Dental Clinic Management System

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Dental Clinic Management System Admas University College

Table of contents
1. Project Proposal …………………………………………………………………… 1



1.3.Problem Statement…………………………………………………….....4

1.4.Literature Review ……………………………………………………......8

1.5. Feasibility Study ………………………………………….....................14

2. System Analysis…………………………………………………………………....17


2.2. Existing System………….……………………………………………...22

2.3.Proposed System………………………………………………...............26

3. System Design………………………………………………………………………33

3.1. Database Design…………………………………………………………33

3.2.User Interface Design………………………...…….……………………48

4. System Implementation…………………………………………………………… 50

4.1.Snap shots of forms & Report…………………………………………....43

5. System Testing………………………………………………………………………44

5.1.Types of testing………………………………………………………….. 45

5.2.Objective of testing……………………………………………………….46

5.3.Test Case………………………………………………………………….47

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Dental Clinic Management System Admas University College


The World Health Organization defines Dentistry as "the science and art of preventing,
diagnosing and treating diseases, injuries and malformations of the teeth, jaws and mouth".

Dentists diagnose and treat problems with teeth and tissues in the mouth, along with giving
advice and administering care to help prevent future problems.

They provide instruction on brushing, flossing, the use of fluorides, and other aspects of
dental care. They remove tooth decay, fill cavities, examine X rays, place protective plastic
sealants on children's teeth, straighten teeth, and repair fractured teeth. They also perform
corrective surgery on gums and supporting bones to treat gum diseases.

Dentists extract teeth and make models and measurements for dentures to replace missing
teeth. They also administer anesthetics and write prescriptions for antibiotics and other

Dental health centers are important because they provide crucial services to the society, so it is
necessary to automate their work process in order to enhance the quality of their service.

Since most of our dental clinics work manual system, and it is very hard to keep track the
health situation of the patients in an order manner with time to time.

At that time it is worthwhile to make a database system that safe and keep track the
information of the patients as well as simplify their work up to extent.

The other reason why it is important for dental clinics to have a database system is that
patients with dental problems might take long time to cure and visits their doctors/consultants
more than one time, so the dentist have to follow up their treatment history properly to
provide the best treatment type.

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Abokor Artan Dental Clinic and Pharmacy

Abokor Artan Dental Clinic and pharmacy is established in 1997 in hargeisa city since there it
is the most famous and leading dental clinics in Somaliland.
Abokor Artan Dental Clinic is privately owned dental clinic by dentist Abokor Artan,
providing dental services in Somaliland.

Abokor Artan dental clinic and pharmacy principal activities include flossing, the use of
fluorides, remove tooth decay, fill cavities, examine X rays, place protective plastic sealants
on teeth, straighten teeth, and repair fractured teeth. They also perform curative surgery on
gums and supporting bones to treat gum diseases.

The dental clinic is small in size and has no branches in other regions of Somaliland, only one
dentist Dr. Abokor Artan which is also the owner, work the clinic and two of his assistants.

The dental clinic works 11/5 every day except weekends, the dentist work two shifts.

In the morning the dentist check patients that has already examined and described their
problem, while in the afternoon the dentist tries to receive and see the complaints of at least
50 patient.

Apart from Abokor Artan Dental Clinic and Pharmacy, there are many other dental clinics
which provide the same service to the society, but the reliable knowledge of Dr.Abokor and
his team made the clinic the most famous and customer oriented dental clinic in Somaliland.

Abokor Artan Dental Clinic and Pharmacy work in a manual system; they use big books to
store the information of their patients.

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As for this time being, there is no dental database system that had been applied to the Dental
Clinics in Somaliland. Usually, the dentists use a dentist card to record all the dental
information. This information may easily being cheated, as the information can be deleted and
also change easily. The manual paper-based method that had been used by the clinic can be
viewed by anyone else. Dental patient information should be kept as a secret by the clinic as a
policy of treatment. In addition, the dentist card has the possibility to lost, misplace or being
taken by someone else.

Again which threaten the data of the patients, waste of space, unnecessary costs are involved,
take time, also mistakes are not always avoidable and repetition of work may take place.

By having the new Development of Dental Database System for Abokor Artan Dental Clinic
all the record regarding the patient dental information will be kept in a secure database and can
be easily keep track by the dentist.

Dentist can figure out the best treatment for the patient by viewing the past dental history that
had been recorded before. So, to organize, keep save patient’s information and provide the
best, appropriate treatments to the patients there must be a database system that stores the right
information for every patient.

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The project scope is patient and dentist/consultant management system of dental clinic and has
to fulfill all their needs such as registering the patients and capturing their data and retrieve
back information any time.

This project is about Dental clinic management application, this application will consist of
four important modules. Which will be like this: -

1) Patient management
A) Add patient information
B) Search/edit patient info
C) Set patient appointments
D) Capture patient complaints
E) Record patient diagnosis info.
F) Keep patient treatment history
2) Dentist Management
A) Add dentist
B) Modify dentist info.
3) User Management
A) User Registration
B) User Reset Password
C) Search User
4) Reports, this part of application is very important and it will be derived from other
modules. Within Reports we can easily generate reports using different search
criteria about:-
A) Registered patients
B) dentist’s info
C) Patient treatment history
D) Number of patient we have for a given time

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The goal of this software is to store, save all information related to patients and dentist.

Also get back that information, manipulate the information, create reports and take decision
based on the reports generated.


1. System manages to save all the patient record accurately and computerized.
2. System should able to avoid the data redundancy of patient dental information.
3. System should manage to check the available date and time to make appointment
between dentist and patient.
4. System able to display patient dental history and treatment that had been done.
5. Generate report of patient dental condition according to the treatment session and
many other criteria
6. Generate valuable report regarding number of patient visit for treatment at the clinic.

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A literature review is a survey and discussion of the literature in a given area of study.
A literature review surveys scholarly articles, books and other sources relevant to a particular
issue, area of research, or theory, providing a description, summary, and critical evaluation of
each work


i. DENTIMAX (Chairman and CEO Levin Group, Inc)

He has been involved in the dental industry for over 27 years and can unequivocally say that
DentiMax is an excellent tool for both new and existing dental practices.
Used in combination with documented practice business systems, DentiMax will help
increase your practice's cash flow and productivity while making your workflow smooth and
transparent to patients.
DentiMax offers easy-to-use, full-featured dental software programs that completely integrate
dental practice management, digital imaging and patient clinical charting.

Figure 2-1 DentiMax Doctor Module

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ii. Suzy Dental Corporate

According to the Suzy Dental Corporate; Suzy Dental is a dental management System which
covered the application to be used in the dental clinic, dental office management and also
dental patients. This system allows three groups of users which are the dentist, staffs and the

The features or module that had been included in this system are:

 Electronic Appointment Book.

An application which allows the dentist views the patient’s record by clicking on the booking
appointments from the patients.

 Patient Billing
Patients are allowed to select the appropriate billing process. And how does the payment
process will be done.

 Patient Recall
Patients are recalled for the additional appointment, treatments and procedures.

 Mail Merge Processing

Merge documents generated in Suzy DENTAL or Microsoft Word with patient information
for effective, personalized patient communications.

 Insurance Management
Users (patients) can do electronic claim for example the medical insurance from this system.

 Treatment Planning
The next step will be recommended by the dentist to the patients (future treatment).

 Referral Tracking
Keep track of the referral from the dentist.

 Integration
Intraoral imaging, digital radiography system and others

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Electronic Dental Charting

Computer technology has revolutionized the way the world does business, allowing us to work
faster, smarter and more efficiently than ever before. Computers first made their way into the
dental office in the late 1960s as an accounts receivable device. Today, we can digitize
anything and recall it in the operatory with the patient.

Based on the Electronic Dental charting website; it is software for the management of medical
and dental office which had been implemented exclusively for the Apple's OS 9 Operating
The task of this software was to provide the chair side clinical charting, periodontal charting
and also clinic record.
This system had offered a good and effective interface which can easily being used by the
dentist to record all the information about dental patients.
This software had provided the entire important requirement for the dentist such as the dental
chart, tool pallet, and tooth inspector.
Dental chart will provide a full and complete illustration of the patients tooth.
Tool pallet shows the tools that can be used by the dentist in order to do the treatment towards
the patients.
The tooth inspector is an area where dentist can gather all the dental information about the
patients in only one interface.

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Our project is going to build with VB.NET as front-end and SQL server as a back-end. We
will make a database system which will store and save patient information, consultant
information and so.
In literature survey we examined other Project which we have also assigned in Related Work
These Projects work both as Form Base Application and web based application but, our
Project will work on as form based application.

So we can’t use Web Base Application because of the following reasons:-

a) People in our country does not have full internet connection
b) It is difficult to implement web based application, since most of our people are not
enough well-informed to understand such systems.
c) Most of people prefer to go directly by the doctor and they don’t trust accessing
through internet.

Customization we will make to fit our dental clinic requirements

 Mail merge feature for Suzy Dental is not suitable for our dental clinics since all
patients may not have e-mails.
 Insurance management does not work in our country yet, given that there are no
insurance companies in Somaliland.

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The Platforms that is running the project is

 Operating Systems:
 Microsoft Windows® XP with Service Pack 3
 Microsoft Windows® XP Professional
 Microsoft Windows Vista
 Microsoft Windows 7
 Packages of the Application:
 Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
 Microsoft SQL server 2005
Hardware Requirements

The following lists are the minimum system requirements to run the project:

 RAM (Random Access Memory) 512MB

 CPU (Central Process Unit) requires a computer Pentium processor with a clock
speed of at least 233 megahertz (MHz). Microsoft recommends a computer with a
Pentium III or faster processor

 Available Hard Disk Space

2 GB of available hard-disk space

 Disk Drives:

CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drives for installation.

 Monitor

A Super VGA monitor with at least 800x600 resolution and 256 colors is

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Apr 2011 May 2011 Jun 2011

ID Task Name Start Finish Duration
4/24 5/1 5/8 5/15 5/22 5/29 6/5 6/12 6/19

1 Project proposal 4/19/2011 4/25/2011 Project proposal


2 Analysis 5/3/2011 5/16/2011 2w Analysis

3 Design 5/17/2011 5/30/2011 2w Design

4 Implementation 5/31/2011 6/20/2011 3w Implementation

5 Maintanence & Testing 6/21/2011 7/18/2011 4w Maintanence & Testing

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Feasibility Study

The main objective of the feasibility study is to take care of the technical, Operational, logical
and economic feasibility of developing the computerized system. All systems are feasible,
given unlimited resources and infinite time. It is both necessary and useful to evaluate the
feasibility of the project at System study phase itself. The feasibility study to be conducted for
this project Involves.

 Technical Feasibility

 . Operational Feasibility

 Economic Feasibility

 Logical Feasibility

Technical Feasibility

Technical feasibility includes Risk Resources availability and technologies. The

management provides latest hardware and software facilities for the successful completion of
the projects. With these latest hardware and software support the system will perform
extremely well.

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Operational Feasibility

In the existing manual system it is very difficult to maintain and update huge amount
of information. The development of the system was started because of the requirement put
forward by the management of the concerned entity. This system will handle the request in a
better way and make the process easier thus, it is sure that the system developed is
operationally feasible.

Economic Feasibility

In the economic feasibility the development cost of the system is evaluated weighing it
against the ultimate benefit derived from the new system. It is found that the benefit, from the
new system would be more than the cost and time involved in its development.

Legal Feasibility

In the legal feasibility it is necessary to check that the software we are going to develop
is legally correct which means that the ideas which we have taken for the proposed system will
be legally implemented or not. So, it is also an important step in feasibility study.

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Chapter 2

System Analysis


System analysis is a logical process; the objective of this phase is not actually to solve the
problem but to determine what must be done to solve the problem. The basic objective of the
analysis stage is to develop the logical model of the system.

Project Methodology


The systems development life cycle (SDLC) is a conceptual model used in project
management that describes the stages involved in an information system development project,
from an initial feasibility study through maintenance of the completed application.

The methodology that will be applied for implementing this system is waterfall method. We
will use an interview to gather data and tools such as the data flow diagram and E-R diagrams
to represent data flow of the system.

Data Collection (Interview Questions)

1. Type of system you are using now?

2. What Problems you have with the existing system?
3. Your operation books and information stored each one?
4. Types of your patients?
5. What is the work done for the patients?
6. What is the information you keep from the patients to register?
7. Is there anyone who should be reported to?
8. Is there are treatment history?

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Preliminary analysis

2.1 Existing System

Abokor Artan Dental Clinic is a fully manual or paper based system. This clinic involves
many activities like patient registration, meetings between dentist and patients and many other

Typical activities

 Patients are registered

To register a patient, the patient must be 15 years old or above or there should
someone else responsible for him. Patient should have related complaint about oral
 Schedule appointment for the registered patients
After patient is registered nurse/staff should set and tell the patient, date and time that
the patient can meet with the dentist for diagnosis and treatment.
 Complaints
After nurse set the appointment date, patient meets with the dentist and tells complaint
that he/she have.
 Patient diagnosis
At this stage, dentist already captured the chief complaint of the patient and will take
the proper action we call this (diagnosis process).
 Patient treatment
After diagnose result is known by both dentist and patient, then dentist will provide
appropriate treatment based on patient’s condition.

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Problems with the current system

1. Time-consuming data entry and information retrieval

Abokor Artan Dental Clinic & Pharmacy face a vast difficulty and inefficient work
from registering patients, searching old records of the patients, setting appointments,
and keeping track patient information.

2. No treatment history
In case a patient need more than one time visit; the patient is treated as new patient
even if it is the second visit for that patient, the only difference between new and the
existing patients is the doctor’s prescription of the patient in which, if it is lost the
patient will be unable to meet the dentist again unless he/she register again as a new
3. Data loss
Data that is written in their operation books can easily be lost which slow down the
reputation of the clinic.

4. Searching if information of a patient is misplaced, then searching for it is difficult, as

it will cause patient disappointment.
5. Lack of proper appointment schedule of dentist and patient
6. Repetition of work

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Recommended Solution
Computerized system is the solution of some of these problems that face the clinic.
Automating the work of the clinic will improve the general work flow of the clinic.
A database system for this clinic will reflect many advantages to this clinic like:-
 Entering patient information once, this will exclude data duplication.
 Data retrieval with few clicks, which will save time.
 Information of the patient is save and no chance for data loss.
 Nurse/staff can easily set or cancel appointments.
 Treatment history of the patients will be saved which will help Dentist to
follow up the patient’s health in a correct manner.
 unnecessary costs like books and papers can be avoided
 Payment history can be maintained easily.
 Database system supports to produce reports with different criteria which will
help the manager to take accurate decision about a particular issue.

2.2 Proposed System

Abokor Artan Dental Clinic & Pharmacy has one manager which is at the same time
the owner.
The clinic has one dentist and two staff which are responsible for patient registration,
and giving prescribed drugs to the patients.
So this system is going to be used in a small network (client- server based) in which
the dentist himself is the administrator of the database and responsible who is
accessing the database and what privileges should be given to the users.
User id and password must be maintained to restrict data access and empower data
The new system should be a very simple and easy to use one; most important it should
be very user friendly so that the user can get used to, without a lot of pre-training.

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Advantages of the proposed System

1. All Registrations can be completed automatically as you enter data.

2. Data can be saved automatically soon after it is entered so that the risk of data being
lost is minimized.
3. Sorting and storing documents and other information like searching is much easier.
4. Searching and retrieving data is much easier.
5. Validation rules can be used in order to guarantee better verification
6. Addition of new patients, modification of appointment, keeping the patient’s treatment
history will be simple

Requirement Structuring

Process modeling

Process modeling involves graphically representing the functions, or processes that capture,
manipulate, store and distribute data between a system and its environment and among system
components. The DFD (data flow diagram) of the Abokor Artan Dental Clinic is like this:

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Context Diagram of Abokor Artan Dental Clinic & Pharmacy

Patient Visits Dental Clinic Patient
Management Information
Appointment Date System



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Level 0 Data flow Diagram

Patient Dentist
Patient Request Patient
Patient Info
Appointment Date & P_ID

2.0 Registered Fix patient 4.0

Update Patients Appointment Update

patient Appointments
D3 Appointments File
D1 Reg. Patient File

Daily # of Appointments
Daily Registered Patients 5.0
Reports Mgmt Reports Manager/
Patient bill Dentist

Registration Patient Registration fee D2 Patient Payment File

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Level 1 Diagram showing Composition of Process 1

1.1 1.3 Patient

Patient Order Order Dentist
Patient Transform
Patient Order
Order To Dentist

Patient Order
Patient Order Record
Decrement D1 Patient_ID. File
Patient Order ID

1.2 1.4
Registered Patient’s
Generate Increment Data
D 2 Registration File
Patient ID Registered



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Level 1 diagram showing The Composition of Process 5

Daily Registered Patient’s Patient’s Data
Registration File D2 Access
Registered Aggregate
Patient’s Registered
Data Patient’s

Management Report 5.3 Aggregated Data


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Level Two of Process Five

Aggregated Data Formatted Data

Registered Patient’s File D1 5.2.1 5.2.2

Format Print
Management Management
Reports Reports

Management Reports


Logic modeling

The logic modeling involves internal structure and functionality of processes. To represent the
logic model of the system we will use structured English method.

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Structured English

Level 0 Processes

(Dental Clinic System)

Process 1.0: Capture Patient Information

Read patient request
Transfer to Dentist
Until End-of-file

Process 2.0: Update Registered Patients File

Read Patient Information
ADD Patient Information To Registered Patients File
Until End-of-file
Process 3.0: Generate Patient Bill
ADD Registration Fee To Patient Payment Record
Until End-of-file
Process 4.0: Update Appointments File
ADD Appointment To Appointments File
Until End-of-file
Process 5.0: Produce Reports
Read File
Display File Reports From Files

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Level 1 Diagram Composition of Processes 1

Process 1.1: Capture Patient Order

Write Patient Information
ADD Patient to Registered Patients
Until End-of-file

Process 1.2: Generate Patient ID

CREATE new ID to the Patient
Until End-of-file

Process 1.3: Transform Patient Information To Dentist

Read Patient File
Transform to Dentist
Until End-of-file

Process 1.4: Increment Registered Patient File

ADD new patient to the Registration File
Until End-of-file

Process 1.5: Decrement Patient ID (PID)

SUBTRACT PID from Patient ID number
Until End-of-file

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Level 1 Diagram showing Composition of Process 5

Process 5.1: Access Registered Patient Data


READ Registered Patient Data From Registration File

Until End-of-file

Process 5.2: Aggregate Patient Data


SELECT Patient Data based on certain criteria

Until End-of-file

Process 5.3: Prepare Management Reports


Read File

Display File Reports From Files

Until End-of-file

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Level Two of Process Five

Process 5.2.1 : Format Management Reports


SELECT a report

Display File Reports From Files

Until End-of-file

Process 5.2.3 : Aggregate Patient’s Data


PRINT File Reports From Files

Until End-of-file

Conceptual Data Modeling

Conceptual data modeling involves transforming the Structured English into Entity
Relationship Diagrams (E-R diagrams). E-R is a detailed model that captures the overall data
structure in an organization. Here are System Entities.

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Entity Relationship Diagram

PK Designation PK Treatment_Plan

Name Doctor_Name
Gender Patient_Name
Address Prescription_Given
Dateof_Birth Visit_Date
Qualification Review_Date
Joining_Date Patient_Photo


Patient_Name Doctor_Name
Age Gender
Gender Address
Contact_Address DOB
phone(Home) Joining_Date
Mobil Qualification
E-mail Phone
COMPLAINTS Medical_history Experiance
Dental_history Email
PK Chief_Complaint Blood_Group Specialisation
Doctor_Name Allergies
Patient_Name Reg_Fee
Examination_Result Patient_Photo



PK Purposeof_thisAppointment Doctor_Name
Doctor_Name Patient_Name
Patient_ID Diagnosis_Results

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System Design

3.1 Database Design

A database is a collection of information that is organized so that it can easily be accessed,
managed, and updated. In one view, databases can be classified according to types of content
bibliographic, full-text, numeric, and images.

A database is a list or a group of lists of objects organized to make the list(s) and their values
easy to create and manage.

In the computer world, this suggests, rightly, that the list(s) and (their) values are stored in a

As information becomes of high importance, almost every company keeps some type of
database, whether it includes its employees, its customers, or the products it sells.

Transforming E-R Diagrams into Relations


A detailed, logical representation of the entities, associations and data elements for an
organization or business

The three main Constructs of an E-Diagram are:

 Entity Person, place, object, event or concept about which data is to be maintained.
 Relationship is association between the instances of one or more entity types and it can
represented as optional, mandatory many, mandatory one and many with maximum
 Attribute named property or characteristic of an entity.

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A named, two-dimensional table of data, each relation consists of a set of named columns and
an arbitrary number of unnamed rows. So in order to transform E-R Diagrams to well structure
relations we have to normalize our relations as much as possible.

 Users

User_ID First Second Last Designation User_Name Password Verify

Name Name Name Password

 Doctor

Doctor_ID Name Gender DOB Hire_Date Qualification Phone Experience Email Specialization

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 Patient

Patient_ID Patient_Name Age Gender Patient Registration Contact_Address Phone

Group Date


Mobile Email Blood_Group

 Appointments

Patient_ID Doctor_Name Appointment_Purpose Dateof_appointment AppointmentTime

 Diagnosis Table

Patient_ID Doctor _Name Diagnosis_Type Diagnosis


 Complaints Table

Patient_ID Chief_Complaint Medical_history Dental_history Habits Allergies

 Treatment Table

Patient_ID Treatment_Plan Photo_After Visit_Date Review_Date Prescription_Given

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Normalization is the process of converting complex data structures into simple, stable data
structures. There are two objectives of the normalization process: eliminating redundant data
(for example, storing the same data in more than one table) and ensuring data dependencies
make sense (only storing related data in a table). Both of these are worthy to achieve, as they
reduce the amount of space a database consumes and ensure that data is logically stored.

The database community has developed a series of guidelines for ensuring that databases are
normalized. These are referred to as normal forms and are numbered from one (the lowest
form of normalization, referred to as first normal form or 1NF) through five (fifth normal form
or 5NF). In practical applications, you'll often see 1NF, 2NF, and 3NF along with the
occasional 4NF. Fifth normal form is very rare.

 First Normal From (1NF)

- Eliminate duplicate columns from the same table.
- Create separate tables for each group of related data and identify each row with a
unique column or set of columns (the primary key).
 Second Normal Form (2NF)
- Meet all the requirements of the first normal form.
- Remove subsets of data that apply to multiple rows of a table and place them in
separate tables.
- Create relationships between these new tables and their predecessors through the
use of foreign keys.

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 Third Normal Form (3NF)

- Meet all the requirements of the second normal form.

- Remove columns that are not dependent upon the primary key.

 Fourth Normal Form (4NF)

Finally, fourth normal form (4NF) has one additional requirement:

- Meet all the requirements of the third normal form.

- A relation is in 4NF if it has no multi-valued dependencies.

Remember, these normalization guidelines are collective. For a database to be in 2NF, it must
first fulfill all the criteria of a 1NF database.

Data Dictionary

The term "data dictionary" is used by many, to denote a separate set of tables that describes
the application tables. The Data Dictionary contains such information as column names, types,
and sizes, but also descriptive information such as titles, captions, primary keys, foreign keys,
and hints to the user interface about how to display the field.

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For Example

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Design of Tables in Database

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Relationship of tables

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Relations and Data Volume of tables

1. Users:
The table of Users has primary key (Pk) and it is unique User ID.
The data volume of this table is less, since number of employees in the clinic is
about three to four users.
So there is no need for index as well as making a view.
2. Patients:
The table of patients has a primary key (Pk) which is Patient ID.
Data volume of this table is very large and it can reach Gigabit (GB), because of
number of patients that visits the clinic daily and we can say at least 50 patients
come every day.
As time passes data will increase, so it’s necessary to make this table an index to
speed up it is performance.
3. Dentist:
Table of Doctors has also its own primary or unique field and it is Doctor ID.
Data volume of this table is the smallest table in the whole database, and the reason
is that there is one doctor in Abokor Artan Dental Clinic and because of that; there
is no need an index.
4. Appointments:
The table of appointments also has its own primary key that is Patient ID
Also this is a foreign key (Fk) which is referring patient Registration table.
Volume of this table is like Patient table and more, since one patient may take
more appointments. It is necessary to make an index for this table.
5. Complaints:
Table of complaint has it is own primary key (Pk) which is Patient ID which is, at
the same time a foreign key of table patient Registration.
Volume of this table is like Patient table since every patient will be captured his/her
complaint. It will be nice if we make an index for this table.

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6. Diagnosis:
Primary key of table of Diagnosis is Diagnosis Type and it’s unique in that table.
This table has a foreign key (Fk) which is patient_ID referring table of patients
Data volume of this table is similar to the one of patients, since every patient need
diagnosis too.
7. Treatment Plan/Treatment History:
This table is treatment history; its primary key is Patient ID
Database size of this table is the largest one because one patient’s treatment plan
may take long time and more size.
View and index is good for this table in order to enhance its performance since
more data will be stored on it.

Preferred Technologies

What is ADO?

ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) is the data access model provided for Visual Basic users to write
applications for the Microsoft Windows platform. ADO is also used by VBScript, which is a
specialized language that is used primarily to program functionality for web pages. ADO
provides a relational view of data through the Connection, Command and Record set objects.


ADO.NET (ActiveX Data Objects for .NET ) is a data access technology from Microsoft .Net
Framework , which provides communication between relational and non-relational systems
through a common set of components.ADO.NET was built for a disconnected architecture, so
it enables truly disconnected data access and data manipulation through its Dataset Object,
which is completely independent from the Data Source. The two key components of
ADO.NET are Data Providers and Dataset. The .Net Framework includes mainly three Data
Providers for ADO.NET which is Microsoft SQL Server , OLEDB and ODBC are the main
Data Providers in the .Net Framework.

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Data Provider

A data provider in the .NET Framework serves as a bridge between an application and a data
source. A data provider is used to retrieve data from a data source and to reconcile changes to
that data back to the data source.

Core classes of the .NET Framework data provider are:-

 Connection establishes a connection to a specific data source.

 Command Executes a command against a data source.
 DataReader reads a forward-only, read-only stream of data from a data source.
 DataAdapter is a bridge used to transfer data between a Data source and a Dataset


Dataset object is the core of the ADO.NET disconnected architecture and is used to store data
in a disconnected state in which there is no need to have a live connection. It contains data
table in which data row and data column is present.

Benefits of ADO.NET

ADO.NET applications can take advantage of the flexibility and broad acceptance of
XML. Because XML is the format for transmitting datasets across the network, any
component that can read the XML format can process data.
In the time working systems need maintenance, changes are possible, but substantial,
architectural changes are rarely attempted because they are so not easy. That is
unfortunate, because in a natural course of events, such considerable changes can
become necessary.

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ADO.NET data components in Visual Studio encapsulate data access functionality in
various ways that help you program more quickly and with fewer mistakes.
ADO.NET accommodates scalability by encouraging programmers to conserve limited
resources. Because any ADO.NET application employs disconnected access to data, it
does not retain database locks or active database connections for long durations.

Visual Basic .NET:

Visual Basic (VB), formerly known as Visual Basic .NET, is an object-oriented computer
programming language. That can be viewed as an evolution of Microsoft's Visual Basic (VB)
implemented on the Microsoft .NET Framework. To implement this system we will use visual
basic.Net 2008 as front-end and MS SQL 2005 Server as back-end.

What is a .NET?

.NET is a platform that provides a standardized set of services. It’s just like Windows,
except distributed over the Internet. And it exports a common interface so that its programs
can be run on any system that supports .NET.

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Advantages of Visual Basic.NET:

1. First of all, VB.NET provides managed code execution that runs under the
Common Language Runtime (CLR), resulting in robust, stable and secure
applications. All features of the .NET framework are readily available in VB.NET.

2. The .NET framework comes with ADO.NET, which follows the disconnected

3. must provide excellent reporting features with good printing support

4. Platform independent.

5. Easy to debug and maintain.

6. Event driven programming facility.

7. front end must support some popular back end like Ms SQL

According to the above stated features I selected Visual Basic.Net version 2008 as the
front- end for developing my project.

Back-end selection:

Microsoft SQL Server is a computer application used to create desktop, enterprise, and
web-based database applications. It is used at different levels and with various goals.

1. Multiple user support.

2. Efficient data retrieval and maintenance

3. Stored procedures.

4. Easy to implant with the front-end

According to the above stated features I selected Ms SQL as the back-end

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3.2 User Interface

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Report Design

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System Implementation

System Implementation: A collection of interdependent physical devices together with their

programming, which provides the functionality and performance for which the system is

Loading/Splash Form

First form is the Splash form which allows for the user to see the next form after waiting for
the loading to be finished and it takes few seconds. And it looks like this:

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Login Form

 Empty Value Given as User Name OR Empty Value for Password

If a null value is given as the user name or password in the login form and the
Login button is pressed, a message box would appear saying “Please Enter Your
Username” that is if user name box is empty and “Please Enter Your Password” for
the password field if it is empty.
As shown below. This means that access to the system is not granted unless a
correct user name and password is given.

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 Incorrect Password Given

If an incorrect value is entered as the password in the Login form and the Login
button is pushed, a message box would appear saying “either username or
password are incorrect try again” as shown below. This means that if an incorrect
password is entered access to the system is not approved.

 Multiple Document Interface (MDI)

In the MDI form we have the collection of all forms in the application.
In the menu strip we have Patient Management, Dentist Management, User
Management and Reports.

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 Select Patient Management and all patient related forms will pop up
Like Patient Registration Form, Patient Appointment Form, Patient Diagnosis Form
and Patient Treatment History Form.

 Select Dentist Management and all Dentist associated forms will pop up
Like Add/Modify Form.

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 Select User Management and all User related forms will pop up
Like Add User Form, Login Form, Change Password Form and Log off or
Exit Form.

 Select Reports and all Reports forms will pop up, in Report form you can
get many different reports.

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 Patient Registration Form

If you click buttons Add+, Add patient, Modify patient Info, Cancel/delete and close.

Add +, first clears all the controls then increments the patient Id (PID).

Add Patient button will save contents of the controls after you confirm to save the record.

In order to update or modify the information of a patient, first search the patient that you are
going to modify his information then load to this form by clicking search button.

Delete button also work with the search button, by selecting the record that you are going to

Finally Close button: when you press close button, you will be asked whether you are going to
close the form or not.

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 Set Patient Appointment

After patient is registered we have set an appointment for the patient

If you want to reset the appointment date or time, first search the appointment record using
patient ID for search criteria, and double click the record then make any modifications you
want. To demonstrate these steps see this picture.

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 Capture Patient Complaints

As you can see there is much information that patient will be kept, the most important is the
main problem of the patient.

To make changes to this record, first search as usual the record then load the data to their

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 Patient Diagnosis Form

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 Patient Treatment History Form

After patient disease is known by the dentist and patients also, treatment history
will began.

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Reports of the Patients

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Registration Date Report

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Patient Addresses Report

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System Testing

Software testing can be stated as the process of validating and verifying that a software

1. meets the requirements that guided its design and development;

2. works as expected; and
3. Can be implemented with the same characteristics.

Testing Methods

The box approach

Software testing methods are traditionally divided into white- and black-box testing. These
two approaches are used to describe the point of view that a test engineer takes when
designing test cases.

Testing Levels
Tests are frequently grouped by where they are added in the software development process, or
by the level of specificity of the test.
Unit testing
Unit testing refers to tests that verify the functionality of a specific section of code, usually at
the function level.
These types of tests are usually written by developers as they work on code (white-box style),
to ensure that the specific function is working as expected. One function might have multiple
tests, to catch corner cases or other branches in the code.

Unit testing alone cannot verify the functionality of a piece of software, but rather is used to
assure that the building blocks the software uses work independently of each other.
In this project, each individual form has been tested using techniques of testing.

Each individual form has been validated so that user enters only valid data at every time.

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Testing Process Goals

 Validation testing

To demonstrate to the developer and the system customer that the software meets its
requirements; a successful test shows that the system operates as intended.

 Defect testing

To discover faults or defects in the software where its behavior is incorrect or not in
conformance with its specification; a successful test is a test that makes the system perform
incorrectly and so exposes a defect in the system. Tests show the presence not the absence of

Test Case

Test Data Data Type

A001 ID No

Fatuma123 Name

20A Age

4031283ABCD Phone No.

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 For the ID No. case

As we can see the ID Number Is automatically generated by the form load and it’s not allowed
the user to modify the automated number. It has been disabled, so only numbers can be stored.

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 For the Name text field

This time a message appeared to the user telling that this field is only for text not numbers or
combination of both.

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 For case of Age

The user will not be allowed to type alphabets in the field of age, the keyboard buttons of the
alphabets will be locked.

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 For the case of phone number textbox

This also, user will not be allowed to type alphabets in the fields of Phone numbers the
keyboard buttons of the alphabets will be locked.

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Dental Management System is a system which is a first step to change the medical industry
methodology of keeping the data of patients as well as the other important information.

This system will help the users to manage the dental information and make sure that all
important data will be able to use in the future time.

Including for the future treatment, as well as to do research from the data that had kept in the
database system as this system will be used for the dental management, the dental industry
will soon be a high standard industry, which all the process will be done through the computer
and specified system.

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Books Referred:

Database Books

1) Modern Data Base Management System (I & II), Jeffrey A. Hoffery, Mary Prescott,
Heikki Topi.

VB.NET Books

1. “VB.NET Developer’s Guide’ Syngress Publishing, Inc. Rockland,

2. Visual Basic.NET Database Programming by Rod Stephens
Websites Referred

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