The Design and Simulation of Training Delta Robot
The Design and Simulation of Training Delta Robot
The Design and Simulation of Training Delta Robot
This paper informs about the development of training delta robot Caertec rk 2010 at University of
Zilina. Parallel kinematics of robot is based on three parallelogram mechanisms. Kinematic loops of
Delta robot were counted by the inverse kinematics. For delta robot control and trajectory
programming was developed software. The program allows the simulation, the workspace analysis,
the positions programming and the communication management. The structural design and simulation
has been developed using system CATIA.
Keywords: parallel kinematic structure, parallel robots, delta robots, inverse kinematic analysis,
simulation software
The parallel kinematic structure is a closed-loop kinematic chain mechanism whose end-effector is
linked to the base by several independent kinematic chains.
Parallel structures are interesting due to their large stiffness and high positioning accuracy compared
to serial robots. This kind of kinematic structure can be used in many fields but most of them are used
as robots or as numerical controlled machine tools. Specific applications such as spatial, medical,
joysticks and simulators are also possible.
Parallel robots can also be defined as: a parallel robot is made up of a fixed base and of an end-effector
with n-degrees of freedom that are linked together by at least two independent kinematic chains.
Actuation takes places through n-simple actuators. This type of mechanism is interesting because
when the actuators are locked, the manipulator remains in its position (this is an important safety
aspect), and because of the number of actuators and sensors are minimum (Merlet, 2006).
A delta robot is a type of parallel robot which consists of arms connected to universal joints at the
base. The basic idea behind the Delta parallel robot design is the use of parallelograms.
A parallelogram allows an output link to remain at a fixed orientation with respect to an input link.
The use of three such parallelograms restrains completely the orientation of the mobile platform which
remains only with three purely translational degrees of freedom. The input links of the three
parallelograms are mounted on rotating levers via revolute joints. The revolute joints of the rotating
levers are actuated in two different ways: with rotational (DC or AC servo) motors or with linear
actuators. Finally, a mechanism is used to transmit rotary motion from the base to an end-effector
Figure 1. Scheme of key parameters of mechanism geometry: f - side of an isosceles triangle defined
by axes of rotary arms, e - side of an isosceles triangle, defined by axes on down platform, rf -
distance between too axis of the rotating arm, re - distance between too axis of rod, O - the reference
point with the coordinate system
kinematics, if we know the coordinates of the end point TCP and we need to determine the position of
the rotating arm.
In practice is mainly used the inverse kinematic analysis. For basic applications in the assembly or
manipulation is suffice coordinates programming. More complicated industrial applications, such as
machining or material cutting, already require interpolation of end point TCP - continuously control of
the predetermined trajectory.
1 Z
theta θ rf
3 E
Figure 2. Kinematic chain of loop (left): 1 - axis of arm rotation, 2 – axis of parallelogram, 3 - tilting
of parallelogram. General scheme of the plane ZY (right)
The main prerequisite for the delta robot design was the need to investigate and simulate the
mechanism. The structural design and simulation has been developed using system CATIA, there were
carried out static loading tests and calculations of the mechanism. The main output was design
documentation that is necessary to construct the robot.
For delta robot control and trajectory programming was developed software. The program allows the
simulation and inverse kinematic analysis, workspace analysis, positions programming and
communication management.
The geometric appearance of manipulation space is changing with different lengths of members of the
robot kinematics. It consists of a set of intersections of three circles with centres at point S, which lies
at the end of the rotating arms and occurs in all combinations of arms rotation.
A test version of the simulation and control program allows record a program that consists of points in
the workspace robot. The program is then processed and sent to the controller - a microprocessor on
board Arduino 2560th.
3D interpolation with a fixed rate is generated by sub-program in the microprocessor, which
cooperates with the control electronics and actuators.
Parallel kinematic structures are interesting due to their high stiffness and high positioning accuracy
compared to serial robots. This kind of mechanisms can be used in many fields but most of them are
used as robots or as numerical controlled machine tools. Delta robot design has attracted great interest
not only in industry but also in universities. This paper inform about development of mechanical
subsystem, kinematic analysis and simulation of training Delta robot called Caertec rk 2010 at
University of Zilina. Parallel kinematics of robot is based on three parallelogram mechanisms.
Kinematic loops of Delta robot were counted by the inverse kinematics. For delta robot control and
trajectory programming was developed software that allows the simulation, the workspace analysis,
the positions programming and the communication management.
This article was created by the solution of project - code ITMS 26220220046: “The Development of
Parallel Kinematic Structure Prototypes for Application in the Area of Machine Tools and Robots”
supported by operational program Development and research, financed from European foundation for
regional progress.
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