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ECE3003 Microcontroller and its Applications L T P J C

2 0 2 4 4
Version : 1.01
Pre-requisite: ECE2003 Digital Logic Design
Course Objectives:
 Describe the architecture of 8051 microcontroller and ARM processors
 Develop assembly program for 8051 and ARM processor
 Apply the instruction set of 8051 and ARM microcontroller to get effective programs
 Design system in block level using microcontroller, memory devices, buses and other peripheral
 Solve real life problem using microcontroller based systems

Expected Outcomes:
The student will be able to
 Describe the architectures of processors
 Develop Assembly program applying Digital logic and mathematics using 8051 and ARM
instruction set
 Develop ALP with minimum instructions and memory.
 Analyze and evaluate the given program in terms of code size and computational time
 Design microcontroller based system within realistic constraint like user specification, availability
of components etc
 Solve real life problem and construct a complete system as a solution
 Integrate and build a working model using the laborator y components and IDE

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 1,2,5,13,14

Module:1 Introduction to Processors: 4 hours SLO:1,2

Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, 8-bit/16-bit Microprocessor Architectures [8085,
8086], Introduction to ARM7, Intel I (i3, i5, i7)series processors

Module:2 8051 Architecture: 4 hours SLO:1,2

8051 -organization and architecture. RAM-ROM organization, Machine cycle

Module:3 8051 Instruction set: 6 hours SLO:1,2

Data Processing-Stack, Arithmetic, Logical ; Branching-unconditional, conditional

Module:4 8051 Peripherals: Timer and ports 3 hours SLO:1,2,5

Peripherals: I/O Ports, Timers-Counters

Module:5 8051 Peripherals: Serial and Interrupt 3 hours SLO:1,5

Peripherals: Serial Communication, Interrupts

Module:6 Peripheral Interfacing: 4 hours SLO:1,5

Interfaces: LCD, LED, Keypad

Module:7 Peripheral Interfacing: 4 hours SLO:1,5

Interfaces: ADC, DAC ,SENSOR with Signal Conditioning Interface

Module:8 Contemporary Issues 2 hours SLO:2

Total Lecture: 30 hours

Text Books:
1. Mohammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, Rolin D McKinlay, “The 8051 Microcontroller and
Embedded Systems”, Pearson Education Limited, 2014.

Reference Books:
1. Douglas V. Hall, “Microprocessors and interfacing: Programming and hardware”, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2nd edition, 2007.
2. Tabak Daniel, Hintz Kenneth J., “Microcontrollers: Architecture implementation and
Programming”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.

Sample Experiments: 30 hours SLO:14

1. Keil Simulator tool Introduction
2. I/O ports programming
3. LCD Interfacing
4. Keypad Interfacing
5. Timer programming
6. Interrupt Programming
7. Motor Interfacing
8. ADC/DAC Interfacing
9. Sensor Interfacing
10. Serial port programming
Typical Projects: SLO: 13
1. Electronic code locker
2. Water level Indicator alarm
3. Remote Room Temperature Monitoring
4. Digital countdown timer
5. Fire detection
6. Digital voltmeter
7. Car parking system
8. Vehicle tracking system
9. TV Remote control
10. Intelligent Traffic control
11. Smartphone home appliance control
12. Automated toll collection system
13. Sun tracking system
14. Street light intensity control
15. Rash driving alert
16. Flood monitoring
17. Automatic irrigation system
18. GSM based energy monitoring system
19. Gas leakage detection
20. Electronic Voting Machine
21. Automatic College Bell
22. Finger print based Electronic Voting Machine
23. Line Following Robot
24. Microcontroller based Intelligent Digital Volume Controller with Timers

Date of Approval by the Academic Council 18.03.16

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