colour on scratch resistance 13
National appendices
National appendix NA Inside back cover
National appendix NB Inside back cover

National foreword
This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Plastics and
Rubber Standards Policy Committee and is the English language version of
EN 438-1 ‘Decorativehigh-pressure laminates (HPL) - Sheets based on
thermosetting resins - Part 1 : Specifications’,published by the European
Committee for Standardization (CEN). This Part of BS EN 438 supersedes
BS 3794 : Part 1 : 1986 which is withdrawn. EN 438-1 was produced as a result
of international discussions in which the United Kingdom took an active part.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

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B S I BS*EN*438: P A R T * l 91 lib2Ybb9 0 2 5 4 3 9 b T m.

~ _ _ _

UDC 674.1.03:674.812.2-41

Descriptois: Plastics, laminated plastics, decorative coatings, thermosetting resins, plates, classifications, specifications

English version

Decorative high-pressure laminates (HPL) - Sheets

based on thermosetting resins - Part 1:
(IS0 4586-1 : 1987 modified)

Stratifiés décoratifs haute pression (HPL) - Dekorative Hochdruck -

Plaques à base de résins thermodurcissables Schichtprepstoffplatten (HPL -
- Partie 1: Platten auf Basis härtbarer Harze -
Spécifications (IS0 4586-1 : 1987 modifiée) Teil 1: Spezifikation (IS0 4586-1 : 1987

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 24 October 1990. CEN

members are bound to comply with the CENKENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of
a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any
CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French,
German). A version in any other language made by translation under the
responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the
Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions,
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland
and United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung
Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

O CEN 1991 Copyright reserved to all CEN member3

Ref. No. EN 438-1 : 1991 E

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BSI B S * E N * 4 3 8 : PART*3 91 m Lb24669 0254397 L E
Page 2
EN 438-1 : 1991

This European Standard has beendrawn up by a
CEN ad hoc group for decorative laminates. It has
been prepared as a result of the primary I

questionnaire procedure (PQ) based on

IS0 4686-1 : 1987.
The principal modifications compared with the
International Standard are the definition for sheets
of decorative high pressure laminates (HPL) and
the introduction of a correlation table between the
two systems of alphabetical and numerical
classification of decorative high pressure laminates.
The Secretariat of the ad hoc group on decorative
laminates is held by AFNOR.
According to the Common CENKENELEC Rules,
the following countries are bound to implement
this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg Netherlands, Noiway, Portugal, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

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B S I BS*EN*438: P A R T 8 1 91 = l b 2 4 b b 9 0254398 3 m-
Page 3
EN438-1: 1991

O Introduction 2 Reference
The first part of this standard includes EN 438-2 Decorative high-pressure laminates
requirements for the types of materials that are (HPL) - Sheets based on thermosetting
classified in clause 4. . resins
The requirements for several properties may be Part 2 : Determination of properties
satisfied by alternative test methods. These have
been included where the requirements by either 3 Definition
method are approximately equivalent, and either
where expensive equipment of different types is in For the purposes of this standard the following
satisfactory use, or where experience is limited to definition applies.
one of the alternatives in certain countries. decorative high-pressure laminated sheet
1 Scope and field of application A sheet consisting of layers of fibrous sheet
material (for example, paper) impregnated with
This standard classifies decorative laminated
thermosetting resins and bonded together by
sheets (HPL) according t o their performance and
means of heat and a pressure of not less than
main recommended fields of application, and
provides also for materials of special 7 MPal), the outer layer or layers on one or both
characteristics, for example postformability or sides having decorative colours or designs.
defined reaction to fire. Decorative high-pressure laminated sheet (HPL) as
defined in this standard is made from core layers
Requirements are specified for those types of
impregnated with phenolic andior aminoplastic
materials that are most generally used, but
resins and a surface layer or layers impregnated
additional types may be added as required. The
with aminoplastic resins (mainly melamine resins).
limit values specified apply to the most commonly
used types of materials, but within each
classification, it may be possible to obtain variants 4 Classification
having much higher performance figures.
A classification system consists of a material type
These materials are characterized by their describing the general characteristics of the
decorative surfaces, which are relatively hard and laminate together with three index numbers
resistant to wear, scratching, impact, boiling water, describing levels of performance. This system has
domestic stains and moderate heat. They are been developed to cover the many HPL product
intended for interior applications as follows: variants now available. An alphabetical
- Thin single-faced laminates usually less than classification system can be used as an alternative
2 mm thick, for bonding to a substrate. (see 4.5), and table 1compares the two systems and
- Compact laminates, single or double-faced, shows how they relate to some typical applications.
approximately 2 mm to 5 mm thick, which need 4.1 Index numbers for specifying HPL
t o be rigidly supported without necessarily being properties
bonded to a substrate.
Index 1 = Resistance to surface wear (table 2).
- Compact laminates, self-supporting, double- Index 2 = Resistance t o impact by small diameter
faced, usually thicker than 5 mm, the thickness
ball (table 3).
of which will be selected according to application
and panel dimensions. Index 3 = Resistance to scratching (table 4).
The back surface of sheets having only one 4.2 Material type - Special characteristics
decorative face is made suitable for adhesive The classes of material listed in table 1are all
bonding to a substrate. available as standard type decorative laminated
This standard applies only to decorative laminated sheet (type S ) having the basic characteristics
sheets as defined in clause 3.The second part of the described in clause 1.
standard specifies the methods of test. For some classes of material, additional types
(type P and type F) are also available, possessing
the special properties described below.

1) 1 MPa = 1 MN/m2

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B S I BS*EN*43B: PART*l ïl W l b 2 4 b b ï 0254399 5 II
Page 4
EN438-1: 1991

m w m m 0.1 c.l 0.1 d

-x C.3 m 0.1 C.3 0.1 0.1 03

m w m m 0.1 0.1 d d

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B S I BS*EN*Li38: P A R T * & 91 m &624669 0254200 B
Page 5

4.2.1 Type P - Postformable decorative 4.4.3 Resistance to scratching2)(Third index

laminated sheet number)
Type P sheet is similar to type S, but it can also be
formed in accordance with the manufacturer's I Table 4. Index for resistance to scratching
recommendations. I IndexnÛmber I Load(N)
4.2.2 Type F -Decorative laminated sheet
having defined reaction to fire 1 2 1.5
2 2 1.75
Type F sheet is similar to type S, but it also meets 3 2 2.0
special requirements of specified fire tests, which 4 2 3.0
may vary according t o the application of the
material and the country of use. 4.5 Nomenclature
4.3 Application characteristics In addition to the prefix HPL and the number of
Materials are available in the classes shown in this standard, materials can be specified either by
table 1.The list of typical applications given for the type and index number system, or by the
each category is for guidance only and is not alphabetical classification system.
intended to be comprehensive. For example, horizontal general purpose
Other combinations of properties are possible and postforming laminate can be specified as
can be classified by the numerical index system. HPL-EN 438 - P333 or HPL-EN 438 - HGP.
4.4 Index numbers
Index numbers are used to specify three important
5 Requirements
HPL properties. 5.1 Compliance
4.4.1 Resistance to surface wear (First index In order t o comply with the requirements of this
number) standard, materials of each type shall meet the
requirements of every property for which a value or
Table 2. Index for resistance to surface wear requirement is specified in clause 6.
Index number Number of revolutions I Two methods of test are given for the measurement
of dimensional stability, impact resistance,
IP resistance to colour change in artificial light,
formability and resistance to cigarette burns. When
1 O 2 50 there is a choice of method, material satisfying the
2 2 50 2 150 requirements of either method shall be deemed to
3 2 150 2 350 comply with the specification for that property;
4 2 350 2 1000 however, the choice of method may be agreed
between the interested parties. The method
selected shall be stated in the test report.
4.4.2 Resistance to impact by small diameter
ball (Second index number) 5.2 Notes on requirements for reaction to fire
The requirements for reaction t o fire are
I Table 3. Index for resistanceto impact determined by the fire regulations of the country in
which the material is to be used.
Index number Spring force (N)
Actually, it is not possible with a single test, to
2 12 predict compliance with all the different national
2 15
requirements. No test is therefore included in this
2 20 specification and reference must be made t o the
4 2 25 various requirements when appropriate.
The selection of a suitable test or tests for inclusion
in this standard will be considered when
International Standards specifying fire tests for
building materials and structures have been

1)Applies only to materials less than 2 mm thick.

See annex B.

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B S I BS*EN*438: PART*3 9 3 I1624669 0 2 5 4 2 0 3 T
Page 6
EN438-1: 1991

6 Properties Spots, dirt and similar surface defects

The admissible size of defects is based on a
6.1 Colour and pattern maximum contamination area equivalent to
When inspected in daylight or D 65 Standard 1,0 mm2/m2 laminate and is proportional t o the
illuminant and again under a tungsten illuminant, sheet size under inspection.
there shall be no significant difference between a The total admissible area of contamination may be
standard agreed by the supplier and the specimen concentrated in one spot or dispersed over an
under test. unlimited amount of smaller defects.
6.2 Surface finish Fibres, hairs, scratches
6.2.1 Finish matching The admissible length of defects is based on a
When inspected at different viewing angles, there maximum contamination length of 10 mm/m2
shall be no significant difference between a laminate and is proportional t o the sheet size under
standard agreed by the supplier and the specimen inspection.
under test. The total admissible length of contamination may
6.2.2 Reverse side be concentrated in one defect or dispersed over an
unlimited amount of smaller defects.
The reverse side of sheets having only one
decorative surface shall be suitable for adhesive Combinations of surface defects
bonding if so required. When defect types described in and
6.3 Thickness occur in the same sheet, then the maximum level
for each of the two types of defect shall not exceed
No requirements for nominal thickness are half of the levels prescribed in and
specified for individual types of material listed in
table 7; however, variations from the nominal 6.4.2 Edge defects
thickness supplied shall at no point exceed the Visual defects (e.g. moisture marks, lack of gloss,
limits shown in table 5 when thickness is measured etc.) can be present on all four edges of the
in accordance with clause 4 of EN 438-2 : 1991. laminate providing the defect-free length and width
are not more than 20 mm shorter than the nominal
length and width.
6.4.3 Broken corners
Nominal thickness t Maximum variation One broken corner of 5 3 cm or two broken corners
0.5 I t I 1.0 k 0.10 of 5 1,5 cm are allowed.
1.0 < t 22.0 k 0.15 These values refer to the distance between the
2.0 < t 52.5 f 0.18 original corner and the fracture line (see figure i).
2.5 < t 23.0 f 0.20
3.0 < t 54.0 f 0.25
4.0 < t I 5 . 0 f 0.30
5.0 < t as agreed

6.4 Appearance
The following inspection requirements are intended
as a general guide, indicating the minimum
acceptable quality for laminates supplied as full
size sheets. Cut-to-size panels and certain
applications involving full size sheets may call for
special quality requirements which can be
negotiated between supplier and purchaser; in such
cases the following requirements may be used as a
basis for discussion. It should be noted that only a
small percentage of sheets in a batch should be of
the minimum acceptable quality.
6.4.1 Surface defects
When inspected according to clause 5 of EN 438-2 :
1991, at a distance of 1,5 m, the following surface
defects are permissible. Figure 1. Broken corner

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BSI B S * E N * 4 3 8 : PART*I 91 = Lb24b69 0254202 I
Page 7
EN 438-1:1991

6.4.4 Sanding defects 6.4.8 Squareness of the laminate

Slight chatter marks are allowed. The panel shall be rectangular within a tolerance of
1,5 mm per metre length of the edge (value b in
6.4.5 Flatness
figure 3). The edge being measured shall be at least
The flatness of laminates is dependent on as long as the 1m straightedge.
atmospheric conditions within the storage area,

Values in millimetres

1 O00
f I

Composition Thickness t Maximum warp

Single-faced t < 2.0 120
laminate 2.05t <5.0 50

Double-faced 2.0 < t < 5.0 . 10

laminate 5.0 I t 5

6.4.6 Length and width of a full-size laminate

The laminate shall be the nominal size with a
tolerance of ' " O m m .
6.4.7 Straightness of edges
The edges shall be straight within a tolerance of
1,5mm per metre length of the edge (value a in Figure 3. Measurement of squareness
figure 2). The edge being measured shall be at leasi
as long as the 1m straightedge.
6.5 Other properties
When tested by the appropriate methods, the
properties for each type of material shall satis6 the
requirements listed in tables 1 and 7.
Values in millimetres

1 O00
t 1

Figure 2. Measurement of straightness

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Page 8
EN438-1: 1991

d m d V d d W in* Q i n m

* m+ d V E l d Q i n m

x w d d d W

x x d d *- W in x

m x x d d d inm W in x x

x x d W in x x
- -

mdi d W m m 2
m d d d d mm W m m rl

d d di W in m rl

d d W in







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Page 9
EN438-1: 1991


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I BSI BS*EN*43!3: P A R T * l 91 W Lb24bb9 0 2 5 4 2 0 5 7 =
Page 10

Annex A
Addendum to specification table 7,,relatingto test methods 7 , 9 and 10
(This annex forms an integral part of the standard)
In table 7, reference is made to curves 1to 4 in speciMng resistance to boiling water and dimensional
The characteristics are dependent on laminate thickness, and the curves therefore provide more complete
information than discrete limits.
The curves give the maximum limiting values for each laminate type (S, P and F). No attempt has been
made to prescribe specific laminate thicknesses to the various fields of application, but in determining the
quality of a laminate of a given thickness, it is important to know where these properties lie in relation to
the appropriate limit curves.
In knowing the expected performance, the customer can select the thickness of laminate which will best
meet the requirements of a particular application.

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BSI B S * E N * 4 3 8 : PART*L 91 W Lb24669 0254206 9 W
Page il
EN438-1: I991



E 10

O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Thickness, mm

Curve 1. Resistance to immersion in boiling water




g 15

O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 17 18 19 20
Thickness, mm

Curve 2. Resistance to immersion in boiling water

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Page 12
EN438-1: 1991





O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 If 18 19 20
Thickness, mm
T Cross-longitudinal (or cross-machine) direction
L Longitudinal (or machine) direction

Curve 3. Dimensional stability. Test method 9. Types S, F and P




O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 17 18 19 20

T Cross-longitudinal (or cross-machine) direction
L Longitudinal (or machine) direction

Curve 4. Dimensional stability. Test method 10. Types S, F and P

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E S 1 BS*EN*438: P A R T S 1 91 m 3b24bb9 O254208 2 m
Page 13
EN438-1: 1991

Annex B
Addendum to specification table 7, relating to test method 14
(This annex forms an integral part of this standard)
The scratch resistance of decorative laminates is influenced by surface finish and colour, and the limits
given in table 7 indicate the minimum acceptable performance for each laminate type. However, values
which are much higher than these limits can be achieved by selecting particular combinations of colour,
print and surface finish.
In general terms, light colours show a better resistance to scratching than dark colours; for a given colour,
prints are better than plain colours and textured surface finishes have a better scratch resistance than
plain surfaces.
Figure 4 gives an indication of the effect of surface finish and colour on the scratch resistance performance
of laminates. The choice of surface finish, colour and print can be made to suit the particular application.
For example: with a deep, rough structure in white, values of about 10 N can be obtained.

Dark colour Medium colour Light colour

Figure 4. Effects of surface finish and colour on scratch resistance

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BSI B S * E N * 4 3 8 : P A R T * L 71 L b 2 4 b b ï 0254209 4
BS EN 438 : Part 1 : 1991

National appendix NA
The United Kingdom participation in the preparation of this European Standard was entiusted by the
Plastics and Rubber Standards Policy Committee (PRM/-) to %chnical Committee PRW76 upon which
the following bodies were represented:

Association of Suppliers to the Furniture Industry Ltd.

British Laminated Plastics Fabricators Association Ltd.
British Plastics Federation
Fibre Building Board Organisation (FIDOR)
Fibre Cement Manufacturers Association Limited
Furniture Industry Research Association
Standards Association of Australia
United Kingdom and Ireland Particleboard Association

National appendix NB
The British Standard corresponding to the European Standard referred to in the text is identical in
number and title with that given in clause 2.

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BS EN 438 :
Part 1 : 1991 t I

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