AA19341 Rev02

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1. GENERAL! gS eveeey 3, CONDI'TLON oF DELTVERY 4. COMPLIANCE WIT NATIONAL STANDARDS che prup of SHTARAT HEAVY ELECTRIGALS LIMITED. 5, DIMENSIONS AND TOLERANCES Srey Steed sie Sse Oe ee ee eee 6, MANUPACTURY “The informanoc on thie 1.5% MANGANESE STEEL FORGINGS ~ NORMALISED (295 N/m? YS) 2, APPLICATION + Wee pales” Lina ewinnles tvseud ah GOST 1 MATI= 197 ‘oct. This specification governu the quality of 1.5 cent Manganono Steel Poryinys, Normal iued bavi yield strength of 293 N/tm! (Oke F fmm?) mizdmumns This specification is supplémented hy Corporate Standard AA 085 01 1€. = Ultrasonic Testing, Classi- fication And Acceptance Scandard for steel Forgings, Billets And Blooms. Suitable for components poyuieing high vkrength and weldabi lity. Normalised. Rough machining of the forgings shal) se carried out unless otherwise spacified on the order/drawing. The forgings shall comply, in qenerol, with the requirements o ’ 1$:4367 ~ 1967] Specification For Alloy And Tool Gri20' Mn 2 Steel Porgings, For General Norhalised Industrial Use. Whe dimensions and tolerances shall he as specified on the order/drawing. Wherever these are not specd- fied, the machining allowances and tolerances shall he pecitied below: for finkah machined drawings 11 Vor rough machined drawing! HY Forgings shall bos tured from steel produced by the open-hearth, electric ot such ether process 48 hay be agreed to betwecn (he purchayes and che supplier. The Steel shall be fully Ki lifd. Sufficient diseard shall be mde from cach inget to ensure freedom from pipe, seqreqation and other defects. ‘The amount of hot working and shing temperature shall be such as to ensure complete soundness and adequate uniformity of structure and mechanical pro- pertiea after heat treatment he forgings shall not bo overheated. HANANEDANY ATCT Ale WRIT LORK LT LON COMBE EIA = NRE orcee) pare HEEP BARDWAL CORP. R&D ie aed "a5 CORPORATE PURCHASING SPEC! ( : The minimum reduction ratio w! eqings are mad x out of ingots shall he 4:1 2 oBEAY Forgings shall be normatised at suitaite tempoeature TREATMENT > to give the mechanical properties ape tified Test pieces shall also be heat treated alongwith the forgings they represent 8. PINISA 1 Aa mentioned in: tha drawi : 9. FREFDOM orgings stall be free tram detect chow eracks, | ROM flakes, Soans, Segreaation, non-metallic inelusiens ! DEFEC! : and other detects which may altect the utility ‘of } the forgings. 5 ; The ladle analysis of steel and the permissible ' aviation in the composition of, the forgings from &. ' the ladle analyais shat) be as follows eG “ - gat ! . bade Analy sultantoie doe : Blemen : ation, | | a@o% ; Min. Ma borcent fey BE | carbon O16 0.24 19.0 8: Liccr ar ard tolo Be | Manganes ( 1:10 £00 az8 Sulphur vlos M008 4 | Phosphorus Olnd 40.005 g f pol sot lenients not quoted above shall not be added | § | Eo the steel other than for tie purpose, OF (int anitny (ie rat the heat and shall not exceed the following limit oo Elements Percent, Max Nickel 0.40 | Chromium 0.40 Molybdenum auth E Coppay 0.40 4 Vanadium 0.05 Tin 005 11, Test SAMPLE Unlesh otherwise specified on the order/draw- : ing, test samples shall be taken from each cast and each heat treatment batch. Tes Samples should be cut trom the heat treate: forgings by cold provess only and shall rece- ive no further heat treatment. 3 i Mest samples shall be taken from locations indicated on the drawing, leaving enough mate- rial, if requiced, for tenting at purchaser's ond, invegral with the forging € Test samples shall be cylindrical or rectangn- lar in shape and cuts AN 19341 Ww 3 CORPORATE PURCHASING SPECIFICATION PAGE 3 OF 05 i) For solid rorgings: at a distance of one- . third radius or one-sixth diagonal from the outer surface. il) For Hollow Forgings: mic inner and outer ness. y between the IrLace of the wall thiek= 11,2 When integral test pieces are not called tor and it is not possible to destroy the forgings separate test samples as mentioned on the order/drawing shall be provided from the bloom and billets from which the forgings are made, They shall be forged to the ruling section of the main forgings and shall be heat treated similarly and simultaneously with the forgings they ‘represent. Yost samples shall be taken at one-third radius from the outer surface of the test bar. one 11.3) fest samples shall generally be taken in the longitudinal direction. However, for sconomic : reasons or where the size/contiguration does hot permit the same, tent samples may be. taken in the transverse of radial direction. tangential 33 A SEE E£SE}i2. mecwantca, © the test pieces, after being heat treated aa per OS y PROPERTL t clause 7, shall show the following properties upto B53 a limiting ruling section of 20nm. Properties for az2 oy s thicker sectiona shall be gubject to aqrecment bet- ne Beat ween the purchaser and the supplier. 1 methods gee are specitied below: get Rar Is: 1608 28 ss (Brinell): 1S: 1500 4 12.3° Charpy Impact Value (2mm U-Notch): IS: 1499 : eee Ee ee i Se Sample Limi tiny Ruling Section REORES EY (See cl Upto & incld. 250 mm j i iTe ~ tongl tudinal7 7 vt 4 man. N/ ‘Tranaverse/ B10 s Radial/ : ‘Tangential Yield strength, Longitudinal / = Min. N/mm? Transverse/ 295 a Radial/ (Contd. ) fy ° q 8

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