Building one of the world’s
most luxurious stadiums
required meticulous planning
and careful management of a
very vocal stakeholder.) eC son conta from the ten in 2005 and
broke ground the next year
‘As construction progressed, the proj-
ect ceam managed, at the peak, more
shan 100 subcontractors and almost
2,200 employees, a5 well as vendors
in 10 states and 12 countries, It also
had to adapt to some serious scope
is about the only standard aspect of —cteep that saw the total workload
the new Dallas Cowboys Stadium in increase by 60 percent and the bud-
Arlingvon, Texas, USA. Featuring the get climb by US$450 million,
largest video board in the world, the Manhatean Construction built sig-
planets largest freestanding roof and nificant lead time into each step in
enough high-end amenities to make athe schedule, allowing the team 0
monarch blush, the stadium is rede- adjust to any design changes with-
fining the sports experience for fans, out interrupting work. That deci-
house that a football game breaks design went through 300 revisions,
6 0 “We joke that its an expensive sion proved vital, as the original
cout in eight times a year” says Mark with 5,500 clarifications made to
t Penny, project executive at Manhat- the drawings. Early on, for example,
pe reen tan Construction Company, Dallas, the excavation depth changed from
“Texas, USA, and the project manager 25 c0 50 feet, rendering the original
The amount workload for the stadium construction 36 months budgeted for that stage
increased as a result With a capacity of more than inadequate. By working with the city
of scope creep 100,000 people, the US$1.1 billion of Avlington, which was responsible
stadium is the new home of the for purchasing and clearing the land,
National Football League's (NFL) the team was able to begin excava-
Sa AED Dallas Cowboys—but i also will tion early, and the projects end date
US$45Q caikeriratyinae at si Sieg
a and boxing matches, rodeos and rock “We knew we were going to have
mM lio n concerts, Next month, i¢will host the co deal with drawings of the interior
LO Super Bowl, one of che main goals of design clements that were always
The increase in the budget asthe project. evolving.” Mr. Penny says. “There
2 result of scope creep ‘Though the Cowboys werent slated was so much work to do on the exca-
to play on their new field until 2009, vation, working on the foundation
Manhattan Construction began devel- piers and on the steel, so we were
oping a long-range project schedule in not concerned with the carpet at that
2001. The company received aconstruc- point. ‘There was no way to know
September 2006
Bottoming out
April 2006 completed October 2007
Groundbreeking Topping out of
concrete structure
July 2008
Fixed roof