Digital Guiding Principles - Responsible Marketing
Digital Guiding Principles - Responsible Marketing
Digital Guiding Principles - Responsible Marketing
Global Implementation
September 2017
• We need to close the gap by the end of the year or face further scrutiny on our
inability to self-regulate
• Alcohol beverage digital marketing communications should not misrepresent their commercial purpose.
• Alcohol beverage companies should display information on privacy policy.
Age-affirmation mechanism / Clause 2.4: “We will ensure that all AB InBev websites use an age-
Age-gate affirmation mechanism”
Clause 6.1: “All AB InBev brand and corporate websites must contain an
age-affirmation mechanism”
Clause 7: “In general: for AB InBev’s no-alcohol beer products we will
adhere to all provisions under the ‘Legal Drinking Age’ & ‘Digital’ principles”
Transparency Clause 6.2: “Content created by AB InBev must always be transparent in
showing the commercial nature of the communications”
User Generated Content (UGC) Clause 6.2: “If [user-generated] content is placed on channels that we
control (AB InBev brand and corporate sites), we will monitor it and remove
any inappropriate content within 48 hours of when it is posted”
Forward Advice Notice (FAN) Clause 2.5: “Digital communication created by or under AB InBev’s
control…shall include a reminder to the user not to send to those who are
under the legal drinking age”
Clause 6.3: “Any e-mail that is designed to be forwarded should also contain
instructions for the recipient that he or she should not forward the message to
individuals below the legal drinking age.”
Responsible Drinking Clause 1.7: “We will strive to ensure that all AB InBev advertising (i.e. print,
Mechanism (RDM) electronic, digital, out-of-home ads) and websites carry a clear, easy-to-read
responsible drinking message, where feasible”
Clause 6.1: “Websites and sponsored sites (e.g. Facebook pages, Twitter
feeds, apps, etc.) should also carry responsible drinking messages”
Privacy Clause 6.4: “We will respect strict rules about the use of consumers’ online
data for marketing and have clear data privacy statements that we encourage
our consumers to read”
Age-gate mechanism
Stella Artois
YouTube page UGC Privacy
featuring Age-
gate mechanism
• Organise briefing session for Marketing & Corporate Affairs teams along with
Agency partners in each BU
• Check all local digital platforms for compliance against DGPs, immediately
address any gaps
• A globally administered audit will conducted across ALL Zones at the end of
October to check compliance
8% fully compliant 13% fully compliant
29% had 5 of 6 safeguards 54% had 5 of 6 safeguards
Notes: Results are from independent audit of 192 items across ABI social media platforms in Australia, Chile, Colombia, South Africa, France, Germany, Italy,
Spain, Netherlands, and UK; full compliance only achieved if all applicable safeguards featured; some safeguards do not apply to all social media platforms
Long Term
• Review DGPs inclusion in Marketing Excellence Program
• Integrate to MEP 2018 update
• Review adherence to DGP as part of yearly audit
The Principle: User Generated Content (UGC) posted on alcohol beverage company-
controlled digital platforms should be moderated on a regular and frequent basis.
• “Please see our rules for engagement: [link]”
• Or full mention of the rules in the “about” section
In Practice: Brands need to communicate their Privacy Policy. Ideally, such privacy
policy should include, if relevant, information regarding direct marketing, and obtain
consent for it, along with the opportunity to opt-out of such marketing.
It can be just a link redirecting to a corporate global website with the general privacy
For Social Media platforms, the platform’s privacy policy is currently enough from a
‘DGP implementation’ perspective (pending EU data protection regulations may change
this, in which case Global would provide revised instructions).
Official signpost
Official signpost
“Please only share our
posts with those who are
of legal drinking age”
“Forward to those of
legal drinking age only”
Examples (FAN):
“Please only share our
posts with those who are
of legal drinking age”
“Forward to those of
legal drinking age only”
At this time, YouTube does not allow for an official signpost to be included on a page unless you
have at least 100K subscribers. If this is not your case, a statement in the channel’s description
(when searching the channel) and the ‘about’ tab should be included. E.g. “This is the official
YouTube - FAN
Age-gate mechanism
UGC Privacy
Websites – FAN
Where: ideally on the main page at
the stage of the age-verification
mechanism, but can also be easily
introduced in the Terms &
Conditions or Responsibility tab.
“Please only share our posts with
those who are of legal drinking age”
Where: it should be
well visible on the
main description of
the app (at the pre-
installation stage)