FTC Facts: High-Rate, High-Fee Loans
FTC Facts: High-Rate, High-Fee Loans
FTC Facts: High-Rate, High-Fee Loans
High-Fee Loans
(HOEPA/Section 32 Mortgages)
law addresses certain deceptive and unfair practices in home equity lending.
It amends the Truth in Lending Act (TILA) and establishes requirements for
certain loans with high rates and/or high fees. The rules for these loans are
loans also are called “Section 32 Mortgages.” Here’s what loans are covered,
the law’s disclosure requirements, prohibited features, and actions you can
• for a first-lien loan, that is, the original mortgage on the property, the
• for a second-lien loan, that is, a second • The lender must disclose the APR, the
mortgage, the APR exceeds by more than regular payment amount (including any
10 percentage points the rates in Treasury balloon payment where the law permits
securities of comparable maturity; or balloon payments, discussed below), and
the loan amount (plus where the amount
• the total fees and points payable by the borrowed includes credit insurance premi-
consumer at or before closing exceed the ums, that fact must be stated). For variable
larger of $547 or eight percent of the total rate loans, the lender must disclose that the
loan amount. (The $547 figure is for 2007. rate and monthly payment may increase and
This amount is adjusted annually by the state the amount of the maximum monthly
Federal Reserve Board, based on changes payment.
in the Consumer Price Index.) Credit
insurance premiums for insurance written These disclosures are in addition to the other
in connection with the credit transaction are TILA disclosures that you must receive no later
counted as fees. than the closing of the loan.
January 2007