30-6060 Series 2 Plug & Play EMS PDF
30-6060 Series 2 Plug & Play EMS PDF
30-6060 Series 2 Plug & Play EMS PDF
Use this system with EXTREME caution! The AEM EMS System
allows for total flexibility in engine tuning. Misuse of this
product can destroy your engine! If you are not well versed in
engine dynamics and the tuning of management systems or are
not PC literate, please do not attempt the installation. Refer the
installation to an AEM-trained tuning shop. A list of tuners can
be found in the “AEM EMS Tuning” subsection of the AEM
Electronics Forums at http://www.aempower.com or by calling
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Thank you for purchasing an AEM Engine Management System.
The AEM Engine Management System (EMS) is the result of extensive development on a
wide variety of cars. Each system is engineered for the particular application. The AEM
EMS differs from all others in several ways. The EMS is a stand alone system, which
completely replaces the factory ECU and features unique Plug and Play Technology,
which means that each system is configured especially for your make and model of car
without any jumper harnesses. There is no need to modify your factory wiring harness and
in most cases your car may be returned to stock in a matter of minutes.
For stock and slightly modified vehicles, the supplied startup calibrations are configured to
work with OEM sensors, providing a solid starting point for beginner tuning. For more
heavily modified cars, the EMS can be reconfigured to utilize aftermarket sensors and has
many spare inputs and outputs allowing the elimination of add-on rev-limiters, boost
controllers, nitrous controllers, fuel computers, etc. It also includes a configurable onboard
1MB data logger that can record any 16 EMS parameters at up to 250 samples per
second. Every EMS comes with all functions installed and activated; there is no need to
purchase options or upgrades to unlock the full potential of your unit.
The installation of the AEM EMS on the supported vehicles uses the stock sensors and
actuators. After installing the AEMTuner software, the startup calibration will be saved to
the following folder on your PC:
C:\Program Files\AEM\AEMTuner\Calibrations\Honda-Acura\
Multiple calibrations may be supplied for each EMS; additional details of the test vehicle
used to generate each calibration can be found in the Calibration Notes section for that
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Read and understand these instructions BEFORE attempting to install this product.
1) Install AEMTuner software onto your PC
The latest version of the AEMTuner software can be downloaded from the AEMTuner
section of the AEM Performance Electronics forums. Series 2 units are not well
supported by the older AEMPro tuning software.
e) With the AEMTuner software open, select ECU>>Upload Calibration to upload the
startup calibration file (.cal) that most closely matches the vehicle’s configuration to
be tuned. Check the Notes section of the calibration for more info about the vehicle
it was configured for. These files can be found in the following folder:
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C:\Program Files\AEM\AEMTuner\Calibrations\Honda-Acura\
f) Set the throttle range: Select Wizards>>Set Throttle Range and follow the on-
screen instructions. When finished, check that the ‘Throttle’ channel never indicates
less than 0.2% or greater than 99.8%, this is considered a sensor error and may
cause some functions including idle feedback and acceleration fuel to operate
b) Start the engine and make whatever adjustments may be needed to sustain a safe
and reasonably smooth idle. Verify the ignition timing: Select Wizards>>Ignition
Timing Sync from the pull-down menu. Click the ‘Lock Ignition Timing’ checkbox
and set the timing to a safe and convenient value (for instance, 16 degrees BTDC).
Use a timing light and compare the physical timing numbers to the timing value you
selected. Use the Sync Adjustment Increase/Decrease buttons to make the
physical reading match the timing number you selected.
c) Note: This calibration needs to be properly tuned before driving the vehicle. It is
intended for racing vehicles and may not operate smoothly at idle or part-throttle.
b) If the EMS is not firing the coils or injectors at all, open the Start tab and look for the
‘Stat Sync’d’ channel to turn ON when cranking. This indicates that the EMS has
detected the expected cam and crank signals; if Stat Sync’d does not turn on,
monitor the Crank Tooth Period and T2PER channels which indicate the time
between pulses on the Crank and T2 (Cam) signals. Both of these channels should
respond when the engine is cranking, if either signal is not being detected or
measuring an incorrect number of pulses per engine cycle the EMS will not fire the
coils or injectors.
c) If the Engine Load changes when the throttle is pressed this usually indicates that
there is a problem with the MAP sensor wiring or software calibration (when the
EMS detects that the MAP Volts are above or below the min/max limits it will run in
a failsafe mode using the TPS-to-Load table to generate an artificial Engine Load
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signal using the Throttle input). This may allow the engine to sputter or start but not
continue running properly.
Application Notes for EMS P/N 30-6060
96-99 Integra, 97 2.2CL, 96-97 Accord,
96-98 Civic, 96-97 Del Sol, 96-01 Prelude
Make: Acura/Honda Spare Injector Drivers: Inj 5, Pin C19
Model: Various, see list above Spare Injector Drivers: Inj 6, Pin B21
Years Covered: Various, see list above Spare Injector Drivers: Inj 7, Pin B16
Engine Displacement: 1.6L - 2.3L Spare Injector Drivers: Inj 8, Pin B24
Engine Configuration: Inline 4 Spare Injector Drivers: Inj 9, Pin A32
Firing Order: 1-3-4-2 Spare Injector Drivers: Inj 10, Pin B6
N/A, S/C or T/C: N/A Spare Injector Drivers: Inj 11, Pin C24
Load Sensor Type: MAP Spare Injector Drivers: Inj 12, Pin C23
Map Min: 0.32V @ -13.9 PSI
Map Max: 4.84V @ 10.94 PSI Spare Coil Drivers: Coil 2, Pin B7
# Coils: 1 Spare Coil Drivers: Coil 3, Pin B9
EMS Ignition driver type: 5-0V, Rising Edge trigger Spare Coil Drivers: Coil 4, Pin B10
All switch input pins must connect to ground, the switch should not provide 12V power to
the EMS because that will not be detected as on or off. Connecting 12V power to the
switch input pins may damage your EMS and void your warranty.
The function of the following pins have been changed from the original 30-1060 EMS,
please see pinout chart for more info:
B11, B13, B19, C9, C23, C24, C28, C29, C30
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Solution for distributed ignition ‘kick back’ when cranking:
With the Series 1 EMS, some vehicles would experience erratic ignition timing at low
RPM. The most noticeable symptom would be an engine that ‘kicks back’ when cranking,
and in some cases the EMS would count timing errors or lose ‘Stat Sync’ at low engine
These problems have been eliminated by adjusting calibration settings in Series 2 Honda
EMS startup calibrations, but could be re-introduced by converting Series 1 calibrations or
copying values from Series 1 calibrations. If users wish to convert old Series 1 calibrations
for use with the new Series 2 EMS, please ensure that the following options and tables
match the Series 2 startup calibration:
Crank H Sens Below, Crank L Sens Above, Cam(T2) H Sens Below,
Cam(T2) L Sens Above, Coil Dwell Factor, Dwell Max, Dwell Min,
Dwell vs RPM (table), Dwell vs Batt Volts (table)
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Connection Diagram for EMS P/N 30-6060
96-99 Integra, 97 2.2CL, 96-97 Accord,
96-98 Civic, 96-97 Del Sol, 96-01 Prelude
Pin # OBD2A Honda/Acura AEM EMS 30-6060 I/O Availability
A1 Injector 4 Injector #4 Output PnP for Injector 4 (1.5A max)
A2 Injector 3 Injector #3 Output PnP for Injector 3 (1.5A max)
A3 Injector 2 Injector #2 Output PnP for Injector 2 (1.5A max)
A4 Injector 1 Injector #1 Output PnP for Injector 1 (1.5A max)
A5 Secondary 02 Heater Control Low Side Driver 12 Output Available, Switched Ground, 1.5A Max
A6 Primary 02 Heater Control Low Side Driver 2 Output Available, Switched Ground, 1.5A Max
A7 EGR Control Solenoid Valve High Side Driver 2 Output Avail, Switched +12V, 1.5A max
A8 VTEC Solenoid Valve High Side Driver 1 Output PnP for VTEC Solenoid
A9 Power Ground Power Ground Both Dedicated
A10 Power Ground Power Ground Both Dedicated
A11 Power Source 1 +12V Switched Both Dedicated
A12 Idle Air Control Valve (IACV) PW 1 Output PnP for Idle Air Control
A13 IACV N (D16Y7 Only) PW 1i Output PnP for Idle Air Control (Rotary Type)
A14 IACV P (D16Y7 Only) PW 1 Output PnP for Idle Air Control (Rotary Type)
A15 EVAP Purge Control Solenoid Low Side Driver 4 Output Available, Switched Ground, 1.5A Max
A16 Fuel Pump Relay Low Side Driver 11 Output Dedicated
A17 A/C Clutch Switch Low Side Driver 6 Output PnP for A/C Clutch Switch
A18 Malfunction Indicator Light Low Side Driver 10 Output Available, Switched Ground, 1.5A Max
A19 Alternator Control --- --- ---
A20 Ignition Control Module Coil 1 Output PnP for Ignition Control Module
A21 --- Knock 2 Input Avail, Knock Input
A22 Power Ground Power Ground Output Dedicated
A23 Power Ground 2 Power Ground Input Dedicated
A24 Power Source 2 +12V Switched Input Dedicated
A25 --- --- --- ---
A26 Intake Air Bypass Solenoid High Side Driver 3 Output Avail, Switched +12V, 1.5A max
A27 Radiator Fan Control Low Side Driver 8 Output PnP for Radiator Fan 1
A28 EVAP Bypass Solenoid Valve Low Side Driver 3 Output Available, Switched Ground, 1.5A Max
A29 EVAP Control Canister Vent Shut Low Side Driver 5 Output Available, Switched Ground, 1.5A Max
A30 Shift Up Indicator Low Side Driver 1 Output Available, Switched Ground, 1.5A Max
A31 --- EGT 2 Input Avail, jumper set for 0-5V Input
A32 --- Injector 9 Output Available, Injector Ground, 1.5A Max
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Pin # OBD2A Honda/Acura AEM EMS 30-6060 I/O Availability
B1 --- Idle 5 Output Avail, Switched +12V/GND, 1.5A max
B2 --- Idle 6 Output Avail, Switched GND/+12V, 1.5A max
B3 --- High Side Driver 4 Output Available, Switched +12V, 1.5A max
B4 --- Idle 2 Output Avail, Switched GND/+12V, 1.5A max
B5 --- --- --- ---
B6 --- Injector 10 Output Available, Injector GND, 1.5A Max
B7 --- Coil 2 Output Avail, Rising Edge Trigger Coil Out
B8 --- ADCR 13 Input Avail, 0-5 Volt Input, 100k Pull Up
B9 --- Coil 3 Output Avail, Rising Edge Trigger Coil Out
B10 --- Coil 4 Output Avail, Rising Edge Trigger Coil Out
B11 --- Idle 4 Output Avail, Switched GND/+12V, 1.5A max
B12 --- Idle 8 Output Avail, Switched GND/+12V, 1.5A max
B13 --- --- --- ---
B14 --- Sensor GND Output Dedicated, sensors only
B15 --- Switch 2 Input Available, Switched Input
B16 --- Injector 7 Output Available, Injector GND, 1.5A Max
B17 --- +5V Sensor power Output Dedicated +5v Out for Sensor Reference
B18 --- --- --- ---
B19 --- --- --- ---
B20 --- Low Side Driver 9 Output Avail, Switched Ground, 1.5A Max
B21 --- Injector 6 Output Available, Injector GND, 1.5A Max
B22 --- Sensor GND Output Dedicated, sensors only
B23 --- Switch 3 Input Available, Switched Input
B24 --- Injector 8 Output Available, Injector GND, 1.5A Max
B25 --- EGT 1 Input Available, jumper set for 0-5V Input
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Pin # OBD2A Honda/Acura AEM EMS 30-6060 I/O Availability
C1 --- --- --- ---
C2 CKP + Crank Sensor Input Dedicated, jumper set for 2-wire sensor
C3 TDC + Spare Speed Input Dedicated
C4 CYP + Cam Sensor Input Dedicated, jumper set for 2-wire sensor
C5 A/C Switch Signal Switch 6 Input PnP for A/C Switch Signal
C6 Starter Switch Signal +12V Switched Input Dedicated
C7 Service Check Connector --- --- ---
C8 K-Line --- --- ---
C9 Feedback at Signal --- --- ---
C10 Voltage Back Up Permanent +12V Input Dedicated, used to store internal datalog
C11 Crank Fluctuation Sensor - Timing Sensor Ground Output Dedicated
C12 CKP - Timing Sensor Ground Output Dedicated
C13 TDC - Timing Sensor Ground Output Dedicated
C14 CYP - Timing Sensor Ground Output Dedicated
C15 VTEC Pressure Switch Switch 4 Input Available, Switched Input
C16 P/S Oil Pressure Switch Switch 5 Input Available, Switched Input
C17 Alternator FR Signal EGT 3 Output Available, jumper set for 0-5V Input
C18 Vehicle Speed Sensor Vehicle Speed Input PnP for Vehicle Speed Sensor
C19 --- Injector 5 Output Available, Injector Ground, 1.5A Max
C20 EVAP Purge Flow Switch ADCR14 Input Avail, 0-5 Volt Input, 100k Pull Up
C21 --- Idle 3 Output Avail, Switched +12V/GND, 1.5A max
C22 Immobilizer Code Idle 7 Output Avail, Switched +12V/GND, 1.5A max
C23 --- Injector 12 Output Available, Injector Ground, 1.5A Max
C24 --- Injector 11 Output Available, Injector Ground, 1.5A Max
C25 --- Idle 1 Output Avail, Switched +12V/GND, 1.5A max
C26 --- Tacho Output (LS 7) Output ---
C27 --- --- --- ---
C28 --- CAN1L --- Dedicated
C29 --- CAN1H --- Dedicated
C30 ATTS Transmit (Prelude SH Only) --- --- ---
C31 ATTS Receive (Prelude SH Only) PW 2 Output Avail, PW Out for Boost Solenoids
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Pin # OBD2A Honda/Acura AEM EMS 30-6060 I/O Availability
D1 Throttle Position Sensor TPS Input Dedicated
D2 Engine Coolant Temp Sensor Coolant Input Dedicated
D3 MAP Sensor MAP Input Dedicated
D4 Sensor Voltage 1 +5V Sensor Output Dedicated
D5 Brake Switch Switch 1 Input Dedicated
D6 Knock Sensor Knock#1 Input Dedicated, software knock filter
D7 Primary 02 Sensor O2 1 Input Dedicated, 0-5V signal
D8 Intake Air Temp Sensor AIT Input Dedicated
D9 EGR Valve Lift Sensor ADCR11 Input Avail, 0-5 Volt Input
D10 Sensor Voltage 2 +5V Sensor Output Dedicated
D11 Sensor Ground 2 Sensor Ground Output Dedicated
D12 Sensor Ground 1 Sensor Ground Output Dedicated
D13 Secondary 02 Sensor Ground Sensor Ground Output Dedicated
D14 Secondary 02 Sensor O2 2 Input Dedicated, 0-5V signal
D15 Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor MAF Input Avail, 0-5 Volt Input
D16 Electronic Load Detector EGT 4 Input Avail, RTD Temp
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30-1060 (Series 1) vs 30-6060 (Series 2) OBD2A Honda EMS pin differences:
The EMS functions assigned to certain pins have been changed and no longer match the
30-1060 EMS. Unless otherwise noted, the following pins and functions will need to be
manually reconfigured after using AEMTuner to convert a V1.19 (30-1060, Series 1 EMS)
calibration for use with the 30-6060 Series 2 hardware.
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AEM Electronics Warranty
Advanced Engine Management Inc. warrants to the consumer that all AEM Electronics
products will be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of twelve
months from date of the original purchase. Products that fail within this 12-month warranty
period will be repaired or replaced when determined by AEM that the product failed due to
defects in material or workmanship. This warranty is limited to the repair or replacement of
the AEM part. In no event shall this warranty exceed the original purchase price of the
AEM part nor shall AEM be responsible for special, incidental or consequential damages
or cost incurred due to the failure of this product. Warranty claims to AEM must be
transportation prepaid and accompanied with dated proof of purchase. This warranty
applies only to the original purchaser of product and is non-transferable. All implied
warranties shall be limited in duration to the said 12-month warranty period. Improper use
or installation, accident, abuse, unauthorized repairs or alterations voids this warranty.
AEM disclaims any liability for consequential damages due to breach of any written or
implied warranty on all products manufactured by AEM. Warranty returns will only be
accepted by AEM when accompanied by a valid Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA)
number. Product must be received by AEM within 30 days of the date the RMA is issued.
Please note that before AEM can issue an RMA for any electronic product, it is first
necessary for the installer or end user to contact the tech line at 1-800-423-0046 to
discuss the problem. Most issues can be resolved over the phone. Under no
circumstances should a system be returned or a RMA requested before the above
process transpires.
AEM will not be responsible for electronic products that are installed incorrectly, installed
in a non approved application, misused, or tampered with.
Any AEM electronics product can be returned for repair if it is out of the warranty period.
There is a minimum charge of $50.00 for inspection and diagnosis of AEM electronic
parts. Parts used in the repair of AEM electronic components will be extra. AEM will
provide an estimate of repairs and receive written or electronic authorization before
repairs are made to the product.
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