FUJI Inverters FVR-K7TS—2EX
0.2-4.0 KW (1/3—5.5HP)
Instruction Manual
. Introduction
. Visual Inspection Of The Inverter
Upon Receipt
. Construction
1) Names
2) Removing the front cover
. Application Notice
. Installations
1) Environment
2) Mounting direction and space
3) Mounting screws
4) Cable inlet
. Wiring
1) Wiring the main circuit terminal
2) Wiring the control terminal
3) Wiring the external DB braking
resistor unit (option)
4) Basic wiring diagram
. Keypad Panels
1) Names and functions
2) Setting the function and data
8. Operation
1) Inspection before operation
2) Checking point during test opera-
3) Selection of operating method
4) Data setting
5) Control terminal wiring
6) Multi-operation
9. Description Of Function
1) Function code list
2) Explanation of functions
10.Maintenance And Inspection
4) Checking point
2) Periodic parts replacement
3) Megger test
41.Failure Diagnosis
1) Protective functions
2) Failure diagnosis and correction
1) Standard specification
2) Outline dimensions
3) Terminal designation
4) Application of wiring and equip-
5) Control block diagram
Fuji Electric Co., Ltd.Keypad
(1) Names And Functions
___Funetion indication
* Function code i indicted by the tst |
and 2nd digit (programming mode)
* Setting frequency, output frequency,
alarmmessages are indicated (operating
Data Indication
‘+ Data code is indicated by the lower 2nd
and 3rd digit (programming mode)
* Setting frequency, output frequency, alarm
messages are indicated (operating mode)
’ ’
Program key (Shift key! Stop key (Reset key)
+ Programming + Stopping
+ Select & set function + Reset tip mode
Up/Down keys _ ee sinsae Run key
*+ Individual date value setting (programming mode) + Running
+ Frequency setting (operating mode)
(2) Setting The Function And Data Codes
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Eee eee1. Introduction
Before installing or operating the inverter, please read this manual carefully to ensure maximum
2. Visual Inspection Of The Inverter Upon Receipt
Upon receipt of the inverter, carefully inspect that it is es specified when ordering, referring to the
name plate on the front cover.
Pema eS)
® Applicable motor
002 — 0.2kw (1/3HP)
004 -+0.4kw (1/2HP)
008 —> 0.8kw ( 1HP)
015 + 1.5kw { 2HP)
022 + 2.2kw { HP)
040 —>4. OKW(5. SHP)
® Input power supply
2EX200V 3 Series
® Phase
30 +3 phase
Allowable var iation;200~230¥
Input frequency; S0/60Hz
Rated output current
1.54 002 (0.2kw, 1/3HP)
3,0A +004 (0.4kw, 1/2HP)
5.04 ~008 (0.8kw, 1HP)
8.0A 015 (1.5kw, 2HP)
11.08 ~* 022 (2,2kw, 3HP)
17.08 — 040(4, OK, 5. HP)
Output frequency; 0.5 ~ 120Hz
Serial number