Selection Process

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Selection Process 2019-21 

The  selection  of  candidates  for  admission  to  the  2019-2021  batch  of  MBA  at  VGSoM, 
IIT  Kharagpur  is  a  two-step  process.  First,  the  candidates  who  have  applied 
successfully  to  the  program  are  shortlisted  for  Written  Aptitude  Test  and  Personal 
Interview  (WAT-PI).  Secondly,  the  candidates  who  have  been  selected  through  the 
WAT-PI  process  are  offered  final  admission  to  MBA  on  the  basis  of  a  cumulative 
performance score based on application rating and performance in WAT-PI. 

I. Short-listing for Written Aptitude Test and Personal Interview (WAT-PI)

In  the  first  step,  the  candidates  who  have  successfully  applied  to  VGSoM,  IIT 
Kharagpur  through proper process and fulfil the minimum academic eligibility criteria 
are  short-listed  for  WAT-PI  on  the  basis  of  CAT  2018  score,  past  academic 
performance, and other criteria, if applicable, as mentioned below. 
The  candidates  must  have  the  minimum  CAT  2018  percentile  as  following  (ref.  ​Table
1​) for being considered: 
1:​ ​Minimum CAT-2018 Percentile for shortlisting 
Table 1:​

Category  Total Percentile 
General  90 
NC-OBC  80 
SC  75 
ST  75 
PwD  75 

An  applicant  belonging to overseas category (non-domestic candidate) is required to 

apply with a valid GMAT® (Graduate Management Aptitude Test) instead of CAT
score,  and  should  have  a  total  scaled  score  of  at  least  750  for  being  considered  for 
Overall  CAT  2018  scaled score out  of  20  and  application  rating  (AR)  out  of  20  will be 
added to get the score for short-listing of the candidates to be called for WAT-PI. The
application  rating  looks  at  the  applicants’  academic  performances (marks obtained) 
at various stages of academic progression, such as secondary (10​th​/matriculation),
higher  secondary  (12​th​/intermediate),  undergraduate  (bachelor’s  degree),  and 
postgraduate (master’s degree, if any), along with professional work experiences. 
Although  the  online  application  portal  captures  sectional  scores  and  percentile  as 
part of CAT 2018 performance, the same is not used for application rating. The details
regarding  the  scores  for  application  rating  for  various  qualifications/degrees/work 
​Tables 2.1– 2.4​
experience are provided below (ref. Tables 2.4​): 
2.1:​ ​Application Rating (AR) scores for 10​th​ and 12​th​ Std. Exams. 
Table 2.1:​
Percentage score 
score  Rating Score 
Score  Percentage score 
score  Rating 
th​​ th​​
10​ Std. Exam. 
in 10​ th
Exam.  A  12​ Std. Exam. 
in 12​ th
Exam.  Score B 

85% - 100%  3  85% - 100%  4 
70% to < 85%  2  70% to < 85%  3 
60% to < 70%  1  60% to < 70%  2 
-  -  41% to <60%  1 
The  performance  in  academic  programs  such  as  B.Tech./B.E./B.Pharma./Dual  degree 
BTech-MTech/Dual-degree  BTech-MSc  will  have  the  following  rating  score  (rating 
score  C)  for  calculation  of  application  rating.  Alternatively,  a  candidate  with 
BA/BSc/B.Com,  followed  by  MA(Eco)/MSc/M.Com  (with  Mathematics/Statistics  as  a 
subject  at  bachelor’s  level)  will  be  getting  the  following  score  (rating  score  D  and  E) 
in application rating. 
2.2​: ​Application Rating (AR) scores for under- and postgraduate degrees 
Table 2.2​
Percentage score in 
in  Rating  Percentage score 
Rating  score  Rating 
Rating  Percentage score in 
in  Rating 
BTech/BE Exam. 
Exam.  Score   in BSc/BCom/BA 
Score BSc/BCom/BA  Score  
Score MA/MSc/MCom/MCA  
MA/MSc/MCom/MCA Score  
C  Exam.  
Exam. D  Exam  
Exam E 
85% - 100%  7  80% - 100%  4  70% to 100%  3 
70% to < 85%  5  70% to < 80%  2  60% to <70%  1 
60% to < 70%  3  60% to < 70%  1  --  -- 
Following  score  (rating  score  F)  will  be  applicable  for  candidates  with  professional 
degrees  and  qualifications  such  as  M.Tech./ME,  Chartered  Accountancy  (CA), 
Company  Secretary  (CS),  Financial  Risk  Management  (FRM),  and  Chartered 
Financial Analyst (CFA) of the CFA Institute, USA: 
2.3:​ ​Application rating (AR) for professional exams 
Table 2.3:​
Qualifications  Rating score F 

MTech/ME/Professional Qualifications  1 
such as CA/CS/CFA/FRM 
Others  0 
Candidates  with  professional work experience will receive the following score (rating 
score  G)  in  application  rating  on  the  basis  of  the  duration  of  their  work  experience. 
Please  note  that  only  graduate-level  work  experience  will  be  positively  considered; 
any  work  experience  gained  through  training/projects/internship  as  part  of 
curriculum requirements will not be considered. 
2.4:​ ​Application rating (AR) for work experiences 
Table 2.4:​
Experience in months 
months  Rating score G 

06 to <12  3 
12 to <24  5 
24 to <36  4 
36 to <48  2 
48 to <60  1 
For candidates who are continuing in service, the experience will be counted latest up 
to Jan. 31, 2019, irrespective of the date on which (s)he filled in the application form. 
Note:  For  the  qualifying/bachelor’s  degree  of  the  applicant,  the  percentage  of  marks 
awarded  by  University/Institution/College,  as applicable, will be treated as final. If the 
University/Institution/College  does  not  award  the  percentage  of  marks,  it  will  be 
calculated  on  the  basis  of  the  marks  obtained  in  all subjects listed in the marks-sheet 
submitted by the candidate. 
Cumulative  grade  point  average  (CGPA)  performance  will  be  converted  into  ‘marks 
percentage’ as shown below: 
Marks Percentage = 60 + (40/3.5) x [(CGPA obtained / Total CGPA) x 10– 6.5] 
​ he  above  conversion  is  only  for  computing  the  academic  rating  (AR).  While 
Note:  T
submitting  the  application  online,  candidates  should  fill  in  the  actual  marks 
percentage/CGPA  as  provided  by  her/his  University/Institution/College, as applicable. 
We  will  NOT  accept  any  equivalence  of  conversion  from  CGPA  to  percentage  marks 
provided  by  any  individual  universities/institution/college;  in  this  case,  the  final  and 
binding method of conversion will be as provided above. 
II. Final Selection and Offer of Admission to MBA 

In  the  second  stage  of  the  admission  process,  final  selection  will  be  based  on  the 
cumulative  score  of  the  application  rating  (AR),  performance  in  CAT  2018  (for 
domestic  candidates)  or  in  GMAT®  (for  non-domestic  candidates),  and  the 
candidate’s performance in WAT-PI process. 
3:​ ​Criteria and weights for final selection to MBA 
Table 3:​

Criterion  Weight  
CAT 2018 Score  20 
Application Rating*  20 
WAT-PI  60 
Total  100 
*Total of rating scores (A+B+C+F+G) or (A+B+D+E+F+G) 
The  final  offer  of  admission  will  be  made  on  merit  in  each  category.  Barely  fulfilling 
the  minimum  qualifying  criteria  as  mentioned above would not guarantee a candidate 
for admission to the MBA program of VGSoM, IIT Kharagpur. 
VGSoM,  IIT  Kharagpur  reserves  the  right  to  make  changes  in  the  shortlisting  and 
Selection Criteria, if considered necessary at any stage of the process. 
How to apply: 
After  taking the CAT 2018 examination, domestic candidates seeking admission to the 
MBA programme must complete the following procedure: 
Step  1:  Complete  the  online  application  form  available  at  the  ERP  portal  of  IIT 
Kharagpur,  accessible  through:  ​<>. 
The  application  form  must  be  completed  in  all  respects.  Any  incomplete  form  will 
automatically be rejected from further consideration. 
Step  2:  While  submitting  the  online  application  form,  make a payment for application 
fee  (Rs.  1600  for  General  &  NC-OBC  candidates  and  Rs. 800 for SC/ST/PWD). Female 
candidates  will  be  charged  the  same  level  of  application  fee  as  paid  by  male 
candidates of respective category.  
Last date for online application: is 27​ ​ January, 2019 (Sunday), 11:59 PM. 
Schedule for Conducting WAT-PI: 
Please  note  that  WAT-PI  for  shortlisted  candidates  will  be  conducted  by  VGSoM,  IIT 
KGP as per the following schedule: 

Delhi 22-24 February, 2019 

Hyderabad 9-10 March, 2019 

Mumbai 15-17 March, 2019 

Kolkata 23-24 March, 2019 

Bengaluru 5-7 April, 2019 

Candidates  who  would  apply  to  the  MBA  program  of  VGSoM,  IIT  Kharagpur  and 
would  be  shortlisted  for  WAT-PI  process  shall be intimated via email in due course of 
Declaration of Results for Final Admission:  
The  tentative  date  of  declaration  of  results  for  final  admission  is:  29​ ​   April,  2019 
(Monday).  Candidates  would  be  required to log in to the application portal mentioned 
​Step 1​
in Step 1​ to find out the status of their application. 
Any  dispute  concerning  Admission  to  the  MBA  batch  2019-21  would  be  subject  to 
jurisdiction  of  the  competent  courts  within  the  territorial  jurisdiction  of  the  city  of 
Kolkata only. 
In case of any further query, please contact: 
Prof. Abhijeet Chandra 
The Chairperson of MBA Admission 2019 
Email: ​[email protected]  
Phone: +91-333-281780 (Direct); +91-9789900728 (Mobile) 
Fax: +91-3222-283874 
Prof. Ajay Kumar Mishra 
Co-chairperson – MBA Admission 2019 
Phone: +91-3222-287974 (Office) 

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