Iloretta Et Alsurgery Chordoma

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e246 Case Report

Surgical Pathway Seeding of Clivo-Cervical

Alfred Marc Calo Iloreta1 Gurston G. Nyquist1 Mark Friedel1 Christopher Farrell2 Marc R. Rosen1
James J. Evans2

1 Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Thomas Address for correspondence Alfred Marc Calo Iloreta, MD,
Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Department of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery, Thomas
United States Jefferson University Hospital, 925 Chestnut St., 6th Floor, Philadelphia,
2 Division of Neuro-Oncologic Neurosurgery, Department of PA 19107, United States (e-mail: [email protected]).
Neurological Surgery, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

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J Neurol Surg Rep 2014;75:e246–e250.

Abstract Objective Clival chordomas are slow-growing aggressive tumors that originate from
the extra-axial remnants of the notochord. Current management of these tumors use
surgical resection combined with radiation therapy. Given the location and invasive
nature of these tumors, complete resection is difficult. A variety of both open and
endoscopic therapeutic approaches have evolved and combined with the improve-
ments in proton therapy, long-term control of these tumors appears to be improving.
However, in recent literature the relatively rare complication of surgical seeding or
surgical pathway recurrence has been reported. We report a case of surgical seeding
following primary resection and review the world literature regarding surgical pathway
Study Design Retrospective chart review and review of current literature.
Methods We report a case of a patient with a large chordoma that required treatment
with a staged endoscopic endonasal and external transcervical approach. The patient
subsequently developed recurrent disease along the cervical skin incision due to surgical
seeding. Literature review and case reports were identified by a comprehensive search
of Medline for the years 1950 to 2012.
Results The overall surgical pathway recurrence rate for clival chordoma resection based
Keywords on analysis of the open nonendoscopic published case studies was 14 of 497 (2.8%).
► skull base Conclusion Tumor seeding can occur anywhere along the operative route and is often
► surgical seeding outside the field of radiotherapy. Increased awareness of this rare occurrence is
► endoscopic surgery necessary. The use of novel techniques to minimize exposure to tumor including
► chordoma primary endoscopic resection and so-called clean oncologic technique may help limit
► clivus tumor seeding. Level of evidence: 4.

Introduction remnants of the notochord. Definitive local resection can be

curative; however, these tumors are characterized by direct
Clivo-cervical chordomas are locally destructive, invasive, extension, local recurrence, and more rarely systemic and
slow-growing tumors that originate from the extra-axial cerebrospinal fluid metastasis. Evidence has shown that

received DOI © 2014 Georg Thieme Verlag KG

December 8, 2013 10.1055/s-0034-1387184. Stuttgart · New York
accepted after revision ISSN 2193-6358.
June 7, 2014
published online
November 12, 2014
Surgical Pathway Seeding of Clivo-Cervical Chordomas Iloreta et al. e247

adjuvant therapy with high-dose radiotherapy can promote

local control. Failure can occur in the form of local recurrence,
metastases to cerebrospinal fluid, distant sites, and regional
lymph nodes. Even more increasingly rare is tumor seeding
along the surgical access pathway. These sites, such as the
nasal cavity and surrounding soft tissue, are often outside the
treatment field of radiation and can be subject to iatrogenic
tumor implantation.
We report a case of a patient with a recurrent clivo-cervical
chordoma as a result of surgical pathway seeding and perform
a literature review and meta-analysis of all reported cases of
surgical pathway seeding of clival chordomas.

Case Report

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A 47 year-old man presented with upper back pain and was
found to have a very large prevertebral/retropharyngeal mass
extending from the clivus to C5 with erosion of the second
cervical vertebrae, displacement of the right vertebral artery,
Fig. 2 Computed tomography of the cervical spine, axial cut. Dem-
and partial encasement of the left vertebral artery consistent onstration of cervical spine resection bed postoperatively as well as
with a chordoma on biopsy in June 2004 (►Fig. 1). dorsal spinal instrumented arthrodesis.
The patient underwent a two-stage resection including a
left anterior cervical approach for tumor resection and a
planned tracheostomy for airway protection. A second-stage lance magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 6-month
operation including occipitocervical fusion with a posterior intervals.
approach and resection of a small amount of known residual In July 2010, the patient noted an area of nodularity
tumor at the left aspect of C2–C3 neuroforamen was subse- subjacent to the anterior left neck incision site just anterior
quently performed in August 2004 (►Fig. 2). to the sternocleidomastoid muscle. MRI of the neck and
In April 2006, the patient underwent endoscopic transo- cervical spine revealed a new nodularity anterior to the
ral/transnasal odontoidectomy and resection of recurrent sternocleidomastoid muscle (►Fig. 3). A fine-needle aspira-
chordoma. Subsequently, the patient completed proton- tion was performed and revealed cytologic evidence of
beam radiotherapy between March 12, 2007, and May 2, chordoma.
2007, with a total dose of 76.0 cobalt Gy equivalents delivered The patient subsequently underwent a wide-local excision
in 38 fractions. He was then closely monitored with surveil- and left selective neck dissection. Final pathology revealed
recurrent chordoma in the excised neck mass but no evidence
of tumor within biopsy specimen of the nasopharyngeal soft
tissues performed at the same time. All margins were nega-
tive at the time of resection. The patient continues to remain
neurologically stable at this time without evidence of disease
on the latest imaging.

A comprehensive review of the literature on surgical seeding
of clival chordoma was conducted using Medline and data-
bases with the key words clival chordoma, surgical pathway
recurrence, and surgical tumor seeding. English-language
studies containing case reports and series of patients were

►Table 1 demonstrates findings from a comprehensive liter-
ature search and compares clinical data in all reported series
of surgical seeding. The overall pathway recurrence rate for
Fig. 1 Computed tomography of the neck with intravenous contrast,
clival chordoma resection based on analysis of the open
axial cut. Demonstration of a large retropharyngeal mass with com- nonendoscopic published case studies was 14 of 497 (2.8%).
pression of the trachea. Isolated case reports were not included to determine this rate.

Journal of Neurological Surgery Reports Vol. 75 No. R2/2014

e248 Surgical Pathway Seeding of Clivo-Cervical Chordomas Iloreta et al.

been documented in a variety of tissue beds (including skin,

neck, nasal cavity, palate, sinuses, etc.). All of these seeding
occurrences have been reported in patients who underwent
open or nonendoscopic transnasal/transoral resections. From
the available case series and case reports, we calculated the
surgical pathway recurrence rate of 3.6% for open approaches.
Excluded in this review of the literature were series that did
not explicitly report on the incidence and details of surgical
seeding because this complication may have been omitted.
We believe that a 3.6% seeding rate reflects an accurate
incidence of this complication. In a large study of 71 chor-
doma patients, Sen et al reported a similar incidence of 5.6%.7
Tumor seeding is a well-described phenomenon that
occurs when the spillage of tumor cell clusters implant and

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grow in adjacent tissue to the original tumor. Such contami-
nation may occur at different times: preoperative rupture
(spontaneous or traumatic), biopsy (needle or open), or
during surgery from the tumor (rupture of the capsule or
removal of the tumor in piecemeal).4,8,9 It has been described
in association with breast, thoracic, gastrointestinal, thyroid,
hepatic, head/neck, and urologic cancer. Dissemination and
concomitant implantation of neoplastic cells following the
manipulation of neoplastic lesions can occur along the open
surgical bed or spread hematogenously to distant organs.
Although so-called tumor spillage is an extremely common
event, it rarely translates into tumor recurrence. This depends
on the function of host immunity, number of cells, and the
characteristics of the tumor cell and local tissue. Cytologic
analysis of venous samples before, during, and after proce-
dures show that tumor cells are commonly released into the
systemic circulation.8,10 Several studies have documented up
to 100% rate of circulating tumor cells following surgical
manipulation; however, few of these patients develop distant
metastases.8,10 The current understanding of oncologic prin-
ciples dictate that a tumor consists of clones of cells with a
Fig. 3 (A, B) Magnetic resonance imaging of the neck, axial cut.
great degree of variation in functional properties such as cell
Arrows demonstrate soft tissue recurrence of chordoma at cervical
incision site. surface receptors, immunogenicity, tumorigenicity, chemo-
sensitivity, the ability to invade local structures, and the
ability to metastasize. Moreover, tumor burden does not
Discussion correlate with recurrence from seeding. For a tumor cell to
produce a metastasis, the cell must overcome a series of steps
Clival chordomas can be very challenging cases even for the following its detachment from the initial tumor. It needs the
most experienced skull base teams. These tumors have a ability to invade through the extracellular matrix, integrate
tendency to expand and spread into the surrounding tissue with vascular channels and adhere to another tissue bed,
including critical neurovascular structures. The ability to avoid being destroyed by the immune system, and induce
resect these tumors and also deliver radiotherapy effectively growth by encouraging neovascularization.
and safely is limited by the visual pathways, carotid and In the context of chordoma seeding, tumor recurrence
basilar circulation, brainstem, and the cavernous sinus. occurs as a result of direct implantation of the tumor into
In general1–4 these neoplasms behave aggressively and are adjacent tissue during the transit of instruments and tissue
associated with a high local recurrence rate, up to 21 to 29%, as during the surgery.3 As demonstrated in Table 1, each of the
well as the potential to metastasize.1,2,5 Factors that can be recurrences occurred in a local tissue bed.
associated with local recurrence include low postoperative In an effort to prevent surgical seeding of tumor, different
radiation doses and large tumor bulk.1 The most common site techniques have been described. One group fortifies the
of distant metastases are the lungs (58%), lymph nodes (33%), operative tunnel after the approach is completed by covering
liver (22%), bone (17%), and skeletal muscle (9%).6 Surgical the walls with fibrin glue and large cotton patties.4 In addi-
pathway recurrence has a reported incidence between 1.5% tion, it is postulated that low-dose radiation or including the
and 7.3%. Tumor seeding of clival chordomas has been de- surgical ports into the radiation field may prevent surgical
scribed seven times in the literature to date. Recurrence has seeding from occurring. Our patient did not receive radiation

Journal of Neurological Surgery Reports Vol. 75 No. R2/2014

Q1 Table 1 Review of clivo-cervical chordoma series involving surgical pathway recurrencea

Study Patients, n Cases, n Approach Complete resection RT Time Primary vs seed Site of recurrence Salvage procedures
Zemmoura et al NA 1 Sublabial Subtotal Yes 31 Seed Maxilla Maxillectomy
Fischbein et al3 n ¼ 70 3 Transnasal Positive margins Yes 48 Seed Nasal cavity Right external ethmoidectomy
Sublabial Subtotal Yes 24 Seed Nasoseptal Resection  two 49 Gy postoperative
3 2nd (seed)
20 3rd (seed) Nasoseptal Bilateral anterior maxillectomy
10 4th (seed) Maxilla Maxillectomy
Transoral Subtotal Yes 12 1st (primary) Primary site Open transnasal
24 2nd (primary) Primary External sphenoethmoidectomy
48 3rd (seed) Nasal cavity Craniofacial resection
Van Lierop et al5 NA 1 Transoral n Yes 24 seed P midline palate mass at Maxillectomy
junction soft and
hard palate 4  3 cm
Fagundes et al2 n ¼ 204 3 NA NA None NA Seed No scar Excision
NA NA Yes NA Seed Hard palate Maxillectomy
NA Na none NA Seed Nasal cavity Maxillectomy
Boyette et al15 NA 1 Transoral positive margins n/a 4 1st (primary) Primary site Craniofacial with cervical approach
36 2nd (primary) Primary Postauricular approach
12 3rd (seed) Parotid Left SLND and excision of mass
Arnautović and n ¼ 82 6 Transmaxillary Unknown Yes 15 Seed Maxillary sinus
Transnasal Unknown Yes 12 Seed Nasal cavity
Transnasal Unknown Yes 15 Seed Septum/Maxilla
Cervical Unknown Yes 5 Seed Anterolateral neck muscle tissue
Transoral Unknown Yes 10 Seed Abdominal wound, subcut tissue, fat
Petrosal approach Unknown Yes 13 Seed Petrous apex, retroauricular
area subcutaneous tissue, tentorium
Austin et al1 n ¼ 141 2 Unknown Unknown NA Unknown Seed Cervical spine Unknown
Unknown Unknown NA Unknown Seed Cervical spine Unknown
Iloreta NA 1 Cervical Subtotal Yes 22 1st (primary) Primary Endoscopic transnasal
48 2nd (seed) Neck

Journal of Neurological Surgery Reports

Abbreviations: NA, not applicable; RT, radiation therapy; SLND, sentinel lymph node detention.
Surgical Pathway Seeding of Clivo-Cervical Chordomas

Findings from a comprehensive literature search and comparing clinical data in all reported series of surgical seeding. The overall surgical pathway recurrence rate for clival chordoma resection based on analysis of
the open nonendoscopic published case studies was 14 of 497 (2.8%).

Vol. 75
No. R2/2014
Iloreta et al.

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e250 Surgical Pathway Seeding of Clivo-Cervical Chordomas Iloreta et al.

treatment until several years after the transcervical approach, case control. Tumor recurrence in this instance occurred at
and radiotherapy may have prevented seeding in this case. the site of previous open transcervical approach, whereas no
Lastly, with the advent of advanced endoscopic techniques, tumor seeding was noted along the endonasal or transoral
utilizing suction instruments such as the Sonopet (Stryker, pathways. The endoscopic endonasal approach offers the
Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States) or MicroDebrider (Med- advantage of a more direct/shorter surgical corridor, magni-
tronic, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States) for tumor fied visualization, and less violation of soft tissue surfaces
resection may hypothetically prevent surgical seeding by where tumor implantation can occur.
limiting the exposure of tumor to adjacent sites. However,
the argument could also be made that disruption of the tumor
with endoscopic instrumentation and piecemeal resection of
the tumor could increase the chance of pathway seeding. As
1 Austin JP, Urie MM, Cardenosa G, Munzenrider JE. Probable causes
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endonasal approach continues to grow, we will be better able the base of skull and cervical spine. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys
to compare the incidence of tumor pathway seeding. 1993;25(3):439–444

This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited.
Multiple surgical approaches have been used to reach the 2 Fagundes MA, Hug EB, Liebsch NJ, Daly W, Efird J, Munzenrider JE.
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To our knowledge, there have been no case reports of surgical 14 Zemmoura I, Ben Ismail M, Travers N, Jan M, François P. Maxillary
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seeding following primary tumor resection with endoscopic
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Journal of Neurological Surgery Reports Vol. 75 No. R2/2014

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