Feddema Etal ICUC9
Feddema Etal ICUC9
Feddema Etal ICUC9
1. Introduction
Over the last few decades, urban climate models have evolved significantly from standalone systems to
simulate the climate of specific locations, to modeling systems that simulate urban climate, air quality and human
energy consumption across widely different climate types and socio-economic conditions globally. Example
modeling frameworks include regional and global scale community-based modeling systems such as the
Community Earth System Models (CESM) Community Land Model (CLM) – Urban component (CLM-U), several
Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) urban components, the Town Energy balance Model (TEB), the Local
Scale Meteorological Parameterization Scheme (LUMPS), and similarly configured community system models for
air quality such as the Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ). Each of these models are powerful state-of-
science based systems and they constitute a modeling framework to provide guidance towards meeting the
challenges of population growth, climate changes, air quality, urban sustainability, livability, and human comfort
confronting decision makers and society. However, like many modeling systems, the quality of the model output is
in part dependent on the availability and reliability of the data used to drive the models. As these models become
more sophisticated, these input requirements are also becoming more detailed parameter settings require more
information about the morphology and thermal properties of cities and their urban fabrics. Although some input
requirements for model inputs can be provided through top-down systematic data collection with satellite
platforms, many critical parameters are not as easy to collect as they depend on human decision-making and
behaviors that cannot necessarily be observed remotely. For example, building materials can have widely
different thermal and radiative properties and energy consumption by buildings is in large part dependent on
choices of heating and cooling systems and the relative amount of use of these systems as controlled by
thermostats or local access to energy resources. Since climate mitigation and adaptation schemes are heavily
dependent of human energy consumption, these types of variables must be collected, not only to simulate urban
climates in the present, but also to provide guidance for policy relevant assessment of human energy
consumption and impacts on urban climates and air quality. The World Urban Database and Access Portal Tools
(WUDAPT) data collection effort is designed to provide the type regionally specific and relevant information that
can be used by a variety of different models to better represent regional urban characteristics and human
behavior within these regions.
Initiated at the ICUC8 meetings in Dublin, WUDAPT (Mills et al. 2015, Ching et al. 2015, See et al. 2015) is
intended to provide a mechanism for collecting and characterizing urban information that can be directly related to
urban climate model parameter needs at roughly the neighborhood scale for cities around the world. Initially
modeled after the NUDAPT project (Ching et al. 2009), which characterized cities across the U.S.A., using high
resolution LIDAR and other satellite data as a primary source. However, such information is not readily available
in most other regions of the world, hence a different data gathering methodology has to be developed. To
facilitate data collection, the problem can be subdivided into several steps. The first step is to identify
geographical areas of cities that have similar morphology characteristics. Using a combination of satellite data,
the Local Climate Zone (LCZ) urban classification scheme (Stewart and Oke, 2012) and local expert knowledge to
relate the two, urban areas within a city can be classified into separate LCZ classes (Bechtel et al. 2015). Once
the areas are defined, typical LCZ urban morphology attributes can be attributed to these urban regions, or where
applicable the local experts can narrow the information down to reflect the unique attributes to specific city
locations. The use of local experts also allows exploration of additional information about the LCZ regions. For
example, beyond urban morphology the local expert can provide information about the most common building
materials used and typical uses of buildings within a specific LCZ. This information can be translated into typical
thermal and radiative properties representative of that particular setting. For example, if an area is comprised
ICUC9 - 9th International Conference on Urban Climate jointly with 12th Symposium on the Urban Environment
primarily of brick buildings, its heat capacity and insulation properties would differ greatly from a location where
building are primarily made from wood or some other building material. Finally, local experts may also be able to
provide information on typical human use of the building, for example by specifying the types of heating and
cooling systems typically used in a location and potentially the human actions that control these systems. For
example, an estimate of typical thermostat settings in representative buildings of an LCZ can help to simulate
building energy consumption from the amount of heating or cooling that takes place in an area. This talk will
focus on how WUDAPT can be used to refine existing urban climate simulation and how this data can be used to
develop better future climate change scenarios.
Figure 1: Urban heat island differences based on using Vancouver urban parameter settings from Voogt
and Grimmond (2000) compared to Jackson et al (2010) regional parameter estimates (figure from
Jackson et al. 2010)
Similarly, a study by Oleson et al. (2010) demonstrates the potential for models to assist with potential benefits
and costs associated with policies to mitigate urban climate change. In Oleson et al. (2010), the Jackson et al
(2010) data were modified so that roof areas were given much greater albedo values. This simulation was
intended to test the assumption that introducing high albedo roofs (white roofs) on a global scale would effectively
reduce energy consumption by decreasing energy demand. Results show that indeed most regions experience a
ICUC9 - 9th International Conference on Urban Climate jointly with 12th Symposium on the Urban Environment
marked reduction to their urban heat island temperatures. However, despite this marked impact on climate the
experiment did not reduce energy consumption on a global scale in part because in cold regions the low albedo
roofs led to an increased need for winter heating of buildings, and in part because relatively few regions have the
economic resources to use air conditioning during warm periods, and thus on a global scale, energy gains from
cool roofs are limited in geographic extent and the energy gains over these regions are offset by the increased
energy needs in winter. Oleson et al. (2010) is a demonstration for how policy to alter urban characteristics can
be tested for a broad range of climate types and regions, and how socioeconomic factors must be incorporated
when performing such analyses. Such studies can be greatly improved if there are better base line data as
WUDAPT is intended to do, and if there is improved knowledge of how urban climate policies are implemented in
different regions; a process that can be made more realistic using WUDAPT data and information about local
resources available for implementing urban climate mitigation and adaptation strategies.
Figure 2: Simulated annual (ANN), June – August (JJA) and December- February (DJF) changes in
urban heat island temperatures by increasing roof albedo globally (figure from Oleson et al. 2010)
ICUC9 - 9th International Conference on Urban Climate jointly with 12th Symposium on the Urban Environment
This research is supported by the National Science Foundation grant numbers ATM-0107404, ATM-0413540 and
AGS 1243095, by NASA SIMMER project, the NCAR Weather and Climate Impact Assessment Science Initiative,
and the University of Kansas, Center for Research.
Ching, J., Brown, M., Burian, S., Chen, F., Cionco, R., Hanna, A., Hultgren, T., Sailor, D., Taha, H., and Williams,
D., (2009), ''National Urban Database and Access Portal Tool (NUDAPT): Facilitating a new generation of
advanced urban meteorology and climate modeling with community-based urban database system," Bulletin
of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS), August.
Ching J, Mills G, See L, et al (2015),The portal component, strategic perspectives and review of tactical plans for
full implementation of WUDAPT. In: Proceedings of the ICUC9. Meteo France, Toulouse, France.
Grimmond CSB, Blackett M, Best MJ, Barlow J, Baik JJ, Belcher SE, et al. (2010), The international urban energy
balance models comparison project: first results from phase 1. Journal of Applied Meteorology and
Climatology 49 (6), 1268-1292.
Jackson T, Oleson KW, Bonan GB, Bauer JT (2010), Parameterization of Urban Characteristics for Global
Climate Modeling, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 100(4), 848 - 865.
Oleson KW, Bonan GB, Feddema J, Jackson T (2011), An examination of urban heat island characteristics in a
global climate model. International Journal of Climatology, 31: 1848–1865.
Oleson KW, Bonan BG, Feddema J (2010), Effects of white roofs on urban temperature in a global climate model,
Geophysical Research Letters, 37(3), L03701.
Mills G, Ching J, See L, Bechtel, B (2015), Introduction to the WUDAPT project. In: Proceedings of the ICUC9.
Meteo France, Toulouse, France.
See L, Ching J, Masson V, Feddema J, Mills G, Neophytou M, Foley M, O’Connor M, Milčinski G, Repse M,
Perger C, Duerauer M, Fritz S, Bechtel B (2015), Generating WUDAPT’s Specific Scale-dependent Urban
Modeling and Activity Parameters: Collection of Level 1 and Level 2 Data. Proceedings of the ICUC9. Meteo
France, Toulouse, France.
Stewart ID, Oke TR (2012), Local Climate Zones for Urban Temperature Studies. Bull Amer Meteor Soc 93:1879–
1900. doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00019.1
Voogt, JA, CSB Grimmond (2000), Modeling surface sensible heat flux using surface radiative temperatures in a
simple urban area. Journal of Applied Meteorology 39:1679–99.