Post-Stroke Depression: A Review: Robert G. Robinson, M.D., Ricardo E. Jorge, M.D

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Mechanisms of Psychiatric Illness

Post-Stroke Depression: A Review

Robert G. Robinson, M.D., Ricardo E. Jorge, M.D.

Poststroke depression (PSD) has been recognized by psy- treatment of PSD have demonstrated the efficacy of anti-
chiatrists for more than 100 years, but controlled system- depressants. Similarly, randomized controlled trials for pre-
atic studies did not begin until the 1970s. Meta-analyses vention of PSD have shown that antidepressants significantly
addressing almost all major clinical issues in the field have decrease the incidence of PSD compared with placebo. Early
emerged because of the relatively small number of patients antidepressant treatment of PSD appears to enhance both
included in some stroke studies. In order to build large physical and cognitive recovery from stroke and might in-
databases, these meta-analyses have merged patients with crease survival up to 10 years following stroke. There has also
rigorously assessed mood disorders with major depressive been progress in understanding the pathophysiology of PSD.
features with patients scoring above arbitrary cutoff points Inflammatory processes might be associated with the onset
on depression rating scales, thus missing important findings of at least some depressive symptoms. In addition, genetic
such as cognitive impairment associated with major but not and epigenetic variations, white matter disease, cerebro-
minor depression. Nevertheless, PSD occurs in a significant vascular deregulation, altered neuroplasticity, and changes in
number of patients and constitutes an important compli- glutamate neurotransmission might be relevant etiological
cation of stroke, leading to greater disability as well as in- factors. Further elucidation of the mechanism of PSD may
creased mortality. The most clinically important advances, ultimately lead to specific targeted treatments.
however, have been in the treatment and prevention of PSD.
Recent meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials for the AJP in Advance (doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2015.15030363)

Stroke is defined as a sudden loss of blood supply to the brain patients with left anterior strokes compared with strokes in
leading to permanent tissue damage caused by thrombotic, other locations. In addition, in 1984, the first randomized,
embolic, or hemorrhagic events. Almost 85% of strokes double-blind placebo-controlled treatment trial demonstrated
are ischemic, while 12% are hemorrhagic. The incidence of that nortriptyline was effective in treating PSD (6).
stroke varies dramatically over the life course, with incidence The present review will address identification of PSD, as
rates between 10 and 20 per 10,000 individuals in the age well as its prevalence, risk factors, relationship to physical
range of 55–64, while incidence rates increase to 200 per impairment, cognitive impairment, and mortality. We will
10,000 individuals for those aged over 85. There are 700,000 also review treatment of PSD, prevention of PSD, etiology,
strokes annually in the United States and 163,000 stroke- and suggestions for future research.
related deaths according to the latest statistics of the
American Heart Association (1).
The association of neuropsychiatric disorders with
cerebrovascular disease includes depression, anxiety disorder, We conducted a literature search using the following data-
apathy, cognitive disorder, mania, psychosis, pathological af- bases: MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsycINFO,
fective display, catastrophic reactions, fatigue, and anosognosia. PsycBITE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials,
The first empirical studies of post-stroke depression (PSD) Internet Stroke Center (,
included studies conducted by researchers such as Martin Ovid Central Register of Controlled Trials database, and
Roth (2), who demonstrated the association between ath-
erosclerotic disease and depression, and Folstein et al. (3), who Our keywords included “poststroke depression,” “depres-
demonstrated that depression was significantly more common sion AND cerebrovascular disorders,” “vascular depression,”
in patients with stroke compared with patients with com- “stroke AND antidepressant,” “stroke AND antidepressant
parable physical impairments due to orthopedic injuries. AND depression,” “poststroke depression AND randomized
The first systematic longitudinal study of PSD found that clinical trial,” as well as “poststroke depression AND trial.”
severity of impairment in activities of daily living, social Reference lists of each article utilized were searched by
functioning, and cognitive function were all associated with hand to identify additional citations not identified by the
the existence of PSD (4). databases. This is primarily a narrative review that did not
A 1984 study published in Brain (5) first identified a sig- utilize the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
nificant increase in both major and minor depression among and Meta-Analysis [PRISMA] because of the limitations of

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existing meta-analyses in this field discussed under the FIGURE 1. The Prevalence of Depression in Various Clinical Settings
section on incidence and prevalence of PSD. Following Strokea
Major Depression
Diagnosis of PSD N=526, N=524
25 Minor Depression
The DSM-5 defines poststroke mood disorders as mood dis-
N=598, N=553
orders due to stroke with depressive features, major depressive-

Percent of Patients
like episode, or mixed-mood features. The only disorder in
N=297, N=192
DSM-5 that is specific for cerebrovascular disease is major or 15
minor vascular neurocognitive disorder.
A patient with a diagnosis of mood disorder due to stroke 10
with a major depression-like episode must have depressed
mood or loss of interest or pleasure along with four other
symptoms of depression lasting 2 or more weeks. Patients
with a diagnosis of mood disorder due to stroke with de- Community-based Acute or Outpatient
pressive features must have depressed mood or loss of in- Setting Rehabilitation Populations
N=2,108 Hospitals N=2,191
terest or pleasure along with at least two but less than five N=2,769
symptoms of major depression lasting 2 weeks or longer. a
Patients were examined using a standardized mental status examination
Clinically defined vascular depression was proposed in and DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for depression following stroke with
1997 by Alexopoulos et al. (7), while Krishnan et al. (8) val- major depressive-like features or minor depression defined as more than
two but less than five symptoms of major depression. Meta-analyses
idated such diagnosis on the basis of the presence of sub- stating that the prevalence of poststroke depression is 31% miss these
cortical pathology and white matter hyperintensities in MRI important clinical variables.
Patients with vascular depression have later age at onset,
greater cognitive impairment, less family and personal his- 5 years following stroke (14). In addition, the investigators
tory of depression, and greater physical impairment than found that the cumulative percent of patients who developed
geriatric patients with nonvascular depression. In addition, one or more depressions within the first 5 years following
patients with vascular depression with executive dysfunction stroke ranged from 39% to 52% (14).
and/or patients who show progression of white matter The contributions by Ayerbe et al. (14) and Hackett and
hyperintensities over time have a poor response to treatment Pickles (15) are significant because they 1) establish that
with antidepressants and a more chronic and relapsing poststroke depression is a frequent and important compli-
clinical course (9). cation of stroke and 2) refute prior assertions that the fre-
Although vascular depression is related to small-vessel quency of PSD has been exaggerated (16). However, these
ischemia and PSD usually is related to large-vessel infarction meta-analyses have included many studies that have defined
(except lacunar infarcts), most studies have found similarities PSD based on arbitrary cut-off scores on a depression rating
between these conditions, such as lower frequency of family scale. These scales provide information about the frequency
and personal history of depression, prominent executive and severity of depressive symptoms, but their use as a
dysfunction, and greater disability compared with non- diagnostic instrument has rarely been validated. On the
microvascular geriatric depression (7, 10–12). One study other hand, it has been clearly established that the existence
reported that the significant association between the pres- of depression should be ascertained based on a structured
ence of cardiovascular risk factors and the severity of de- mental state examination and should meet established di-
pression observed in vascular depression is not present in agnostic criteria for a specific depressive disorder (17). Thus,
PSD (13). The existing evidence, however, suggests that PSD these meta-analyses did not distinguish major depression from
is one form of vascular depression. Thus, a single cerebral other forms of depressive disorders occurring after stroke, and
infarct may trigger the same pathophysiological changes of many did not examine the time since stroke, the clinical setting
depression as slowly evolving vascular ischemia. (e.g., community or hospitalized patients), or the severity of
stroke, all of which may affect the prevalence of depression.
Incidence and Prevalence of PSD We conducted a pooled analysis of studies published prior to
The frequency of PSD has been studied in many countries of 2003 (18) using only studies that used structured interviews
the world. The most-quoted studies of prevalence and in- and diagnostic criteria to identify major and minor depression
cidence of PSD have utilized meta-analysis to create large in community-based settings, acute or rehabilitation hospitals,
databases (14, 15). The most recent meta-analysis of 61 co- or outpatient clinics. The results are shown in Figure 1 and
horts including 25,488 patients (15) reported that 31% of demonstrate that the frequency of PSD depends on the clinical
patients developed depression at any time point up to 5 years settings where the patients are seen, which is also related to the
following stroke. A prior meta-analysis of 43 studies pub- severity of stroke. Thus, our knowledge of important clinical
lished in 2013 included 20,293 patients and reported that the differences in the prevalence and incidence of PSD has been
pooled prevalence of PSD was 29% at any time point within lost in the existing meta-analyses of aggregated data.

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Risk Factors of PSD had a significantly higher frequency of major or minor de-
Few prospective studies have examined risk factors to de- pression than patients with other lesion locations. Further-
velop PSD. Furthermore, only a few of these prospective more, both studies found a significant correlation between
studies proposed a specific predictive model, and none of the distance of the anterior border of ischemic lesion from the
these models were replicated in an independent population of left frontal pole and severity of depression for both cortical
stroke patients (14). The risk factors that have been examined and subcortical regions (5, 26). Subsequent analysis by this
in the literature include genetic factors, age, gender, medical research group (27) found that the association of PSD with
and psychiatric history, type and severity of stroke, lesion left frontal and left basal ganglia lesions appears to be a
location, degree of disability, and social support. transient phenomenon restricted to the first 2 months fol-
lowing stroke, and the correlation of depression severity with
Genetic factors. Common genetic variations might confer distance of the anterior border of the lesion from the frontal
vulnerability or resilience to develop psychiatric illness when pole in the left hemisphere remains significant only during
an individual faces an unusual stressful challenge. A few the first 6 months after a stroke. However, subsequent meta-
candidate genes have been examined as risk factors for PSD. analysis of data from stroke patients who were either acute or
The 5-HTTLPR and the STin2 VNTR polymorphisms of the chronic and had one or more stroke lesions reported no
serotonin transporter gene (SERT) have been associated with significant association with lesion location (14, 23). The most
PSD in stroke survivors (19). Epigenetic modifications of recent and largest meta-analysis analyzed 43 studies in-
5-HTTLPR have also been implicated in the onset and se- volving 5,507 stroke patients and reported an odds ratio of
verity of PSD. In a recent study of 286 stroke patients, in- 0.99 (95% confidence interval [CI]50.88–1.11) for the asso-
creased methylation status was independently associated ciation of stroke location and depression risk (28). This lack of
with PSD at 2 weeks and at 1 year following stroke, a finding association is hardly surprising given the heterogeneity in the
that was only observed in the presence of the 5-HTTLPR s/s way in which depression was assessed in these studies, the
genotype (20). In addition, among the same group of stroke diverse timing of the assessments, the different definitions of
patients, higher brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) lesion location (e.g., left frontal cortical versus left anterior),
gene methylation status was associated with incident PSD and the different neuroimaging methods used to determine
and more severe symptoms at 12 months follow-up (21). lesion location. In spite of conflicting results, there are
studies that have continued to report the association of PSD
Demographic factors. A systematic review of 24 studies of with left frontal hemisphere lesions and with proximity to
stroke patients reported that gender was not a significant risk the frontal pole (29).
factor for PSD in 13 out of 21 studies that examined this as- We still believe there is an association between PSD and
sociation. However, one-third of these studies identified left frontal or left basal ganglia lesions within 2 months of a
female sex as a risk factor for PSD (22). Age was not associated first clinical stroke. This conclusion is also supported by the
with PSD in 16 of these 21 studies. These findings were fact that there is strong scientific evidence of brain lateral-
replicated in a review of 23 studies including 18,374 stroke ization of emotion (30) and that focal brain stimulation using
patients (23). repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation is only effective
when it is administered to the left dorsolateral prefrontal
Medical and psychiatric history. Major cardiovascular risk cortex in patients with vascular depression (31). We also
factors such as hypertension and hypercholesterolemia ap- believe that identifying the role that lesion location plays in
pear to have no relation to PSD. However, patients with PSD PSD requires the formulation of a new pathophysiological
might be more likely to have a history of diabetes mellitus model of the disorder to integrate these disparate findings.
(22–24). A personal history of depression or anxiety or both
was also consistently identified as a risk factor for PSD Functional and cognitive impairment. The severity of post-
(22–24). A family history of depression was associated with stroke impairment in activities of daily living is the factor
PSD in the few studies that examined this association (25). most consistently associated with PSD. The severity of dis-
ability was found to be significantly related to PSD in 16 out of
Stroke characteristics and lesion location. The available evi- 18 studies reviewed by Hackett and Pickles (15) and in 24 out
dence strongly suggests a significant association between of 30 studies reviewed by Johnson et al. (24). However, the
stroke severity and PSD (14, 23). On the other hand, recent strength of the correlation between PSD and impairment in
systematic reviews argue against an association between PSD activities of daily living is relatively weak, explaining only
and the type (i.e., ischemic or hemorrhagic) or mechanism about 10% of the variance of severity of PSD (32).
(i.e., thrombotic, embolic, etc.) of stroke (22–24). The relationship between PSD and cognitive impairment
Lesion location has been extensively investigated as a risk (especially executive dysfunction) has been well established
factor for PSD. The findings, however, have been incon- (18). Initial studies have demonstrated that stroke patients
sistent. Utilizing separate populations of patients in 1984 and with major depression had significantly lower Mini-Mental
1987, two studies led by Robinson (5, 26) reported that acute State Examination scores than nondepressed patients with
stroke patients with left frontal or left basal ganglia lesions similar background characteristics who were matched for

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both lesion location and lesion volume (33). This finding was A recent study of 1,354 patients that used the Hospital
replicated in an independent study of stroke patients with left Anxiety and Depression Scale to assess PSD found that at
hemisphere lesions who were assessed during the first year the 5-year follow-up, patients with a Hospital Anxiety and
after stroke (34). However, it is important to keep in mind the Depression Scale score $7 at 3 months after stroke had a
strong association existing between major depression and the hazard ratio of 1.41 (95% CI51.13–1.77, p50.02) of increased
presence of cognitive deficits (34), while the recent meta- mortality compared with patients with scores ,7 at 3 months
analyses did not distinguish between subjects with major (44, 45). The investigators also reported increased mortality
depression, subjects with minor depression, or subjects with among patients started on selective serotonin reuptake in-
depressive symptoms. hibitor (SSRI) antidepressants in the 3 months after stroke.
However, this was not a randomized trial, and the data
Social support. The available evidence concerning PSD and analysis on which this assertion is based does not include all
social support is conflicting, probably because of significant the relevant confounders such as disability, depression severity,
heterogeneity in the definition and evaluation of social and the effect of comorbid medical conditions (44).
support. For instance, although the number of social ties was The association of PSD with mortality appears to be the
shown to be inversely correlated with the severity of PSD (18), result of an increase in cardiovascular mortality (44).
living situation and marital status have not been consistently We reported that decreased heart rate variability, which
associated with PSD (24). However, a prospective study has been demonstrated to play an etiological role in mor-
found that lack of social support at admission was associated tality associated with depression and myocardial infarction
with the onset of PSD at 3-months follow-up (35). (46), was also associated with PSD (47). Thus, disruption of
autonomic system function in patients with PSD might
The Impact of PSD on Stroke Recovery and Mortality contribute to cardiovascular mortality.
and the Effects of Antidepressants Perhaps the most provocative finding, however, was the
Numerous studies have examined the relationship between relationship of mortality following PSD to treatment with
depression at the initial examination (which may range from a antidepressants (Figure 2) (48). A 9-year follow-up study of
few weeks following stroke to 6 or more months following patients with or without PSD who had been treated with
stroke) and functional and motor recovery (36–38). Five of six nortriptyline (100 mg/day) or fluoxetine (40 mg/day) for
studies that examined whether severity of depression after 12 weeks (N553) showed that patients receiving active
acute stroke predicted severity of impairment in activities of treatment had an increased probability of survival at the
daily living at 1 year or more of follow-up found that de- 9-year follow-up compared with similar patients given pla-
pression severity was an independent predictor of severity of cebo (N528) (i.e., 59.2% survival for patients treated with
impairment in activities of daily living (18). nortriptyline or fluoxetine compared with 34.6% for patients
Consistent with the previous findings, patients with PSD given a placebo [adjusted odds ratio53.7, 95% CI51.1–12.2,
who responded to treatment with nortriptyline or fluoxetine p50.03]) (48). This finding held when nortriptyline- and
showed significantly better improvement in activities of daily fluoxetine-related survival was examined separately and
living than patients with PSD who did not respond to active was independent of whether the depression responded to
treatment or placebo (39). Similarly, a longitudinal study has treatment or whether the patient was depressed or not
shown that response to treatment of PSD with nortriptyline prior to treatment. A beneficial effect of antidepressants on
or fluoxetine over 12 weeks leads to improved cognitive long-term survival after stroke was also observed in a
function to the level seen in nondepressed stroke patients that group of 790 veterans with stroke followed over a 7-year
lasts for more than 2 years (40). period (49).
Increased mortality associated with PSD is perhaps the Three studies analyzed the effect of antidepressants on
most dramatic clinical phenomenon following PSD. The first motor, cognitive, and disability outcomes among non-
study to report this phenomenon using standardized inter- depressed patients during 12 months following stroke. Chollet
views to diagnose PSD was published in 1993 (41). In this et al. (50) found that 12 weeks of fluoxetine (20 mg/day) was
study, 103 patients were followed up 10 years after their index more efficacious than placebo to improve motor recovery
stroke to determine mortality rates. Patients who developed at 12 weeks assessed using the Fugl-Meyer Motor Disability
PSD during the acute poststroke period had significantly Scale. Jorge et al. (51) reported that among a group of
higher mortality rates than similarly impaired stroke pa- nondepressed patients with acute stroke, 12 months of
tients with no in-hospital depression (odds ratio53.4, 95% escitalopram (5 mg–10 mg/day) enhanced cognitive per-
CI51.4–8.4, p50.007) (41). A similar finding was reported by formance at 12 months assessed by the Repeatable Battery
House et al. (42), who showed that even mild severity of PSD for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status.
was associated with increased mortality as early as 1 year after With regard to disability, a secondary analysis of the re-
stroke. Furthermore, in a cohort of 51,119 veterans hospi- sults of our previous randomized controlled trial on the ef-
talized because of an ischemic stroke, those who developed ficacy of fluoxetine (20 mg–40 mg/day) and nortriptyline
PSD had a higher 3-year mortality risk than veterans without (100 mg/day) to treat PSD showed that when compared
a mental health diagnosis (43). with those receiving placebo, nondepressed stroke patients

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FIGURE 2. Survival Rate for Patients Who Were Depressed and Nondepressed at 3 Months Followed Over 9 Yearsa
Probability of survival for Probability of survival for
nondepressed patients depressed patients
100 100

80 80
Percent Survival

Percent Survival
60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
1 5 9 1 5 9

Treated 96 68 64 Treated 100 82.4 73.9

Untreated 92 55.7 32 Untreated 87.1 57.4 41.9
Patients were randomly assigned to nortriptyline (100 mg/day), fluoxetine (40 mg/day), or placebo for 3 months. The survival rate of patients given
antidepressants was almost twice that of those given a placebo.
* p=0.004.

receiving antidepressants had decreased disability measured pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis abnormalities (57), disrup-
by the modified Rankin Scale at the 12-month follow-up (52). tion of prefrontal-subcortical circuits (58), alterations in
In summary, although two of the factors most consistently neuroplasticity and in glutamate neurotransmission (59),
associated with PSD are functional disability and cognitive and an excess of proinflammatory cytokines (60). How-
impairment, there is clearly a reciprocal relationship with ever, a pathophysiological hypothesis of PSD that can
impairment influencing depression and depression influenc- integrate these changes into a coherent explanatory
ing impairment. In addition, there is rapidly growing literature model has yet to be formulated.
indicating that SSRIs following stroke may enhance recovery From a translational approach, there have been several
independent of PSD or their effects on mood (50–52). The attempts to model PSD in experiments with rodents.
findings of a recent meta-analysis of studies assessing the effect We conducted the earliest studies using a rat model of
of SSRIs on stroke outcomes support this conclusion (53). middle cerebral artery ligation. Right hemisphere middle
Finally, a multicenter randomized controlled trial of the cerebral artery ligation produced significant bilateral de-
efficacy of citalopram to reduce disability and cardiovascular pletions of norepinephrine and dopamine in both the
mortality following stroke (The Efficacy of Citalopram cortex and brainstem, as well as hyperactivity and other
Treatment in Acute Stroke [TALOS] study) is currently behavioral changes not seen in rats given sham ligations
underway (54). (61). Further experiments using this animal model dem-
onstrated that the biogenic amine and behavioral effects
Etiological Mechanisms were lateralized, not occurring after left middle cerebral
Like many disorders in psychiatry, there is evidence sup- artery ligation, and lasted up to 4 weeks (62).
porting the role of psychological, social, and biological factors In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in
in the mechanism of PSD (55). The most consistent finding in modeling the neuropsychiatric consequences of stroke.
the stroke literature is that PSD is associated with stroke Kronenberg et al. (63) used a model of mild stroke in mice
severity and the degree of functional physical and cognitive (i.e., 30-minute middle cerebral artery occlusion that limits
impairment (23). However, it is uncertain whether the level of the ischemic damage to the basal ganglia). A subgroup of
impairment is etiologically associated with the development these mice was given citalopram, starting 1 week after
of PSD through a “reactive” psychological mechanism or middle cerebral artery occlusion. Left, but not right, middle
whether there are biological factors related to brain damage cerebral artery occlusion produced delayed degeneration
that contribute to the bidirectional relationship between of dopaminergic neurons in the left ventral tegmental area,
disability and depression. which resulted in reduced dopamine concentrations in the
The association between PSD and biological factors striatum. The behavioral correlates of these neurodegenerative
has included empirical evidence suggesting alterations and neurochemical changes were anhedonia and behavioral
in ascending monoamine systems (56), hypothalamic- despair assessed by the sucrose consumption test and forced

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swimming test, respectively. Chronic citalopram treatment inflammatory cytokines reduce the synthesis and availability
initiated 7 days after stroke, however, prevented the de- of serotonin through their enhancing effect on the activity of
generation of dopaminergic neurons and reversed the the enzyme indolamine 2, 3-dioxygenase (56).
behavioral phenotype (63). The recent emphasis on neuroplasticity as a critical
There have also been animal studies that combined ex- neurobiological substrate for depressive disorders suggests
perimental ischemic lesions with social isolation or chronic that synaptic alterations in the prefrontal cortex and hip-
mild stress protocols implemented during the recovery pocampus may be etiologically implicated in PSD. In sup-
process after stroke (64). Permanent left middle cerebral port, BDNF levels, one of the regulators of these processes,
artery occlusion with a 14-day chronic mild stress protocol have been shown to be reduced in PSD (68). A recent study of
produced a depressive phenotype characterized by de- 216 patients with acute ischemic stroke reported the results
creased exploratory behavior and sucrose consumption, a of a multivariate analysis showing that lower serum levels of
behavioral effect that was reversed by the administration of BDNF at admission were an independent predictor of PSD at
citalopram and a 5-HT1A antagonist along with evidence of the 3-month follow-up (69). Furthermore, a meta-analysis
increased neurogenesis in the hippocampus (64). performed by Noonan et al. (59) based on 33 studies reported
Unfortunately, there have been relatively few studies of that lower serum BDNF was found in patients with PSD
the mechanisms of PSD in clinical populations. Decreased compared with nondepressed control subjects. Additionally,
CSF levels of serotonin or norepinephrine metabolites, HPA axis deregulation and increased levels of proinflammatory
however, were significantly associated with severity of PSD cytokines may inhibit neurogenesis in the hippocampus and
(65). It has also been hypothesized that ischemic lesions of decrease the neuroplasticity of the prefrontal cortex con-
ascending monoamine pathways may result in depressive tributing to the onset and perpetuation of PSD (70).
disorders due to abnormal modulation of frontal and cin- Finally, a preliminary study using magnetic resonance
gulate regions involved in mood regulation (18). spectroscopy found altered glutamate levels in the anterior
There is a growing consensus that ischemic lesions (single cingulate cortex of depressed stroke patients (71).
and/or multiple) of the neural circuits that connect the Thus, although there are numerous possible physiological
prefrontal cortex, basal ganglia, thalamus, and amygdala mechanisms related to PSD, many investigators have con-
(independently of their lateralization) may disrupt mood cluded that this complex disorder, like most of the major psy-
regulation and executive function leading to a similar clinical chiatric disorders not associated with stroke, may best
presentation. Furthermore, there appears to be a threshold by be described as a bio-psycho-social disorder. However, this
which the confluence of multiple etiological factors or further general theoretical framework does little to help us elucidate
damage to specific white matter tracts, such as the cingulate pathophysiological mechanisms leading to specific symptoms.
bundle, the uncinate fasciculus, and superior longitudinal These different etiological factors described above may have
fasciculus, triggers the onset of clinical depression. Thus, more salient roles in some forms or symptoms of PSD, and also
acute ischemia can unveil the presence of vascular depression their effects may vary at different times after the stroke. We
(58), or a strategically located stroke might produce de- believe future studies should attempt to identify the mecha-
pression independently of the presence of widespread nism of specific symptoms or clinical characteristics of PSD
cerebrovascular pathology. rather than the whole syndrome.
From a network standpoint, resting connectivity patterns
revealed by functional MRI appear to be similar in vascular
depression and PSD, with increased activation of the default
mode network and limbic structures and decreased activation
of task-related networks and the dorsolateral aspects of the The randomized double-blind controlled treatment
prefrontal cortex (66). trials of PSD are shown in Table 1. The first randomized
Earlier studies also examined the occurrence of HPA axis double-blind treatment trial was reported in 1984 by
deregulation in PSD, particularly the association of PSD with Lipsey et al. (6). Patients randomly assigned to nortrip-
elevated cortisol levels and abnormal negative feedback tyline (50 mg–100 mg/day) had a significantly greater
control of cortisol secretion (57). More recently, a number reduction in Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D)
of studies have provided support for the role of proin- scores over 6 weeks of treatment compared with patients
flammatory cytokines in the development of PSD (56, 60). given a placebo. The first double-blind controlled trial to
This hypothesis has been supported by recently published examine the efficacy of SSRIs was reported by Andersen
studies in which increased serum concentrations of et al. in 1994 (72). Among 33 poststroke patients given
interleukin-6 (Il-6) were associated with increased severity citalopram (10 mg–20 mg/day), there was a significantly
of somatic symptoms of PSD (67). There is a bidirectional re- greater reduction in HAM-D scores over 6 weeks com-
lationship between HPA axis deregulation and the levels of pared with 33 similarly depressed patients given placebo.
inflammatory cytokines by which high cortisol levels induce A meta-analysis of 16 randomized controlled trials
an inflammatory response that, in turn, will result in further (12 using antidepressants and four evaluating the efficacy
HPA axis deregulation. Furthermore, increased levels of of psychotherapy) that included 1,655 patients found a

6 ajp in Advance


TABLE 1. Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Treatment Studies of Poststroke Depressiona

(N and
Maximum Daily Evaluation Completion
Study N Dose) Duration Measure Results Response Rate Rate
Lipsey et al. (6) 34 Nortriptyline 6 weeks HAM-D; Zung Intent to treat Completers: 11 of 14
(N514; 100 Depression and efficacy: nortriptyline, nortriptyline;
mg/day) Scale Nortriptyline. 100%; placebo, 15 of 20
Placebo (N520) placebo 33%; placebo
Reding et al. (83) 27 Trazodone Mean 32 Zung Efficacy: trazodone. NR
(N57; 200 days Depression placebo on Barthel
mg/day); (SD=6) Scale Activities of Daily
placebo (N59) Living Index for
patients with
suppression test
Andersen et al. (72) 66 Citalopram 6 weeks HAM-D; Intent to treat: Completers: 26 of 33
(N533; 20 Melancholia citalopram.placebo citalopram, 61%; citalopram
mg/day, 10 mg Scale placebo, 29%
for patients
.65 years);
Grade et al. (84) 21 Methylphen- 3 weeks HAM-D Intent to treat: NR 9 of 10
idate (N510; methylphenidate. methylphen-
30 mg/day); placebo idate; 10 of 11
placebo placebo
Robinson et al. (85) 56 Fluoxetine 12 weeks HAM-D Intent to treat: Fluoxetine, 14%; 14 of 23
(N523; 40 nortriptyline. nortriptyline, fluoxetine;
mg/day); fluoxetine5placebo 77%; placebo, 13 of 16 nor-
nortriptyline 31% triptyline;
(N516; 100 13 of 17
mg/day); placebo
Wiart et al. (86) 31 Fluoxetine 6 weeks Montgomery Intent to treat: Fluoxetine, 62%; 14 of 16
(N516; 20 mg/ Åsberg fluoxetine.placebo placebo, 33% fluoxetine;
day); placebo Depression 15 of 15
(N515) Rating Scale placebo
Fruehwald et al. (87) 54 Fluoxetine 12 weeks Beck Depression HAM-D score .15; HAM-D score #13: 26 of 28 fluox-
(N528; 20 Inventory, fluoxetine5placebo; fluoxetine, 69%; etine;
mg/day); HAM-D HAM-D scores , 13; placebo, 75% 24 of 26
placebo fluoxetine5placebo placebo
Rampello et al. (88) 31 Reboxetine 16 weeks Beck Depression Reboxetine.placebo NR NR
(N516; 4 mg/ Inventory, for intellectually
day); placebo HAM-D challenged
(N515) depressed patients
Choi-Kwon et al. 152 Fluoxetine 3 months Beck Depression Fluoxetine5placebo NR 15 of 76
(89) (N576; 20 Inventory fluoxetine;
mg/day); 12 of 76
placebo placebo
HAM-D5Hamilton Depression Rating Scale; NR5not reported.

significant beneficial effect of antidepressant medication, It should be acknowledged that treatment with anti-
whereas psychotherapy was not more effective than a control depressants is not without risk. For example, SSRI use has
intervention (73). Brief psychosocial therapies, however, that been associated with an increased risk of hemorrhagic
place emphasis on care management, psycho-education, complications and increased risk of falls in the elderly (76).
and family support can be beneficial to treat or prevent PSD in Furthermore, other epidemiological studies have reported
combination with antidepressant treatment (74, 75). that SSRIs are associated with increased risk for stroke,

ajp in Advance 7


FIGURE 3. Randomized Controlled Trials for Evaluation of Preventative Treatments for Poststroke Depressiona
Percent of Original Sample Developing Depression 30

Escitalopram (10 mg <65 years;

25 5 mg >65 years)
Problem solving therapy
Sertraline (63 mg Rasmussen;
20 50 mg Almeida)
Fluoxetine (20 mg)


Robinson Rasmussen Almeida Chollet Tsai
et al. (79) et al. (90) et al. (91) et al. (50) et al. (82)
(52 weeks) (52 weeks) (24 weeks) (12 weeks) (52 weeks)

Completers 134 67 56 88 56
Randomized 176 137 92 113 111

Although the trials show very similar results in the percent of patients developing depression with placebo or pharmacological treatment, the
Robinson et al. (79), Tsai et al. (82), and Chollet et al. (50) trials had sufficient power to demonstrate statistical significance.

myocardial infarction, and all-cause mortality (77, 78). SSRI. There were no significant active and placebo group
The effect of these antidepressants may be due to inter- differences in the frequency of side effects of nausea,
actions with other variables such as depression, disability, diarrhea, fatigue, and dizziness.
and comorbid medical conditions that require further
Finally, the American Heart Association recommends the
use of antidepressants for PSD, which should be continued As recently as the 1970s, PSD was regarded as a psychological
after recovery for at least 6 months (32). and perhaps inevitable reaction to stroke-related disability.
Since that time, progress in ascertaining the diagnosis and
Prevention of PSD prevalence of PSD, the risk factors for PSD, the effect of PSD
Perhaps the major advance in the treatment of PSD has been on physical recovery, cognitive recovery, and mortality, as
the demonstration of preventive treatment (Figure 3). The well as the treatment and prevention of PSD, has been
first statistically significant randomized controlled trial of substantial. Thus, it seems to us that identifying additional
prevention of PSD was conducted by Robinson et al. (79), aspects of the mechanism of PSD is the most urgent need
published in 2008, in which 58 nondepressed acute stroke for future research because it may lead to a more specific
patients treated with escitalopram (5 mg/day for patients therapeutic intervention. For example, studies of the role of
over age 65; 10 mg/day for patients ages 65 and under) over the association of Il-6 with somatic symptoms of depression
1 year had an incidence of PSD of 8.5% compared with 11.9% (67) and the association of low levels of serum BDNF within
for 59 patients receiving problem solving therapy and 22.4% hours after stroke with the development of depression after
for 59 patients receiving placebo. Controlling for age, gender, 3 months following stroke (69) are intriguing findings that
severity of stroke, and severity of impairment, the risk of may lead to identification of how specific symptoms of PSD
onset of depression for placebo patients was more than four may be mediated, as well as suggesting that neurotrophic
times greater than the risk for patients treated with esci- and anti-inflammatory agents may be effective in treating
talopram (adjusted hazard ratio54.5; 95% CI52.4–8.2, or preventing not only PSD but other neuropsychiatric dis-
p,0.001). orders resulting from stroke (81).
The most recent meta-analysis of prevention trials sum- Other urgent areas for future research include deter-
marized the findings of eight randomized controlled trials mining the mechanisms of increased mortality extending
assessing the efficacy of preventive interventions among 776 over at least 7 years following PSD and elucidating the
initially nondepressed stroke patients (80). Pooled analyses mechanism by which antidepressants enhance physical and
revealed that the likelihood of developing PSD was reduced cognitive recovery after stroke even in the absence of PSD.
among subjects receiving active pharmacologic treatment, The neurogenesis induced by SSRIs is a likely potential
especially following a 1-year treatment, and with the use of an mechanism.

8 ajp in Advance


AUTHOR AND ARTICLE INFORMATION 18. Robinson RG: The Clinical Neuropsychiatry of Stroke, 2nd ed. New
From the Department of Psychiatry, Carver College of Medicine, University of York, Cambridge University Press, 2006, p 470
Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa; the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, 19. Kohen R, Cain KC, Mitchell PH, et al: Association of serotonin
Houston; and the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, transporter gene polymorphisms with poststroke depression. Arch
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston. Gen Psychiatry 2008; 65:1296–1302
20. Kim JM, Stewart R, Kang HJ, et al: A longitudinal study of SLC6A4
Address correspondence to Dr. Robinson ([email protected]). DNA promoter methylation and poststroke depression. J Psychiatr
Dr. Robinson has received compensation for participation in an advisory Res 2013; 47:1222–1227
committee meeting sponsored by Avanir Pharmaceuticals; he has received 21. Kim JM, Stewart R, Kang HJ, et al: A longitudinal study of BDNF
lecture honorarium from Xiang-Janssen Pharmaceuticals; he has received promoter methylation and genotype with poststroke depression.
research funding from the Senator Financial Group; he has served as a J Affect Disord 2013; 149:93–99
consultant to Otsuka Pharmaceuticals; and he receives royalties from 22. De Ryck A, Brouns R, Geurden M, et al: Risk factors for poststroke
Cambridge University Press. Dr. Jorge has received lecture honoraria from depression: identification of inconsistencies based on a systematic
Janssen. review. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol 2014; 27:147–158
Received Mar. 23, 2015; revisions received July 17, and Aug. 20, 2015; 23. Kutlubaev MA, Hackett ML: Part II: predictors of depression after
accepted Aug. 28, 2015. stroke and impact of depression on stroke outcome: an updated
systematic review of observational studies. Int J Stroke 2014; 9:
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