Course Outline AFW364 - Semester 2, 2018-2019
Course Outline AFW364 - Semester 2, 2018-2019
Course Outline AFW364 - Semester 2, 2018-2019
Course Outline
Analysis of Financial Statement
Analisis Penyata Kewangan
Course Description:
This course aims to provide students with an understanding of the use of financial
statement information from a user perspective such as equity investor, debtholder,
financial analyst, and manager. The course examines the impact of different accounting
choices on reported earnings, shareholders’ equity, cash flow and various measures of
corporate performance. Students will develop skills in analysing financial statements for
investment, credit, and other business decisions. In view of the considerable similarities
among US Financial Reporting Standards (US GAAP), International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS), and Financial Reporting Standards in Malaysia (MFRS) for most of the
topics covered in this course, we focus on MFRS in this course. Main differences between
MFRS and IFRS (and/or US GAAP) will be highlighted where appropriate.
Course Objectives
CO2 To analyse the business performance and risk of a company based on its financial
CO3 To develop students’ soft skills like problem solving, decision making, team work,
communication, inquiry, and analysis
Learning Outcomes
LO1 Identify technical aspects and the importance of financial statement analysis for
companies and investors.
LO2 Use technical skills, critical thinking, problem solving based on the analysis of
financial ratios.
LO3 Determine the integration of the credit analysis on liquidity, capital structure and
LO4 Explain and show the importance of forecasting, valuation and business strategy
analysis on the firm value.
Learning Activities and Teaching Strategies
This course consists of one two-hour lecture and one-hour tutorial per week. Constructive
participations are highly encouraged and expected from students.
Prior to the lectures, students are expected to thoroughly prepare by reading all relevant
material which includes the relevant chapters of the textbook and any supplemental
material. By enrolling in this course, all students are signed on the commitment of the
following “4 Ps”.
Preparation – You will read all pre-session material and diligently prepare for the lecture.
Otherwise, there will be limited value you would gain from this course and our face-to-
face time in class. You are encouraged to prepare for the lectures with your peers.
Presence – You will be present “physically” and “mentally”. Not being present would
mean you cannot learn, and more importantly, cannot add to the discussion in the lecture
or tutorial. In order to facilitate this, there will be no use of handphones during lectures or
tutorials. All handphones must be out of sight and on silent mode. If you need to make an
urgent call, please excuse yourself and step out of the lecture or tutorial. If we see any
student using their handphones in the class, we will stop the lecture or tutorial.
I will be taking attendance during lectures and tutorials and will not hesitate to submit
any names to the School of Management for further action as per Section 2.3.2 above.
Promptness – You are to attend class on time. Any tardiness would unnecessarily disrupt
the discussion and depreciate the decorum of the process.
Student Learning Time (SLT)
Assessment Details
1. In-semester test 1 15%
2. In-semester test 2 15%
Weekly On-line quiz 20%
Final Examination 50%
Total 100%
* Levels of Learning:
• Knowledge (K)
• Comprehension (C)
• Application (AP)
• Analysis (AN)
• Synthesis (S)
• Evaluation (E)
Assessment Tasks:
Assessment task title: In-semester Test 1
Due Date: Week 8 – Non-lecture time
Weighting/Value: 15%
Details of task: This will be a 1.5-hour test. Test 1 will cover lecture materials from Week
1 to Week 6 inclusive. The test is closed book and involves structured questions
Estimated return date: Marks will be made available to students during tutorials in Week
Title: Final Examination
Weighting: 50%
Length: 2 hours
Type (open/closed book): Closed book
2 Accrual Accounting and Income No tutorial in Week 2
(21 Determination (Chapter 2)
3 Revenue Recognition (Chapter 3) Online quiz 1 (Chapter 1 to 2)
(28 Tutorial 1
4 Structure of Balance Sheet & Online quiz 2 (Chapter 3)
(5 October Statement of Cash Flows (Chapter Tutorial 2
2018) 4)
5 Essentials of Financial Statement Online quiz 3 (Chapter 4)
(12 October Analysis (Chapter 5) Tutorial 3
6 The Role of Financial Information Online quiz 4 (Chapter 5)
(19 October in Valuation and Credit Risk Tutorial 4
2018) Assessment (Chapter 6)
7 The Role of Financial Information Online quiz 5 (Chapter 6)
(26 October in Contracting (Chapter 7) Tutorial 5
8 Receivables (Chapter 8) On-line quiz 6 (Chapter 7)
(2 November Tutorial 6
9 Mid-semester break (5 – 11 November 2018)
10 Inventories (Chapter 9) Online quiz 7 (Chapter 8)
(16 Tutorial 7
11 Long-Lived Assets (Chapter 10) Online quiz 8 (Chapter 9)
(23 Tutorial 8
12 Financial Instruments and Online quiz 9 (Chapter 10)
(30 Liabilities (Chapter 11) Tutorial 9
13 Financial Reporting for Owners’ Online quiz 10 (Chapter 11)
(7 December Equity (Chapter 15) Tutorial 10
14 Intercorporate Investments Tutorial 11
(14 (Chapter 16)
15 Statement of Cash Flows (Chapter Tutorial 12
16 Study Week (24 – 30 December 2018)
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The university will take action of every report and offences relating to plagiarism and if
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