Approximate Quantum Adders With Genetic Algorithms: An IBM Quantum Experience
Approximate Quantum Adders With Genetic Algorithms: An IBM Quantum Experience
Approximate Quantum Adders With Genetic Algorithms: An IBM Quantum Experience
2017; 4
lyze theoretical proposals for the implementation of ap- quantum adders in the context of closed timelike curves
proximate quantum adders and optimize them by means has been developed [5]. The use of approximate quantum
of genetic algorithms, improving previous protocols in adders as constituents of quantum algorithms and proto-
terms of efficiency and fidelity. Furthermore, we exper- cols is certainly promising, as showcased in a recent result
imentally realize a suitable approximate quantum adder with the first application of a quantum adder [6].
with the cloud quantum computing facilities provided by The gate decomposition problem, which is often
IBM Quantum Experience. The development of approxi- present in the design of quantum information experi-
mate quantum adders enhances the toolbox of quantum ments, aims at finding the optimal quantum circuit that
information protocols, paving the way for novel applica- implements a given protocol. The minimization of the
tions in quantum technologies. number of entangling gates is a crucial element, given
that the experimental resources are limited. Although
Keywords: Quantum Information, Quantum Algorithms there are methods that simplify this task [7–11], there
is no solution that provides an optimal decomposition for
1 Introduction a general n-qubit protocol. Genetic algorithms (GAs) in-
clude a set of optimization techniques inspired by natural
Addition is arguably the most fundamental operation in selection, which is the key mechanism of evolution in bi-
mathematics, while adder machines are central to com- ology. First considered by Alan Turing [12] and refined in
putation in general. The quantum adder was defined as a the following decades [13–16], the history of GAs is full
plausible quantum operation adding two unknown quan- of successful applications in science and technology. They
tum states, encoded in different quantum systems, onto a have been found to be useful also in the context of quan-
single physical register [1, 2]. This operation was proven tum simulation and quantum information [17–21], as an
to be forbidden by consistency relations involving a global alternative to different optimization techniques [22, 23],
phase in the description of the summands and the sum. among others. For instance, gate decomposition problems
However, a deterministic approximate quantum adder may be directly encoded as a sequence of instructions that
conform the genetic code in the language of GAs.
In this article, we propose a genetic algorithm opti-
Rui Li: Department of Physics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou
mization of approximate quantum adders [1]. Our work
310027, China, and Department of Physics and Research Center
OPTIMAS, University of Kaiserslautern, 67663 Kaiserslautern, has been motivated by the search of an approximate
Germany, E-mail: [email protected] quantum adder with a compromise between fidelity and
Unai Alvarez-Rodriguez: Department of Physical Chemistry, Uni- the number of single-qubit and two-qubit gates required.
versity of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Apartado 644, 48080 In what follows, we will first discuss the global phase am-
Bilbao, Spain, E-mail: [email protected]
biguity preventing the existence of a general quantum
*Corresponding Author: Lucas Lamata: Department of
adder machine [1] and how to overcome this problem.
Physical Chemistry, University of the Basque Country
UPV/EHU, Apartado 644, 48080 Bilbao, Spain, E-mail: lu- Then, we will explicitly provide the gate decomposition
[email protected] of the original approximate quantum adder for qubits [1]
Enrique Solano: Department of Physical Chemistry, Univer- and analyze its feasibility. Subsequently, we will explain
sity of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Apartado 644, 48080 the use of genetic algorithms to find an optimal gate de-
Bilbao, Spain, and IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for
composition that yields an approximate quantum adder
Science, Maria Diaz de Haro 3, 48013 Bilbao, Spain, E-mail:
[email protected]
U |000Í = |000Í, U |010Í = |01+Í, U |100Í = |10+Í,
U |110Í = |001Í, U |001Í = |110Í, U |011Í = |01≠Í,
U |101Í = |10≠Í, U |111Í = |111Í, (4)
2 Rui Li, Unai Alvarez-Rodriguez, Lucas Lamata, and Enrique Solano, An IBM Quantum Experience
|Â2 Íin • • S X •
|0ÍA Rz ( fi2 ) Rz (≠ fi2 ) Ry (≠ fi4 ) Ry ( fi4 ) X • X out
2 Results
mance of this quantum adder and reducing the experi- 2.2 The basis quantum adder.
Here, Ns and NCNOT stand for the number of single-qubit
mental error. So far, we have achieved decomposing our
gates and the number of CNOT gates, respectively. After
2.1 quantum adder U definition
Self-consistent into 11 CNOTs of aand 23 single Suppose we want a quantum adder machine to add cor-
we take Eq. (8) into account, the remaining experimental
qubit rotations (one Hadamard gate counts as two ro- rectly the elements of the chosen computational basis.
quantum adder. fidelity is about 80%, which is still high. We point out
tations: a fi/2 rotation along the y-axis followed by a fi Then, the adding machine U of the proposed basis quan-
that, in order to implement the circuit of Eq. (6) with 11
rotation along the
When proposing an x-axis),
approximate which in totaladder,
quantum add we to 34 tum adder must have the following properties [1],
up first
CNOTs using a setup as the Google labs one [18], with
quantum gates.
have to make it self-consistent with respect to the global nearest
U |00iSneighbour coupling,
|0iA = |B1 i|0i, a triangular
U |01iS |0iA = |B3-qubit
2 i|+i, geometry
phase fidelity The
variation. of the quantum
latter does notadder Ũ aispossible
affect definedex- as a
inU the superconducting circuit may be straightforwardly
|10iS |0iA = |B3 i|+i, U |11iS |0iA = |B1 i|1i,
perimentalof the output but
realization state flout asthe definition of the
modifies employed.
ideal output, and therefore the fidelity function. where Thethe subscripts S and adder
basis quantum A stand canforbesystem and an-to act
= Tr(| of
TheF absence id ÍÈ out ), invariance lies at the
id | flphase
global (7)
on qudits of dimension d. The most simple of
qubits respectively, B i stand for the states the
heart offlthe = Tr12
out no-go (Ũ |Â1 ÍÈÂ
theorem for1a| ¢
|Â2 ÍÈÂ2adder
| ¢ |0ÍÈ0| Ũ † ),
[1]. There two residual qubits to be discarded in the outputs, and
consists in defining the adder U , superposing the elements
are two ways to fix this feature of a quantum adder ma- |±i = √1 (|0i ± |1i). To uniquely define our quantum
where the partial trace is taken over the first two qubits. of the 2basis with a residual subspace exclusive of those
chine. The first option is to modify the definition of the adder, we need to complete the action of U on the com-
We have plotted
quantum adder bythe fidelitya of
inserting the basis
relative phasequantum
factor eiφadder
to putational basis when the ancillary qubit is in state |1i.
account for the ambiguity in the global phase of the initial We choose the definition of the basis quantum adder U
state. Thus, instead of matching the output state of the in the following manner,
quantum adder with ψ1 +ψ2 , we match it with ψ1 +eiφ ψ2
for a certain φ, as originally proposed [1]. The second op- U |000i = |000i, U |010i = |01+i, U |100i = |10+i,
tion is to restrict the domain of the quantum adder from U |110i = |001i, U |001i = |110i, U |011i = |01−i,
the whole Hilbert space to a self-consistent region, and to
U |101i = |10−i, U |111i = |111i, (4)
fix the value of the relative phase to avoid phase ambi-
guity. The first approach would prevent us from exactly such that it can be decomposed as
knowing the ideal state of reference after summation and,
(1,2) (2,3) (1,2)
for certain inputs, we would not be able to distinguish the U = P (2,7) UCNOT UCHad UCNOT , (5)
outcome states |0i and |1i. We thus choose the second ap- (1̄,2) 23̄,1(1̄,3) (1̄,3) (1̄,2)
proach to circumvent the global phase problem without with P (2,7) = UCNOT UCNOT UToff UCNOT UCNOT .
changing the most natural definition of a quantum adder, Here, UCNOT stands for controlled-NOT (CNOT) gate
by restricting our two input states to take the form, with the ith qubit to be the control and the jth qubit to
be the target, UToff
denotes the Toffoli gate, with qubits
cos θi i and j controlling the kth one. Moreover, UCHad is the
|ψi iin = . (1)
sin θi controlled-Hadamard gate, and the overbar symbol on the
Rui Li, Unai Alvarez-Rodriguez, Lucas Lamata, and Enrique Solano, An IBM Quantum Experience 3
where the partial trace is taken over the first two qubits. sists in defining the adder U , superposing the elements
We have plotted the fidelity of the basis quantum adder of the basis with a residual subspace exclusive of those
derived above in Fig. 5a. While showing a high theo- particular elements,
retical fidelity, the experimental one is estimated by the
gate errors reported by the Google labs group [24], which U |ii|ji|Ai = |i + ji|Bij i. (8)
is about 1% for a two-qubit controlled-Phase gate and 1
Here, |i + ji represents √ (|ii + |ji), and the an-
0.1% for an arbitrary single-qubit gate. Recalling each (2+2δij )
CNOT gate can be realized by one controlled-Phase and cillary state |Ai has the same dimension as the input
two Hadamard gates, if the average theoretical fidelity is states, which enables that hBαβ |Bij i = δαi δβj is satis-
Fa , then an estimation of the experimental fidelity of the fied ∀ i, j = 0, ..., d − 1. In order to reduce the resources
quantum adder is, and enhance the fidelity, we provide an alternative def-
inition of the constituents of U in which the number of
Fexp = Fa × (0.999)Ns +2NCNOT × (0.99)NCNOT . (7) residual states Bij is only 2d instead of d2 , which allows
Here, Ns and NCNOT stand for the number of single-qubit one to replace the d dimensional ancillary state |Ai with a
gates and the number of CNOT gates, respectively. After qubit. This idea is supported by the fact that not all Bij
we take Eq. (7) into account, the remaining experimental need to be orthonormal for the unitarity conditions to be
fidelity is about 80%, which is still high. We point out satisfied. The Bij can be combined in tuples of states that
that, in order to implement the circuit of Fig. 1 with are represented with a single one, therefore reducing the
11 CNOTs using a setup as the Google labs one [24] with dimension of the residual subspace. After analyzing this
nearest neighbour coupling, a triangular 3-qubit geometry method for the low dimensional cases d ≤ 6, we provide
in the superconducting circuit may be straightforwardly a discussion about its validity for any d.
employed. The procedure is to count the number of tuples of
The basis quantum adder can be generalized to act Bij that do not need to be orthonormal, and contain the
on qudits of dimension d. The simplest expression con- whole set of the d2 Bij states. This d2 is the total num-
ty of 50% and an average theoretical fidelity of 90.2%. into.
vertheless, this trivial quantum adder establishes the
4 Rui Li, Unai Alvarez-Rodriguez, Lucas Lamata, and Enrique Solano, An IBM Quantum Experience
|Â1 Íin Rz (≠ fi2 ) Ry ( fi2 ) Ry ( fi4 ) Rz ( 3fi
4 )
Rx (≠ fi4 ) •
|0ÍA Ry ( 3fi
4 ) out
Fig. 3. Quantum circuit for a gate-limited quantum adder comprising only two CNOTs.
If we allowber
forof 40 gates, the GA achieves an approxi- 5 : {B
Bij if all of them were orthonormal. The unitar- d =are two-qubit CNOT gates. The expected exp
01 , B42 , B33 }, {B12 , B03 , B44 }, {B23 , B14 , B00 },
te quantumityadder with
condition an that
implies average
a set oftheoretical fidelity
orthonormal states is fidelity
{B34 , Bof this 31-gate quantum adder is roughly
20 , B11 }, {B40 , B31 , B22 }, {B10 , B24 },
mapped into a set of orthonormal states, therefore Bαβ
ve 95% (see Fig. 2d and circuit in Eq. (11)). This as {B the basis
30 }, {Badder
32 , B41 },which
{B43 , B02is}, about
{B04 , B1380%.
21 , B }.
and |Bij i only need to be orthonormal when any of the
ntum adder {α,contains overall
β} coincides with any of31 gates,
the {i, j}. The13 of iswhich
reason that
hα+β|i+ji = 12 (hα|ii + hα|ji + hβ|ii + hβ|ji). Our argu-
ment is that the problem of finding the minimum number 2.3 Genetic algorithms
of tuples can be encoded in the structure of regular con-
|Â1 Íin •vex polygons of d vertices. Each vector in a given direction With the goal Rx (fi) of improving y (≠quantum
• theRbasis fi
) z (≠ 4 )
adder,Rwe fi
between vertices i and j encodes a Bij element, while the have developed a program using genetic2algorithms [16] to
opposite vector encodes the Bji for i 6= j. Additionally, find the optimal protocols for the adding operation. The
|Â2 Íin Ry (≠infi4each
monogons ) vertex
• encode Bij for i = j.•NoticeRz algorithm( fi2 ) Rx (fi)
works due to the formalism derived to • translate
that the sum of the vertex monogons d with twice the each quantum circuit diagram to a sequence of instruc-
y (≠ 4 ) Ry ( fi4 ) and the fidelity, to its analogous
Rx ( fi2 ) fitness function.
diagonals d(d − 3) and the•sides R 2d equalsfi d2 , the total tions,
number of Bij if all were orthonormal. In the graphical The algorithm developed here, which was first introduced
analogy, the
–1 Rz ( fi4 )rule for obtaining
Rz (≠tuples
) of Bij statesRz (that
as a Rtool(for
y 2) Rx (fi)
fi optimizing digital quantum simulations [20],
do not need to be orthonormal is4 to group the sides, di- has been adapted to account for gate decomposition prob-
agonals or monogons that do not share any vertex. More lems in the superconducting quantum circuit platform.
z (≠ 4) z (≠ ) ma- —2
–2 fi fi
precisely, we provide• a method that guaranteesRthat the Each cycle in the• algorithm starts R with four4 p×3
number of tuples is 2d. For even d, each of the d tuples
–3 •is obtained when grouping the vector i, i •+ 1 with all the trices, representing four sequences • of gates from a finite
• —3
set of gates, where p stands for the maximum number
—1 parallel diagonals and the • vector in the opposite side and of gates allowed in the protocol which can be arbitrarily
same direction. The remaining d tuples are obtained when chosen. Each row in the matrices specifies a quantum gate
—2 grouping the monogons in each vertex i with the diago- from the set Sg ,
nals that are perpendicular to the diagonal that connects
(i) (i) (i) (i,j)
—3 Rthe vertex
z( 4 )
fi i with its opposite vertex. For odd d, the d
Rx (fi) out
Sg = {Rx (θ), Ry (θ), Rz (θ), UCNOT } (9)
tuples are obtained when grouping the vector i, i + 1 with i, j = {1, 2, 3}; θ = {π, π/2, π/4, −π/4, −π/2, −π}.
all the parallel diagonals and the monogon at the oppo-
site vertex. The remaining d tuples are obtained when with 61 possibilities (U (i,i) = I). The initial population
grouping the same vector and diagonals in the opposite can be either randomly or purposely chosen, depending
It should be noticed
direction. See Fig.that
2 for this quantum
a scheme adder
of the analogy and on is
between thedefined.
convenience This result coincides
of introducing a previous with the classic
one we found previously
Bij states with convex
and the regular 10 gates defined in cir- Firstly,
polygons. randomly choosing
the individuals have to a be
according to
Therefore, a set of 2d |Bij i states is enough to satisfy their corresponding fidelity. Afterwards, the genetic al-
t (10) are not commutative quantum adders, i.e., the
the unitarity conditions, implying that only an ancillary gorithm hierarchically recombines the rows between dif-
ntum addingwithmachine
dimension 2M defined
is required. See,by them
as an does
example, not ferent individuals, generating several new-born sequences
all the
sfy tuples for d = 4 and d = 5,
2.5 Experimental realization in IBM
with the same number of rows. Nine new individuals are
created in this stage, from which six, five, four and three
= 4 : {B
dM(Â Â, 2B)32=
1 , 01
}, {B 12 , B03,},Â
M(Â 2 1 ) 10
{B23 , B }, {B30 , B21(12)
Quantum Experience
contain information of the first, second, third and fourth
{B00 , B13 }, {B11 , B20 }, {B22 , B31 }, {B33 , B02 }. individuals respectively. These numbers arise from the re-
arbitrary input states Â1 and Â2 . The main reason is combination mechanism, according to which, each new
t the GA does not select the gate sequence according We have experimentally realized the gate-limi
he commutativity of the resulting unitary, but accord- tum adder in the 5-transmon quantum computer
to the average fidelity of the quantum adder. Another by the facilities of IBM Quantum Experience.
ult to highlight is the absence of a high-fidelity and considered three qubits for this purpose, two of
to be considered interesting in the region we are confined fidelity of this 31-gate quantum adder is roughly the same
into. as the basis adder which is about 80%.
Rui Li, Unai Alvarez-Rodriguez, Lucas Lamata, and Enrique Solano, An IBM Quantum Experience 5
|0ÍA • Ry (≠ fi4 ) Ry ( fi4 ) Rx ( fi2 ) –3
–1 Rz ( fi4 ) Rz (≠ fi4 ) Rz ( fi4 ) Ry ( fi2 ) Rx (fi) —1
–2 • Rz (≠ fi4 ) • Rz (≠ fi4 ) —2
–3 • • • • —3
—1 • (10)
—3 Rz ( fi4 ) Rx (fi) out
considered three qubits for this purpose, two of them en- Quantum Experience. Qubits Q0 and Q2 denote the two
coding the initial addend states and the third one encod- input states to be added, and Q4 is the ancilla qubit onto
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
ing the ancilla.
1 Wep-2 have
p-2 rewritten
p-1 p-2 the
p-1 0circuit
0 in 0 which the approximate sum is given as output. The case
4 in terms
2 of2 the 2Clifford
1 set
0 available
0 0in IBM
p-1 Quan-
p-1 0 shown is for {◊1 , ◊2 } = {0, 0}. The boxes denote Clifford
3 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 p-1
tum Experience, as seen in circuit (12). Here, the quan- group gates, being the last one a Z basis measurement.
4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
tum adder in Fig. 4 is rewritten in the language of IBM
Table 1. We show the amount of the total p rows of each newborn individual that come from a given parent individual. The specific
rows to change are randomly selected.
individual copies most of its genetic code from a domi- An important remark to mention is that the fidelity
nant individual and only a small fraction from a second is calculated on pairs of states. Therefore, in order to
recessive one. The role is determined by the previously evaluate the gate sequence on the complete Hilbert space
Q0 |0Í mentioned ordering according to their fidelity. See• Table 1 we† have discretized it and employed either the minimal –1
S† S† H S H S H H S H T H S T S H T† H
for a schematic representation of the recombination. or the average fidelities. Additionally, notice that the pa-
Q2 |0Í The next step in the algorithm is the mutation
H stage.
S† rameters
H Y encoding the action of the algorithm, i.e., the –2
In this, a row of the newborn individual is exchanged by a recombination fraction and the mutation mechanism and
Q4 |0Í randomly generated one if a random S †number
H exceeds
T the
S threshold,
H S may be tuned for balancing the behavior of the –3
–1 mutation
• H threshold.
• H After
• the mutations, all the newly search process between converging to a local minima and (12)
generated and the original input sequences will be sorted exploring the complete space of solutions.
–2 accordingH to their Hfidelity given
H by Eq. H (6). Finally, the
highest four sequences will be selected and kickstart the
–3 H • H
forthcoming cycle as the initial inputs. One can specify 2.4 Quantum adders found by genetic
the total number of generations and maximum number algorithms
of gates in the fidelity or circuit optimization. The more
rows we allow for our protocol, the better it can approx- By setting the maximum number of gates to 20, we have
imate a potential optimal quantum adder U , since the found a gate-limited quantum adder consisting of only
versatility for realizing an arbitrary unitary matrix gets two CNOTs having an average theoretical fidelity of 90%
improved. However, it will be harder for the protocol to and a minimum of 79.2%. (see circuit in Fig. 3 and
be carried out in a laboratory due to the increasing com- Fig. 5b). Although its theoretical fidelity is lower than the
plexity. Hence, we have to make a compromise and set a one of the basis adder (94.9%), its implementation fidelity
limit of p according to physical conditions allowed in each is actually the highest one, about 87%, if implemented
particular lab. in superconducting circuit platforms [24]. An interesting
point to highlight here is that this quantum adder has
6 Rui Li, Unai Alvarez-Rodriguez, Lucas Lamata, and Enrique Solano, An IBM Quantum Experience
circuit in Fig. 3 are not commutative quantum adders,
i.e., the quantum adding machine M defined by them
0.88 0.82
0.8 does not satisfy
0 /2 0 /2
2 2
M(ψ1 , ψ2 ) = M(ψ2 , ψ1 ) (10)
(c) (d)
/2 /2
0.95 0.98
for arbitrary input states ψ1 and ψ2 . The main reason is
0.9 0.96 that the GA does not select the gate sequence according
to the commutativity of the resulting unitary, but accord-
0.85 0.94
ing to the average fidelity of the quantum adder. Another
result to highlight is the absence of a high-fidelity and
universal quantum adder. The only result obtained so far
in this respect is a fixed quantum state, with an overall
0 0.5 0 0.82
/2 0
fidelity of 50% and independent of the inputs, which is
perpendicular to the region in which the quantum adder
Fig. 5. Fidelities of approximate quantum adders. (a) is defined. This result coincides with the classical limit of
Fidelity of the basis quantum adder vs θ1 , θ2 . The average fi- randomly choosing a qubit state.
delity of this region is 94.9%, while the lowest fidelity is 85.4%.
(b) Fidelity of the gate-limited quantum adder vs θ1 and θ2 . The
average fidelity (theoretical) of this region is 90.0%, while the
minimum one is 79.2%. (c) Fidelity of the trivial quantum adder 2.5 Experimental realization on IBM
given by the |+i state, with an average theoretical fidelity of Quantum Experience
90.2% and a minimum fidelity of 50%. (d) Fidelity of the 31-gate
approximate quantum adder vs θ1 and θ2 . The average theoret- We have experimentally realized the gate-limited quan-
ical fidelity of this region is 95.4%, while the minimum fidelity is
tum adder in the 5-transmon quantum computer provided
by the facilities of IBM Quantum Experience. We have
considered three qubits for this purpose, two of them en-
nearly the same average fidelity as the one given by a coding the initial addend states and the third one encod-
plus state, |+i, in the output of the adder (see Fig. 5c). ing the ancilla. We have rewritten the quantum circuit
The difference is that |+i, which is trivial because it does in Fig. 3 in terms of the Clifford set available in IBM
not depend on the inputs, has a lower minimal fidelity of Quantum Experience, as seen in Fig 6. Here, the quan-
50% and an average theoretical fidelity of 90.2%. Never- tum adder in Fig. 3 is rewritten in the language of IBM
theless, this trivial quantum adder establishes the lower Quantum Experience. Qubits Q0 and Q2 denote the two
limit of the average fidelity for the quantum adder to be input states to be added, and Q4 is the ancilla qubit onto
considered interesting in the region we are confined to. which the approximate sum is given as output. The case
If we allow for 40 gates, the GA achieves an approxi- shown is for {θ1 , θ2 } = {0, 0}. The boxes denote Clifford
mate quantum adder with an average theoretical fidelity group gates, the last one being a Z basis measurement.
above 95% (see Fig. 5d and circuit in Fig. 4). This quan- We show the experimental results in Table 2. We in-
tum adder contains 31 gates overall, 13 of which are two- clude the measurements in the IBM 5 transmon quantum
Rui Li, Unai Alvarez-Rodriguez, Lucas Lamata, and Enrique Solano, An IBM Quantum Experience 7
Q0 |0Í S† S† H S H S H • H S† H T H S T S H T† H –1
Q2 |0Í H S† H Y –2
Q4 |0Í S† H T S H S –3
–1 • H • H • (11)
–2 H H H H
–3 H • H
Fig. 6. Quantum circuit for the gate-limited quantum adder of Fig. 3 recast in terms of the Clifford set available
on IBM Quantum Experience.
computer and the ideal theoretical predictions. One can acknowledge support from Spanish MINECO/FEDER
appreciate that the agreement between theory and exper- FIS2015-69983-P, Ramón y Cajal Grant RYC-2012-
iment is significant, with a deviation smaller than 10% in 11391, UPV/EHU UFI 11/55, Basque Government BFI-
all cases. Therefore, this quantum platform allows for a 2012-322 and IT986-16.
high-fidelity quantum adder with current technology and,
as gate fidelities improve, the accumulated gate error will
be further reduced.
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tum computing applications of genetic programming, In:
thors and do not reflect the official policy or position of Advances in Genetic Programming, MIT Press, Cambridge,
IBM or the IBM Quantum Experience team. The authors 1999
8 Rui Li, Unai Alvarez-Rodriguez, Lucas Lamata, and Enrique Solano, An IBM Quantum Experience