MCS Medical Ward

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Nursing Care Plan

Assessment Objective of Care Planned Rationale Implementation Evaluation


Subjective: (Short Term) (Independent) >To regulate the >Discussed importance

“Hndi po kami After 8 hours of >Explain the intervals between of family planning: The mother
nagplanobng Nursing importance of pregnancies. a.) Provides understands the
pamilya” as Intervention, the family planning economical importance and
verbalized by the patient willgain >Discuss the >To select the benefits benefits of family
patient. enough methods available. best family b.) Prevents planning and
knowledge planning method unwanted shows better
Objective: regarding family appropriate to pregnancies understanding of
>A 29 year old planning methods. them. >Discussed the the variety of
mother with three >Refer to health > To improve different family methods available
children. center for DOH health and planning methods: that will fit their
programs and free economic status. a) Condom lifestyle.
Nursing consultations b) Pills
Diagnosis: regarding family c) IUD (The goal was
Knowledge planning and d) Lactation partially met.)
Deficit regarding contraception. Amenorrhea
famlily planning e) Contraceptive
r/t lack of Implant
information >Discussed the
resource different programs and
free consultations
regarding family
planning and
contraception available
in the health center.
Nursing Care Plan

Assessment Objective of Care Planned Rationale Implementation Evaluation

Drug Study

Name Dosage Mechanism of Action Side Effects Contraindication Nursing Consideration

Bind to bacterial cell CNS: seizures (high Contraindicated  Assess patient for
Generic Name: Frequency: wall membrane, doses). GI: in: signs and symptoms
Cefuroxime BID causing cell death. Pseudomembranous Hypersensitivity to of infection prior to
Brand Name: Dosage: Therapeutic Effects: colitis, diarrhea, cephalosporins; and throughout
Ceftin, Zinacef 1 tab 500 mg Bactericidal action cramps, nausea, Serious therapy.
Route: against susceptible vomiting. Derm: hypersensitivity to  Before initiating
PO bacteria. rashes, urticaria. penicillins. therapy, obtain a
Classification Spectrum: Similar to Hemat Use Cautiously history to determine
that of first- agranulocytosis, in: Renal previous use of and
Therapeutic: generation bleeding (increase impairment (dose reactions to
Anti - Infectives cephalosporins but with cefotetan and adjustments penicillins or
Pharmacologic: have increase activity cefoxitin), necessary); History cephalosporins.
Second against several other eosinophilia, of GI disease, Persons with a
Generation gram-negative hemolytic anemia, especially colitis; negative history of
Cephalosporins pathogens including: neutropenia, Geri: Dosage penicillin sensitivity
Pregnancy Haemophilus hrombocytopenia. adjustment due to may still have an
Category B influenzae, Local: pain at IM age-related allergic response.
Escherichia coli, site, phlebitis at IV decrease in renal  Observe patient for
+ Klebsiella site. Misc: allergic function may be signs and symptoms
pneumoniae, reactions including necessary; may of anaphylaxis (rash,
Morganella morganii, anaphylaxis and also be at increase pruritus, laryngeal
Neisseria serum sickness, risk for bleeding edema, wheezing).
gonorrhoeae superinfection. with cefotetan or Discontinue the drug
(including cefoxitin; OB: and notify physician
penicillinase- Pregnancy and or other health care
producing strains), lactation (have professional
Proteus, Providencia, been used safely). immediately if these
Indications Serratia marcescens, symptoms occur.
Moraxella catarrhalis. Keep
Treatment of the Not active against thromepinephrine, an
following infections methicillin-resistant antihistamine, and
caused by staphylococci or resuscitation
susceptible enterococci. equipment close by
organisms: Cefuroxime: Active in the event of an
Respiratory tract against Borrelia anaphylactic
infections, Skin and burgdorferi. reaction.
skin structure Cefotetan and  Instruct patient to
infections, Bone and cefoxitin: Active report signs of
joint infections (not against Bacteroides hypersensitivity.
cefaclor or fragilis.
cefprozil), Urinary
tract infections (not
infections, and
Lyme dis
Unlabeled Uses: In
combination with
other agents in the
management of
avium complex

Drug Study

Name Dosage Mechanism of Side Effects Contraindication Nursing

Action Consideration
 Inhibits the CNS: dizziness,  Hypersen Before:
Frequency: enzyme headache, sitivity -
Generic Name: PRN COX-2. This insomnia todrug,su Assess pt’shistory
Celecoxib Dosage: enzyme is lfonamide of allergic
Brand Name: 200 mg required for CV: HF, s,or reactionto the drug
Celebrex Route: the synthesis MYOCARDIAL otherNS -
prostaglandin STROKE,  Severehe completeblood
s. THROMBOSIS, paticimpa count,electrolytelevels,
Ther. Class.  Has edema, irment creatinineclearance,
antirheumatics analgesic, hypertension  andoccult fecal
nonsteroidal anti anti- Historyof bloodtest and
inflammatory agents inflammatory GI: GI asthmaor liverfunctiontest
, and BLEEDING, urticaria resultsevery6to
Pharm. Class. antipyretic abdominal pain,  Advance 12months
cox 2 inhibitors properties. diarrhea, drenaldis During:-
dyspepsia, ease Instruct patient
Therapeutic flatulence,  Latepreg totake drug
Effect(s): nausea nancy withfood or milk.-
 Breastfee Teach patient
 Decreased Derm: ding toavoid aspirin
pain and EXFOLIATIVE andother NSAIDs
inflammation DERMATITIS, (suchas ibuprofen
caused by STEVENS- andnaproxen)during
arthritis or JOHNSON therapy.
spondylitis. TOXIC After:
 Decreased EPIDERMAL -
pain. NECROLYSIS, Advise patient
Indication rash toimmediately
reportbloody stools,
Adjunctive bloodin vomit,
Treatment to decrease the orsigns or
number of adenomatous symptomsof liver
colorectal polyps damage(nausea,
infamilialadenomatous fatigue,lethargy,
polyposis pruritus,yellowingof
onupper right side
of abdomen, or

Lactation Amenorrhea Method

 Through exclusive breastfeeding of the infant, the woman is able to suppress ovulation through the method of lactation amenorrhea
 However, if the infant is not exclusively breastfed, this method would not be an effective birth control method.
 It is also best to advise the woman that after 3 months of exclusive breastfeeding, she must make plans of choosing another method of

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