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Stanbic Bank Zimbabwe Limited, Company Registration No. 3387/89

Computer Generated Copy
Payment transaction report

Payment batch details

Batch id Date & time created Payment type
33326200 16/01/2019 12:33:57 PM CAT AFRICAN CHROME FIELDS PVT LIMITED
No. of instructions Customer batch reference Submission mechanism
Online capture
Last modified date Amount Currency
16/01/2019 251,283.81 USD
Date & Time submitted Date & Time accepted Status
16/01/2019 12:34:29 PM CAT 16/01/2019 12:34:29 PM CAT Fully Processed
Instruction details

Instruction id. From account no. From account name

34519916 9140001461280 AFRICAN CHROME FIELDS PVT LTD
Amount Debit account currency Transfer currency
251,283. 81 USD USD
Service level No. of transactions Submission mechanism
Urgent 22 Online capture
Value date Status Debit reference
16/01/2019 Delivered for Processing OPEX
Charges paid by Authorizer Funding option
OUR [ZUNA1D MOTI] Available funds
Transaction detail
Transaction id. Beneficiary code Beneficiary name
8 ENVR0001 Enviromental Managment Agency
Beneficiary type Beneficiaryentity category Beneficiarynationality

Account currency Account number BIC (SWIFT)

USD 01121161170033 COBZZWHA
Beneficiary bank name Sort code I BAN
Transfer amount Beneficiary bank branch name Beneficiary reference
2,644. 93 Kwame Nkrumah Avenue 37002/3/4/5
Transaction type Submission mechanism
RTGS Online capture
Intermediary bank name Transaction status Intermediary bank BIC(SWIFT)
Delivered for Processing
Correspondent bank name Intermediary bank city Correspondent bank BIC(SWIFT)

Biller id. Correspondent bank city Serial number

Created 16/01/2019 02:46:37 PM CAT

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Stanbic Bank Zimbabwe Limited makes no representation or warranty, whether express or implied, as to the integrity, accuracy/completeness'or reTiabiiit
tnrormauon contained herein.

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