Nutrition in Team Sports
Nutrition in Team Sports
Nutrition in Team Sports
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Sound hydration and nutritional strategies have been shown to be performance-determining factors in
prolonged, continuous moderate-to-high intensity exercise. Although the impact of these strategies
on performance during intermittent, high-intensity exercise that characterizes team sports has
not been studied as extensively, there is enough scientific evidence available to suggest that team
sport-specific hydration and nutrition strategies can have a major impact on performance. The pur-
pose of this article is to provide a series of guidelines on hydration and nutrition for enhancing the
performance of team sport players, based on the specific physiological characteristics and energetic
demands of team sports, and considering the nutritional factors that could contribute to fatigue in
team sports.
Table 1. Fluid balance measurements in selected team sports (adapted from (4)).
Sport Temperature (ºC) Humidity (%) Sweat loss (ml) Fluid intake (ml) Hypohydration (% BM)
Rugby 18-20 18-20 2160 751 1.6
Rugby 24-25 30-32 2100 150 2.5
Football 33 40 2089 657 2.5
Football 26 78 2546 242 2.9
Football 13 7 1570 0 2.1
Sweat rate and sweat composition vary extensively between individuals, and quantification of these losses plays a role
in the individualisation of a hydration strategy to optimise training and competitive performance. Various studies have
shown that elite football players do not drink sufficient volume to replace their sweat loss during training and competiti-
on. Maughan et al. (5) measured fluid balance and sweat electrolyte losses during a competitive football match played at
an ambient temperature of 6-8 degrees C (relative humidity 50-60%). Study results showed a large individual variability
in hydration status, sweat losses, and drinking behaviours in this cool environment, highlighting the need for individua-
lized assessment of hydration status to optimize fluid-replacement strategies. The net fluid loss during a football game
in the heat often reaches >2% of body mass, and correlations can be observed between net-fluid loss and repeated sprint
test fatigue index after the game.
McGregor et al. (6) examined the effect of intermittent high-intensity shuttle running and fluid ingestion on the perfor-
mance of a football skill in semi-professional players. Performance of the skill test after a trial with no fluid deteriorated
by 5%, but was maintained during the fluid ingestion trial. In addition, mean heart rate, perceived exertion, serum aldos-
terone, osmolality, sodium and cortisol responses during the test were higher when no fluid was ingested. Nevertheless,
Edwards and Noakes (7) suggest that dehydration is only an outcome of complex physiological control (operating a
pacing plan) and no single metabolic factor is causal of fatigue in elite soccer. Other hydration and nutritional factors
that could produce fatigue in football include hypoglycemia, other mechanisms of “central fatigue” involving neurotrans-
mitters, hyponatremia, and gastrointestinal discomfort and upset.
In a similar investigation, Iglesias-Gutiérrez et al. (11) assessed the food habits and nutritional status of high level adole-
scent football players living in their home environment. Daily energy expenditure and energy intake were 12.5 MJ and 12.6
MJ, respectively. Protein (16% of energy intake; 1.9 g/kg of body mass), lipid (38%), and cholesterol (385 mg) intake were
above recommendations, while CHO (45%) was below. The food intake of these adolescents was based on cereals and
derivates; meat, fish, and eggs; milk and dairy products; biscuits and confectionery; and oil, butter and margarine, which
provided 78% of total energy intake, 85% of proteins, 64% of carbohydrates, 90% of lipids, and 47% of fiber. Although diet
provided sufficient iron, 48% of individuals showed iron deficiency without anemia. In general, the contribution of CHO
to total energy intake is lower than that recommended for athletes. Garrido et al. (12) reported on the adequacy of either
a “buffet-style” diet and a fixed “menu-style” diet in a group of elite adolescent football players. The set “menu” provided
significantly higher total energy and CHO intakes than the “buffet”, but calories from fat were excessive in both settings.
Calcium and vitamin D were below recommendations in the “buffet”, and fiber, magnesium, folate, vitamin A, and vita-
min E intake fell below recommended values in both settings.
All of the above suggest that well designed nutritional education and interventions are necessary to optimize perfor-
mance and promote healthy eating habits in team sport players.
Table 2. Opportunities to drink during match-play in selected team sports (adapted from (4)).
Sport Intervals of play Opportunities to drink Comments
Basketball 4 x 10-12 min+substantial time- Quarter-time breaks, time-outs, Fluids must be consumed on
on, unlimited substitutions, substitutions court sidelines
Field hockey 2 x 35 min, unlimited substitu- Half-time, substitutions, pauses Fluids must be consumed at
tions in play sidelines; players must not
leave field
Ice hockey 3 x 20 min+substantial time-on, Third-time breaks, time-outs, Players must drink at bench
unlimited substitutions, time- substitutions, pauses in play
Rugby 2 x 40 min, limited substitutions Half-time break, substitutions, Trainers may run onto field with
pauses in play fluid bottles during pauses in
Football 2 x 45 min, substitutions without Half-time break, pauses in play Fluids must be consumed at
replacement (drink must be taken at sideline) sidelines; players must not
leave field
Volleyball First to 3 sets, limited substitu- Time-outs, substitutions, breaks Fluids must be consumed at
tions, time-outs between sets sidelines
Nicholas et al. (13) examined the effects of ingesting a 6.9% CHO-electrolyte (CHO-E) solution on endurance capacity
during a prolonged intermittent, high-intensity shuttle running test. The solution was ingested immediately prior to
exercise (5 ml/kg) and every 15 min thereafter (2 ml/kg). The subjects were able to continue running longer when fed the
CHO-E solution. In addition, a CHO-E solution enables subjects with compromised glycogen stores to better maintain
skill and sprint performance during intermittent shuttle running, football passing and shooting than when ingesting
fluid alone.
In addition to the physiological and metabolic benefits, investigations on the effects of CHO ingestion during prolonged
high-intensity intermittent exercise on affect and perceived exertion indicate that perceived activation is lower without
CHO ingestion during the last 30 min of exercise, and this is accompanied by lowered plasma glucose concentrations.
When CHO is ingested, RPE is maintained in the last 30 min of exercise. Thus, CHO ingestion during prolonged high-in-
tensity exercise elicits an enhanced perceived activation profile that may impact upon task persistence and performance.
Clarke et al. (14) investigated the effect of the provision of sports drink during football-specific exercise. On two occasions,
7 mL/kg CHO-E or placebo (PLA) solutions were ingested at 0 and 45 min. On a third trial, the same volume of CHO-E was
consumed in smaller volumes at 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, and 75 min. This manipulation of the timing and volume of ingestion
elicited similar metabolic responses without affecting exercise performance. However, consuming fluid in small volumes
reduced the sensation of gut fullness.
A recent investigation on the effects of low- and high-glycemic index (GI) foods on metabolism and performance during
90 min of high-intensity intermittent exercise indicated that, compared with fasting, both low-GI and high-GI foods
consumed 3 h before (1.3 g/kg CHO) and halfway (0.2 g/kg CHO) through exercise improved repeated sprint performance.
High-GI foods impaired fat oxidation during exercise, without influencing performance (15).
Nevertheless, limitations exist regarding the ability of team sport athletes to ingest fluid during match-play. Indeed,
gastric emptying of liquids is slowed during brief intermittent high-intensity exercise compared with rest or steady-state
moderate exercise, and the intensity of football match-play is sufficient to slow gastric emptying.
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