Cbydp 2019

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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Zamboanga del Sur

Municipality of Tambulig

Barangay Tungawan


Office of the Sangguniang Kabataan


For the youth to Lack of school to provide the Giving of school Andres March- SK School
participate in facilities and needs of the poor supplies Fernandez June 4Ps Supplies9,000
accessible, supply due to students Elementary Local Teachers
developmental, poverty School
quality, and relevant
formal, non-formal Lack of to improve K to 12 Basic Andres March- SK Awards 9,000
and informal lifelong motivation that academic Education Awards Fernandez June 4Ps
learning and training results to poor performance and Recognition Elementary Local Teachers
academic School
Increasing rate of Increase Alternative Learning Andres January- SK
drop-out due to functional Systems Fernandez December PYA
spiralling cost of literacy rate Elementary Local Teachers
education School
To reduce the
number of Out of
School Youth
For the youth to Increasing rate of Decrease hunger Accelerated Baranggay Hall BHW
participate in multi- malnutrition among youth Hunger Mitigation BNS
sensitive, multi- among youth Program (FEEDING SK
sectoral, and inclusive PROGRAM) PYA
programs, projects,
Accelerating rate Lower the Orientation on Baranggay Hall RHU
activities and services
of teenagers incidence of HIV/STI prevention SK
on health and health
engaging sex “early sexual KK
financial risk
debut,” teenage PYA
serious consideration Increasing rate of “unintended BARANGAY
of nutrition, youth having pregnancy,” and OFFICIALS
reproductive health casual and unsafe maternal BHW
and psychosocial sex mortality BNS
concerns—that DSWD
promote the youth’s Lower the
health and well-being incidence of
as well as address casual sex,
their sexual and non- STI/HIV/AIDS
sexual risk-taking Accelerating rate Increase mental Mental Health Baranggay Hall RHU
behaviors of youth having health wellness program SK
mental issues practices (Symposium) KK
For the youth to Compounding of Promote the Sulong Kapaligiran SK
participate in the garbage and cleanliness in the (SK) KK
planning, pollution in the environment Clean-Up Drive PYA
implementation, environment (Quarterly)
monitoring, and
Increasing Increase number Global Plastic SK
evaluation of child
number of un- of youth Bottle/ Waste KK
and youth-friendly
recycled plastic practicing proper Reduction PYA
programs, policies
bottles waste Program
and activities on
management and
pollution control
protection, climate
and resource
change adaptation
conservation and
and mitigation and
DRRM, with the use
of new technologies Climate Change/ Climate Change Project Disaster MDRRMC
and indigenous Natural Disaster Adaptation and Information for MPDC
knowledge, so as to Disaster Risk Nationwide SK
promote sustainable Reduction and Awareness KK
natural ecosystems Resiliency PYA
and smarter localities,
conservation, waste
management and
pollution control

For the youth to Promote the Decrease the Barkada Kontra PNP
participate in prosocial number drug Droga (BKD, Peer RHU
promoting human participation of dependent youth Groups against SK
security, including youth with Drug) KK
public safety and specific needs of Increase PYA
order, safeguarding of drug dependent participation in Anti-drug DSWD
territorial integrity youth anti-drug Symposium
and sovereignty, and campaigns
in contributing to among the youth
national peace and and youth
unity organizations
For the youth to Strengthen equal Decrease 18-Day Campaign PNP
participate in a and equitable violence against to end Violence RHU
peaceful and just participation women (VAW) against women SK
society that affords across genders: and children and Children KK
them with equal and violence against PYA
equitable women, female DSWD
opportunity, social discrimination,
security and male enrolment Increase Sexual Orientation PNP
protection in all and attrition rate, awareness and Gender RHU
aspects of LGBTQ+ SOGI among youth and Identity Seminar SK
development, discrimination the community KK
regardless of their about different PYA
gender, disability, sexual DSWD
specific needs, orientation and
political beliefs, gender identity
ethnicity, religion, (SOGI)
and socio-cultural-
economic status
For the youth to Lacking of To provide the Purchase Sports SK
divert their attention equipment for equipment Facilities PYA
to healthy sports needed for the KK
recreational activities development sports Providing
such as sports and development of
Uniform/ Jersey to
socialization Unhealthy the youth
lifestyle of the
the players
youth To produce
competitive Enhancement of
Many youths are athletes in the Sports Center
now socially barangay
detached Sports Fest
because of the To improve
gadgets socialization Laro’t Saya sa
among youth Baranggay

Celebration of the
Linggo ng
For the youth to Strengthen To enhance the SK Continuing DILG
participate in enabling learning of the SK Mandatory SK
community mechanisms for officials through Trainings and KK
development and youth seminars and Seminars PYA
nation building organization and trainings
though meaningful, participation
active, sustainable, To increase the
productive, and number of youth
patriotic engagement involvement in Katipunan ng
in civil society, social different Kabataan
mobilization, organizations Assembly
(indicating social
awareness and socio-
civic mindedness),
and values formation
(such as having
concern for others
and being socially
responsible) so as to
improve the plight of
the youth
For the youth to Unemployment Increase the Sustainable DEPARTMENT
participate in the and number of youth Livelihood OF
economy, as Underemployme entrepreneurs Program AGRICULTURE
empowered nt DOLE
employees and/or Decrease SK
Job Fair
entrepreneurs who unemployment, KK
are productively underemploymen PYA
engaged in gainful t, and jobs
and decent work mismatch for WY
and/or businesses, Students are in Increase number SPES DEPARTMENT
and protected from need for of school break/ (Summer Job) OF
work-related matriculation and internship jobs AGRICULTURE
vulnerabilities such as other school DOLE
Career Guidance
discrimination, expenses Increase TEACHER
underemployment, counselled youth GUIDANCE
occupational hazards, Career Options of regarding their COUNCELOR
and child labor the students career options SK

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