Elton John - Fingerstyle Collection PDF

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The document discusses lyrics from several songs written by Elton John and Bernie Taupin, including Candle in the Wind, Crocodile Rock, Daniel, and Your Song.

The songs discussed include Candle in the Wind, Crocodile Rock, Daniel, and Your Song.

Themes in the songs include reminiscing/missing someone (Daniel), young love/relationships (Your Song), and partying/having fun (Crocodile Rock).


Candle ln The Wind
Words and Music by Elton John and BemieTaupin

all.- hold

Copyrlghl O 1973 D ck,lames Music Llmiied

A lBights jorihe Unted Siaies and Canada Administered by Songs or Polycram niernatlona , lnc.
10 .iernaiional Copyr ghi Secured A Bights Beserved
those a round - oui of tlc
Thcv cmwlcd
pain was thc pricc Ev en when vou

and they whis pered in - to your bnln.

oh rhe stlll hound ed
press you. -

They set you on a made you .hange yonr nane.-

All- the pa - pen had
- in thc .ude.
Mar-y - Iin was lbund



know iig who io cling phen the rxin set in,

- -
And I would have liked to have you, bu1 i was

can dle buhed out long _ be lore your leg - end e! , er did.

Grocodile Rock
Wods and MusicbyElton John and Bemie Taupin

Copyrght O r972 D ck James Nlusic Limited

A Riqhls forthe Uniled States and Canada Administered by Songs ol Polycram tnlernatona, nc.
lniernaiional Copyright Secured A Fighls Reserved
Mc ud Su - sie had so much

Had an old gold Chev y and a place of my own. But the big-gest kick I

thine called the Croc-o - dile While lhe o1h - cr kids were rock- in' mund rhe

$e were hop,pin'and bop-pin' to the C.oc- o - clilc Rock. Well,

some - thir! shock, in' when your jusr

Oh. Lawd y ma ma, rhose

Su sic wore her lhe Cro.-o - dile Rock-in'


Words and Music by Elton John and Bernie Taupin

'ling to - niglt on
say Spain is though I've ncv - er

Copyriqht O r972 Dick Jarnes l,lusic L mred

Al R ghts lor lhe U nited Slales and Ca.ada Adminisrered by Songs ot potycram nrernariofat, tnc.
t8 lnternationat Copyright Secured At Bighrs Fesen/ed
red tail li8hrs head-ing for Spain. Oh, and
says it s thcbcst -
Place he's e!

Dxn iel- wav - ing good blc.

kno* he'!- been rhere e nough.
ro codn

looks like Dan icl. Must be the clouds _ in my

I miss Dan - iel Oh- I nhs him

l2.c F

Dar lcl, my

bro ther, you

r r

tlut wonl heall Your cycs halc dicd,


iou Lnan I Dan iel youte a


$ coaa

looks tike Dan - iel.

Must be the clouds

Don't Go Breaking My Heart
Words and Music by Carte Bhnche and Ann Orson

go break 'ing rny heart.-

And no-bod-y told v

CopyrighlO 1976 by Big Pig Muslc Ltd.

AlBighls ior the United Slales Admiristered by lnt€rsong U.S.A.,lnc.
lnlernaiiona Copyriqhl Secured All Rqhts Reserved a
oh, I get Ba by.youlenot that
Oh, I thiik *e cm

Don't go break - ing ml heait.

Sodon'I mis un der, sland

You take tne weight off Oh, hon - eyj $hen you
You pur rhe liFhr in oh, you put the
knock at my door, ooh, I gavc you ny
spark to the --
flame. l've got your heart in my sights,


bur vhen I was down, I was you cloln.,

Ooh, no bod 'y knoPs it. No-bod - )

gave you maY hean. _

I gave lou may heart- So don t go beak'ing my

k codo +

don't go beal - ng nr)'

D.S. al Co.la

hean.Don'l go breat-ing my, don't go break-ing my, donl go brcak-ing my hean.

Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me
Words and Muslc by Elton John and Bernie Taupin

can't light


LI f r f7 L

Copyrighi O 1974 by B q Pig Music Lid

A o q-lq lor he tj; lFo SHres aoiir;re,e; b) 1rer.;rq Lj.S.A.. rc
lnlemalona Copyrlghl Secured All R ghis Feserued
seem to tele t. hlack and whire.

I m grow - ing tired and rimc stands still he - loie

.n rhe lad - der ol mv

r r-l r
lo sale nv - self from f,ll

I took a ctance and chu-ge your war ol litc.

But you nis - read

Donl lel

Al - thouSh I search my sclf, it's a1 - ways

--t r:=<

I'd jusl al - low a ln8 -ment ol your

los iia e! ry thing

go - ing down
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Words and Music by Elton John and Bemie Taupin


G D/F+ D7sus4 D7

you gon-na come down? wlren nie you going

you ihink you ll do ther? I bcl tldfll shoot down

list-ened to ny old
to sct )ou on your i!e! a

T f

Copyr ghiO 1973 D ck Jarnes Music Limii€d

AllR ghls lorthe Un ted Slaies and Canada Adm nisiered by Songs ol Po yGram hternaiiona, nc
44 lniernaiional Copy ghl Secured All R glris Reseryed
knorvyoucan't bold- me lor ev er, did- n't sign up with you.
May-be you'll get- a re - place, rnenr mc ro be found.


prcs - elr for your lriends boy's too young to be

Mon ' grels slng-ing lor lid - bits likc


So to vcl - low brick



dogs of su- !i .et-y You . rn'i p a'r r e .n )our Pen .


) ),frt

!o ing bacl r! nr) Back lo lhe rowl - ing old

hunl ing tle horn -y bxck

lin 'ly de cid ed my

D1 o G -1

Rocket Man
(lThink lts Gonna BeA Long Long Time)
Words and Music by Elton John and Bemie Taupin

Coprghi O 1972 Dick Janres N4usic L mted

A Bighls iorthe Uniled Siales and Canada Administered by Songs of Polycram niernaiional lnc
lnternaiional Copyrighi Secured A Bighis Beserued
2, I miss- thc eanh


It s lone ly out in lpace

otr such


X chom

bnngs me 'rcund a gain

Mars ain't the kiid ol pla.e
A.d there's no

I ion'r un - dcr - sr,nd

It's jlst my job fivc days a week. -

$ coa"

Someone Saved My Life Tonight
Wods and Music by Elton John and Bemie Taupin


When I lhink ofihose easl end liqht\ mug-gy nights, tle cur,lains drawn in the lit - tle room down

Prim!-doD-na,t rdryo! rcalJy should have bcen there 5irtng like a pri ce$ perched ln her e lec-tric

Copyrght@ 1975 by Big Pig Music Ltd.

AllRighls lorlhe Unilad Slates Adminisiered by lnlersong U.S.A.,lnc,
56 lnternational Copyighl Secured al Fighis Feserued
'i..' re b.e'. on l-on' L.r'\o' a' ) .e allgonecra-zy latc ly. my friend,out rherc


fr o,-*

And some-oie saled my iile to nighr,


You al-nost hdd your hooks in did'n t lou dcarl You near ly had .rc roped and ried.

al tar bound, hyp no tlscd. Sweet fiee dom lhis-pered in my ear. Youle a

r f I f

bui - tcr- llies are free to lly. fly a-eay,

ll' lz.
ro coda.+ Bridse
Am7/G F

And I would lave walked head on in- to the

IJ r -t-i r
deep cnd of a iv cling ing lo your stocks and bonds,_ pay-jng rour H. P. de-maids lo. - ev

the nom-inA *ith d rruck to take nc hoxie.

Some-onc saled my lile Some-onc saved ny life Some one savcd ny lile

D.S. alCoda

savc your strength and run the field you

$ coaa

Sone ole saled. sone-onc saved.some-one laved

Addnonal LYrics

2. I ncver realized the passing hours ofevening showers,

A sllp noose hangjng in my darkcst dreams.
l'm sirangling by yourhunted social sccne,
Just a pawn oui-played by a dominating qxcen
It's four o'clock in the moming, damn itl
Listen to me good,I'm sleeping with myselftonightl
Savcd in !in1e, thanl{ God my music's still alive. (?o Cnolrs)

Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
Words and Music by Elton John and BemieTaupin

Slow tsallad

What hav. I qoi r. Whar do I do \hen lighl ning

3 3

CopyrightO r976 by Bq Pq Music Ltd.

All Righis ior ihe Un led Stales Carada Admin stered by nlersong U.S.A., nc
rternaiional Copyrght Secured A Bighls Beserved 63
What do I do to make )ou wani me?

Whar have I got - ta do to be heard? Whatdo I say when it's all

S.r r)

and it's get - iing more and more !b

trlk ir o - !er?

) n j -==_


Al. ud)\ \een \ r. m. _ be lhe hard - est word. 2. ['iat do I do to makc you

\lhat rlo I do vhen lighr ning slrikes me?


Whlt hale I got

))t t))


Sor- fl seems to

Your Song
Words and Music by Elton John and Bemie Taupin

l. It's a lit - lle bil

2. 1l Iwasa
3.,4. See Addiriondl LtriLs


feet ing in I'M ol

not one lhose
who makcs po-dons

Copyrighl O r969 Dick James Llusic L mted

A lR ghts iorthe Unted Slaies and Canada ad minlslercd by Songs of Polycranr lnternational, lnc.
nlernalona Copyrlghl Secured AllF ghis Feserued
I don't have much
know it s
this lor

Ald you can tell

ev ry bod , y, $is is your sorg.

rocoda o

I hope ,ou don't mind, I hope you don't frind

that I pul down in *ords

D.S, alCoda

$codo o^

I hopc you don't mind.


, der ful


Additiandt Ltrics

3. I sat on the roofand kicked off the moss.

a teu ot the rer.c,.
Yel "ell rhc) \e gor me qL,.e cro..,
BLr thc .r.l becr qL:re kind ihitat$r;.c,hi.1",,8.
Il s lor pcople like ) uu rhrr keep ii umed on.

So e\.r .e nc rbr orgcll:nq, DU. the,e ttirc. I oo.

Yor.ce. I ,e rorlrr.;n ifLiel rc qreen ,riher r, brre
An) wd). rhe thrnts is $her T rer \ mean.
Yours ure tle sueerest cyes I re irer seen


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