CORBA and Java Compared: Object Model: Jan Kleindienst

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CORBA and Java Compared: Object Model

Jan Kleindienst
[email protected]

Dept. of Computer Science,

Faculty of Mathematic and Physic,
Charles University, Prague
Watson Research
IBM Prague
Murmanská 4/1475
100 00 Prague 10

Abstract: This paper compares Java and CORBA object models. By

identifying main characteristics, the paper highlights similarities and
differences of both models. Moreover, the key concepts of both object
models are overviewed, including object definition, operations, requests,
types, interfaces, classes, meta-classes, and inspection. A brief comparison
of both models is presented at the end of the paper.
This paper has been written as an attempt to map and compare features and capabilities of two
distributed object systems that seem to attract more and more interest these days — Java and
CORBA. Each system is represented by its object model that defines what is the notion of
object for this system, how the system treats objects in terms of lifetime, operation invocation,
mutual communication, etc. Object models are distinguished based on the number of types for
which a given operation can be defined. Classical object models require operations to be
defined on a single type. If a model allows operation to be defined on zero or more types, it is
denoted as a generalized object model. Both CORBA and Java are examples of classical
object models.

The Java Object Model specifies what is Java object and describes its features. Java Object
Model deals with non-distributed objects only. The Java Distributed Object Model extends the
Java Object Model by defining Java remote objects. Section 1 overviews both the Java Object
Model and the Java Distributed Object Model.

The main goal of the OMG Core Object Model aims at providing common ground for hundreds
of vendors of the OMG technology to ensure compatibility between their implementations. The
Core model provides a common language and terminology for all OMG-compliant products.
The CORBA Object Model stems for the Core Object Model by translating the Core Object
Model concepts into the CORBA technology language combined with the support of the
Interface Definition Language (IDL). Section 2 overviews the CORBA Object Model, which is
based on the OMG Core Object Model. Section 3 concludes this paper by a one-page
comparison of both models.

1. Java Distributed Object Model

The following section overviews two Java object models: The Java Object Model (JOM) serves
as a bottom line for the all Java-based technology. The second model denoted by JavaSoft as
the Java Distributed Object Model (JDOM) [SUNJDOM] is younger and forms a theoretical
background for the Remote Message Invocation, which is a pilot implementation of the Java
Distributed Object System. This fact makes it more suitable (over the Java Object Model) for
the comparison with the CORBA Object Model.

1.1 Basic Concepts of the Java Object Model

There is no publication dedicated to the Java Object Model. Basic concepts are described in
[GJS96]. The importance of the Java Object Model increased rapidly with the introduction of
the Java Distributed Object Model.

1.2 Basic Concepts of the Java Distributed Object Model

The document [SunDOM] highlights similarities and differences of the JOM and JDOM.
Similarly to Java objects, remote Java objects can be also passed as an argument of any
method invocation, can be cast to any of the set of remote interfaces, and keep the same
semantics of the instanceof operator. There are however several changes to the invocation
semantics of the remote objects contrasted to classical objects. These changes include passing
non-remote arguments of remote methods by copy, passing remote arguments of remote
methods by reference, specialized semantics of several methods of the Object class, and more
complex exception handling for remote objects.

1.3 Objects

For the Java Object Model, an object is an instance of a class. The object data are called
instance variables and they can be accessed for reading and writing if they are declared as

The Java Distributed Object Model introduces a notion of remote object. It is an object which
methods can be invoked from another JVM potentially located on a different host. Such objects
expose their methods via remote interfaces. Remote interfaces are specified as regular Java
interfaces (using the Java interface keyword). Based on the previous definitions, remote
method invocation is a process of invoking a method on a remote object. Remote invocations
have the same syntax as calls on local methods.

Let us take a look how is the Java Distributed Object Model implemented at the language level.
The java.rmi.server.RemoteObject class describes semantics of remote objects.
RemoteObject extends the Object1 class and overloads some of its methods such as
hashcode(), equals(), and toString() to define a new semantics for remote objects.
The java.rmi.server.RemoteServer class allows creation of remote objects and
automates exporting their interfaces. The class java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject
is a subclass of java.rmi.server.RemoteServer and implements a TCP/IP-based object
that is typically used as a starting point for building user servers. The inheritance hierarchy of
these three server-side located classes is depicted on Figure 1.




Figure 1: Inheritance hierarchy of

RemoteObject, RemoteServer,
and UnicastRemoteObject

The following code snippet (Code example 1) undertaken from [SunJDOM] illustrates how
java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject can be used for implementing user-defined
remote object BankAccountImpl that implements the remote interface BankAccount.

Object is a common superclass to all Java objects. It defines nine operations that each Java object
implements. There operations are clone(), equals(), finalize(), getClass(),
hashCode(), notify(), notifyAll(), toString(), and wait().

package my_package;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;

public class BankAccountImpl

extends UnicastRemoteObject
implements BankAccount
public void deposit (float amount) throws RemoteException {
public void withdraw (float amount) throws OverdrawnException,
RemoteException {
public float balance() throws RemoteException {

Code example 1: Extending the java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject class

1.3.1 Operations

For the Java Distributed Object Model, methods defined by remote interfaces (i.e. methods that
implement the Remote interface) must declare the RemoteException exception. Catching
RemoteException guarantees that the method will be able to recover when that invocation
fails. If a remote object is an argument or a return value of method, then the formal parameter
must be declared as a remote interface rather then a class. Furthermore, local objects passed as
arguments of remote calls are passed by copy and must implement the Serializable
interface. Java runtime marshals (serializes, in the JavaSoft terminology) such objects,
transfers their content to the server and unmarshals them in the environment of the remote
JVM. The RMI programmer may choose to protect some local objects from leaving the space
of the local JVM by not making them serializable. This is achieved by the objects’ not
implementing the Serializable interface. When the RMI runtime comes across such objects,
marshalling fails and the runtime throws NotSerializableException. Passing of remote
and local objects as arguments of a remote invocation is illustrated by Figure 2.

1.3.2 Requests

In contrast to CORBA, Java offers no notion of request and request form (Section 2.3.2). The
invocation of a method on a remote object is called the remote method invocation in Java.

1.3.3 Exceptions

For the Java Distributed Object Model, there is one common base class for all RMI-related
exceptions — java.rmi.RemoteException. Since Java requires all methods of remote
interfaces to declare RemoteException in their throw clause, the RMI runtime is able to
catch all remote exception which adds to robustness of the system.

Serializable interface A

C Remote interface


a) E

proxy A


b) E

Figure 2: When the operation op is invoked on E with one remote object A and
two remote objects B and C as parameters (a), A is passed by reference and B and
C as copy (b). If D were passed the call would fail since D does not implement the
Serializable interface.

1.3.4 Specification of behavioral semantics

Java does not define how the incoming invocations will be processed. Behavior in Java is
defined by the execution order of class methods.

1.3.5 State

An object state is defined by object attributes. Changing attributes means changing the state.

1.3.6 Object Lifetime

Java objects are typically created by special objects called classloaders that are responsible for
creating objects image on the system heap. New classloader object can be created by deriving
from the java.lang.ClassLoader. For example, the java.applet package defines
AppletClassLoader, while the java.rmi package introduces RMIClassLoader. Objects
cease to exist when the Java automatic background garbage collection detects they are no
longer used and reclaim them from the system heap. Object can implement the finalize()
method where they can implement their „final wish“. This method is called by the garbage
collector just before such object is deleted from the memory. For remote objects (i.e.
superclasses of RemoteObject) finalize can be used for example to deactivate the object
server that is responsible for maintaining such remote objects.

1.3.7 Communication Model

The Java communication model is synchronous. When event source (Section 1.3.8) calls the
listener, the call in carried on in the source’s thread. Also, the RMI communication model is
synchronous. Clients wait in the invocation thread for the server’s results. In contrast, the
CORBA event model implemented by the OMG Event Service [OMGEvents] allows
asynchronous event delivery.

1.3.8 Events

The Java event delegation mechanism (first described in the JavaBeans specification
[SunJavaBeans]) decouples event sources and event listeners. This model is called delegation,
since it allows the programmer to delegate authority for event handling to any object that
implements the appropriate listener interface. Events are mostly used in the AWT package for
changing object state information by delivering mouse clicks, keyboard actions, and window
component updates. One-to-many relationship is defined by having one source provide AWT
events to many listeners (Figure 3) by calling methods on their EventListener interface.
Listeners must register with the event source. Events themselves are defined as immutable
objects derived from java.util.EventObject. Special objects called adapters (see
Section 1.6) can be interposed between the source and the listeners that augment event delivery
with additional semantics. The main idea is to provide means for event queuing, filtering, and
demultiplexing. Adaptors may for example implement the concept of event channel (Section
2.3.10) defined by the OMG Event Service (ES). Further comparison to the OMG Event
Service reveals that the Java events implement only the push model semantics (Section 2.3.10)
of the OMG Event Service by pushing events from sources to listeners. Listeners cannot poll
servers for events as in the Event Service pull model.

Code example 3 illustrates using the event delegation model in JDK1.1 for delivering button
click events to the registered listener. The mybutton button in the EventSource applet
generates the ActionEvent. This event is delivered to the ClickHandler class that needs to
implement the ActionListener interface. ClickHandler first must register itself with
mybutton by calling the addActionListener() method. The method adds reference to the
ClickHandler to the list of already registered listeners (kept as a private field within the
mybutton object). When a mouse click occurs, mybutton iterates over this list and calls the
actionPerformed() method on each listener.

JKD 1.1 currently defines the event delegation mechanism as a recommended solution for
delivering events from event sources to event listeners. The event model used in earlier versions
of JDK suffered a huge inefficiency when delivering fired events from source objects to
consumer objects. Here is the description of the old-style event model as described in

The event model in AWT 1.0 was quite simple. All events were passed up the
inheritance hierarchy forcing objects to catch and process events by subclassing
and overriding either the handleEvent() or action() methods. Complex if-then-
else conditional logic was required in the top level object to determine which
object triggered an event. This was not scalable and was ill-suited to high-
performance distributed applications.

1. S.addXListener(L1)

2. S.addXListener(L2)

Event XListener
Source L2



Figure 3: The basics of the event delegation model: Let X be an event, for
example the Action event. Listeners L1 and L2 first have to register
themselves with the event source S by calling addActionListener() [1.,2.].
When Action occurs S sends the ActionEvent object to both registered
listeners [3.]. The act of sending the ActionEvent is translated to the call on
a method of the ActionListener interface with the ActionEvent object as
Thus in the old-style event model, a simple mouse click event could bubble up through the
whole hierarchy of GUI application classes till it reached its consumer. The efficiency of the
event model was the key motivation for introducing the new event delegation model. The event
delegation model delivers events directly to registered listeners without having them to wander
in the AWT class hierarchy and waiting for object that will have consumed them.

1.4 Binding

For a client to be able to invoke a remote operation on an object, it must first obtain a reference
to this object. The RMI provides a simple bootstrapping mechanism that relies on the Java
Naming (or at least its first implementation, further version of Java Naming are in pipe as
documented by [SunJNDI]). The remote object have to register itself using the
java.rmi.Naming.bind() method. This call causes that the pair <object_name,
object_reference> is registered with the Java Naming. The client calls the
java.rmi.Naming.lookup() method with a human readable object_name passed as an
argument, and the method returns a stub object, that mediates invocation to the actual remote
object. Code example 2 undertaken from [SunJDOM] documents the point.

BankAccount acct = new BankAccountImpl();

String url = „rmi://“;
// Bind url to remote object
// Lookup account in the client code
BankAccount acct = (BankAccount) java.rmi.Naming.lookup(url);

Code example 2: Binding and looking up object reference

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

// ActionEvent producer
public class EventSource extends Applet {
Button mybutton;

public EventSource() {
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
mybutton = new Button("Click Me");

mybutton.addActionListener( new ClickHandler() );


// ActionEvent consumer
class ClickHandler implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
System.out.println("Button clicked! Event:" + e);

Code example 3: Example of using the event delegation model

1.5 Polymorphism

All methods in Java are "virtual" in the C++ sense; that is, method invocations are resolved
dynamically. Also, Java has a notion of an abstract class that can declare abstract methods.
These can be later implemented by subclasses. Generally, Java supports polymorphism by
allowing methods defined by a superclass to be overwritten (overloaded) by subclasses and
based on the actual object type properly resolved at runtime.

1.6 Encapsulation

Fields and methods encapsulated in classes can be tagged with public, protected, and
private modifiers, which affect their visibility to other Java classes. By provision of
packages, Java conveys the idea of encapsulation to somewhat higher level of abstraction.
Modifiers applied to classes assess their visibility outside the package, which encapsulate them.
Using protected modifier lack sense this respect. A field declared without the modifier is
considered as a package-private. Such field is visible to all classes inside the package but it not
visible from non-package classes.

Before JDK1.1 had arrived, top-level classes were the only design option in Java. Top-level
classes are those contained in packages2. The design decisions to deploy the delegated event
model in the new AWT combined with the pressing needs to provide an alternative to multiple
inheritance caused introduction of inner classes. Inner classes are classes that may be declared
inside another class or even inside a class method. JavaSoft has the following on inner classes:

Inner classes result from the combination of block structures with class-based
programming, which was pioneered by the programming language Beta.

If the class does not define the package where it belongs, Java assigns it to the default package. Thus
all classes are contained in a package by definition.

To confuse the enemy, inner classes declared as static are considered top-level classes.
According to JavaSoft [SunInnerCls], the key difference between the top-level and inner classes
is that inner classes can make direct use not only of their instant variables but also of the fields
of the class declaring the inner class.

Class Member of Direct Use of

Inner • Class • inner class instant variables
• Method • instant variables of class where the
inner class is declared
Top-level • package • the top-level class instant variables
• class, but declared only

The following paragraphs show how inner classes help Java to cope with lack of multiple
inheritance. The event delegation model (that is closely described in Section 1.3.8) of the AWT
in JKD 1.1 defines event sources, which fire events to event listeners. The AWT event listeners
must implement special interfaces, which may in some cases represent overkill for the
application. Suppose a simple application displays a button and needs to monitor mouse clicks
on this button. The code of this application is presented in Code example 4. To facilitate
catching mouse clicks, the Clicker applet must implement the MouseListener interface.
Although Clicker is interested in being notified only when someone clicks the button, it has to
implement the rest of MouseListener methods just to get the code compiled. This may be
annoying for the programmer and the inconvenience grows with larger applications.

To alleviate this inconvenience, JKD 1.1 introduced adapter classes, which “pre-implements”
the listener interfaces. A typical example of an adapter class would be the MouseAdapter
class that implements empty bodies of the MouseListener interface. Here is the code:

class MouseAdaptor implements MouseListener {

public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent e ) {
public void mouseEntered( MouseEvent e) {}
public void mouseExited( MouseEvent e) {}
public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e) {}
public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent e) {}

The code from Code example 4 can be rewritten as shown in Code example 6. The programmer
now shakes off the burden of implementing empty bodies of MousedListener. Instead, he or
she may use the MouseAdaptor class implemented by a third party and make thus the code
more readable. Although this code may now seem elegant, it suffers one fundamental
drawback: it would not compile! The reason is Java does not support multiple inheritance of
classes, and since both Applet and MouseAdaptor are classes, the following statement from
Code example 6 is syntactically wrong:

public class Clicker extends Applet, MouseAdapter {

So we have this nice third-party adapter class but we cannot use it due to the absence of class
multiple inheritance in Java. Time is now ripe for employing inner classes.

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class Clicker extends Applet implements MouseListener {

Button mybutton;

// Display the button

public Clicker() {
top.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
mybutton = new Button("Click Me");

mybutton.addMouseListener( this );

// Originally abstract methods of MouseListener interface

public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent e ) { // I need this one
System.out.println("mouse clicked");
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {} // But I do not
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {} // need the rest
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {}
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {}

Code example 4: Inconvenient use of the MouseListener interface

The inner class ClickCatcher in Code example 5 bypasses the necessity to use multiple
inheritance. As depicted at Figure 4, the multiple inheritance translates to a pair of single
inheritance relations by utilizing the inner class. Note that an instance of the inner class is

mport java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class Clicker extends Applet {

Button mybutton;

// Display the button

public Clicker() {
top.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
mybutton = new Button("Click Me");

mybutton.addMouseListener( new ClickCatcher() );


// The inner class implementing the MouseListener interface

class ClickCatcher extends MouseAdapter {
public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent e ) {
System.out.println("mouse clicked");

// Originally abstract methods of MouseListener interface

public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent e ) { // I need this one
System.out.println("mouse clicked");

Code example 5: Deploying inner classes

registered with the mybutton object when calling the addMouseListener() function in
Code example 5.

A pp let
M o useA dap te r A pple t M ous eA da pter

C lic ker
C lic ke r b)

C lic kC atch er

Figure 4: Multiple inheritance (a) translates to two single inheritance relationships

(b): one for Clicker, one for the inner class ClickCatcher

There are more interesting things to inner classes. They can be declared inside methods such as

Foo myFooGenerator (int seed)

class Foo {
private int startValue;
public Foo (int seed) { startValue = seed; }
Foo genFoo = new Foo(seed);
return Foo;

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class Clicker extends Applet, MouseAdapter {

Button mybutton;

// Display the button

public Clicker() {
top.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
mybutton = new Button("Click Me");

mybutton.addMouseListener( this );

// Originally abstract methods of MouseListener interface

public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent e ) { // I need this one
System.out.println("mouse clicked");

Code example 6: Oops, we do not have multiple inheritance of classes in Java

or even declared in time when they are going to be used (called anonymous inner classes in
such case):

Foo myFooGenerator (int seed)

return new class Foo(seed) {
private int startValue;
public Foo (int seed) { startValue = seed; }

The programs using inner classes are backward compatible with the older releases of JDK at
the level of class files. The bottom line is that inner classes are transparently compiled to top-
level classes, using the special dollar ($) naming convention. For example the inner class from
Code example 5 would be known to the Java Virtual Machine as Clicker$ClickCatcher.
The reader can find more on inner classes online in [SunInnerCls].

1.7 Identity, Equality, Copy

Java objects can be tested for equivalence using the equals(Object obj) method declared
in the java.lang.Object. JDK online documentation says:

The equals() method for class Object implements the most discriminating
possible equivalence relation on objects; that is, for any reference values x and
y, this method returns true if and only if x and y refer to the same object (x==y
has the value true).

java.lang.Object also provides the clone() method that servers as a “copy constructor”
for creating the same copies of the source class. The cloning itself is "automagically" handled
by the Java runtime without the necessity to provide a copy constructor as it would be required
in C++.

Both methods can be overwritten by subclasses in case more suitable semantics is required.
Classes that overwrite clone() must also implement the Clonable interface to express their
real interest of being cloned. Otherwise, CloneNotSupportedException is thrown by the
Java runtime at the time of cloning.

1.8 Types, Interfaces, and Classes

Classes are “templates” for creating objects. Classes are not objects. Several objects can share
class static attributes and methods. The Java Distributed Object Model introduces a notion of
remote interfaces that expose semantics of remote objects. Technically, all remote interfaces
directly or indirectly inherits from the Remote interface. Classes may implement any number
of remote interfaces. Class methods not specified by remote interfaces can used only locally
and are not visible in remote stubs. One thing worth to emphasize is that the stub type
corresponds to the type of its implementing class.

stub has
type B

remote interface

implementation classes
Figure 5: Type equivalency of
remote objects with stubs. The stub
type is equivalent to the type of B.

1.9 Inheritance and Delegation

Java class relationships are defined in terms of inheritance. Hierarchical structure of the
inheritance tree always begins with the upper-most class Object. Subclasses inherit data and
methods from their superclasses. Abstract classes cannot be instanciated.

1.10 Metaclasses and Metaobject Protocol

Java designers rejected the idea of having a special metalanguage such as CORBA IDL
describing the fields and methods of Java classes. Instead, they implemented metalanguage
support in Java and integrated reflection APIs into the Java Core classes. The methods
getFields(), getMethods(), getConstructors(), getModifiers(),
getInterfaces(), etc. of the Class object are here to give a handle on performing
thorough introspection of Java classes.

1.11 Introspection

The java.lang.reflect package implements five classes: Array, Constructor, Field,

Method, and Modifier and specifies the Member interface. That provides enough artillery
for manipulating object states at the run-time. For example, the following code snippet (Code
example 7) shows how to print out all method names preceding with the substring get in a
class MyFoo and its superclasses.

Class cls = MyFoo.class;

Method methods[] = cls.getMethods();
for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
Method method = methods[i];
if (method.getName().startsWith(“get”))

Code example 7: Using introspection for getting class method names

Given a method name, a target object and the requested parameters, it is possible to invoke the
method represented by the Method object on the specified object with the specified parameters.
Code example 8 illustrates how it can be done. First, the method getBar() of the MyFoo class

is extracted to the getter class. Since getBar() takes no parameters, margs[] is initialized
to the empty array. Finally, getBar() is invoked on the class target with margs containing
parameters. If target does not implement getBar(), res. parameters have bad format, res.
an access violation is encountered, the following exceptions are thrown:
InvocationTargetException, res. IllegalArgumentException, res.

Class cls = MyFoo.class;

Method getter = cls.getMethod(“getBar”,cls);

Object margs[] = {};

try {
Bar mybar = getter.invoke(target, margs);
} catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println(ex); }

Code example 8: Invoking the getBar() method using the Java reflection API
Among others, the class Field provides the set() and get() methods for manipulating
objects’ attributes at run-time. Code example 9 documents how the value of the BarHolder
attribute of the MyFoo class can be obtained and subsequently changed.

The Modifier class provides static methods and constants to decode class and member access
modifiers. Modifier is useful for discovering whether a target class is abstract, a requested
method is private, a given field is static, an encountered interface is public, etc.

Class cls = MyFoo.class;

Field bar = cls.getField(“BarHolder”,cls);

Object margs[] = {};

try {
Bar mybar = bar.get(target);
System.out.println(“Value of BarHolder is:” + mybar);

mybar = …; // set a new value

bar.set( target , mybar);
System.out.println(“Value of BarHolder has been changed to:” +
} catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println(ex); }

Code example 9: Getting and setting value of BarHolder

The Constructor class provides information about, and access to, a single constructor for a
class. For example, it provides the newInstance() method that create a new instance of a
class given an array of parameters.

The Array class provides static methods to dynamically create and access Java arrays. This
class provides setter and getter methods that conveniently manipulate arrays such as
getFloat() and setChar().

Except Modifier and Array, the classes Constructor, Method, and Field implement the
interface Member that represents their role of containees in the class container. The Method
interface specifies only the following three methods: getDeclaringClass(),
getModifiers(), and getName() with obvious semantics.

The capability of java.lang.reflect package to introspect Java classes is heavily used by

the JavaBeans [SunJavaBeans], the component software environment implemented by
JavaSoft. JavaBeans interconnect two or more Java classes (called beans in this context) by

linking event bean sources with the event listeners. This so-called event delegation model is
described in Section 1.3.8. To accomplish this task, JavaBeans must be able to introspect
cooperating beans. JavaBeans define two approaches to discover what methods, events, and
properties a given bean exports.

• The low-level reflection mechanism relies on the special syntax extensions that based on
the well-defined method names allow guessing what properties a given class maintains. For
example, Bar.getFoo() and Bar.setFoo() methods hints to the reflection mechanism
that Bar has the property Foo. This first approach relies on the programmer’s discipline to
follow the set of required syntax extensions (denoted a bit confusingly as design patterns
by JavaSoft).

• The BeanInfo class represents a higher level approach. If a matching BeanInfo class is
found for an analyzed Java class, the java.beans.Inspector class responsible for
inspecting Java classes analyzes the information contained in the BeanInfo class to figure
out what methods, events, and properties this class exposes. If the corresponding
BeanInfo is not found, the introspection is carried on by the low-level reflection
mechanism described by the previous bullet.

It is possible to combine both approaches. For example, MyFooBeanInfo may describe only
methods and events of the MyFoo class, suggesting to java.beans.Introspector to find
the information on MyFoo properties via the low-lever reflection mechanism. A subset of the
JavaBeans API — the java.beans package — has become part of the Java Core packages.

2. CORBA Object Model

CORBA Object Model derives from the Core Object Model. The Core Object Model is denoted
as abstract object model. The adjective abstract suggests that this model is not implemented
by any particular technology (similar as abstract classes are not instanciated by any particular
program) but servers as a starting point for to-be-implemented object models. The following
sections describe the CORBA Object Model and its “base class” — the Core Object Model.

2.1 Basic Concepts of the Core Object Model

This is what OMG has to say about its Core Object Model [OMGExecutiveOverview]:

The OMG Object Model is based on a small number of basic concepts: objects,
operations, and types and subtyping. The OMG Object Model defines a core set
of requirements, based on the above mentioned basic concepts, that must be
supported in any system that complies with the Object Model standard. While
the Core Model serves as the common ground, the OMG Object Model also
allows for extensions to the Core to enable even greater commonality within
different technology domains. The concepts, known as Components and Profiles,
are supported by the OMA and are discussed at length in the OMA Guide.

OMG’s understanding of the object-oriented paradigm is reflected in the Core 92 Object

Model (Core92) [OMA95]. Core92 defines such concepts as object, inheritance, subtyping,
operations, signatures, etc. Additional concepts can be added to Core92 to create an extension
(component). A component should not replace, duplicate, and remove concepts. Components
should be orthogonal to each other. A profile is a combination of Core92 and one or more

components. Typical examples of profiles are the CORBA profile, the Common Object
Model, the ODP Reference Model, and the Core 95 Object Model [OMGCore95].

2.2 Basic Concepts of the CORBA Object Model

The concrete CORBA Object Model is built from its underlying abstract Core Object Model by
the following means:

• elaboration, e. g. by defining form of request parameters, or the language used for

specifying types

• population, e.g. by introducing specific objects, operations, and types based on existing

• restriction, e.g. by eliminating entities and placing additional restriction on their use

Elaboration, population, and restriction are the only transformations allowed. It is worth to
note that a concrete object model cannot extend the abstract object model by adding new object,
operation, and types that are not derived from the existing components. Each concrete model
must behave inside a box set by the abstract object model. Basically, abstract object model is a
„base class“ of all the concrete models that have been created by any of the three operations
defined above.

The CORBA Object Model is a classical object model, where a message uniquely identifies an
object, operation, and parameters. Based on the operation and the object type, a method that
implements this operation on this object is selected. Behind the scope of the CORBA Object
Model are concepts more properly related to architectural reference model such as compound
objects, links, copying of objects, change management, transaction, model of control and
execution. The CORBA Object Model defines concepts for both the client side of the
communication as well as for the implementation side located on the server (The CORBA
Object Model defines a client of a service as any entity capable of requesting the service).

• Client side: Concepts on the client side deal with issues of object creation, object identity,
requests and operation, types and signatures, etc.

• Implementation side: Object implementation side describes concepts related to methods,

execution engines, and activation.

The following section deals with various object model characteristics. Each section is divided
into two parts. The first part list definitions specified by the Core Object Model, while the
second part show how the CORBA Object Model elaborates, populates, or restricts the Core
Object Model.

2.3 Objects

The Core Object Model defines objects as instances of types. For the CORBA Object Model,
an object is an identifiable, encapsulated entity providing one or more services that can be
requested by a client.

2.3.1 Operations

Operation describes actions that can be applied to arguments. Each operation has a signature.
The signature consists of the operation’s name, list of arguments, and list of returned values, if
any. Formally, the operation O has the signature

O:(p1:t1,p2:t2,...,pn:tn) È (r :s ,r :s ,...,r :s ),
1 1 2 2 m m

where O is the name of the operation. The signature specifies n>=1 parameters with names pi
and types ti, and m>=0 results with names ri and types si.

Operations are always specified with a controlling parameter. Operation is defined on the type
of its (just one) controlling parameter. The Core Object Model is thus a classical model. All
operations on the particular type have distinct names. Operations can only be defined on object
types. For the Core Object Model, the concept of “operations being applied to objects” is
equivalent with “sending requests to objects”. Operations (definitions of signatures) are not

For the CORBA Object Model, an operation is an identifiable entity denoting a requested
service. It is not a value. Operations are identified by operation identifiers. In addition to the
Core Object Model, the CORBA Object Model augments the operation signature with
additional components:

• specification of exception that may be raised,

• specification of additional contextual information and
• indication of the execution semantics the client should expect from a request for the

To summarize, the general form of the operation signature for the CORBA Object Model is

[oneway] <return_type> <op_name> (p1, p2, ..., pk) [raises (e1, e2, ..., el)] [context(n1, n2, ..., n3

where oneway indicates that the client do not want to wait for the result value, pi are
parameters (i.e. , in, out, and inout), ei are allowed extensions, and ni indicates what
contextual information are required to be transported with the request.

2.3.2 Requests

An operation invocation is called request. A request indicates an operation and possibly lists
some arguments to which the operation will be applied. Request is send as a event on behalf of
requester. The outcome of sending request can be the following:

• returned result(s)
• state change with no immediate result(s) returned
• exception

The Core Object Model does not consider request to be objects. The CORBA Object Model is
more precise on what information requests convey. The information consists of an operation, a
target object, zero or more parameters, and an optional request context. A procedure of
preparing the request in a standardized manner is called request form. Request form depends
on the language binding used and varies for static and dynamic invocation. In the requests, an

actual parameter is represented by value. In addition to the IDL types, a value can also identify
an object. Such value is called object name. If a object name identifies the object reliably (this
rather diplomatic formulation is an outcome of OMG not having defined the comparison
operation on OIDs, otherwise uniquely would be the right word), CORBA Object Model
denoted it as an object reference.

On top of the return semantic defined by the Core Object Model, the CORBA Object Model
augments the semantic two statements:

• any output parameters are undefined if an exception is returned and

• values that can be returned in an input-output parameter may be constrained by the value
that was input.

2.3.3 Interfaces

The CORBA Object Model defines an object’s interface as a description of operation that the
client can possibly request on the object. An interface type is a type that is satisfied by any
object that satisfies a particular interface. Interfaces are specified in OMG IDL. Objects can
support multiple interfaces. The CORBA Object Model also defines a concept of the principal
interface, which consists of all operations in the transitive closure of the interface inheritance

2.3.4 Exceptions

For the CORBA Object Model, an exception is an indication that an operation request was not
performed successfully. Each exception may be accompanied by an additional information that
provides more details on the exception.

2.3.5 Specification of behavioral semantics

The Core Object Model does not specify the execution order of operations. The Core Object
Model does not care whether the client issues request sequentially or concurrently. Moreover,
formal specification of the operation semantic is not required. It is however a recommended
practice to include a comment that specifies the semantics of the operation, preconditions to be
met, postconditions to be guaranteed, and invariants to be preserved.

The CORBA Object Model defines two classes of execution semantics [OMGObjectModel]:

• At-most-once: if an operation request returns successfully, it was performed

exactly once; if it returns an exception indication, it was performed at-most -

• Best-effort: a best-effort operation is a request-only operation, i.e. it cannot

return any results and the requester never synchronizes with the completion,
if any, of the request

To avoid cases where the client would choose a two different semantics for one object
implementation, the execution semantic is associated with the operation. Best-effort semantic is
identified by the oneway keyword.

2.3.6 Execution and Construction

The execution model describes how services are performed. It defines the notion of a method as
a code that executes requested operation (the execution itself is denoted as method activation),
the notion of a method format defining a set of execution engines that can interpret the method,
where an execution engine is an abstract machine that can only interpret methods of a certain
format. The mechanism of the invocation is as follows: Upon receiving the client’s request, the
appropriate method is called. It takes input parameters delivered by the request and passes the
return value back to the client. Before the method activation, it may be necessary to first copy
an object state into the execution context; this action is called activation.

The construction model describes definition of services. Construction stems from the concept of
object implementation, that implements the object state, define object methods, and other
things that must ensure seamless object creation, invocation, and deletion.

2.3.7 State

State is important for capturing side effects of operation invocations. State also affects the
results of operations. There is a good example in [ANSIX3H7] illustrating the concept of state:

For example, the operation marry takes two person objects as input arguments
and produces side effects on these two objects. State captures these side effects,
and, presumably, a subsequent application of the spouse function to either object
will now yield a different result from what it did before.

Formally, the Core Object Model uses object operations to model an interface through which
the object state is accessed. The modeling is based on attributes and relationships.

2.3.8 Object Lifetime

The Core Object Model does not address object creation and deletion.

From the client’s perspective, the CORBA Object Model defines that objects are created and
destroyed as an outcome of issuing requests. The existence of a new object is revealed to the
client by receiving its object reference.

On the server side, lifetime of object can be maintained by the Lifecycle Service
[OMGCORBA20]. The Lifecycle Service provides its client with means to create, delete,
copy, and move objects. Objects are created by object factories. These are simply other
objects capable of creating and returning an object as a result of some sort of create() request.
As the parameters required to create an object may vary among different object types, the
factory interface is not standardized. A generic factory can be used to dispatch or coordinate
calls to several object factories. Generic factories can be hierarchically organized. As it is not
possible to dispatch calls to factories with potentially different proprietary interfaces
(provided by different vendors), the generic factory can only dispatch calls to factories that
inherit the standardized GenericFactory interface. Additional request parameters are passed
in a form of criteria list, each parameter being stored as a named value.

An object is deleted by issuing a remove() request on its LifeCycleObject interface. Objects

can make themselves unremovable; this property is signaled by returning an appropriate
exception as a result of the remove() request. An object can be moved or copied to another
location using the move() or copy() requests of its LifeCycleObject interface. To find a target

location of the operation, the Life Cycle Service uses a factory finder. By issuing the
find_factories() request, the client can ask a factory finder to return a set of factories capable
of creating a new copy of the object in a target location. The specification does not
standardize any mechanism for transferring the object state from one location to another.

2.3.9 Communication Model

The standard CORBA communication model is synchronous. The stub waits in the invocation
call till the results come back from the server. There is also semi-synchronous model available
by using the keyword oneway. Under this semantics, the stub returns from the invocation code
immediately without waiting for the server’s results. The client can register a special method
that will get called as soon as the results arrive from the server.

Asynchronous communication model can be employed via the OMG Event Service (Section
2.3.10). The Event Service is not part of the CORBA bare system and CORBA assumes them

2.3.10 Events

CORBA addresses event notification via the Event Service. This service defines notions of
event suppliers and receivers. Two approaches are defined depending upon who commences the
communication. In the push model, supplier calls its consumer to deliver data, while in the pull
model, consumer calls its supplier to request data. Although in principal possible, neither
supplier nor consumer is expected to call the other communicating object directly. Instead, all
events are passed through an event channel. From the supplier’s point of view, the event
channel acts as a consumer; from the consumer’s point of view, the event channel acts as a
supplier. The event channel also provides operations to register both suppliers and
consumers. Subject to the quality of service, the event channel can provide one-to-one, one-
to-many, or many-to-many communication, and other additional features.

Communication among objects can be either generic or typed. Generic communication relies
on suppliers and consumers having a standardized interface capable of passing an object of
the class any as event data. With typed communication, suppliers and consumers are expected
to agree on a proprietary one-way operation to pass event data in a suitable format.

2.4 Binding

When the request is delivered, a specific method is selected for the operation execution. This
selection is called operation dispatching. The Core Object Model bases operation dispatching
on the type of the object passed as the controlling argument. This selection process invokes
method that has the same name as the operation. This method is executed on the object that has
the immediate type of the controlling argument. This techniques can be either compile-time or
run-time based.

2.5 Polymorphism

The Core Object Model supports polymorphism based on subtyping, while allowing other kind
of polymorphism to take place [OMAG].

2.6 Encapsulation

In the Core Object Model, a type exports all operations that are defined on it. The specification
of IDL does not define the access control modifiers such as public, private, and

2.7 Identity, Equality, Copy

Each object has a unique identity in the Core Object Model. This identity is supposed to be
independent of any object characteristics. Even though object characteristics can change, object
identity remains the same. The identifier that denotes object identity is called OID.

The Core Object Model does not require a comparison operation for OIDs. The reason is
hidden in the personal story about the formal CORBA guru Mike Powel3. Unfortunately, the
inability to compare object identity causes severe inconveniences when implementing some
CORBA Services, as for example the OMG Relationship Service [KPT96].

2.8 Types, Interfaces, and Classes

The Core Object Model defines objects as instance of types. The following claims are
equivalent: “object is and instance of type T” and “object is of type T”.

OMG defines types as follows [OMAExecutiveOverview]:

Type can be viewed as a template for object creation. A type characterizes the
behavior of its instances by describing the operations that can be applied to those
objects. There can exist a relationship between types. The relationships between
types are known as supertypes/subtypes.

Types can be hierarchically arranged (directed acyclic graph). The root of such graph is
represented by the type Object. Every new type is introduced by subtyping from Object. The
concept of one common root has one significant advantage: Object can represent an object of
any type.

Set of operation signatures defined on a type is called type’s interface (it also includes
signatures inherited from its supertypes). Object type is independent on its interface and
instances. Both can change, but object type remains the same.

The combination of a type specification and one of the implementation is denoted as class. In
conformance with this concept, every object is an instance of a class. The Core Object Model
does not require the object to retain implementation that was initially assigned to it.

The CORBA Object Model defines type as an identifiable entity with an associated predicate.
This predicate is used for detection whether a given value satisfies a type, i.e. the object
predicate is true on that value. Such value is called a member of the type. The extension of a
type is the set of values to satisfy the type at any particular time. An object type is a type
whose members are objects. In contrast to the Core Object Model, the CORBA Object Model

According to Dough Lee, the former CORBA pioneer Mike Powel strongly opposed the idea of
CORBA objects having unique and immutable OIDs. Instead, M. Powel allegedly pursued the rest of
the OMG gurus to view CORBA objects as some sort of channels that change in time and thus have
no identity.

is designed to be implemented. Hence, it must deal with the “low-level” type related issues. It
defines a set of eight basic types (e.g., 32-bin and 64-bit IEEE floating point numbers, or the
type “any” that can represent any possible basic or component type) and seven constructed
types such as record, array, and interface.

2.9 Inheritance and Delegation

The Core Object Model distinguishes subtyping and inheritance in the following manner:

Subtyping is a relationship between types based on their interfaces. It defines

the rules by which objects of one type are determined to be acceptable in
contexts expecting another type. Inheritance is a mechanism for reuse. It allows
a type to be defined in terms of another type.

The Core Object Model supports subtyping of object types. It restricts objects to be direct
instances of exactly one type. This type is called immediate type and there is no mechanism
defined how to change an object’s immediate type once this has been assigned. While subtyping
models relationship between interfaces/types, inheritance applies to implementation as well.
The Core Object Model relates subtyping and multiple inheritance, which allow a subtype to
have a multiple supertypes.

2.10 Metaclasses and Metaobject Protocol

A metaobject is an object that represents the type, operations, class, methods, or other Object
Model entities of its corresponding object. The Core Object Model does not require existence of
metaobjects to analyze object methods and attributes at runtime. In contrast, Java in its
package java.lang.reflect provides such introspection classes (i.e. Class, Method,
Field, etc., see Section 1.11). To solicit further standardization in this area, OMG recently
issued the Meta-Object Facility RFP.

2.11 Introspection

CORBA allows CORBA objects to runtime analyze the methods, fields and inheritance
hierarchy of IDL interfaces. In contrast to Java reflection, this mechanism does not inherently
allow to check (and change) the state of a specific CORBA object (see Code example 9 for

3. Conclusion

This paper is based on the ANSI X3H7 Object Model Features Matrix [ANSIX3H7]. This
matrix overviews several single as well as distributed object systems such as C++, Smalltalk,
Eiffel, ActiveX, and CORBA. We use this feature matrix as a source of categories that we
deploy for classifying and comparing both object models.

Before starting to conclude, it is worth to emphasize that roots and mission of CORBA and
Java differ as an outcome of historical conditions and perhaps marketing strategy. Java is one-
language system that only recently augmented its ability to process distributed code with the
possibility to encompass distributed objects. CORBA, on the other hand, in built on the
distributed object paradigm since its very childhood dating back to 1990. With its mission to
provide a cross-language platform CORBA comes with the OMG IDL language that describe
the syntax of remote services. Java does not need the notion of a interface language since Java
remote invocations originate in one JVM and head to another. The invocation mechanism can

be thus fully based on the Java language definition as documented by specifying interfaces via
the interface keyword.

Java is a one-language system and it hence makes complete sense to integrate the meta-
language support by using the language itself. The Java reflection mechanism implemented by
the java.lang.reflect package provides an elegant and self-contained solution. CORBA
on the other hand must reflect its cross-language mission and offer a “hyper language”
solution. Concepts of IDL and Interface Repository give the CORBA designer capability to
browse through methods and attributes of CORBA objects stored in the Interface Repository
and based on these information dynamically construct and send requests to these objects. To
solicit integration of Java and CORBA, there are commercial tools that allow generating IDL
files from Java class files [VisiBroker]. The Java reflection mechanism introspects all class
fields and methods, including its superclasses. Given a Java object the reflection APIs may
even excavate a value of a requested field. IDL idea is to provide only the language independent
description of object interfaces and value. Given a CORBA object implemented in C++, there
is no way to introspect values of its attributes and discover names of method and attributes that
were used in object implementation in addition to the ones described in IDL. The Java
reflection is thus more powerful, yet limited to Java applications only.

Generally, the CORBA object model is cleanly defined and stated; its taxonomy is clear and
consistent. For Java, it is hard to identify a book or a document that would introduce the
terminology of the Java Object Model with respect to categories listed in this paper. The Java
Distributed Object Model is introduced in the [SunJDOM] document. However, this document
is far away from providing the precise definition of the Java Distributed Object Model.


Object model:
[ANSIX3H7] ANSI X3H7 Object Model Features Matrix,

[Ben95] Ben-Nathan, R.: A Guide to Common Object Request Broker Architecture,
McGraw-Hill, 1995
[MZ95] Mowbray, T.J., Zahavi R.: The Essential CORBA, J. Wiley & Sons, 1995
[Sie96] Siegel, J.: CORBA: Fundamentals and Programming, J. Wiley & Sons,
[OMG] OMG Homepage,
[OMGOMA] Object Management Architecture Guide, 3rd Edition, R.M. Soley (Editor),
J. Wiley & Sons, 1990
Common Object Request Broker Architecture and Specification, Revision
2.0, OMG 96-3-4, 1995
[OMA95] Object Management Architecture Guide, 3rd Edition, R.M. Soley (Editor),
John Wiley & Sons, 1990.
[OMGCore95] Object Models, Draft 0.3, OMG 95-1-13, 1995.
OMA Executive Overview,
[OMGEvents] Event Notification Model, OMG 97-02-09,
OMG Object Model,

[GJS96] Gosling, J.,Joy B.,Steele G.: The Java Language Specification, Addison-
Wesley 1996.
[GM95] Gosling, J., McGilton, H.: The Java Language Environment: A White Paper,
October 95,
JavaBeans 1.0, Jul 97,
[SunInnerCls] Inner Classes Specification, May 1997,
[SunJDOM] Java Distributed Object Model,
[SunJFC] Java Foundation Classes: Now And The Future,
[SunJNDI] JNDI: Java Naming and Directory Services, Verison 1.00-A,
[VisiBroker] Visigenic Home Page,


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