Food Hydrocolloids: Safa Karaman, Mustafa Tahsin Yilmaz, Ahmed Kayacier
Food Hydrocolloids: Safa Karaman, Mustafa Tahsin Yilmaz, Ahmed Kayacier
Food Hydrocolloids: Safa Karaman, Mustafa Tahsin Yilmaz, Ahmed Kayacier
Food Hydrocolloids
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Article history: The rheological properties of salep drink sweetened with different honeys were measured using
Received 31 March 2010 a controlled-stress rheometer. Mixture design experiments were used to study the effect of interactions
Accepted 8 December 2010 among pine, flower and highland honeys on the rheological properties of salep-honey drink mixture
(SHDM) samples. In addition, product optimization was carried out using the ridge analysis to determine
Keywords: the optimum mixture proportions based on sensory properties of SHDM samples. Flower honey was the
component showing the highest effect on the consistency coefficient values of SHDM samples. The
preference of panelists was more prominent for the SHDM samples including the higher concentrations
Sensory properties
Mixture design
of highland honey with respect to odour and overall preference parameters. Optimum values of pine,
Optimization flower and highland honeys in the mixture were found to be 0e85%, 0e40% and 15e100%, respectively,
with respect to sensory properties. In addition, ridge analysis results revealed that the SHDM should
include 65% highland honey, 35% pine honey and no flower honey to obtain the maximum overall
preference score (7.24). The consistency coefficient and flow behavior index values of the sample to get
maximum overall preference score (7.24) were predicted to be 3.650 Pa sn and 0.435, respectively.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction salep powder and generally served with aromatic spices such as
cinnamon (Telcioglu & Kayacier, 2007). In commercial production
Salep is a hydrocolloid obtained from milling of the dried tubers of as well as in home preparation, table sugar is used to sweeten the
certain wild orchids (Kaya & Tekin, 2001). It is a powder used as an salep drink. There are some speculative reports about the negative
ingredient in various food formulations and has been used in medi- effects of table sugar such as hypoglycaemia and high calorie
cines, drinks and ice cream production (Lange, 1998; Razavi & intake. Diabetes is a worldwide health problem with approximately
Karazhiyan, 2009). Due to its nutritive and demulcent properties, 200 million sufferers. People with diabetes should follow a special
salep powder has been used for many years (Ktistis & Georgakopoulos, diet for their whole life. In this respect, they should consume low
1991; Razavi & Karazhiyan, 2009). It contains glucomannans in high sugar or sugar-free products for reduction of sugar level in blood
levels (16e55%) and these are natural neutral water soluble fibers and weight control (Iop, Silva, & Beleia, 1999).
which help to normalization of blood sugar, relieve stress and prevent Honey which is produced by bees from nectar of flowers and
blood sugar abnormalities like hypoglycaemia (Farhoosh & Riazi, honeydews, is a natural complex food with high nutritional value
2007; Hozumi et al., 1995; Kaya & Tekin, 2001). It has also been (Anklam, 1998; Azeredo, Azeredo, De Souza, & Dutra, 2003;
reported that glucomannans reduce the risk of chronic diseases Lazaridou, Biliaderıs, Bacandritsos, & Sabatini, 2004). It is a concen-
(Vuksan et al., 1999). trated sugar solution and contains about 200 substances having
Salep powder is the main ingredient of a traditional dairy important favorable health effects hence it has been used as
beverage known as salep drink which is commonly consumed a traditional medicine (White, 1979). The major sugars in honey are
during winter in Turkey. The drink is prepared with milk, sugar and monosaccharides, namely glucose and fructose, it also contains
maltose, sucrose and other sugars in small quantities (Kayacier &
Karaman, 2008; Bhandari, D’arcy, & Chow, 1999). It has been
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ90 352 4374937; fax: þ90 352 4375784. shown that fructose is absorbed more slowly from the gastrointes-
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Kayacier). tinal tract than glucose. For that reason, fructose is an insulin
0268-005X/$ e see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1320 S. Karaman et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 1319e1326
independent monosaccharide found in honey and it is rapidly taken received the higher sensory score in comparison with other tested
up by the liver when honey is consumed. Thus, blood sugar level concentrations in the preliminary sensory test.
rises very slowly after consuming fructose rich foods such as honey.
Furthermore, honey could be utilized as an appropriate sweetener 2.4. Rheological measurements
alternative for the type II diabetic diet (Bahrami et al., 2009; Crapo,
Kolterman, & Olefsky, 1980). Rheological properties of SHDM samples were determined
Salep drink is commonly consumed in the Mediterranean area. Its using a strain/stress controlled rheometer (Thermo-Haake, Rheo-
rheological and sensory characteristics should be studied since the stress 1, Germany) equipped with a temperature-control unit
quality of such products is based on a variety of properties. Rheo- (Thermo-Haake, Karlsruhe K15 Germany). The rheometer had
logical and sensory properties are of primary importance to food a cone-plate configuration with a cone radius of 35 mm and a gap of
technology engineering applications such as filtration, extraction, 0.140 mm between the cone and plate. Measurements were carried
transport and process calculations such as pump sizing, pump type out in the shear rate range of 1e100 s1 at constant temperature
and power. Also, rheological characteristics of foods affect the (25 C). 0.85 ml salep drink sample was placed between cone and
sensory properties (Marcotte, Hoshahili, & Ramaswamy, 2001). plate and the measurement was started immediately. Total 25 data
Mixture design methodology can be utilized for the investiga- points were recorded at 10 s intervals during the shearing. Each
tion of the functions of the ingredients in processed foods and it measurement was replicated seven times on the same sample with
approves the importance of ingredient interactions. (Arteaga, Li- two repetitions. The apparent viscosity was determined as a func-
Chan, Nakai, Cofrades, & Jiménez-Colmenero, 1993). Using this tion of shear rate. Obtained data were fitted to Power Law model
methodology, the present study was undertaken to investigate the using Rheowin data Manager Pro and consistency coefficient and
effect of interaction between pine, flower and highland honeys on flow behavior index values were calculated according to the
the rheological properties of salep drink. An additional aim was to following model.
find the optimum levels of these honeys to obtain the most
acceptable product with respect to the sensory properties studied. ha ¼ K g_ n1 (1)
2. Material and methods where ha is the apparent viscosity (Pa s), K is the consistency
coefficient (Pa sn), g_ is the shear rate (s1) and n is flow behavior
2.1. Materials index (dimensionless).
All honey samples (flower, pine and highland honeys) were 2.5. Sensory analysis
provided by Ege Bal Co. (Izmir, _ Turkey). Salep powder was
purchased from Özselamog lu Food Co. (Kayseri, Turkey) and UHT The SHDM samples were prepared one day before and stored in
milk was obtained from a local market (Dost Milk, Sakarya, Turkey). refrigerator (4 C). For sensory evaluation, SHDM samples (50 ml)
Commercial grade honeys were preconditioned before the analysis were presented at 75 C to panelists at certain intervals in odour-
since air bubbles and crystals present in the honey may influence less, randomly coded glass beakers of 100 ml capacity covered with
the viscosity. For this purpose, the honey samples were held at glass dishes. Sensory evaluation was performed in a room with
55 C in a water bath for 1 h, and afterwards placed overnight in an appropriate temperature (25 C) in open sitting. The panelists had
oven (Nuve, Ankara Turkey) adjusted to 30 C. access to tap water to cleanse their palates before proceeding to the
next sample. Sensory analyses of the SHDM mixtures were carried
2.2. Physicochemical analysis out by eight selected staff and graduate students of Food Engi-
neering department at Erciyes University. Before the analyses,
Ash contents, pH and soluble dry matter (brix) values of the sensory panel were trained about the sensory evaluation tech-
honey samples were determined as outlined (AOAC, 1995). To niques. The sensory attributes evaluated were taste, odour, mouth
determine ash content, the honey samples were dried at 135 C for coating, consistency and overall preference. All sensory attributes
2 h and incinerated using a muffle oven (Protherm PLF 12015, were evaluated using a sensory analysis form with scale of 1e9
Ankara, Turkey) at 550 C until carbonization of the samples. The points where 1 reflected a very low and 9 a very high score.
pH values were determined using a pH meter (WTW-Inolab Level 3 Panelists evaluated all (15) samples in three sessions (five at each
Terminal, Weilheim, Germany) in a solution of 10% (w/v) honey in
distilled water at 25 C. An automatic refractometer (Reichert AR
Table 1
700, USA) was used for the determination of brix values of the
Compositions of salep drink mixture samples in a simplex lattice mixture design.
samples at 20 C.
Mixtures Ingredient proportions Pine Flower Highland
honey (%) honey (%) honey (%)
2.3. Preparation of salep drink and mixture samples X1 X2 X3
1 1 0 0 100 0 0
To prepare salep drink, 100 ml of milk was heated up to 65 C on 2 0 1 0 0 100 0
a hot plate (Yellowline, Germany) and 0.75 g salep powder (Telcioglu 3 0 0 1 0 0 100
4 0.5 0.5 0 50 50 0
& Kayacier, 2007) was added into milk slowly to prevent agglom- 5 0 0.5 0.5 0 50 50
eration and stirred constantly with a magnetic stirrer up to 75 C for 6 0.5 0 0.5 50 0 50
5 min. Then, salep drink was cooled down to room temperature and 7 0.25 0.75 0 25 75 0
kept at this temperature for 5 min. To prepare salep-honey drink 8 0 0.25 0.75 0 25 75
9 0.75 0 0.25 75 0 25
mixture (SHDM) samples, 10 g of a mixture of the experimental
10 0.75 0.25 0 75 25 0
honeys; pine, flower and highland at different proportions corre- 11 0 0.75 0.25 0 75 25
sponding to each treatment (15 mixtures in Table 1) was added into 12 0.25 0 0.75 25 0 75
90 g of the salep drink and stirred for 1 min to obtain experimental 13 0.5 0.25 0.25 50 25 25
mixture samples. Samples with 10% honey concentration were 14 0.25 0.5 0.25 25 50 25
15 0.25 0.25 0.50 25 25 50
chosen for the study because this concentration in SHDM samples
S. Karaman et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 1319e1326 1321
session) consecutively in three days. The manner in which the estimated ridges of maximum and minimum response for
treatment combinations were divided between the sessions and increasing radii from the centre of the original design. The contour
the order in which the samples were presented was randomized to plots generated from the predicted equations for each parameter
minimize the carryover effects (Muir & Hunter, 1991). were superimposed to obtain the optimum region. The correlations
between the parameters were determined using MINITAB for
2.6. Experimental design Windows Release 13Ò (Minitab, 2000). Duncan Multiple Range Test
(MstatC, 1986) was also used to determine the difference between
In the present study, the simplex lattice mixture design (SLMD) mean combination values.
was used to evaluate the effect of pine honey (X1), flower honey (X2)
and highland honey (X3) on the rheological, physical, chemical and 3. Results and discussion
sensory characteristics of the SHDM samples. Estimated ridge
analysis was used to determine optimum combinations to produce 3.1. Physico chemical and rheological properties of the honey
acceptable product, estimate the most acceptable product with the samples
highest sensory score and find the consistency coefficient (K) and
flow behavior index (n) values of such product with the highest The physicochemical and rheological properties of honey
sensory score. Component proportions were expressed as fractions samples used in the formulations of the SHDM mixtures are shown
of the mixture with a sum (X1þX2þX3) of one. These three factors; in Table 2. The ash contents of the honey samples were varied
pine honey, flower honey and highland honey (processing widely, ranging from 0.25% to 0.76%. The maximum ash content
components), levels and experimental design in terms of coded and was observed for the pine honey sample. The observed ash contents
uncoded as 15 combinations are presented in Table 1. The 15 points were similar to those of Indian honey samples (Ahmed, Prabhu,
were 3 single-ingredient treatments, 9 two-ingredient mixtures Raghavan, & Ngadi, 2007). On the other hand, all studied honey
and 3 three-ingredient mixtures (Fig. 1). samples were acidic in nature and the pH values were varied
between 4.76 and 5.21. The acidity of honey was due to presence of
organic acids and our results were consistent with those obtained
2.7. Statistical analysis and modelling of experimental data for Algerian and Indian honeys (Ahmed et al., 2007; Ouchemoukh,
Louaileche, & Schweitzer, 2006). Total soluble solid (brix) values of
The following polynomial equation of function xi was fitted for the samples varied between 75.3% and 79.8%, indicating that flower
each factor assessed at each experimental point. This polynomial honey had the highest solids content. These honey samples were
model differs from full polynomial models because it does not found to contain lower solids compared to some Indian honeys
contain a constant term (intercept equal to zero). The polynomial (Ahmed et al., 2007). The variations in total soluble solids were
model equation used was: reported to be dependent on climate, floral source and some other
factors (Ahmed et al., 2007). The Newtonian viscosity and consis-
Y ¼ b1 X1 þ b2 X2 þ b3 X3 þ b12 X1 X2 þ b13 X1 X3 þ b23 X2 X3 (2)
tency coefficient values of the honey samples were determined to
where Y is the estimated response; b1, b2, b3, b12, b13 and b23 are range from 8.0 to 15.2 Pa s and 8.7e16.6 Pa sn, revealing that the
constant coefficients for each linear and non-linear (interaction) pine honey was the processing component with the most viscous
term produced for the prediction models of processing compo- nature. This result may at first sight appear to be inconsistent with
nents. The analysis was performed using uncoded units. the expected trend reported in the literature where the honey
The computational work, including ternary contour graphical samples with higher brix value were reported to have higher
presentations of the models, was performed using Statistica, 1995 viscosity values. However, discrepancy in these results could be
(Statistica for Windows, computer program manual, Tulsa, OK). attributed to the fact that the viscosity of honeys depends also on
JMP statistical package software (Version 5.0.1.a, SAS Institute. Inc. its origin, thus, their chemical composition, year of production and
Cary, NC) was used to compute the predicted equations. JMP (2009) geographical region. Accordingly, Juszczak and Fortuna (2006)
statistical package software was also used to compute the reported that the viscosity of honey depends also on its origin
and its chemical constituents. This case was also well evidenced by
the study of Sopade et al. (2002) who determined the same results
for Australian honey, which was also different from those obtained
in the previous studies. On the other hand, the flow behavior index
values of the all honey samples were found close to 1, indicating the
Newtonian flow behavior of the honey samples.
Table 2
Physicochemical and rheological properties of the honey samples.
In a column, means with no common superscripts are significantly different (p < 0.05).
Newtonian viscosity (Power-law parameters obtained at 50 s1 & 25 C).
Similar flow behavior properties were also observed in the presented in Table 3. The differences between brix and power law
salep-honey drink mixture (SHDM) samples, exhibiting non-New- parameters were found to be significant (P < 0.05). Table 5 indicates
tonian flow characteristics. Power law model was used to explain the predicted models, significance of the regression coefficients and
the relationship between shear rate and apparent viscosity and all the R2 values obtained for 15 mixtures. These values were impor-
SHDM samples were well fitted to the model with high determi- tant in showing the significance of equations or models developed
nation coefficients. As seen in the Table 3, model coefficients were from the design. As seen in table, the linear terms in all predicted
0.999 for all samples. Flow behavior index values of samples were models were found to be significant (P < 0.05). R2 values of the
determined in the range of 0.373e0.450. Flow behavior values predicted models were higher than 0.74, indicating that they were
showed that rheological characteristics of all samples were shear relatively adequate for the prediction purpose (Henika, 1982). R2
thinning and the apparent viscosity of all samples decreased with values of the power law parameters were close to unity and for that
increasing shear rate. Consistency coefficients (K) of the samples reason, the experimental models for these parameters can predict
were calculated to range between 3.183 and 5.797 Pa sn and the purpose rather well.
differences between the SHDM samples were found to be signifi- Fig. 3 shows ternary contour plots indicating the effects of the
cant (P < 0.05) with respect to the mentioned power law param- interaction between the honey kinds on the brix values and flow
eters. Similar results were reported in the literature in which salep properties of SHDM samples. Fig. 3a indicates that the brix contour
drink fortified with soy milk at different concentrations was indi- values increased toward the flower honey vertex where maximum
cated to exhibit non-Newtonian shear thinning behavior and flow brix contour could be seen; however, the lowest brix values were at
behavior index ranging between 0.703 and 0.606 for control and pine honey-highland honey edge. These results were expected
salep drink samples containing 50% soy milk, respectively (Alpaslan because of the highest brix content of the honey as indicated in the
& Hayta, 2007). Telcioglu and Kayacier (2007) also reported that Table 2. From this point of view, it could be said that the use of
salep drink sweetened with table sugar in a whole milk showed flower honey in salep drink as a sweetener increased the total
shear thinning behavior and consistency coefficient was deter- soluble solid (brix value) of the final product, while use of the
mined to be 243 mPa sn at the shear rate of 1 s1, and decreased to others decreased.
36 mPa sn at 50 s1 and 27 mPa s at 100 s1. In the mixture 2 in which only the flower honey was present and
the mixtures 4 and 7 in which pine and flower honeys were
present, the K values were the highest and n values were the
3.3. Effect of the interaction between the honeys on the brix values lowest. However, the lowest K and the highest n values were
and flow properties observed in the mixture 8 containing 25% flower honey and 75%
highland honey and the mixture 15 containing 25% pine honey, 25%
Brix values and power-law parameters of 15 SHDM samples as flower honey and 75% highland honey (Tables 1 and 3). These
affected by the interaction between the honey varieties are results indicated that flower honey was the component having the
highest increasing effect on the consistency of the mixture samples,
Table 3
Mean values for brix and flow properties of the salep-honey drink mixture (SHDM)
25 samples.
20 Brix Ki ni R2
1 18.93 0.19ab 4.577 0.26cd 0.397 0.01e 0.9991
2 19.18 0.33a 5.340 0.64b 0.377 0.01f 0.9994
15 3 19.12 0.11a 3.869 0.51efg 0.424 0.01bc 0.9997
4 19.16 0.36a 5.419 0.16ab 0.375 0.02f 0.9999
salep with pine honey 5 18.66 0.28b 3.719 0.52fg 0.424 0.01bc 0.9996
10 6 18.61 0.21b 3.543 0.56gh 0.438 0.01b 0.9992
salep with flower honey 7 19.16 0.08a 5.797 0.23a 0.373 0.02f 0.9998
8 18.90 0.20 b 3.183 0.17h 0.450 0.01a 0.9999
salep with highland honey
5 9 18.62 0.25b 4.199 0.33de 0.420 0.01cd 0.9999
10 18.89 0.36ab 4.700 0.17c 0.409 0.01d 0.9995
11 18.86 0.10ab 4.273 0.17de 0.417 0.01cd 0.9997
0.11ab 0.55efg 0.02bc
0 12
19.04 0.22ab
4.013 0.15ef
0.417 0.01 cd
0 20 40 60 80 100 14 19.04 0.43ab 3.927 0.16efg 0.423 0.01bc 0.9992
0.37ab 0.28gh 0.01b
Shear rate (s-1) 15 18.81 3.528 0.435 0.9993
Fig. 3. Ternary contour plots of the effects of processing components on brix and power law parameters of the salep drink samples. (a) % brix, (b) consistency index (K, Pa sn) and (c)
flow behaviour index (n). (Power-law parameters obtained at 50 s1 & 25 C).
followed by pine honey. Generally, the linear terms had a signifi- high total soluble solid value (brix), as a matter of fact that the
cant effect on K and n; however, interactions between the pro- increasing effect of the total soluble solid on consistency was
cessing components had lower coefficients compared to the linear reported by Azoubel, Cipriani, El-Aouar, Anonio, and Murr (2005).
terms (Table 5). The contour plots indicated the highest K, but the They informed that when more solutes such as sugars are dissolved
lowest n values to be at pine honey-flower honey and flower in the solution, the viscosity increases due to an increase in
honey-highland honey edges and flower honey vertex. The lower hydrogen bonding with hydroxyl groups and distortion in the
values of K and higher values of n were observed at highland honey velocity pattern of the liquid by hydrated molecules of the solute.
vertex. Briefly, K values increased with increasing flower honey Accordingly, brix values indicated a significant positive correlation
concentrations (Fig. 3b and c). (R ¼ 0.619; P < 0.05) with K values and negative correlation
It was obvious from these results that flower honey had (R ¼ 0.654; P < 0.01) with n values. However, an inverse trend
a greater effect on the brix and flow parameters, K and n compared appears in the Table 2, indicating that the pine honey had higher K
with the other honey samples, pine honey and highland honeys. value (16.573 Pa sn) than did the flower honey (9.323 Pa sn)
The remarkable effect of flower honey could be attributed to its contrary to the fact that flower honey had the greatest effect to
increase K values of SHDM samples in the salep drink environment
Table 4 as mentioned above. On the other hand, Table 2 also indicates that
Mean values for sensory scores of the salep-honey drink mixture (SHDM) samples. the flower honey was the processing component with lower pH
Mixture Sensory scores value than pine honey. This lower pH value might have caused the
flower honey to have a higher effect on the K values; in other words,
Taste Odour Mouth Consistency Overall
coating preference
another factor contributing the higher effect of flower honey was
thought to be pH. These assumptions explaining the possible
1 6.5 0.96a 6.5 1.71abc 6.8 1.24a 6.5 1.63a 6.5 1.20ab
2 6.2 0.93a 6.1 0.68abc 6.6 1.09a 6.3 1.14a 6.2 0.93ab reason of the inverse effect of the honey samples seen on the K
3 6.8 1.18a 6.6 1.43abc 6.8 1.54a 6.8 1.26a 6.8 1.42ab values of the SHDM samples were consistent with the reports given
4 5.8 1.45a 5.8 1.32c 5.8 1.54a 6.2 1.71a 6.2 1.84ab in the literature. Ayar, Sert, and Akbulut (2009) studied the
5 7.0 0.86a 7.0 1.31ab 7.0 1.09a 6.8 0.89a 6.9 0.72ab _
viscosity of Incir Uyutması dessert prepared with salep, sugar and
6 6.9 2.03a 7.0 1.58ab 6.9 1.38a 7.2 1.46a 7.1 1.58ab
7 6.1 1.32a 6.0 1.21bc 6.2 1.14a 6.1 1.44a 6.2 1.53ab
fig. They found that fig amount decreased the pH values of the
8 7.2 0.73a 7.2 0.96a 7.1 0.83a 7.2 1.02a 7.1 0.89ab desserts and increasing sugar and fig amounts caused significant
9 6.8 1.06a 6.8 1.10abc 7.0 1.05a 7.0 0.88a 6.9 0.70ab increases in viscosity value, meaning that decreasing pH values
10 6.3 1.66a 6.4 1.42abc 6.5 2.09a 6.7 1.32a 6.5 1.31ab increased the viscosity. They also reported that salep, fig and sugar
11 6.2 0.58a 6.5 1.71abc 6.6 2.26a 6.3 1.74a 6.0 1.66b
concentrations had a synergistic effect on the viscosity values. It
12 7.1 1.04a 7.2 1.62a 6.7 1.43a 7.5 1.25a 7.5 1.08a
13 6.8 1.03a 6.8 1.66abc 6.5 1.41a 6.6 1.73a 6.8 1.26ab was also reported that some combinations of polysaccharides and
14 6.5 1.50a 5.9 1.47bc 6.6 1.14a 6.5 1.34a 6.6 1.64ab proteins were found to exhibit synergistic interactions when mixed
15 6.9 0.90a 6.5 1.34abc 6.8 0.96a 6.9 1.13a 6.8 1.41ab with each other (Baeza, Carp, Perez, & Pilosof, 2002). A great
In a column, means with no common superscripts are significantly different increase in viscosity may be anticipated due to strong interaction of
(p < 0.01). salep and fig with dessert components, probably with caseins
1324 S. Karaman et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 1319e1326
Table 5
Predicted models for the experimental data from salep-honey drink mixture (SHDM) samples.
*p < 0.01.
**p < 0.05.
K, consistency coefficient; n, flow behaviour index.
(Camacho, Martinez-Navarrete, & Chiralt, 2005; Kök, 2007). In the the interaction of the honey samples (a source of saccharides) with
present study, there was a similar salep environment where the salep as a hydrocolloid. Accordingly, Nishinari, Zhang, and Ikeda
sucrose was replaced with the honey (as a sweetening agent) (2000) reported that hydrocolloids bind certain chemicals
whereby the pH fall was observed because of their acidic nature. (mostly polysaccharides and proteins) that are colloidally dispers-
Therefore, differences in the results that appear to be discrepant at ible in water. Thus, becoming effectively ‘‘soluble’’, they change the
the first sight could be ascribed to the pH values of the honeys rheology by raising the viscosity and inducing gelation. To
which were thought to change the magnitude order of their effects summarize, the combination effect of low pH and the highest brix
on apparent viscosity values in the salep drink environment. In this values of the flower honey was thought to lead the flower honey to
respect, the apparent viscosity value of salep drink prepared with have the highest effect on the K values.
pine honey was determined to be 0.39 Pa s at 50 s1 while that of
salep drink prepared with flower and that of highland honey were 3.4. Sensory properties of the SHDM samples
0.47 and 0.37 Pa s, respectively. These results revealed that the
flower honey was the honey type giving the highest apparent Higher odour and overall preference scores were given to the
viscosity values to the salep drink samples because of its the mixtures 8 and 12 in which the highland honey was present at
highest brix value (Table 2). In addition, the honeys did not behave higher concentration and the flower honey was either absent or
in a similar fashion when they were mixed with the salep drink; present at lower concentration. On the other hand, the mixtures 4
namely, their flow properties changed from Newtonian to non- and 11 in which the flower honey was present at higher concen-
Newtonian flow (Fig. 2) as mentioned before even though each trations received a lower sensory score (Tables 1 and 4). Taste,
honey sample exhibited the Newtonian flow behavior (Table 2), not mouth-coating and consistency scores were not remarkably affected
being in the salep drink environment. The possible reason could be from the processing components (Table 4). Sensory properties were
Fig. 4. Ternary contour plots of the effects of processing components on sensory properties of salep-honey drink mixture (SHDM) samples. (a) taste, (b) odour, (c) overall
S. Karaman et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 1319e1326 1325
honey vertex and inclined toward the pine honey and flower honey
vertexes (Fig. 4b). Overall preference score was higher at the points
closest to highland honey vertex and pine honey-highland honey
edge, indicating that the SHDM samples were more preferred by the
panelists when the pine honey was mixed with highland honey in
the salep drink (Fig. 4c), probably because of the synergistic effects
of the honeys upon the sensory parameter of the SHDM samples. On
the other hand, an increase in flower honey concentration reduced
the preference scores of the mixture samples which was seen at the
flower honey vertex in the figure (Fig. 4c). As a result, the addition of
highland honey as a sweetener generally increased the sensory
scores of samples.
significantly (P < 0.05) affected from the linear terms of the pre-
dicted models as indicated by the adjusted regression models
developed for all the sensory evaluation parameters despite the fact
that the sensory properties were not significantly influenced from
two component interactions. Contour plots showed that taste and
odour parameters seemed to behave symmetrically when highland Fig. 6. Superimposed ternary contour profiles of the effects of mixture components
honey concentration was equal to those of pine and flower honeys (pine honey, flower honey and highland honey) on sensory properties of salep drink
(Fig. 4a and b). The odour score increased toward the highland samples.
1326 S. Karaman et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 1319e1326
from the samples containing 28% flower and 72% highland honeys Camacho, M. M., Martinez-Navarrete, N., & Chiralt, A. (2005). Rheological charac-
terization of experimental dairy creams formulated with locust bean gum (LBG)
and 38% pine and 62% highland honeys, respectively. To obtain
and l-carrageenan combinations. International Dairy Journal, 15, 243e248.
maximum preference score (7.24), 35% pine and 65% highland Chwen-Jen, S., Koehler, P. E., & Akoh, C. C. (1996). Optimization of sucrose polymer
honeys should be used in the salep drinks. The consistency and flow synthesis using response surface methodology. Journal of Food Engineering, 61,
behavior index values of a sample to get maximum overall prefer- 97e100.
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