The Impacts of E-Commence On International Business and Marketing: A Literature Review
The Impacts of E-Commence On International Business and Marketing: A Literature Review
The Impacts of E-Commence On International Business and Marketing: A Literature Review
Table of content
Managerial summary ............................................................................................ 2
1. Background and research objectives .............................................................. 3
2. Research problem and research questions...................................................... 4
3. Research methodology ................................................................................... 6
4. Key findings .................................................................................................. 8
4.1. The impacts of Internet on International business and marketing .................................. 8
4.1.1. The impacts on international business ......................................................................... 8
4.1.2. The impacts on international entrepreneurship ............................................................ 9
4.1.3. The impacts on international companies‟ marketing ................................................. 10
4.2. Web 2.0 and its impacts on international business and marketing ............................... 11
4.2.1. The definition of Web 2.0 .......................................................................................... 11
4.2.2. The impacts of Web 2.0 ............................................................................................. 13
4.3. The benefits of E-commerce (and Web 2.0) in international business and marketing
processes ...................................................................................................................................... 14
4.4. New marketing mix for online marketing ....................................................................... 15
4.4.1. Previous studies of marketing mix ............................................................................. 15
4.4.2. The work of Avraham ................................................................................................ 16
4.4.3. Weaknesses of 4Ps studies ......................................................................................... 19
4.5. Problems of international E-commerce (and Web 2.0) .................................................. 20
4.5.1. Problems of international E-commerce ...................................................................... 20
4.5.2. Problems of Web 2.0.................................................................................................. 21
4.5.3. Legal issues of international E-commerce (and Web 2.0) ......................................... 22
4.6. Managerial implications ................................................................................................. 25
4.6.1. Implications of using Web 2.0 in international marketing ............................................. 25
4.6.2. Managerial implications towards to legal issues ............................................................ 30
5. Summary of findings and conclusions .......................................................... 33
6. Conclusion and recommendations ................................................................ 37
7. Literature gaps and further research ............................................................ 40
7.1. Literature gaps ................................................................................................................ 40
7.2. Further research suggestion ........................................................................................... 42
References ........................................................................................................... 43
Appendices .......................................................................................................... 49
Appendix Ⅰ: Key concepts in this review ............................................................. 49
Appendix Ⅱ: Key findings of “previous studies of marketing mix ........................ 53
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
Managerial summary
Despite the growing trend towards the Internet (and web 2.0), there appears to be a lack
of comprehensive research for their impacts on international business and marketing. I
addressed this gap in the research literature by reviewing extant literatures in the field
of online marketing and business. After reviewed past research literatures in the fields
of entrepreneurship and business, marketing, science and technology and management,
some relevant findings can be identified and elaborated in this review. These findings
are surrounded the issues as the impacts of internet on international business,
entrepreneurship and marketing, the definition of web 2.0 and its impacts on
international business and marketing, the benefits and problems of E-commence
during international business and marketing processes and the new marketing mix for
online marketing.
The objective of this literature review is to illustrate the impacts of Internet on
international business, entrepreneurship and marketing as well as to identify benefits
and problems of Internet in these commercial processes. By doing this, some
literatures gaps regards to the topic such as e-commerce legal issues can be filled in;
meanwhile potential gaps and future research can be suggested.
Starting with a historical concepts overview that provides the basis of this topic, the
review moves into a collection of the impacts of the Internet (and web 2.0) on
international business and marketing. After providing a thorough picture of this topic,
the review deals with an underlying analysis of the topic. The managerial implications
relate to online international marketing and legal issues will be presented afterwards.
After that, summary of findings and conclusion will be presented in the form of a
table. At the end, a conclusion of this review and future research directions that follow
the relevant sections are discussed as propositions.
First, general impacts of E-commerce are important to investigate, because it can
serve a good basis of this review and offer a historical view of this topic. This part
basically focuses three aspects: international business, international entrepreneurship
and international marketing. Second, the applications of web 2.0 and its impacts on
international business and marketing are important due to the fact that web 2.0 is a hot
topic in this area and the findings of web 2.0 can contribute to the topic lot especially
international marketing issues. Because of its specialty and newness, web 2.0
applications and impacts should be discussed separately and distinguished with
general issues. Third, the investigations of the benefits and problems of international
E-commerce can further identify and explain what effects of E-commerce can bring to
international business and marketing processes and clarify which of them are negative
or positive. In addition, the review of marketing mix literatures can be a supplement
to the review of impacts of E-commence on international marketing. In the final
section of this review, I categorized the implications of online international marketing
and legal issues for international online marketers, traders and the scholars in this area.
Based on these findings, the summary of key findings can be formulated and the
conclusions can be stated. Still, literature gaps exist in this review and I highlight
some of them as well as future research suggestions at the end of this review.
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
This literature review serves the following functions for scholars in this field:
Showing overall picture of the impacts of Internet (and Web 2.0) on international
business and marketing
Pointing out the benefits and issues of Internet (and Web 2.0 applications) as
international trade and marketing tools
Reviewing the marketing Mix specifically in E-marketing area; meanwhile
stating the weaknesses
Offering managerial implications of online international marketing and its
potential legal issues
Giving future possible research recommendations relate to the topic
Having gone through the boom of the 90s and the economic debacle at the
beginning of the 20th century, the Internet is viewed today as a mainstream business
platform, as integral part of the commercial and social landscape (Birdsall, 2007; Beer
and Burrows, 2007). The online advertising is increasingly attracting attention of
marketers and has become one of the main forms of advertising today if we think that in
the USA and many countries only the TV advertising attracts larger amounts of
advertising budgets. According to a survey by Alloy Media & Marketing, 96 percent of
US teens go online to participate in a social network at least once a week (Biz, 2007). More than 50 percent of professionals participate already in social
networks (Biz Report, 2007). As more multinational corporations (MNCs) shift an
increasing part of their promotional strategies into Internet, the controversy over market
globalization continues (Okazaki and Rivas, 2002). Global coverage and access of
Internet has interconnected global communities beyond physical boundaries, leading to
the increasing homogenization of consumer preferences, justifying the standardization
of Web-based advertising and promotional campaigns (Okazaki and Rivas, 2002). The
popularity of online advertising makes other forms of traditional marketing
communication less important for international companies, but also creates many
interesting business and ethical issues (McCoy et al., 2007). In response to the quick
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
adoption of electronic communication, marketers are exploring methods that exploit the
many diverse opportunities existing on the Internet (Honeycutt et al., 1998; Roller,
1996; Rubel, 1996). One of the most expansive areas for opportunity is the international
marketing environment due to the low set-up costs, global coverage and access, ease of
entry, time independence and interactivity (Berthon et al., 1996).
During the first half of the present decade, the internet entered a new stage called Web
2.0 and it has increasingly attracted peoples‟ and marketers‟ attention. The concept of
Web 2.0 was originally introduced by O‟Reilly (2005). In this thesis, it will adopt the
definition proposed by Constantinides (2010). The extended definition of Web 2.0 (or
social media) will be introduced in the further chapters.
Despite the increasing numbers of businesses that are already using the internet to
pursue international opportunities or applying it as advertising tool, even marketing
and business literatures has paid lots of attention to the phenomenon, still, a relative
comprehensive and systematic review on both online business and marketing is
required. The main objectives of this literature review are to point out the importance of
Internet on international businesses and marketing; also to identify the benefits and
issues of using Internet as International marketing tools and trading platforms. For the
future research in this area, some contributions can be made by this review and these
contributions will be stated in the later chapter of this review; meanwhile some
research gaps in the literatures were identified and they will be presented at the end of
this review.
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
3. Research methodology
The existing academic literatures in this area under carefully consideration are
reviewed and an attempt has been made to provide an integrated portrayal of current
level of knowledge in this field. In order to present a holistic perspective of the
differences between these two marketing communication methods, this literature
review comprises contributions from diverse and yet relevant fields of knowledge. The
article covers thoughts on the subject from domain of online marketing and for
analyzing the impacts with respect to the communication method. Academic papers,
books and other electronic sources that will be used for this purpose are placed in recent
years. Research papers and books from this time period will be selected on the basis of
their relevance to topic of this review. At first stage, the key concepts relate to the
marketing communication methods will be explained. At second stage, contributions
that concentrate on previously suggested scope of review will be selected and offered.
The key findings were developed through a comprehensive review of literature in
diverse fields: E-commerce, web 2.0, international business, management,
entrepreneurship and marketing. The literatures were initially searched by the way
“key words searching” via Scopus and Google scholar. The key words were related to
aforementioned areas, such as “online international business”, “online international
marketing”, “the impacts of E-commence” and so forth. The abstracts of these
literatures and the sources of these literatures were carefully screened in order to
determine more relevant articles. More than 50 articles were selected during the period
1995-2012. The main sources (journals) of these articles will be presented in the table
which locates at the end of this chapter. The review provides E-marketing and
E-commerce scholars with a current understanding of how the internet affects the
international business and marketing, and what the trends of international business and
marketing are in the near future. References in these studies will be examined to
identify further contributions from additional sources.
This literature review will provide a critical assessment of the literatures in the field of
online international business and marketing in order to offering the information that
relevant to the topic, meanwhile stating literature gaps and limitations of research.
This review will not just a summary but will also evaluate and show relationships
between these potential sources.
Field Sources (Journals)
Entrepreneurship and business related Journal of Retailing
Journal of International Entrepreneurship
Business Horizons
Journal of World Business
Journal of International Business Studies
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
Journal of Business Venturing
Marketing related Journal of Advertising Research
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
4. Key findings
Evidences show that even the smallest businesses are active internet users; in 2007 in
Canada, 95% of businesses (with 20-99 employees) had internet access, 74% had a
website, 69% were purchasing online and 13% were selling online (Industry Canada,
2009). Data on six sectors in 28 countries reported by the Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development indicate that, although there is a wide range in the
extent to which businesses are purchasing and selling over the internet, online
transactions are now common in most of the countries tracked (OECD,2009). The data
was excluding US, over half of all businesses with more than 10 employees in Australia,
Canada, Germany, Ireland, New Zealand, Switzerland and the United Kingdom are
purchasing online, and over one-quarter of such firms in Australia, Ireland, New
Zealand, the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom are selling
online. These numbers translate to millions of businesses that have, via the internet, the
potential to pursue international business.
According to Jose and Richard (2001), the impacts of e-commerce on international
business are:
Infinitely responsive and elastic supply chains that included the most efficient
firms at every step of value added, and that could be instantaneously constructed
or deconstructed for each product or process as conditions warranted;
An international distribution of value-added activities that matched the relative
competitive advantage of each geographic location, thus assuring global diffusion
of the benefits of globalization;
Immediate delivery and superb service to customers in any part of the globe,
coordinated by specialized fulfillment companies and virtual service teams;
Rapid and accurate product development, the result of combining extensive
databases on customer preferences with specialized producers, and the ability to
simulate market conditions and test prototypes globally and cheaply;
Mass customization of products and services, specifically tailored to different
cultures or national idiosyncrasies, at no incremental cost relative to standardized
mass production;
A redefinition of corporate boundaries that would outsource all but the most
central processes to specialized firms, leading to a reconfiguration of
conglomerates and multinational firms into virtual corporations and networks of
Self-regulated markets subject to the constant pressures of competitive entry by an
almost limitless number of potential combinations of firms, each with the capacity
to complement their skills and resources efficiently, and requiring no intervention
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
by governments;
Companies that would increasingly be “born global”, immediately having a global
presence and avoiding the long and expensive process of building an international
network of affiliates and personnel;
The lowest prices and highest consumer surplus possible.
The Internet removes traditional geographic boundaries so that virtually anyone can
access a Web page from anywhere in the world at any time. The Internet provides
numerous other advantages for companies wishing to expand their overall potential in
the international market (Cronin, 1996), such as an increase in international awareness,
simplified export documentation, access to low-cost export market research improved
knowledge of international markets and communications cost savings (Hamill, 1997).
Perhaps without intention, and even without being fully aware of the implications,
small businesses that were once marketing their goods or services domestically are now
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
4.2. Web 2.0 and its impacts on international business and marketing
During the first half of the present decade the Internet entered a new evolutionary stage
commonly referred to as Web 2.0 (Constantinides, 2010). This stage is characterized by
the emergence and rapid expansion of online Peer-to-Peer applications which make
access to the direct connectivity and interaction between individuals and the easy
publication and editing of online content. Allowing customers to talk online about
shopping and product experiences, publish product reviews and exchange shopping
advices the Web 2.0 harness the collective knowledge and further undercut the impact
of traditional media (Constantinides, 2010).
Considerable controversy stems from the fact that Web 2.0 applications are by and
large based on content generated by users often being anonymous and lacking
qualitative credentials (Constantinides and Fountain, 2007).
The user is vital factor for all categories of Web 2.0 applications, not only as a
consumer but mainly as a content contributor (Constantinides and Fountain, 2007).
These applications allow user participation in the form of content contribution and
content editing.
The term Web 2.0 has been introduced by O‟Reilly (2005) and his definition is based
on common elements characterizing the new generation of web applications. A year
later, Musser and O‟Reilly (2006) made a new attempt proposing a new definition for
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
Web 2.0, still, a flaw exists which is its focus on trends, a vague notion by itself. So far
there is no definition seems to be widely accepted and the issue is presently open to
discussion. In this paper, the Web 2.0 (social media) will be defined as follows which a
more comprehensive one is proposed by Constantinides and Fountain (2008):
Web 2.0: A collection of open-source, interactive and user-controlled online
applications expanding the experiences, knowledge and market power of the users as
participants in business and social processes. Web 2.0 applications support the creation
of informal users‟ networks facilitating the flow of ideas and knowledge by allowing
the efficient generation, dissemination, sharing and editing/refining of informational
Based on this definition, the Web 2.0 can be described along three main dimensions as
showed in the following picture:
As showed in the above graph, a basic classification based on web 2.0 application types
divided into five main categories (Constantinides and Fountain, 2007):
Social networks
Forums/bulleting boards
Content aggregators
Furthermore, various authors (Daconta et al., 2003; Shirkey, 2003; Anderson, 2004;
O‟Reilly, 2005) identified three principles of these applications:
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
The growing importance of the Web 2.0 and the effects on consumers and organizations
are issues frequently making headlines and increasingly attracting academic attention.
The main focuses are the methods in which these applications contribute to customer
behavioral change and new challenges facing strategists and marketers (Urban, 2003;
McKinsey Quarterly, 2007).
Web 2.0 (or social media) represents a healthy phenomenon, becoming the new source
of consumer creativity, influence and empowerment (Gillin, 2007). The consequence of
customer empowerment is that traditional media and old-style marketing are constantly
losing ground as influencers of consumer behavior (Constantinides, E., & Fountain, S. J,
2007). Consumers do not trust traditional marketers as they used to: a recent study of
Deloitte Touche USA reveals that 62 percent of the US consumers read
consumer-generated online reviews and 98 percent of them find these reviews reliable
enough; 80 percent of these consumers say that reading these reviews has affected their
buying intentions (, 2007).
Web 2.0 applications are not only in the form of information sourcing but also as
forums of dialogue and confrontation of producers and vendors with their social, ethical
and commercial responsibilities (Constantinides and Fountain, 2007). Web 2.0 (or
Social Media) is affecting the way people communicate, make decisions, socialize,
learn, entertain themselves, interact with each other or even do their shopping
(Constantinides and Fountain, 2007). Web 2.0, next to transforming peoples‟
individual and group behavior, has also affected the power structures in the
marketplace, causing a substantial migration of market power from producers or
vendors towards customers (Constantinides and Fountain, 2007). It has been suggested
that by 2011 the Internet will become the US leading advertising medium surpassing
newspaper advertising (Gillin, 2009), a development that will mark major shift of
advertising budgets from traditional to online channels worldwide. In a global survey
conducted in 2007 McKinsey found that the popularity of Web 2.0-based applications
is rising among businesses; while most companies surveyed have so far integrated a
limited number of these applications into their business strategies the large majority
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
think that “investing in them is important for maintaining the company‟s market
position, either to provide a competitive edge or to match the competition and address
customer demand” (McKinsey Survey on Internet Technologies, 2007). Web 2.0
presents businesses with new challenges but also new opportunities for getting and
staying in touch with their market (Constantinides and Fountain, 2007).
2005; Ogawa and Piller, 2006) leading to new forms of collaborative value
creation (Prahalad and Ramaswamy, 2004, Franke and Piller, 2004, McAfee,
2006; Ueda et al, 2008).
From 1995 on an ever-increasing number of scientific papers and text books have been
dealing with the issue of E-marketing Mix and the role of the 4Ps in it. In 1997, Peattie
argued that the communication and interaction capabilities will change everything
around marketing in many industries, yet the basic marketing concept will remain
unchanged, meanwhile claimed the new role for the 4P‟s of the marketing mix. He
proposed to the 4Ps area: product: co-design and production; price: more transparency;
Place: direct contacts with customers; Promotion: more control of the customer,
interaction. Within the same year, Aldridge, Forcht and Pierson stated that there are
several and important differences between the physical marketing and the online
marketing. They suggested many new factors should be taken into consideration to
define e-marketing management. When it comes to 4Ps, they said the 4P‟s can remain
the backbone activities of E-commerce they acquire a new and different role in the
online marketplace. Connor and Galvin (1997) also agreed the point that 4P‟s can
remain the backbone of online marketing and added a point that technology can be
implemented in order to improve and optimize the online, 4P-based marketing
activities. They also mentioned that new technology-based functionality maintains the
4P‟s as the basic planning tool for online marketing. In addition, Mosley Matchett
(1997) proposed 5 W‟s for the successful web site design requirement which are: who:
target audience/market; what: content; when: timing and updating; where: fundability;
why: unique selling proposition. Evans and King (1999) specialized in B2B website
design and proposed four steps for building a successful B2B website: web planning:
defining mission and goals; Web access: how to get web entry; site design and
implementation: content; site promotion, management and evaluation: commercial and
managerial aspects.
When entering new millennium, the arguments towards to e-marketing‟s 4Ps became
even diverse. Chaffey et al (2000) argued that the Internet can provide opportunities to
vary the elements of the traditional marketing mix, while he identified six key elements
for effective web site design: capture, content, community, commerce, customer
orientation, credibility. Lawrence et al (2000) used a hybrid approach suggesting that
creating an online marketing activity should be based on the traditional 4Ps of
marketing mix (indeed with two add-ones; people and packaging) as well the new five
P‟s of marketing: paradox, perspective, paradigm, persuasion and passion. However,
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
Kambil and Nunes (2000) held a different opinion that the 4Ps for E-marketing have to
move away from the traditional approach based on the 4P marketing mix and they
stated important elements of online marketing are: community building, original event
programming, convenience and connectivity.
In 2001, Bhatt and Emdad contributed that the virtual value chain is changing the nature
of the 4P‟s and transforms them by adding new dimensions. Businesses still make their
strategic marketing decisions based on the 4P marketing mix. They also identified some
new characters of the 4P‟s: product: new options for customized information; place: no
time and location restrictions, direct delivery; price: price discrimination and
customization, price transparency; promotion: action-oriented promotional activities
are possible promotional flexibility. Allen and Fjermestad (2001) also voted for the
point that 4Ps for e-marketing should on the basis of traditional marketing‟s 4Ps with
some changes. These changes include: Product: information, innovation; place: reach;
price: increased competition; promotion: more information, direct links. In the contrary,
Schultz (2001) held the point that marketplaces are customer oriented and 4P‟s have
less relevance. Succeeding in the 21st century interactive marketplace means that
marketing has to move from an internal orientation illustrated by the 4Ps to a view of
the network or system. He strengthened the some points that: end-customer controls the
market; network systems should define the orientation of a new marketing; a new
marketing mix must be based on the marketing triad marketer, employee and customer.
In 2002, my thesis supervisor, Constantinides pointed out that there exist some major
flaws of the 4Ps mix as basis of online marketing activities which are lack of
interactivity, lack of strategic elements in a constantly developing environment, the 4Ps
are not the critical elements of online marketing. He proposed a 4S model which
offered a comprehensive, integral approach on managing the online presence and these
four S are: scope: strategic issues; site: operational issues; synergy: organizational
issues; system: technological issues.
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
Based on their business plans, E-companies determine what products or services to
offer their customers. Before they can gain access to a considerable number of data
from customer feedback and other market research findings, they need to start up
operations. They are characterized by intensive product development and tend to forgo
the traditional multistep development process. According to Hanson (2000),
“e-companies have been forced to pioneer new ways of discovering user needs and
rapidly launching new products. These methods rely on maintaining flexibility and
accelerating the process of market feedback. These methods work especially well for
online products.” Relates to “product” issues, the findings of Avraham(2001) are
showed as below. He was trying to establish the extent to which e-commerce engages
in each of these products or market types.
Primary purpose Number of firms Percent
E-tailing 15 11
E-marketing 7 5
Service providers 46 34
Internet portals 8 6
Auctions 4 3
E-communities 1 <1
Content/Information 6 4
Software 14 10
Internet infrastructure 12 9
Exchanges 1 <1
Combination of above 14 10
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
Other 8 6
Total 136 100
As this table shows, roughly a third of the firms studied provide various Internet
services, 11 percent are e-tailers, 10 percent are software providers, 9 percent build
Internet infrastructures, and 10 percent offer a combination of these. Eight or fewer
are e-marketers, content providers, or electronic portals. It is noteworthy that
e-companies offer new categories such as building e-communities and Net
infrastructure, and that of the 136 companies, only seven described themselves as
e-marketing firms, whose marketing mix decisions focus predominantly or
exclusively on Net marketing (Avraham, 2001).
Establishing prices is a decision-making process by which a company makes a profit in
exchange for satisfying its customers with the products and services they seek
(Avraham, 2001). On the other hand, the Net affects price means the profit generated by
many products and services. Due to the fact that customers can get the product
information and comparison-shop, they usually force e-companies to lower prices in
order to remain competitive and increase market share. The Net has made pricing one
of the most dynamic marketing tools in enabling e-companies to use real-time or
auction pricing (Hanson, 2000). Normally, assuming that the lower average costs
associated with the economies of scale of target market shares have already been
achieved, e-companies charge lower prices in order to place a premium on early market
presence. The result is a loss when such assumptions are not realized. The study of
Avraham (2001) shows the extent to which e-companies use different pricing methods
and the results are presented in the following table:
Pricing Method Number of firms Percent
Cost-plus 51 38
Demand-based 40 29
Negotiated pricing 35 26
Auctions 1 <1
Cost plus/Demand-based 2 1,5
Demand-based/Negotiated 1 <1
Cost plus/Negotiated 3 2
Demand-based/Auction 1 <1
Other combination 2 1.5
Total 136 100
Just like all ventures, e-companies use a mix of advertising, personal selling, sales
promotion and public relations to promote their sites and products (Avraham, 2001).
Due to the fact that e-commerce is still new to customers, before going on to persuade
their customers, e-companies tend to use advertising to capture customer awareness.
The markets they targeting determine the promotion mix they may use. For instance
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
industrial companies tend to use relatively more personal selling, while consumer
companies tend to spend more advertising in their promotional mixes. The results of
Avraham‟s investigation shows as following:
Main Tool(s) Number of firms Percent
Advertising 67 49
Personal selling 33 24
Public relations 9 7
Sales promotion 6 4
Advertising and personal 5 3.5
Advertising and sales 0 0
Personal selling and sales 2 1.5
Other combinations 14 11
Total 136 100
Distribution process normally can be categorized as store and non-store (electronic)
distribution. E-companies are suited to non-store or electronic distribution. The classic
case is Dell and its products are delivered by a third party, normally a parcel delivery
firm. Brick-and-mortar companies often use a dual distribution system consisting of the
Net and their existing store outlets (Avraham, 2001). Avraham presents the following
findings towards to this issue:
Distribution Method Number of firms Percent
Internet 56 41
In-person 23 17
Mail/UPS/FedEx, etc 38 28
Combination or Other 19 14
Total 136 100
Many scholars in this field express some doubts as to the role of the Mix as marketing
management tool in its original form and offering alternative proposals: add new
elements or replace some original ones. The studies in this field indicate some
weaknesses of the 4Ps: ignoring the human factor, lack of strategic dimensions,
offensive posture and lack of interactivity. Two common limitations can be found in all
reviewed categories: the model‟s internal orientation and the lack of personalization.
The Mix was originally developed as a concept suitable for mas-oriented production
which producers need to pay less attention to customer‟s needs. In today‟s highly
competitive, dynamic and technology-mediated markets, applying the Mix as the
guideline of marketing planning can trigger severe undermining of the firm‟s
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
Aside from structural and functional impediments in the use of the Internet and
e-commerce as means of conducting international marketing, several critical
considerations govern the use of e-commerce internationally. First, although the
Internet is accessible everywhere and by everyone, it does not circumvent the many
necessary steps a firm must undertake to internationalize (Samiee, 1998b). Although
the Internet can be an important tool for accommodating and promoting international
business activities, unless the firm is known to its potential customers, it is unlikely that
it would see much international activity through its web site (Samiee, 2007). In
particular, export intermediaries and smaller are more vulnerable in this regard. Second,
involvement in electronic forms of exchange is nowadays the expected norm for doing
business internationally (Samiee, 1998b). With the significant increase of usage of the
Internet by firms, Internet using is no longer offers any competitive advantage, whereas
absence from the Internet increasingly places a firm in a competitive disadvantage.
Thus, for international e-companies‟ marketing, gaining a competitive advantage is
likely to stem from doing a better job of designing and managing a richer website
including the issues like the use of multiple languages and relevant information to assist
visitors. Third, potential loss of proprietary data over the Internet remains a critical
issue for firms and although the technology has advanced in this regard, it negatively
impacts the involvement and growth of international marketing and exporting where
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
The newness of the subject and lack of systemic research means that more often than
not engaging Social Media as marketing communication tools is a trial-and-error
process for business organizations (Constantinides, 2010).
There is a considerable knowledge gap on the nature of Web 2.0 and its added value for
marketing strategy. Information and knowledge about the role of Web 2.0-based
applications as marketing tools is so far primarily based on anecdotal evidence
(Constantinides, 2010).
Web 2.0 and specifically applications based on user-generated content present a real
and present danger to the established culture (Keen, 2007; Keegan, 2007; Wilson,
Anonymous amateur videos and music remixes posted to sites like YouTube, Google
Video and other such sites contribute to public frustration (the viewer is not able to
distinguish between reality, fiction and advertising) and abuse of intellectual rights
(from using copyrighted material like music, video, logos, etc), leading to the demise of
professional artists and the entertainment industry in general (Constantinides and
Fountain, 2007).
The complete lack of control and accountability allows everyone to become a
self-proclaimed expert and influence those who are not able to distinguish between
quality and nonsense (Constantinides and Fountain, 2007).
Threats of Web 2.0 towards marketers (Constantinides, 2010):
Fading customer trust in corporate messages
Declining customer loyalty
Growing doubts about the role of contemporary marketing
Empowered customers have devised new tactics in searching, evaluating,
choosing and buying goods and services
A trend towards increasing customer control over the commercial process:
growing customer desire for customized products, active participation in product
decisions, willingness for co-creation and interaction
Such developments make strategists and marketers feel uneasy but a deeper analysis of
these trends would suggest that Web 2.0 should be better seen as a marketing challenge
rather than a threat; a challenge that properly addressed could open new opportunities
in reaching and winning the 21th century consumer (Constantinides, 2010).
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
Despite the rapid growth of companies using Web 2.0 or social media as their
marketing tools, still, the insufficient understanding of the domestic and international
legal issues associated with having a presence on the Internet pressed them. These lacks
of knowledge can lead to firms facing expensive and time-consuming litigation.
Therefore the legal issues surround the area are vital to the successes or survivals of
these companies.
With projected exponential growth in international e-commerce, the volume of both
international disputes and their reported resolution is likely to increase on a similar
scale (Zugelder, Flaherty and Johnson, 2000).
Whether companies utilize the Internet to sell products, provide information, streamline
operations, or simply entertain, their “virtual marketing strategies” are not sheltered
from potential legal pitfalls (Zugelder, Flaherty and Johnson, 2000). With projected
exponential growth in international e-commerce, the volume of both international
disputes and their reported resolution is likely to increase on a similar scale. Thus, the
law governing this medium requires great consideration.
International businesses operate within a complex web of national and regional legal
systems, further complicated by bilateral and multilateral agreements between
countries, such as tax treaties and regional agreements, e.g. NAFTA, EU. Businesses
may also subject to regulations promulgated by supranational agencies and treaties,
such as the WTO. The legal system outside the Anglo-Saxon world can be very
different and based on a codified system of law, religious principles or the writ of the
prevailing political party (Zugelder, Flaherty and Johnson, 2000). E-commerce adds a
greater level of complexity to the matrix of international business law. It can raises the
issues like what constitutes a contract in cyberspace, international tax harmonization
and tax collection for online transactions, intellectual property protection,
disparagement and defamation, and consumer protection for international e-commerce
clients which including unfair trading practices and the consumer‟s right to privacy
(Zugelder, Flaherty and Johnson, 2000). The following are some universal legal issues
associated with international E-marketing have begun to emerge and will be more
specifically addressed:
Consumer protection
Unfair and deceptive trade practices
The laws or regulations could contain unfair and deceptive trade practices like
unsubstantiated advertising claims, false endorsement and omitted information
applying to Internet advertising. So far, there is no international treaty or compact
provides a worldwide law governing advertising and the prevention of these practices.
Consumer privacy
Most consumers do not realize that when they go browsing on the Internet, they leave
behind “digital footprints” in the form of “cookies” – permanent files that can collect
data about the user‟s identity, address, age, income, interests, and online purchases
(Zugelder, Flaherty and Johnson, 2000). Some online marketing firms can combine
data from multiple cookies and in conjunction with information from census databases,
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
telephone companies, motor vehicle databases, health and education records, and credit
reports, they can compile and sell detailed information about individual consumers that
would be prohibitively expensive to gather by traditional means (Business Week,
1999b). The Internet has been called “history‟s biggest data-collection machine” (The
Economist, 1998). E-commerce marketers find it essential to gather as much personal
information as possible in order to better tailor their marketing to individual consumers
and to provide a high quality of service (Zugelder, Flaherty and Johnson, 2000). Small
or start-up internet-based companies are unable to cover the costs of constantly
soliciting new customers. They know the key to their success or survival is to build a
relationship with a customer and then reply on repeat business. However, in many
countries, using online technology to gather, exchange and sell personal information
about consumers is illegal. For instance European Union gives European consumers the
right to check on data that is held about them and to prevent its use. European privacy
laws are very strict and there are fears that this could slow the growth in transatlantic
e-commerce (Jacobson, 1999). If other countries adopt similar regulations to EU‟s, it
could make it tough for e-marketers to gather and maintain the necessary information to
optimize the technological capabilities of the Internet.
Defamation and disparagement
Defamation or disparagement is normally the publication of an untrue statement of fact
that damages the reputation of a person, a business or its products or services. Web
marketers can be considered as “publishers,” such “online libel” will be judged in the
same way as any other mass media advertising medium (Zugelder, Flaherty and
Johnson, 2000). Due to a Webpage‟s vast reach, such claims can be more numerous,
even more dangerous and may lead to a suit to defend in a foreign country. In addition
to rogue sites, a more innocuous type of advertising that is widely used in the world
might run foul of fair competition or disparagement laws: comparative advertising.
This type of advertising put the company‟s product and rivals‟ together, highlighting
the characteristics and qualities of both. In US, this advertising is permitted and even
encouraged by laws, while in many countries it is seen as a form of product
disparagement, even mentioning a rival firm‟s product or brand name is unlawful. Thus,
International e-marketers must be aware that what passes for fair comment and free
expression at home might be regarded as illegal elsewhere.
Intellectual property violations
The Internet like any other medium can infringe on the intellectual property rights of
others. Due to the fact that the Internet is worldwide, infringements can occur on a
global basis, largely increasing the likelihood of injury and subsequent suits (Zugelder,
Flaherty and Johnson, 2000).
Copyright Infringement
Copyright law generally protects the owners of creative works of authorship from the
unauthorized copying, reproduction, distribution, dissemination, transmission, or other
use of any significant part of the work (Nimmer, 1998). Any such use without the
owner‟s permission may cause a copyright infringement. There is no single
international copyright law to comply with. Approximately 80 countries have ratified
the Berne Convention on copyright law, which require all member countries to open
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
their courts for enforcement of all members‟ copyrights, so that a copyright that is
established in one member country can be enforced in another (Zugelder, Flaherty and
Johnson, 2000). However, still, half of the countries in the world do not belong to or
recognize Berne Convention on copy right law, and thus may not recognize the validity
of the Web marketer‟s copyright (Zugelder, Flaherty and Johnson, 2000). Some
extreme examples are China, India and Brazil where copyright protection from
non-existent to weak. These countries represent a potentially huge online market in the
near future, thus presents a potential problem for the future development of
international e-commerce. If copyright protection in these countries continues to be as
haphazard as it is at present, a global treaty on e-commerce copyright is unlikely to be
achieved for many years (Zugelder, Flaherty and Johnson, 2000). Even there is no
universal copyright law; international marketers can still follow one basic legal
principle in worldwide, that is: the use of copyrighted material without permission,
whether it be from non-Internet sources or Internet-based sources constitutes
infringement, triggering potential copyright liability somewhere in the world. Scanning
in and posting text, images, or graphics of another‟s Website without permission can
certainly cause copyright infringement. In addition, linking and framing are sources of
copyright violations as well.
Most legal commentators have opined that simply linking to another Website should
not constitute copyright infringement or lead to liability and the litigation nowadays
suggests that this view is correct (Zugelder, Flaherty and Johnson, 2000). However, the
practice of “deep linking” – by passing a Website‟s homepage and linking directly to its
interior pages has led to lots of copyright issues. For example, one company‟s website
included as hyperlinks current headlines taken from another company‟s. When the
viewer clicked on the links of the company, the reader jumped directly to a full text of
new stories that had been prepared by another company, bypassing its homepage that
contained paid advertising and its masthead.
Framing occurs when a user links to a second site, and then views the second site‟s
contents framed by the logo and advertising of the first site (Zugelder, Flaherty and
Johnson, 2000). It can also lead to litigation. Legal commentators agree that framing is
a very dangerous and invasive practice that can support a variety of legal theories of
liability, including copyright infringement (Abel, 1998; Sovie, 1999). Internet
marketers need to be careful in their use of framing for international marketing. For
example, it would probably be considered copyright infringement for a US firm to
frame a rival‟s Website in order to provide a comparison between its own products and
those of the rival (Zugelder, Flaherty and Johnson, 2000).
Trademark infringement
In the beginning of creating Websites, a company needs to acquire a domain name so it
can uniquely identify itself on the Internet. Once domain name registration occurs, no
one else can use that name on the Internet. Trademark infringement is the unauthorized
use of a name, symbol, logo, color, design, or combination thereof which leads to
consumer confusion of the origin of the good or service which the mark is intended to
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
Axiom #1: Social media (Web 2.0) is a function of a country‟s technology, culture,
and government
As Berthon et al (2012) proposed, the most prominent social media types and the ways
they are used of a particular country will be decided by three elements of that country:
technology (the infrastructure enabling social media), government (institutional rules
and regulations) and culture (shared values),. First, technology, the country‟s level of
technological advancement, like the average bandwidth and speed available, will make
some media more or less prominent than others. YouTube is less popular in emerging
markets where it consumes considerable bandwidth than it is in countries in North
America and Western Europe. Second, government, the attitude of the country‟s
government about the certain social medium will also determine the popularity of that
social medium. A vivid example would be China whose government has banned
Facebook. Third, culture, the country‟s cultural norms and values affect the choice and
popularity of the social media. The table below shows the difference of the usage and
popularity of some social media in some countries can be quite markedly and it presents
the differences of the relative interest in particular social media across countries. For
example, Facebook and LinkedIn attract more users in America, India and South, while
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
the interest in Mixi and Gree is almost exclusive to Japan where shows little interest in
Facebook or LinkedIn. In addition, Orkut seems to attract users in Brazil only.
Relative frequency of search terms from Google Insights: Social media by country
(Source: Data collected from Google Insights, September 12, 2011)
From an international marketing strategy perspective, firms which using social media
as their marketing tools cannot follow a standardized approach. A company should
tailor the social media aspects in its international marketing to suit and accommodate
national differences. However, some companies might be tempted to follow Levitt‟s
(1983) dictum of global standardization and find it possible to standardize aspects such
as pricing, distribution strategies, still, it will be very risky if they cannot standardize on
social media component of their communication strategies.
Axiom #2: In the age of social media, local events seldom remain local
In pre-social media times, the risk of a MNC (multinational corporation) having its
marketing operations affected globally by an occurrence in one country was much less
likely than it is today (Berthon et al, 2012). There was little opportunity for the general
public in any countries to engage directly in dialog concerning the negative stories or
disaster of a company. What was local remained local. In the age of social media (Web
2.0), local things almost inevitably become global whether the firm hopes it to or not.
An excellent recent example is Nestle and its Kit Kat brand. The dialog was initiated by
Greenpeace as the protagonist and the target was Nestle due to the fact that Nestle is a
major purchaser of palm oil which grown in rainforest areas. Planting oil palms
normally accompany with the devastation of the natural forests and damaging the
orangutans and other wild creatures that live in the forests in particular. Greenpeace
made an ad described a story that a person consuming a Kit Kat only to have the tasty
chocolate bar turn into bleeding orangutan fingers when the consumer bit into it.
Greenpeace placed the ad on YouTube, immediately Nestle asked that it be taken down.
It was taken down by Green peace quickly; however, it was then replaced by other
consumers who had already downloaded it. Very soon angry consumers from all over
the world appear to Nestlé‟s Facebook page for a requirement that the video be
reinstated. The staff who responsible for the Facebook fan page began to remonstrate
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
with them and the slanging match continued to the point where Nestle was severely
embarrassed. On May 17, 2010, Nestle finally committing to stop using products that
came from rainforest destruction. In this dialog, Greenpeace was the initiator, the target
was Nestle, and customers internationally using social media in this discussion are
From an international marketing strategy perspective, the executives in company
should constantly monitor local news concerning the firm‟s product offerings and
brands, and gauge the impact of seemingly local events on overall strategy. A minor
irritation in a local market can blow up into a major global catastrophe for the firm.
Likewise, an apparently local triumph for the firm can turn into a huge international
marketing opportunity.
Axiom #3: In the age of social media, general issues seldom remain general
This axiom is a complement to the second. Global phenomena are normally interpreted
locally and the general is always interpreted and enacted at the local level. Thus, global
issues like global warming are viewed and processed in quite different ways by
different countries or regions. However, social media can speed up the process
dramatically and unpredictably. Things happen more quickly and with less certain
outcomes. Fashion is a popular topic in social media and the definitions of fashion vary
widely from region to region. An European analysis shows Zara and H&M are the two
brands which most blogged, tweeted in Span, France and England; while the Spanish
are obsessed by Benetton, the French by Promod and the British by Mango (Aramendia,
Based on above discussion, especially second and third axioms, it can be concluded that
social media mainly serve three functions in the international context: (1) facilitating
the rapid dissemination of information; (2) accelerating spread and coalescence of
interpretive frameworks that make sense of that information and (3) making access the
swift coordination of inter-action. These three elements are reciprocally linked and
showed in the graph below:
Axiom #4: The actions and creations of creative consumers tend to be a function
of a country‟s technology, culture, and government
The „creative consumer‟ phenomenon refers to the fact that there are consumers
worldwide who adapt, modify, or transform firms‟ proprietary offerings (e. g., Berthon
et al., 2007; Mollick, 2005). These modifications and adaptations range from very
simple to very complex. Creative consumers tend to mess with products and modifying
them in ways that have little to do with the product‟s original purpose and remain the
original need that the product was intended to fulfill. Creative consumers represent an
enthralling contradiction for firms (Berthon et al., 2007). They can be threats to
companies when they tampering with proprietary products. On the other hand, they can
also be an excellent source of ideas and business prospects as they identify
opportunities that become sources of revenue and growth for the firm. The Internet and
social media make access for creative customers to the dissemination of their ideas. The
disseminations are also boosted by the programmability and malleability of software
and components that have evolved in the last two decades, as well as an overall cultural
shift toward customization and individualization (Franke and Schreier, 2010). As the
graph “a summary of the 5 axioms” implies that the existing level of technology in a
country will decide the effects of creative consumers bring to the existing and new
products. Their motivations to create and the ways they create relate to their culture as
well, especially the extent to their open or close innovation. In addition, their
imaginations and actions will be restricted by the legislation within the country and the
interpretations from them.
Considering the issues of creative consumers, international marketers should realize
that consumers in some countries tend to hack and modify offerings while some are not
or change the offerings in different ways. An example can emphasize the importance of
international marketing strategists to aware of this. Large plastic soft drink bottles are
normally seems to the package of products; however, a group of students at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology came up with a simple and appropriate
innovation that utilized these bottles in a unique way (Ecopreneurist, 2011). The plastic
soft drink bottles, in conjunction with a piece of corrugated roof and sealant, allowed
for natural sunlight to filter into otherwise dark houses, the equivalent of a 60 watt light
bulb (Oshima, 2011). To international marketers, more specifically, marketers need to
recognize that the value paths induced by this product or service meddling may vary
considerably across international contexts (Berthon et al., 2012). Thus, marketers need
to monitor both broadcast news and social media to keep abreast of these developments.
that country. Thus, international marketers should keep in mind that the incumbent
local technology is a function of local technological history, government and culture.
For example, an international firm‟s social media strategy in the South African market
could by all means incorporate a Facebook and Twitter presence, but ignoring a
platform like MXit would potentially cut the firm off from an audience of millions
(Berthon et al.,2012).
Regards to international online marketing legal issues, Zugelder et al (2000) offered set
of recommendations for international marketing managers. They categorized
implications into a table and the objectives with the recommendations can be clear
matched and found as following:
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
Objectives Recommendations
Avoid claims of unfair/deceptive trade Comply with domestic standards for
practices marketing
Establish mirror website in major
overseas target markets, conforming
to local standards for marketing
Direct inquiries from overseas to
relevant mirror Website
Provide links to mirror Websites in
local language
Steer clear of misleading advertising
false claims or endorsements
Avoid making statements about
competitors or their products
Respect consumer‟s privacy Include a statement of privacy policy
on the site‟s homepage
Allow consumer to opt out of
receiving promotional offers, future
e-mailings, etc
Participate in a “seal of approval”
program (e.g. Better Business
Bureau) to reassure consumers
Gather legitimate marketing data Offering incentives (tailored
information, discount, special offers,
etc.) in return for personal data
Respond to negative criticism on the Set up a counter Website to address
Internet legitimate complaints; link to this site
from main homepage
Contact owner(s) of rogue Website
and attempt to resolve the grievance
Avoid a “war of words”
Use material from another Website Obtain permission to use copyrighted
material from the site owner
If permission cannot be obtained, do
not use the contents from that site
Before framing, obtain permission of
the owner of the target site
Link to outside pages from your site Carefully select the Web pages where
your site will be linked
Avoid deep linking
Avoid linking to troublesome
Protect contents of your Website Place a copyright notice on the
Website (in the local language in the
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
impacts Assured global diffusion of the benefits of Relatively fixed supply chains → Infinitely
Immediate delivery and superb service to Domestic delivery and service → Global
customers all over the world immediate delivery and superb service
Entrepreneurship Reuber and Fischer (2011) Internationalization become more feasible for The cost of marketing research ↓
Web 2.0 and its impacts Constantinides (2010) Web 2.0 is a collection of open-source, interactive In the age of Web 2.0, users are the center.
Constantinides and Fountain and user-controlled online applications. The users Fewer marketers using traditional marketing
(2008) are the essential contributor to the applications and media. During the commercial processes,
O‟ Reilly (2005) New source of consumer creativity, influence and customers have more power than sellers.
Gillin (2009) empowerment Applying web 2.0 seems not challenges but
Empowered customers
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
Benefits of international Quelch and Klein (1996) Reduced the benefits of economies of scales and Benefits of economies of scales ↓
E-commerce Janal (1998) the cost of advertising enabling even small firms Cost of advertising ↓
Brabham (2008) hassles, wider product selection and lower prices Information ↑
Auh et al (2007) conditions, lower costs, relationship building and Product selections ↑
Prahalad and Ramaswamy Web 2.0 as international marketing tool: reduced To marketers:
(2004) communication, R&D and advertising costs; Time of adjustment to market conditions ↓
new forms of collaborative value creation Marketing mix and strategy adjustment ↑
Web 2.0:
Costs ↓
Customer loyalty ↑
Innovation ↑
New marketing Previous Peattie (1997) See Appendix: Key findings of “previous studies of Many scholars in this field express some doubts
mix for online studies Aldridge, Forcht and Pierson marketing mix” as to the role of the Mix as marketing
Evans and King (1999) their studies ignored the human factor, lack of
Kambil and Nunes (2000) orientation and lack of personalization are two
Allen and Fjermestad (2001) The marketing mix in 21th century will become
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
of 4Ps studies Constantinides (2006) strategic dimensions, offensive posture and lack
of interactivity
Problems of General Samiee (1998, 2007) Internet does not circumvent the many necessary General problems:
international problems steps a firm must undertake to internationalize. Many necessary internationalize steps ↓, the
E-commerce Unless the firm is known to its potential chance of potential customers see firm‟s
international activity through its website Requirement of job design and management of
doing a better job of designing and managing a Progress in alleviating functions issues ↓
Web 2.0 Constantinides (2010) Web 2.0 applications as marketing Doubts about the role of contemporary
Keegan (2007) for business organization Control over the commercial process ↓
Wilson (2007) A considerable knowledge gap on the nature of Web 2.0 still should be better seen as a
Constantinides and Fountain Web 2.0 and its added value for marketing marketing challenge rather than a threat, even
user-generated content present a danger to the Understanding online legal issues is vital to the
Some anonymous amateur videos contribute to online laws mainly cover the areas: consumer
public frustration and abuse of intellectual rights protection and intellectual property. The court
The complete lack of control and accountability jurisdiction over Web marketer practices still
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
commercial process
Legal issues Zugelder, Flaherty and Consumer protection: unfair and deceptive trade
Managerial Web 2.0 Berthon et al (2012) 5 axioms: In order to make effective use of Web 2.0
implications 1. Social media is a function of a country‟s applications and constructively engage creative
2. In the age of social media, local events seldom understand these 5 axioms, the technology that
3. In the age of social media, general issues seldom consumers, consumers and social media
4. The actions and creations of creative consumers could be the potential barriers and how to
of teenagers
Legal issues Zugelder, Flaherty and See table “recommendations for international Although the management implications
Johnson (2000) marketing managers” in chapter 5 mentioned by Zugelder, Flaherty and Johnson
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
during international processes can reduce the overall costs and access more
comprehensive and accurate market information and knowledge.
What is Web 2.0 and what are the effects of it as international marketing tools
and trading platforms?
Web 2.0 is a collection of open-source, interactive and user-controlled online
applications. The users are the essential contributors to the applications. It is a new
source of consumer creativity, influence and empowerment and it made traditional
marketing and media are losing ground as influencers of consumer behavior. Web 2.0
also is the forums of dialogue and confrontation of producers and vendors. To the
managers and marketers, something should keep in mind: in the age of Web 2.0, users
are the center; Fewer marketers using traditional marketing and media; during the
commercial processes, customers have more power than sellers; applying web 2.0
seems not challenges but opportunities for marketing.
What are the benefits of E-commerce (and Web 2.0) in international business
and marketing processes?
E-commerce brings lots of benefits for international business and marketing. To
consumers, the main benefits are convenience, information, fewer hassles, wider
product selection and lower prices. To marketers, the benefits are quick adjustment to
market conditions, lower costs, relationship building and audience sizing. Web 2.0 as
international marketing tool brings following benefits: reduced costs, enhanced
customer loyalty, efficient innovation and reduced risk of new product development,
and new forms of collaborative value creation. Again these benefits imply
international marketers and managers in international companies the importance of
using Internet and web 2.0 applications in the international business and marketing
As a marketing method, what would be the new marketing mix for online
Many scholars in this field express some doubts as to the role of the Mix as marketing
management tool in its original form and offering alternative proposals: add new
elements or replace some original ones. Still, their studies ignored the human factor,
lack of strategic dimensions, offensive posture and lack of interactivity. Model‟s
internal orientation and lack of personalization are two common limitations in all
reviewed categories. These indicate international marketers and managers in
international companies that the marketing mix in 21th century will become more
sophisticated and more interactive and personalized.
What are the problems and legal issues of international E-commerce (and
Web 2.0)?
General problems of Internet are: Unless the firm is known to its potential customers,
it is unlikely that it would see much international activity through its websites;
Potential loss of proprietary data over the Internet; Progress in alleviating functional
issues will much slower. The main issues of web 2.0 are: considerable knowledge gap
exits; a danger to cultures; self-proclaimed experts appear. To marketers, web 2.0 can
lead to: customer trust in corporate messages, customer loyalty and their control over
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
lower costs, relationship building and audience sizing. Web 2.0 as international
marketing tool brings following benefits: reduced costs, enhanced customer loyalty,
efficient innovation and reduced risk of new product development, and new forms of
collaborative value creation. Still, some problems exist: unless the firm is known to its
potential customers, it is unlikely that it would see much international activity through
its websites; Potential loss of proprietary data over the Internet; Progress in alleviating
functional issues will much slower. The main issues of web 2.0 are: considerable
knowledge gap exits; a danger to cultures; self-proclaimed experts appear. To
marketers, web 2.0 can lead to: customer trust in corporate messages, customer
loyalty and their control over the commercial processes decreases; customers‟ doubts
about the role of contemporary marketing increases. Main legal issues are consumer
protection, intellectual property violations and court jurisdiction issues.
In addition, for online marketing, it supposed to have its own marketing mix; many
scholars in this field express some doubts as to the role of the Mix as marketing
management tool in its original form and offering alternative proposals: add new
elements or replace some original ones. Still, their studies ignored the human factor,
lack of strategic dimensions, offensive posture and lack of interactivity. Model‟s
internal orientation and lack of personalization are two common limitations in all
reviewed categories.
Based on this literature review given in previous sections, some of the facets of this
phenomenon have remained unexplored even vast quantity of studies have been carried
out in the past in this field.
This review is motivated by the paucity of scholarly research addressing the specific
online international marketing and business issues discussed earlier. Specifically, in
the academic literature, the topics of Web 2.0 and social media are slowly attracting
attention (Karger and Quan, 2005; Biever, 2006; Deshpande and Jadad, 2006; Boll,
2007) and yet there is no visible line on research interests and no definition of Web 2.0
enjoying general academic acceptance. Due to the fact that the adoption rate among
traditional business is still low and the instruments being used are selective and limited
(Constantinides and Fountain, 2007), there is little clarity as to the exact nature of Web
2.0; for all intents and purposes, there is still no generally accepted definition of the
term and no systematic research on its importance and its effects on the marketing
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
The above stated gaps imply an urgency to develop a better conceptual, theoretical and
empirical understanding of the international channel structure, relationships and
alliances that ensue, and the impacts of Internet (and Web 2.0) in accommodating
international partnerships and the realization of the objectives of these relationships.
Web 2.0 is a hot topic to today‟s scholars in marketing or commercial field. This
literature review only shows limited views and sides of this area and following topics
could be interesting for researchers to investigate:
The new Web 2.0 demographics, culture and the roles social media can play as
marketing instruments and influencers of the decision-making processes.
The effects of Web 2.0 on consumer perceptions, needs and behavior
The effects of Web 2.0-based approaches on market niches
The methods to maximize the effectiveness of web 2.0 applications
Technological view of the category of Web 2.0
It should also suggested to discover the measurement of the Social Media effects in
order to offer a clear picture as to the advantages of Web 2.0 as marketing tool versus
the traditional marketing approaches.
Specifically regards to marketing Mix area, following topics are suggested:
To what extend online marketers had been applying the Mix as the sole tool of
marketing planning for Internet start-ups during the booming years of the 90s?
Is there a link between using the 4Ps as basis of their marketing planning and the
demise of their firms?
Updated marketing mix
In the context of international online business, that would be worth to investigate the
impact of e-commerce on international employment.
Finally, future research should also take into account the updated international online
marketing and commercial legal issues due to the fact that the part for this topic in this
review is based on the findings before 2001.
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
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E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
The following are the key concepts which offer the definitions for the terms in online
marketing and business area.
Advertising: Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas,
goods or services by an identified sponsor (Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Wong, V., &
Saunders, J, 2008).
Blogs: Short for Web logs: online journals, the most known and fastest-growing
category of Web 2.0 applications. Blogs are often combined with Podcasts, that is,
digital audio or video that can be streamed or downloaded to portable devices
(Constantinides, E., & Fountain, S. J, 2007).
Business-to-business online marketing: Using B2B websites, e-mail, online product
catalogues, online trading networks, barter sites and other online resources to reach new
business customers, serve current customer more effectively and obtain buying
efficiencies and better prices (Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Wong, V., & Saunders, J,
Business-to-consumer online marketing: The online selling of goods and services to
final consumers (Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Wong, V., & Saunders, J, 2008).
Clicks-and-mortar companies: Traditional bricks-and-mortar companies that have
added online marketing to their operations (Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Wong, V., &
Saunders, J, 2008).
Click-only companies: The so-called dot-coms which operate only online without any
bricks-and-mortar market presence.
Culture: The set of basic values, perceptions, wants and behaviors learned by a
member of society from family and other important institutions (Kotler, P., Armstrong,
G., Wong, V., & Saunders, J, 2008).
Customer relationship management: The overall process of building and
maintaining profitable customer relationships by delivering superior customer value
and satisfaction (Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Wong, V., & Saunders, J, 2008).
Customer satisfaction: The extent to which a product‟s perceived performance
matches a buyer‟s expectations. If the product‟s performance falls short of expectations,
the buyer is dissatisfied. If the performance matches or exceeds expectations, the buyer
is satisfied or delighted (Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Wong, V., & Saunders, J, 2008).
Communities: Websites organizing and sharing particular types of content
(Constantinides, E., & Fountain, S. J, 2007).
Consumer-to-business online marketing: Online exchanges in which consumers
search out sellers, learn about their offers and initiate purchases, sometimes even
driving transaction terms (Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Wong, V., & Saunders, J, 2008).
Consumer-to-consumer online marketing: Online exchanges of goods and
information between final consumers (Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Wong, V., &
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
Saunders, J, 2008).
Content aggregators: Applications allowing users to fully customize the web content
they wish to access. These sites make use of a technique known as Real Simple
Syndication or Rich Site Summary (Constantinides, E., & Fountain, S. J, 2007).
Customer value: The consumer‟s assessment of the product‟s overall capacity to
satisfy his or her needs (Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Wong, V., & Saunders, J, 2008).
Demands: Human wants that are backed by buying power (Kotler, P., Armstrong, G.,
Wong, V., & Saunders, J, 2008).
Exchange: The act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something
in return (Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Wong, V., & Saunders, J, 2008).
Forums/bulleting boards: Sites for exchanging ideas and information usually around
special interests (Constantinides, E., & Fountain, S. J, 2007).
Globalization: A process of social, political, economic, cultural, and technological
integration among countries of the world (Luthans, F., & Doh, J. P. 2010).
International entrepreneurship: the discovery, enactment, evaluation, and
exploitation of opportunities (Oviatt and McDougall, 2005).
Internet: A vast public web of computer networks connecting users of all types all
around the world to each other and to a large „information repository‟ (Kotler, P.,
Armstrong, G., Wong, V., & Saunders, J, 2008).
Market: The set of all actual and potential
Marketing: A social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain
what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with
others (Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Wong, V., & Saunders, J, 2008).
Marketing communication mix: The specific mix of advertising, sales promotion,
public relations, personal selling and direct marketing tools that the company uses to
persuasively communicate customer value and build customer relationships (Kotler, P.,
Armstrong, G., Wong, V., & Saunders, J, 2008).
Marketing mix: The set of controllable tactical marketing tools – product, price, place
and promotion – that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target
market (Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Wong, V., & Saunders, J, 2008).
Multi-National companies: MNCs are enterprises comprising in two or more
countries, which operate under a system of decision making permitting coherent
policies and common strategy, entities are so linked by ownership that one or more of
they may be able to exercise significant influence over the activities of the others
particularly to share knowledge, resources and responsibilities (Luthans, F., & Doh, J. P.
Offshoring: The process by which companies undertake some activities at offshore
locations at offshore locations instead of in their countries of origin (Friedman, T,
Online advertising: Advertising that appears while consumers are surfing the Web,
including display ads (banners, interstitials, pop-ups), search-related ads, online
classifieds and other forms (Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Wong, V., & Saunders, J, 2008).
Online brand communities: an online specialized, non-geographically bound
community, based on a structured set of social relationships among admirers of a brand
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing
Suppliers: Firms and individuals that provide the resources needed by the company
and its competitors to produce goods and services (Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Wong, V.,
& Saunders, J, 2008).
Target market: A set of buyers sharing common needs or characteristics that the
company decides to serve (Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Wong, V., & Saunders, J, 2008).
Transaction: A trade between two parities that involves at least two things of value,
agreed-upon conditions, a time of agreement and a place of agreement (Kotler, P.,
Armstrong, G., Wong, V., & Saunders, J, 2008).
Viral marketing: The Internet version of word-of-mouth marketing e-mail messages
or other marketing events that are so infectious that customers will want to pass them
along to friends (Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Wong, V., & Saunders, J, 2008).
Wants: The form that human needs take as shaped by culture and individual
personality (Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Wong, V., & Saunders, J, 2008).
Web 2.0: A collection of open-source, interactive and user-controlled online
applications expanding the experiences, knowledge and market power of the users as
participants in business and social processes. Web 2.0 applications support the creation
of informal users‟ networks facilitating the flow of ideas and knowledge by allowing
the efficient generation, dissemination, sharing and editing/refining of informational
content (Constantinides, E., & Fountain, S. J, 2007).
Web communities: Websites upon which members can congregate online and
exchange views on issues of common interest (Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Wong, V., &
Saunders, J, 2008).
E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing