Wells' Criteria For DVT - MDCalc
Wells' Criteria For DVT - MDCalc
Wells' Criteria For DVT - MDCalc
Dr. Phil Wells
Note: The Wells' Score is less useful in hospitalized patients. (Silveira PC, 2015
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Yes +1
Yes +1
Yes +1
Yes +1
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Wells' Criteria for DVT - MDCalc 1/21/19, 1'22 PM
Yes +1
Yes +1
0 points
Low risk group for DVT. “Unlikely” according to Wells’ DVT studies.
As with all clinical decision aids, the Wells’ DVT criteria is meant to aid clinical decision
making and not force management.
The Wells’ DVT criteria should only be applied after a detailed history and physical is
The Wells’ DVT criteria should only be applied to those patients who have been
deemed at risk for DVT. If there is no concern for DVT than there is no need for risk
Patients can be divided into “DVT unlikely” and “DVT likely” groups based on Wells score.
An additional moderate risk group can be added based on the sensitivity of the d-dimer
being used.
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Wells' Criteria for DVT - MDCalc 1/21/19, 1'22 PM
A score of 0 or lower is associated with DVT unlikely with a prevalence of DVT of 5%.
These patients should proceed to d-dimer testing:
A negative high or moderate sensitivity d-dimer results in a probability <1 %
and no further imaging is required.
A positive d-dimer should proceed to US testing.
A negative US is sufficient for DVT rule out.
A positive US is concerning for DVT; strongly consider treatment with
*Moderate risk group should only undergo d-dimer testing for rule out without
ultrasonography if a high-sensitivity d-dimer is being used.
No decision rule should trump clinical gestalt. High suspicion for DVT should warrant
imaging regardless of Wells score.
The Wells’ Criteria for DVT is utilized for the workup of DVT. The presence of DVT is
critical to the evaluation of possible PE, and if PE is on the differential, alternative
decision aids such as the Wells PE (https://www.mdcalc.com/wells-criteria-pulmonary-
embolism) or PERC rule (https://www.mdcalc.com/perc-rule-pulmonary-embolism)
should be entertained.
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