The Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands
The Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands
The Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands
Module 4
Module 4. The Thyroid and Parathyroid
2. Thyroid Hormones
2.1. Chemistry of Thyroid Hormones
2.2. Synthesis and Secretion of Thyroid Hormones
2.3. Control of Thyroid Hormone Synthesis and Secretion
2.4. Mechanism of Action and Physiologic Effects of Thyroid Hormones
2.5. Thyroid hormone disease states
3. Calcitonin
3.1. Control of calcitonin secretion
3.2. Physiologic effects of calcitonin
3.3. Calcitonin disease states
4. Parathyroid Hormone
4.1. Control of parathyroid hormone secretion
4.2. Physiologic effects of parathyroid hormone
4.3. Parathyroid hormone disease states
5. Vitamin D
7. Summary
8. Conclusion
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this Module you should be able to:
1. Describe the functional anatomy and histology of the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
Additional objectives
1. Identify the steps in the biosynthesis, storage, and secretion of tri-iodothyronine (T 3) and thyroxine
(T4) and their regulation.
2. Describe factors that control the synthesis, storage, and release of thyroid hormones. Explain the
importance of thyroid hormone binding in blood on free and total thyroid hormone levels.
3. Explain the significance of the conversion of T 4 to T3 and reverse T 3 (rT3) in extra-thyroidal tissues.
4. Describe the actions of thyroid hormones on development and metabolism.
5. Explain the causes and consequences of a) over-secretion and b) under-secretion of thyroid hormones.
Explain why either condition can cause an enlargement of the thyroid gland.
6. State the cells of origin for parathyroid hormone, its biosynthesis, and mechanism of transport within
the blood (bound or free).
7. List the target organs and cell types for parathyroid hormone and describe its effects on each.
8. Describe the functions of the osteoblasts and the osteoclasts in bone remodeling and the factors that
regulate their activities.
9. Identify the time course for the onset and duration for each of the biological actions of parathyroid
10. Describe the regulation of parathyroid hormone secretion and the role of the calcium-sensing
11. Explain the causes and consequences of a) over-secretion, and b) under-secretion of parathyroid
12. Identify the sources of vitamin D and diagram the biosynthetic pathway and the organs involved in
modifying it to the biologically active 1,25(OH 2)D3 (1-25 dihydroxy cholecalciferol).
13. Identify the target organs and cellular mechanisms of action for vitamin D.
14. Describe the negative feedback relationship between the parathyroid hormone and the biologically
active form of vitamin D [1,25(OH2)D3].
15. Describe the consequences of vitamin D deficiency and vitamin D excess.
16. List the cell of origin and target organs or cell types for calcitonin.
17. Name the stimuli that can promote secretion of calcitonin.
18. Describe the actions of calcitonin and identify which (if any) are physiologically important.
Learning Resources:
Terms to Know:
Please list down all the terms that you ought to know in this module. Make sure that you
are able to explain the terms in your own words.
1. Functional Anatomy of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands
In Module 1 we mention three series of hormones that are involved in the hypothalamo-
pituitary-adrenal (HPA), hypothalamo-pituitary-thyroidal (HPT), and hypothalamo-gonadal
(HPG) axis respectively (please recall the hormones involved). In Module 2 we explore the
hormones of the hypothalamus and pituitary, focusing on those that are not involved in the
axis. In Module 3, we focus on the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis and discuss in detail
the hormones of the adrenal gland. In this module, we’ll shift to the hypothalamo-pituitary-
thyroidal axis and discuss in detail the hormones involved. In addition, we’ll also discuss
the parathyroid hormone which is associated with the thyroid gland in terms of location, but
differs in terms of function.
The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) and calcitonin. The parathyroid
glands secrete parathyroid hormone.
List the hormones involved in the HPT axis (sequentially) (Fig. 4.1). Explain the negative
feedback mechanism that operates within this system. Give examples of conditions that would
make the negative feedback system unable able to operate properly. Hint: Cushing syndrome,
Addison disease
What is the hormone that is secreted with the thyroid gland but not associated with the HPT
axis. What is its function?
The thyroid gland is located in the neck, in close approximation to the first part of the
trachea. In humans, the thyroid gland has a "butterfly" shape, with two lateral lobes that
are connected by a narrow section called the isthmus. Thyroid glands are brownish-red in
Close examination of a thyroid gland reveals one or more small, light-colored nodules on
or protruding from its surface - these are parathyroid glands (meaning "beside the
The microscopic structure of the thyroid is quite distinctive. Thyroid epithelial cells - the
cells responsible for synthesis of thyroid hormones - are arranged in spheres called thyroid
follicles. Follicles are filled with colloid, a proteinaceous depot of thyroid hormone
precursor. In addition, the thyroid gland houses one other important endocrine cell.
Nestled in spaces between thyroid follicles are parafollicular or C cells, which secrete the
hormone calcitonin.
Fig. 4.2. Anatomy and histology of the thyroid gland
Fig. 4.3. Histology the thyroid
The thyroid gland is located anterior
to the cricoid cartilage in the anterior
neck. The gland comprises numerous
follicles, which are filled with colloid
and lined by follicular cells. These
follicular cells are responsible for the
trapping of iodine and the synthesis
of thyroglobulin, which contains
thyroid hormone as part of its
primary structure. These cells also
secrete thyroglobulin - the major
protein of the thyroid colloid - into
the lumen of the follicle. The
thyroglobulin protein that is stored in
the follicular lumen contains
numerous iodinated tyrosines and
thyronines, which are derivatives of
the amino acid tyrosine. On
command, the follicular cells take up
the thyroglobulin and release the
thyroid hormones triiodothyronine
(T3) and thyroxine, or
tetraiodothyronine (T 4), into the
Describe the location of the thyroid gland, its blood supply and innervation.
Using a labeled diagram (follicle, follicular cell, parafollicular cell or C cell, colloid,
blood capillary, red blood cell), describe the microscopic structure of the thyroid.
Relate the structure to the synthesis of thyroid hormones.
1.2. Parathyroid gland
The structure of a parathyroid gland is distinctly different from a thyroid gland. The cells
that synthesize and secrete parathyroid hormone are arranged in rather dense cords or
nests around abundant capillaries.
There are 4 parathyroid glands, 2 located on the posterior surface of the left lobe of the
thyroid, and 2 more on the right. Combined, these 4 glands weigh <500 mg. They are
largely composed of the chief cells, which are responsible for the synthesis and secretion
of PTH.
• Describe the location of the parathyroid gland, its blood supply and innervation.
• Using a labeled diagram, describe the microscopic structure of the parathyroid thyroid
gland in relation to the thyroid gland. Relate the structure to the synthesis of parathyroid
• What cells constitute the parathyroid gland? What are their functions?
In summary, thyroid gland consists of follicles lined by follicular cells, and parafollicular
cells. Follicular cells are responsible for production of TH whereas parafollicular cells
are responsible for production of calcitonin. Parathyroid gland consists of chief cells and
oxyphil cells. Chief cells are responsible for synthesis and secretion of PTH whereas
oxyphil cells have no known function.
2. Thyroid Hormones
Thyroid hormones are derivatives of the amino acid tyrosine bound covalently to iodine.
The two principal thyroid hormones are:
As shown in the following diagram, the thyroid hormones are basically two tyrosines
linked together with the critical addition of iodine at three or four positions on the
aromatic rings. The number and position of the iodine is important. Several other
iodinated molecules are generated that have little or no biological activity; so called
"reverse T3" (3,3',5'-T3) is such an example.
A large majority of the thyroid hormone secreted from the thyroid gland is T4, but T3 is
the considerably more active hormone. Although some T3 is also secreted, the bulk of the
T3 is derived by deiodination of T4 in peripheral tissues, especially liver and kidney.
Deiodination of T4 also yields reverse T3 (rT3), a molecule with no known metabolic
Fig. 4.7: The structure of thyroxine (T4),
triiodothyronine (T3), and reverse T3 (rT3).
T4, T3, and rT3 all are products of the coupling of two
iodinated tyrosine derivatives. Only T 4 and T3 are
biologically active, and T 3 is far more active than T 4
because of a higher affinity for thyroid hormone
receptors. Reverse T 3 forms as an iodine is removed from
the inner benzyl ring (labeled "A") of T 4; rT3 is present in
approximately equal molar amounts with T 3. However,
rT is essentially devoid of biologic activity. As shown in
the bottom panel, T 4 is part of the peptide backbone of the
thyroglobulin molecule, as are T 3 and rT3. Cleavage of the
two indicated peptide bonds would release T 4.
Thyroid hormones are poorly soluble in water, and more than 99% of the T3 and T4
circulating in blood is bound to carrier proteins. The principle carrier of thyroid
hormones is thyroxine-binding globulin, a glycoprotein synthesized in the liver. Two
other carriers of import are transthyrein and albumin. Carrier proteins allow
maintenance of a stable pool of thyroid hormones from which the active, free hormones
are released for uptake by target cells.
2.2. Synthesis and Secretion of Thyroid Hormones
Fig. 4.8: The hypothalamic-pituitary-
thyroid axis. Small-bodied neurons in
the arcuate nucleus and median
eminence of the hypothalamus secrete
thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), a
tripeptide that reaches the thyrotrophs
in the anterior pituitary via the long
portal veins. TRH binds to a G protein-
coupled receptor on the thyrotroph
membrane, triggering the DAG/IP 3
pathway, leading to protein
phosphorylation and raising [Ca2+]i.
These pathways stimulate the
thyrotrophs to synthesize and release
thyrotrophin (or thyroid-stimulating
hormone [TSH]), which is a 28-kDa
glycoprotein stored in secretory
granules. The TSH binds to receptors
on the basolateral membrane of thyroid
follicular cells, stimulating Gs, which
in turn activates adenylyl cyclase and
raises [cAMP]i. As outlined in Figure
4.7, TSH stimulates a number of steps
in the synthesis and release of T 4 and
T3. Inside the pituitary, the type-2 form
of 5'/3'-monodeiodinase converts T 4 to
T3, which negatively feeds back on the
thyrotrophs as well as on the TRH-
secreting neurons. Somatostatin and
dopamine released by hypothalamic
neurons-inhibit TSH release and thus
can influence the "set point" at which
TSH is released in response to a given
amount of T 3 in the pituitary.
Explain the relationship between TRH, TSH, and thyroid hormones at the molecular level,
including the type or receptors, receptor activation, signal transduction mechanisms, and the
final physiological response.
Explain the negative feedback mechanism for TSH secretion and how this is related to
secretion from the thyroid gland.
2.2.2. Synthesis and Secretion of Thyroid Hormones
• Iodine, or more accurately iodide (I-), is avidly taken up from blood by thyroid
epithelial cells, which have on their outer plasma membrane a sodium-iodide
symporter or "iodine trap". Once inside the cell, iodide is transported into the
lumen of the follicle along with thyroglobulin.
Through the action of thyroid peroxidase, thyroid hormones accumulate in colloid, on the
surface of thyroid epithelial cells. Remember that hormone is still tied up in molecules of
thyroglobulin - the task remaining is to liberate it from the scaffold and secrete free
hormone into blood.
Release of the free hormones from the scaffold and secretion into blood
• Thyroid epithelial cells ingest colloid by endocytosis from their apical borders -
that colloid contains thyroglobulin decorated with thyroid hormone.
Fig. 4.10: The follicular cell and its role in the synthesis of thyroxine (T4) and
triiodothyronine (T3). The synthesis and release of T 4 and T3 occurs in seven steps. Inside the
follicular cell, a deiodinase converts some of the T 4 to T3. Thyrotropin (or thyroid-stimulating
hormone [TSH]) stimulates each of these steps except step 2. In addition, TSH exerts a growth
factor or hyperplastic effect on the follicular cells. DIT, diiodotyronine; MIT, monoiodotyronine. 13
Finally, free thyroid hormones apparently diffuse out of lysosomes, through the basal
plasma membrane of the cell, and into blood where they quickly bind to carrier proteins
for transport to target cells.
• What are the raw ingredients needed for thyroid hormone synthesis?
• Describe the origin and presence of the ingredients in the thyroid follicular lumen.
Fig. 4.11. Summary of thyroid hormone synthesis
What is the source of iodine in the follicular cells? How is I- transported into the cell? How is I-
transported out of the cell into the lumen of the follicle? How is it oxidised to form Io?
What is the source of thyroglobulin that forms the colloid in the lumen of the follicle? How many
tyrosine molecules does a thyroglobulin molecule have? This constitutes what percentage of the
total amino acid molecules in a thyroglubulin molecule?
Explain the process of iodination of the tyrosine molecules in the colloid. Hint: it mostly forms DIT.
Describe the processes of endocytosis, proteolysis and secretion that finally put T3 and T4 into
Which of the above processes are stimulated by signal transduction mechanism after TSH receptor
2.3. Control of Thyroid Hormone Synthesis and Secretion
Circulating free T4 and T3 exerts negative feedback on TRH and TSH secretion. At the
level of the thyrotroph, the sensor in this feedback mechanism monitors the concentration
of T3 inside the thyrotroph. The T3 can either enter directly from the blood plasma, or
can form inside the thyrotroph by deiodination of T4. T3 feeds back on the thyrotroph by
modulating gene transcription:
Describe the direct and indirect negative feedback mechanism of thyroid hormone synthesis
and secretion at the molecular level.
Draw a diagram showing the hypothalamo-pituitary-thyroid axis. Show how TRH affects the
synthesis and secretion of TSH from the tyrotrophs and how TSH affects the synthesis and
secretion of T3 and T4 from the follicular cells of the thyroid.
Also show the negative feedback mechanism that regulates thyroxine levels in the circulation.
Explain the mechanism in detail.
2.4. Mechanism of Action and Physiologic Effects of Thyroid Hormones
Receptors for thyroid hormones are intracellular DNA-binding proteins that function as
hormone-responsive transcription factors, conceptually very similar to the receptors
for steroid hormones.
Fact: Total concentration of T4 in the circulation is 50-fold or higher than T3. But why is
T3 biologically more active than T4?
• T4 is bound (only 0.02% is free) more tightly to plasma proteins than T3 (0.50%
is free) i.e. a 25-fold higher ratio of free to bound. Net effect: the amount of free
T4 in the circulation is only about two fold higher than T3.
• The target cells convert T4 to T3, the concentration of T3 and T4 in the cytoplasm
of the cell is similar.
• Thyroid hormone receptor in the nucleus has approximately a 10-fold greater
affinity for T3 than T4. T3 is responsible for approximately 90% of the
occupancy of thyroid hormone receptor in euthyroid state.
Describe how thyroid hormone is transported to the intracellular space and binds to the
intracellular receptor. Differentiate between T3 and T4 in terms of their availability and effect
of the target cells.
Using examples describe how thyroid hormone exerts its physiological effect.
2.4.2. Physiologic Effects of Thyroid Hormones
It is likely that all cells in the body are targets for thyroid hormones. While not strictly
necessary for life, thyroid hormones have profound effects on many "big time"
physiologic processes, such as development, growth and metabolism. Many of the
effects of thyroid hormone have been delineated by study of deficiency and excess states,
as discussed briefly below.
Fig. 4.13: Action of thyroid hormones on target cells.
Free extracellular thyroxine (T 4) and triiodothyronine (T 3) enter the target cell either by diffusion or by carrier-mediated
transport. Once the T 4 is inside the cell, a cytoplasmic 5'/3'-monodeiodinase converts much of the T4 to T3, so that
cytoplasmic levels of T 4 and T3 are about equal. Both T 4 and T 3 enter the nucleus. Thyroid hormone receptors bind to
DNA at thyroid response elements in the promoter region of genes regulated by thyroid hormones. The binding of T 3 or
T4 to the receptor regulates the transcription of these genes. The receptor preferentially binds T 3. Therefore, of the total
thyroid hormone bound to receptor, approximately 90% is T 3. The receptor that binds to the DNA is preferentially a
heterodimer of the thyroid hormone receptor and retinoid X receptor. Thyroid hormone promotes the transcription of
genes encoding a wide range of proteins. mRNA, messenger RNA.
Growth: Thyroid hormones are clearly necessary for normal growth in children and
young animals, as evidenced by the growth-retardation observed in thyroid deficiency.
Not surprisingly, the growth-promoting effect of thyroid hormones is intimately
intertwined with that of growth hormone, a clear indication that complex physiologic
processes like growth depend upon multiple endocrine controls.
Other Effects: As mentioned above, there do not seem to be organs and tissues that are
not affected by thyroid hormones. A few additional, well-documented effects of thyroid
hormones include:
• Central nervous system: Both decreased and increased concentrations of thyroid
hormones lead to alterations in mental state. Too little thyroid hormone, and the
individual tends to feel mentally sluggish, while too much induces anxiety and
• Reproductive system: Normal reproductive behavior and physiology is
dependent on having essentially normal levels of thyroid hormone.
Hypothyroidism in particular is commonly associated with infertility.
• Explain how these physiological effects are achieved starting with TH receptor
2.5. Thyroid Disease States
Hypothyroidism is the result from any condition that results in thyroid hormone
deficiency. Well-known examples include:
• Primary hypothyroidism:
1. defective hormone synthesis due to autoimmune (circulating antithyroid
antibodies) thyroiditis, endemic iodine deficiency, or antithyroid drugs
2. congenital defects or loss of thyroid tissue after treatment for hyperthyroidism.
Hashimoto thyroiditis is the most common cause for hypothyroidism in adults. Various
autoantibodies may be present against thyroid peroxidase, thyroglobulin and TSH
receptors. Though the thyroid may initially have been painlessly enlarged (due to thyroid
cell destruction decrease TH production stimulate TSH production cellular
proliferation), over time the inflammation leads to atrophy of the thyroid with
hypothyroidism. Anti-thyroid autoantibodies are helpful in establishing the diagnosis
The most severe and devastating form of hypothyroidism is seen in young children with
congenital thyroid deficiency. If that condition is not corrected by supplemental therapy
soon after birth, the child will suffer from cretinism, a form of irreversible growth and
mental retardation.
Most cases of hypothyroidism are readily treated by oral administration of synthetic
thyroid hormone. In times past, consumption of desiccated animal thyroid gland was used
for the same purpose.
Common signs of hyperthyroidism are basically the opposite of those seen in
hypothyroidism, and include nervousness, insomnia, high heart rate, eye disease and
List and describe disease states due to inadequate and overproduction of TH.
Fig. 4.14. Signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism
The term “goiter” simply refers to the abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland. It is
important to know that the presence of a goiter does not necessarily mean that the thyroid
gland is malfunctioning. A goiter can occur in a gland that is producing too much hormone
(hyperthyroidism), too little hormone (hypothyroidism), or the correct amount of hormone
(euthyroidism). A goiter indicates there is a condition present which is causing the thyroid
to grow abnormally.
An enlarged thyroid gland may be diffuse or nodular. A goiter may extend into the
retrosternal space, with or without substantial anterior enlargement. Because of the
anatomic relationship of the thyroid gland to the trachea, larynx, superior and inferior
laryngeal nerves, and esophagus, abnormal growth may cause a variety of compressive
Stimulation of the TSH receptors of the thyroid by TSH, TSH-receptor antibodies, or TSH
receptor agonists, such as chorionic gonadotropin, may result in a diffuse goiter. When a
small group of thyroid cells, inflammatory cells, or malignant cells metastatic to the thyroid
is involved, a thyroid nodule may develop.
A number of factors can cause your thyroid gland to enlarge. Among the most common are:
• Iodine deficiency.
3. Calcitonin
Calcitonin is a hormone known to participate in calcium and phosphorus metabolism.
The major source of calcitonin is from the parafollicular or C cells in the thyroid gland,
but it is also synthesized in a wide variety of other tissues, including the lung and
intestinal tract.
The calcitonin receptor has been cloned and shown to be a member of the seven-
transmembrane, G protein-coupled receptor family.
A large and diverse set of effects have been attributed to calcitonin, but in many cases,
these were seen in response to pharmacologic doses of the hormone, and their
physiologic relevance is suspect. It seems clear however, that calcitonin plays a role in
calcium and phosphorus metabolism. In particular, calcitonin has the ability to decrease
blood calcium levels at least in part by effects on two well-studied target organs:
It seems clear that there are species differences in the importance of calcitonin as a factor
affecting calcium homeostasis. In humans, calcitonin has at best a minor role in
regulating blood concentrations of calcium. One interesting piece of evidence to support
this statement is that humans with chronically increased (medullary thyroid cancer) or
decreased (surgical removal of the thyroid gland) levels of calcitonin in blood usually do
not show alterations from normal in serum calcium concentration. Additional information
on calcitonin and calcium balance can be found in the Section 6 on Endocrine Control of
Calcium and Phosphate Homeostasis.
3.3. Disease States
A large number of diseases are associated with abnormally increased or decreased levels
of calcitonin, but pathologic effects of abnormal calcitonin secretion per se are not
generally recognized.
There are several therapeutic uses for calcitonin. It is used to treat hypercalcemia resulting
from a number of causes, and has been a valuable therapy for Paget disease, which is a
disorder in bone remodeling. Calcitonin also appears to be a valuable aid in the
management of certain types of osteoporosis.
Describe the chemistry of calcitonin, the control of calcitonin secretion, and the physiological
effects of calcitonin. The description should be at the molecular level.
4. Parathyroid Hormone
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is the most important endocrine regulator of calcium and
phosphorus concentrations in extracellular fluid. This hormone is secreted from cells of
the parathyroid glands and finds its major target cells in bone and kidney. Another
hormone, parathyroid hormone-related protein, binds to the same receptor as parathyroid
hormone and has major effects on development.
The major regulator of PTH secretion is ionized plasma Ca2+, although vitamin D also
plays a role. Both inhibit the synthesis or release of PTH. When calcium concentrations
fall below the normal range, there is a steep increase in secretion of parathyroid hormone.
Low levels of PTH are secreted even when blood
calcium levels are high. The figure to the right
depicts PTH release from cells cultured in vitro in
differing concentrations of calcium. The parathyroid
cell monitors extracellular free calcium
concentration via an integral membrane protein that
functions as a calcium-sensing receptor.
Fig. 4.16: Parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion and its dependence on ionized Ca 2+ in the plasma. A, Four
parathyroid glands lie on the posterior side of the thyroid. The chief cells synthesize, store, and secrete PTH. Increases
in extracellular [Ca2+] inhibit PTH secretion in the following manner: Ca2+ binds to a receptor that is coupled to a
heterotrimeric G protein, Gαq, which activates phospholipase C (PLC). This enzyme converts phosphoinositides
(PIP 2) to inositol triphosphate (IP 3) and diacylglycerols (DAG). The IP3 causes the release of Ca2+ from internal
stores, whereas the DAG stimulates protein kinase C (PKC). Paradoxically, both the elevated [Ca2+]i and the
stimulated PKC inhibit release of granules containing PTH. Increased [Ca2+]o also inhibits PTH synthesis. Thus,
increased levels of plasma Ca 2+ lower PTH release, and thus tend to lower plasma [Ca2+]. B, Small decreases in free
plasma [Ca2+] greatly increase the rate of PTH release. About half of the total plasma Ca 2+ is free. In patients with
familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia (FHH), the curve is shifted to the right; that is, plasma [Ca 2+] must rise to higher
levels before inhibiting PTH secretion. As a result, the patients have normal PTH levels, but elevated plasma [Ca2+].
ER, endoplasmic reticulum.
Ca-sensing receptor is a member of G-protein-coupled receptor family activates
phospholipase C ↑ IP3 + DAG release of Ca2+ from internal stores and activation
of protein kinase C inhibit secretion of PTH. Note: this is unlike most endocrine
tissues in which activation of the signaling systems promotes a secretory response.
Another example is the granular cells of juxtaglomerlar apparatus (JGA), in which an
increase in Ca2+ inhibits secretion of renin.
If calcium ion concentration in extracellular fluid falls below normal, PTH brings it back
within the normal range. In conjunction with increasing calcium concentration, the
concentration of phosphate ion in blood is reduced. PTH accomplishes its job by
stimulating at least three processes:
Activity 4.15:
Mechanism of action
of PTH
Describe the
mechanism of signal
transduction in the
chief cells when
extracellular Ca is
Describe the
mechanism of action
of PTH on the bone,
kidney and GIT.
Kidney and bone have the greatest abundance of PTH receptor. Within the kidney, the
PTH receptors are most abundant in the proximal and distal convoluted tubules. In the
bone, the osteoblast appears to be the important target cell. The PTH receptor appears to
be coupled to 2 G-proteins and thus 2 signal transduction systems.
The net effects of PTH on kidney and bone are to increase plasma [Ca2+] and lower
plasma [phosphate].
In the kidney, PTH promotes Ca2+ reabsorption, phosphate loss, and 1-hydroxylation of
25-hydroxyvitamin D.
Fig. 4.18. Feedback loops in the control
of plasma Ca2+ levels.
Describe the chemistry of PTH, the control of PTH secretion, and the physiological effects of
PTH. The description should be at the molecular level.
4.3. Parathyroid Disease States
Both increased and decreased secretion of parathyroid hormone are recognized as causes
of serious disease in man and animals.
5. Vitamin D
Although vitamin D is not secreted by the thyroid or parathyroid gland, it is discussed
here because of its involvement in calcium and phosphate homeostasis.
Vitamin D exists in the body in 2 forms: vitamin D3 and vitamin D2. Vitamin D3 can be
synthesized from the 7-dehydrocholesterol that is present in the skin with sufficient uv
light. It is also available from a number of natural resources including cod liver, eggs,
and fortified milk.
Vitamin D2 is obtained from the diet, largely from vegetables. Absorption of vitamin D3
and D2 from the GIT depends on its solubilisation by bile salts.
The principle active form of vitamin D is not vitamin D3 or D2, but rather a dihydroxylated
metabolite of either (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D) which proceeds in 2 steps (Fig. 4.19).
Ca2+ moves from the intestinal lumen via paracellular and transcellular routes.
Paracellular route occurs passively throughout the intestine, and not regulated by vitamin
D. Transcellular route occurs only in the duodenum via three steps:
1. Ca2+ enters the cell across the apical membrane via Ca2+ channels and possibly
2. the entering Ca2+ binds to several high-affinity binding proteins, particularly
calbindin. This will buffer the [Ca2+]i and maintain a favorable gradient for Ca2+
3. the entrocyte extrudes Ca2+ absorption primarily by genomic effects that involve
induction of the synthesis of Ca2+ channels and pumps and Ca2+-binding proteins
as well as other proteins (e.g. alkaline phosphatase)
Fig. 4.20: Intestinal absorption of Ca 2+ and
The effect of PTH to stimulate intestinal Ca2+ absorption is thought to be entirely indirect
and mediated by increasing the renal formation of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, which then
enhances Ca2+ absorption.
Vitamin D also stimulates phosphate absorption from the small intestine (Fig. 4.20B):
Vitamin D appears to act synergistically with PTH to enhance Ca2+ reabsorption in the
distal convoluted tubule. PTH is a more potent regulator of Ca2+ reabsorption than
vitamin D is. Vitamin D also promotes phosphate reabsorption in the kidney although
the effect is less dramatic than that of PTH.
Indirect effect: vitamin D’s action on the intestine and kidney makes more Ca2+ available
to mineralize the osteoid.
Direct effect: to mobilize Ca2+ out of bone
Explain how Ca is involved in:
• hormone secretion
• muscle contraction
• nerve conduction
• exocytosis
• activation of enzymes
Hypocalcemia refers to low blood calcium concentration. Clinical signs of this disorder
reflect increased neuromuscular excitability and include muscle spasms, tetany and
cardiac dysfunction.
Preventing hypercalcemia and hypocalcemia is largely the result of robust endocrine
control systems.
Phosphate is part of the ATP molecule, thus plays a critical role in cellular energy
metabolism. It also plays crucial role in the activation and inactivation of enzymes.
However, unlike Ca2+ the plasma phosphate concentration is not very strictly regulated,
and its levels fluctuate throughout the day, particularly after meals.
Calcium homeostasis and phosphate homeostasis are intimately tied to each other
There are three major pools of calcium in the body (Fig. 4.21):
• Calcium in blood and extracellular fluid: Roughly half of the calcium in blood
is bound to proteins. The concentration of ionized calcium in this compartment is
normally almost invariant at approximately 1 mM, or 10,000 times the basal
concentration of free calcium within cells. Also, the concentration of phosphorus
in blood is essentially identical to that of calcium.
• Bone calcium: A vast majority of body calcium is in bone. Within bone, 99% of
the calcium is tied up in the mineral phase, but the remaining 1% is in a pool that
can rapidly exchange with extracellular calcium.
As with calcium, the majority of body phosphate (approximately 85%) is present in the
mineral phase of bone (Fig. 4.21). The remainder of body phosphate is present in a
variety of inorganic and organic compounds distributed within both intracellular and
extracellular compartments. Normal blood concentrations of phosphate are very similar
to calcium.
Fig. 4.21:
and balance.
Fig. 4.22.
and balance.
6.2. Fluxes of Calcium and Phosphate
Thus, the major effector organs for PTH are the kidney and bone.
Vitamin D acts also to increase blood concentrations of calcium. It is generated
through the activity of parathyroid hormone within the kidney. Far and away the most
important effect of vitamin D is to facilitate absorption of calcium from the small
intestine. In concert with parathyroid hormone, vitamin D also enhances fluxes of
calcium out of bone.
Thus, the major effector organs for PTH is the kidney which produces vitamin D that
consequently acts on the GIT.
A useful way of looking at how hormones affect tissues to preserve calcium homeostasis
is to examine the effects of calcium deprivation and calcium loading. The following table
summarizes body responses to conditions that would otherwise lead to serious
imbalances in calcium and phosphate levels in blood.
Calcium Deprivation Calcium Loading
Parathyroid Secretion stimulated Secretion inhibited
Vitamin D Production stimulated by increased Synthesis suppressed due to low
parathyroid hormone secretion parathyroid hormone secretion
Calcitonin Very low level secretion Secretion stimulated by high blood
Intestinal Enhanced due to activity of vitamin D on Low basal uptake
absorption of intestinal epithelial cells
Release of Stimulated by increased parathyroid Decreased due to low parathyroid
calcium and hormone and vitamin D hormone and vitamin D
from bone
Renal Decreased due to enhanced tubular Elevated due to decreased parathyroid
excretion of reabsorption stimulated by elevated hormone-stimulated reabsorption.
calcium parathyroid hormone and vitamin D;
hypocalcemia also activates calcium
sensors in loop of Henle to directly
facilitate calcium reabsorption
Renal Strongly stimulated by parathyroid Decreased due to hypoparathyroidism
excretion of hormone; this phosphaturic activity
phosphate prevents adverse effects of elevated
phosphate from bone resorption
General Typically see near normal serum Low intestinal absorption and
Response concentrations of calcium and phosphate enhanced renal excretion guard
due to compensatory mechanisms. Long against development of hypercalcemia.
term deprivation leads to bone thinning
Fig. 4.24: Regulation of plasma calcium concentration via PTH, calcitonin, and calcitriol.
Draw a “box diagram” that includes receptor, control centre, and effector to describe the
endocrine control of calcium and phosphate homeostasis.
Objectives Comment on mastery
1. Describe the functional anatomy and histology of
the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
2. Describe the chemistry, mechanism of synthesis
and secretion, regulation of synthesis and
secretion, mechanism of action and physiological
effects, and disease states related to thyroid
3. Describe the chemistry, mechanism of synthesis
and secretion, regulation of synthesis and
secretion, mechanism of action and physiological
effects, and disease states related to calcitonin.
4. Describe the chemistry, mechanism of synthesis
and secretion, regulation of synthesis and
secretion, mechanism of action and physiological
effects, and disease states related to parathyroid
5. Describe the chemistry, mechanism of synthesis
and secretion, regulation of synthesis and
secretion, mechanism of action and physiological
effects, and disease states related to Vitamin D.
6. Describe the endocrine control of calcium and
phosphorus homeostasis.