Nutritional Biochemistry
Nutritional Biochemistry
Nutritional Biochemistry
Nutritional Biochemistry
T he history of biochemistry actually started
with nutrition. The first biochemists explored
vitamins and how they worked, and what kind of
the vitality and health of your body depends on
what its being fed.
deficiencies you’d see if someone lacked those The Basics: Meet your Molecules and Cells
particular nutrients. Basically, they observed cer-
tain disease states, like pellegra or rickets and Language of Biochemistry — Structure and
were able to link to lack of certain foods. Chemists Function
would then isolate various chemicals from the
food to learn what the missing ingredient was. Life is organized in levels starting with the tini-
Think about the Limey sailors who discovered cit- est atom, element, and molecule, from single cell
rus fruits prevented scurvy. Only years later when up to our 100 trillion-celled human. First we start
technology evolved could biochemists discover with the smallest structures to understand what
that it was vitamin C in the limes that reversed the we’re made of and how we can tend to our proper
disease. Scientists felt that if we understood the nourishment. At every level there is a hierarchy
chemistry of the body and what wasn’t working, like the Russian dolls, one fits into another.
we could fix anything. In other words, it was better
Each part has precise structure that dictates its
living through chemistry, just plug in the missing
functions. We’ll first look at the basics and gradu-
or ‘broken’ molecule and illnesses would be fixed.
ally see our body in greater and greater complexity.
In the 1960s, biochemistry was very much a reduc-
KEY CONCEPTS: life, atom, element, molecule,
tionist discipline. Decades later, the whole person
bonds, ion, cell, structure, and function
and family become part of the “biochemical equa-
tion”, followed by stress, the mind and body.
Life’s Atoms, Elements, and Molecules
Rather than seeing biochemistry as just another
piece of academic information, we invite you to Imagine biting into a crisp juicy apple. Your mouth
enjoy the visit into the deepest molecules of life, and body are flooded with molecules and the basic
your life. Every physical part of us is chemical and elements of life. Everything physical, whether an
by understanding just a bit of this vast wondrous apple, a glass of water, or steam rising from
molecular universe you may better appreciate how the tea kettle, is made of atoms.
108 Bauman College: Foundations of Nutrition Textbook
Nutritional Biochemistry—CONTINUED
Atoms Each element is represented by a:
All atoms have the same basic structure. The most ¾¾ Chemical symbol
familiar physical model of the atom is the solar ¾¾ Atomic number
system. The center core of the atom (nucleus) is ¾¾ Atomic mass
surrounded by tiny orbiting particles (electrons.)
The core contains tightly packed protons (positive-
ly-charged) and neutrons (no electrical charge.)
Orbiting around the center, at extremely high ¾¾ Chemical symbol is O
speeds, are negatively-charged electrons. The only ¾¾ Atomic number is 8
difference between one kind of atom and another (8 protons)
is the number of electrons, neutrons and protons ¾¾ Atomic mass is 16
that make it up. Atoms are electrically neutral (8 protons + 8 neutrons)
as they have an equal number of positively and
negatively charged particles. Chemical Symbol is an abbreviation of its
chemical name
In reality, an atom is a field of energy, or actually Atomic Number is the number of positively
fields of vibrating energy. charged protons. The number of neutrons
The simplest atom is hydrogen which consists of and electrons is the same number as the
one proton in the nucleus with one electron orbit- number of protons.
ing around. An atom that loses or gains an electron Atomic Mass is the “weight” or total of the
becomes electrically charged and is now called an ION. protons plus neutrons, basically it’s the
mass of the core nucleus.
You can think of atoms as letters (unlimited
potential), elements are words (defined meaning
and properties), and molecules are sentences What chemical symbols do you already know?
(specific directive usefulness.) Hydrogen? Carbon? Chlorine?
Nutritional Biochemistry—CONTINUED
Elements of Life ¾¾ Sulfur (S)
¾¾ Iron (Fe)
Carbon (C), Oxygen (O), Hydrogen (H), and
Nitrogen (N) are the primary elemental ingredients ¾¾ Sodium (Na)
for life. Life on the planet earth is carbon-based. ¾¾ Zinc (Zn)
Some scientists speculate that life on other plan- ¾¾ Chlorine (Cl)
ets could be silicon-based and not use carbon.
Plants use a lot of silicon in their stems, and glass ¾¾ Magnesium (Mg)
and sand are mostly silicon (aka silica). ¾¾ Silicon (Si)
¾¾ Potassium (K)
What is your body made of? ¾¾ Plus the trace elements like chromium (Cr)
The elemental ingredients of the human body are and molybdenum (Mo)
shown in the following proportions, in the graph The carbon we obtain comes from plant food
below. or meat, oxygen comes from the air, and water.
The mineral elements like sulfur, calcium, and
All the Rest magnesium come from the soil which ultimately
gets into plant and animal food. Our bodies can-
Another 1% of the body’s elemental makeup
not make any of the mineral elements. They must
includes all of these:
come from food or supplements.
% in body
20 18
1.5 1 1
oxygen carbon hydrogen nitrogen calcium phosphorus all the rest
110 Bauman College: Foundations of Nutrition Textbook
Nutritional Biochemistry—CONTINUED
Molecules: The Ultimate Bonding Embrace charged (anion.) Most inorganic compounds,
metals and minerals like calcium, selenium, and
When we eat something our body revamps the potassium form ionic bonds. Ionic bonds are easily
atoms and molecules into molecules we need to broken by water. Ionic compounds can separate
survive. Molecules are made of one or more atoms in water and transmit electricity. These are then
held together by chemical bonds. To form new called electrolytes.
molecules, molecules either share their electrons or
give some away. What our bodies need for energy,
growth, protection, and repair are molecules.
2 atoms Hydrogen (H) + 1 of oxygen (O) partner
The old saying that opposites attract is certainly
to create water (H2O) by sharing electrons. (actual
true at the molecular level. Charged particles are
chemistry is one molecule of hydrogen (H2) and
always ready for a little bonding.
one oxygen (O2).) Sodium (Na) meets chlorine
(Cl) and gives it an electron to produce the very
Bonding Relationships salty sodium chloride (NaCl) with sodium being +
Shared Electrons (covalent bonds) — charged (Na+), chloride negative (Cl-.)
Electrically neutral, tight, cohesive
relationships TASTE TIP
COVALENT BONDS are formed when two atoms The taste of salty or sour is because of the ions
share a pair of electrons between them. Most sodium (Na+) for salty, hydrogen (H+) for sour.
organic compounds are built through covalent They touch onto the taste receptors and imme-
bonding. For example, covalent bonds are found in diately enter inside the cells through ion chan-
carbon dioxide, water, and glucose. nels or pores. Though table salt is more than
95% sodium chloride, depending on its source,
Covalent bonds can be single (C–C), double (C=C) it can contain other minerals depending on its
or triple (C=
–C) depending on how many pairs of source and how crystalized. Iodized table salt has
electrons are shared. Single bonds means one been treated with potassium iodide and may also
pair of electrons is shared. They are part of every include aluminum, calcium, magnesium carbonate
organic molecule. Double bonds share two pairs and silicon dioxide. The latter prevents caking.
of electrons, and are found in unsaturated fatty
acids and aromatic amino acids like tyrosine. The taste of salty tells the body this is an essen-
Polyunsaturated fatty acids have several double tial mineral source. The taste of sweet gives the
bonds. Very few chemicals in our bodies have message this is an energy source and usually a
triple bonds. sugar. Sour says this is an acid, unripe, fermented
or spoiled. Bitter tastes warn of danger and most
Electrons Given Away (ionic) — Magnetic, often are from nitrogen-containing alkaloids. The
electrically charged 5th taste of umami or savory tells the brain that
the food is a source of nitrogen, usually an amino
IONIC bonds are formed when electrons trans- acid or protein. Recently a 6th taste receptor for
fer from one atom to another. Table salt (sodium fat has been proposed. In the wisdom of the body,
chloride) is a perfect example. Sodium is a posi- the universal pleasurable tastes are savory and
tively charged ion (cation) and chloride, negatively sweet, essentials for survival.
NC103: Nutritional Biochemistry 111
Nutritional Biochemistry—CONTINUED
increase the loss to 3 or 4 quarts or liters. There’s
Naming Molecules careful regulation of our fluid levels particularly
in blood volume which must be at least 3.5 liters.
The name of a molecule gives us clues to its
Our cells make a small amount of water each day,
chemistry. For instance, a molecular name
about 0.2 liter (200 ml) yet much less than we
that ends in –ol tells us that the elements
need. Therefore taking in adequate amounts of
have combined to make an alcohol. Names
pure water or liquids is essential for cellular and
that end in –ate, such as sulfate tells us its
body health.
a salt and electrically charged. Examples
include sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) Recommended daily fluid intake is about 2.5
NaHCO3, and monosodium glutamate (MSG.) quarts of water that can come from liquid or food.
Whether it comes from an orange, an apple or
a piece of cheese, your body can pull out water
Water: Essential Molecule For Life from everything you consume.
Water is the smallest and simplest of our food Some metric conversions:
molecules yet is the basis for all life. Water is a
¾¾ 28.5 grams = one ounce
major molecule of our bodies comprising any-
where from 60-75% depending on the specific ¾¾ 1 liter = 1000ml and is about 1 quart
tissue. Just think of all the fluids that are part of ¾¾ 454 grams (g) = 1 pound
us — blood, saliva, and urine. ¾¾ 1 kilogram (kg) = 2.2 pounds
Water is the only liquid essential for life; it is a Amount of water in some foods:
major component of our blood, cells, and the spac-
¾¾ 1 whole cooked egg weighs about 50g has
es between cells. Water’s unique structure helps
37g water. (74%)
organize molecules into specific relationships.
¾¾ 1 celery stalk (40g) has 38g (95%)
The next time you sip water, consider that it is
¾¾ a piece of cheddar cheese, 1 oz. has 10g
unlike any other molecule. It can dissolve many of
water (35%)
the molecules we need, hence is called the univer-
sal solvent for other charged, polar, or water lov- ¾¾ 1 oz. almonds (24 nuts) has 1.4g (~5%)
ing (hydrophilic) molecules. It stabilizes tempera- (2009;
ture. Cells owe their shape and rigidity partially
to water. Most essential molecules of life dissolve If we don’t get enough water we run into dangers
and transport easily in water. — toxicity, fatigue and constipation. Water makes
up the bulk of the blood circulating in your body.
The Body’s Water Use: A Simple Overview And blood moves waste and nutrients around.
Therefore, the more we limit our fluid intake, the
In our lifetime we will likely consume the equiva- more concentrated the waste becomes, the less
lent of more than two 9,000 gallon tanker trucks available nutrients. Over time this can account for
of water. And we lose almost that much as well. a lot of fatigue and exhaustion. So for yourself
There’s a constant loss of water through the skin, and your clients, when fatigue is a major issue,
lungs, urine and feces, about 2.5 quarts a day. ask about fluid intake.
Sweating alone in extreme heat or workouts can
112 Bauman College: Foundations of Nutrition Textbook
Nutritional Biochemistry—CONTINUED
Acids, Bases and pH The lower the number the more acidic; the higher
the pH, the more alkaline. Some whole foods may
Water has very special properties as mentioned measure acid pH; however, after digestion they
earlier. It also dissociates (separates) into its deliver more alkaline products.
hydrogen ions. Positively-charged hydrogen ions,
called protons, have dramatic effects on other
molecules. Molecules that release protons (H+) are
acids. However, water is not considered an acid The more free hydrogen (H+) in solution, the more
since it releases equal portions of protons (H+) sour the taste. We only taste things that can be
and negatively charged hydroxyl ions (-OH-); they dissolved in our saliva — water soluble.
balance each other out. Proton concentration is so
significant we have a specialized taste sensation Basics of Life: Our Cells
to estimate it: sourness. The word acid comes from
Latin acere for sour taste. Most acids taste sour. Water is the molecule that allows life to happen
and the human body contains thousands of differ-
We also have a special measurement — pH. ent molecules, some we can make in our cells, like
A measurement of the degree of acidity (or lack DNA and protein; others we must obtain from our
of it) is determined by pH. The pH scale measures food like vitamins and minerals.
the relative concentration of protons and ranges
from 0-14. Neutral pH is 7, acids are below 7; We are chemical wonders. Molecules organize into
substances are considered alkaline or basic when communities that form all the structures neces-
pH is above 7. The following pH scale shows the sary for life. Understanding how our cells work
range of proton activity of common household gives us a greater knowledge of the role good
solutions, food and body fluids. Gastric fluid is nutrtion plays at the micro level.
1.3-3, lemon juice is 2.1, and blood is 7.4 while
urine and saliva are normally around 6.4.
0 10,000,000 Battery acid
1 1,000,000 Stomach hydrochloric acid
2 100,000 Gastric acid, lemon, vinegar
3 10,000 Grapefruit or orange juice, soda
4 1,000 Tomato juice, acid rain
5 100 Soft drinking water, coffee
6 10 Urine, saliva, milk
7.0 0 Distilled water
7.4 Human blood
8 0.1 Sea water
9 0.01 Baking soda, toothpaste
10 0.001 Milk of Magnesia, Great Salt Lake
11 0.0001 Ammonia solution
12 0.00001 Soapy water
13 0.000001 Bleach, oven cleaner
14 0.0000001 Liquid drain cleaner, lye
NC103: Nutritional Biochemistry 113
Nutritional Biochemistry—CONTINUED
Functions Essential to Life Smallest Unit of Life is the Cell
Believe it or not, the definition of life is not ¾¾ A cell is the smallest functioning unit of a
agreed upon, yet does include the following living organism and carries out the basic
requirements: functions of life including reproduction.
Most scientists do not consider viruses
¾¾ Ability to grow and reproduce (making
alive since they need the machinery of a
more of themselves)
living cell to reproduce.
¾¾ Find and use food — metabolism (trans-
form food to energy and raw materials) ¾¾ The size and health of a cell is influenced or
limited by its genes, the nutrients it can take
¾¾ Reproduction, maintain structural integrity
in, and how well it gets rid of its wastes.
and repair
¾¾ Genetic intelligence ¾¾ Cells exchange molecules with its environ
ment through diffusion, active transport
¾¾ Discard waste
(requires energy), ingestion, and cellular
¾¾ Sense and respond to stimuli, communication ‘eating’ (pinocytosis and phagocytosis.)
¾¾ Adapt to the environment
¾¾ Everything we need for physical survival is
¾¾ Movement maintained by the life of our cells. The hu-
114 Bauman College: Foundations of Nutrition Textbook
Nutritional Biochemistry—CONTINUED
man body is composed of about 10 trillion and proteins, depending upon cell function and
cells originating from one fertilized egg location.
cell. During embryonic development cells
A cell membrane is made up of 2 layers of fats that
specialize and take on unique features and
have the lipid parts facing towards each other and
responsibilities such as blood cells and liver
the polar charged portion of the molecule facing
cells, skin and muscle. Though different
the watery internal and external environments of
in specialized tasks they also share basic
the cell. Lipids are fat-loving and water-fearing
features and functions.
(hydrophobic) molecules. Fats are lipids and are
insoluble in water. Phospholipids are the form of
Architecture and Components of Our Cells fats in the cell membrane.
Life needs a container! Molecules merge to form The 3 major fats in the membrane are fatty acid,
a container with a resilient flexible surface that cholesterol, and phosphoglycerides (phospholipids.)
protects, defends and defines the cell self. This is Fatty acids are chains of carbon atoms with an
called the plasma membrane. acid group at one end and a methyl group at the
other, and can be saturated, trans or unsaturated.
Cell Membranes: Creating the Container Some fatty acids are linoleic, linolenic, and stearic.
For Life
An acid group, also called carboxylic group has a
formula of COOH. The part of the molecule with
Functions of the Cell Membrane
an acid group is water soluble. A methyl group
In animal cells, the outside surface is called the has a formula of CH3 and that portion is lipid
plasma or cell membrane, not cell wall. Plant cells soluble. A hydrocarbon is a combination of methyl
have the more rigid cell walls. groups with CH in between which shows why it is
NOT soluble in water. H3C-CH2-CH2- CH3
Cell membranes:
¾¾ Hold things in, let things out, and protect The shape of the fatty acids regulates membrane
function and permeability. Both can be altered
¾¾ Insulate forming boundaries and provide
by fatty acid composition of the diet. Saturated
and trans fats are straight chains which make
¾¾ Provide discriminating flexible, semi-per- the membrane more rigid, less flexible. On the
meable barriers other hand, cis bonds, the natural double bonds in
fats prevent tight packing and allow for space in
The plasma membrane has a role in cell-cell rec-
the membranes. Cis bonds have kinks and allow
ognition, maintenance of cell shape, and cell loco-
flexibility in the membrane. These spaces can
motion. The initiating site of action for many hor-
move around within the membrane and can be
mones and metabolic regulators is on the plasma
filled with water and small ions. Phosopholipids
contain fatty acids.
The composition of our cell membranes is greatly
In the diagram of fatty acids below, palmitate
influenced by diet. The primary components
is saturated and you can see that is is a long
are fats, proteins and cholesterol. The physical
straight molecule. Oleic (oleate) is unsaturated
properties of the fats control the shape, function
and at the double bond the molecule bends. In the
and fluidity of the membrane.
cell membrane this creates space for nutrients to
The composition may vary in terms of specific fats come into the cell.
NC103: Nutritional Biochemistry 115
Nutritional Biochemistry—CONTINUED
Protein Structures in Cell Membranes
In addition to lipids, proteins are the other major
component of all plasma membranes. Proteins have
definite orientation within and across the mem-
brane. Most have parts that are made of hydropho-
bic (water-hating) amino acids which interact with
the lipids stabilizing the protein-lipid complex of
the membrane. Hydrophobic amino acids include
valine and leucine. Membranes also contain hydro-
philic amino acids that protrude into the outside of
the cell and its interior. Water-loving amino acids
include glutamic acid and glycine among many
others. A protein contains a combination of essen-
tial and non-essential amino acids and can be from
50 amino acids long to hundreds in the chain.
Cholesterol, the 3rd major lipid in membranes,
is a compact rigid hydrophobic molecule con- Membrane Protein Roles:
structed from 4 fused rings. It is a steroid structure. ¾¾ Movement of molecules across the mem-
Membranes exhibit the greatest variation in per- brane into the cell — transporters
cent composition because the amount of cholester- ¾¾ Structural integrity of cell
ol is affected by the nutritional state of the animal.
¾¾ Enzymes
Cholesterol content influences how flexible the cell
membrane is. Cholesterol, steroid hormones we ¾¾ Receptors, information receivers, recognition
make or drugs we take, like cortisol, hydrocortisone, ¾¾ Identity, markers of identity, antigens
or prednisone, change the flexibility of the
membrane and how information is transmitted. Cell membranes are affected by diet and can be
damaged by the internal environment of the body
from oxidants and free radicals, excess cholesterol,
Dietary Fats and Cell Function
and trans fats.�����������������������������������
Wherever there’s a high concentra-
The healthy function of our cells depends on the tion of fats, especially unsaturated fats, there’s
flexibility of the cell membranes which in turn is a risk of oxidation and free radical damage.
influenced by the quality of fats in it — too much Composition of the membrane will affect enzyme
trans or saturated fat make the membranes less activity, immune system phagocytosis (micro-
flexible. Cholesterol also influences this by making bial ingestion), cell growth, and receptor activity
part of the membrane too fluid and other parts (transmission of information.)
less so. We use both saturated fats and choles-
terol in our diet; and our cells can make these. A The Cytoskeleton — Cellular Muscle and
current theory is that trans fats, saturated fats Intelligence
and cholesterol make the cell membranes more
rigid. Fluidity influences how well nutrients can The diagram at the top of the following page
get into the cell, how the receptors respond to shows the membrane with the cytoskeleton con-
information and how well the immune cells are necting to it. The diagram below it illustrates how
able to eliminate pathogens. the cytoskeleton connects every part of the cell.
The cytoskeleton is probably the most complex and
116 Bauman College: Foundations of Nutrition Textbook
Nutritional Biochemistry—CONTINUED
Image of microtubular matrix from Scientific American Jan. 1998 The Architecture of Life by Donald Ingber, M.D.
least understood part of the cell. Its made of pro- ¾¾ Regulate cell growth, mitosis, death, and
tein structures shaped like tubes and strands in a genetic signals
variety of sizes — microfilaments, intermediate fila- ¾¾ Possibly cellular decision-making
ments and microtubules. It is the underlying matrix
of the cell straddling from the cell membrane Some scientists believe that the microtubules of
throughout the cytoplasm of the cell. The cyto- the cytoskeleton are the seat of consciousness
plasm is the watery gel-like material that fills the with the ability to sense other cells.
inside of the cell. Microfilaments are made of con-
Cell shape, stability, integrity, movement and
tractile proteins actin and myosin. Microtubules,
growth are managed by cellular tension, pulling
larger in size, function as “tracks” to move along
and pushing on the cables of the cell.
organelles and molecules made by the cells.
Nutritional Biochemistry—CONTINUED
(oxygen) find their way into the mitochondria brane, primarily protein, is folded into crypts or
to be tranformed into cellular energy called ATP, cristae containing all the enzymes of the Krebs
adenosine triphosphate. cycle, fatty acid oxidation and ATP production.
#2 nucleus
#7 cell membrane
#9 mitochondria
#13 microtubules in
form of centrioles
Nutritional Biochemistry—CONTINUED
Mitochondrial dysfunction is considered to be part The most common simple sugars are constructed
of many neurological and muscle diseases includ- from 5 or 6 carbons. The 6-carbon sugars —
ing Parkinson’s, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue glucose, fructose, galactose, mannose — can ulti-
syndrome. mately be used for energy; 5-carbon sugars ribose
and deoxyribose, cannot. The 5-carbon sugars are
Your cells do what YOU do to survive — they most important as part of the backbone of our
breathe, move, eat, get rid of waste and transform genetic materials — DNA and RNA. Ribose is part
food into ingredients you need. of the ATP molecule but has no caloric value. The
only convincing data so far for the energy ben-
How We Make Energy: Energy efits of ribose is for people with congestive heart
Management failure. The body makes ribose from glucose and
though numerous energy drinks contain ribose,
Key Concepts: the data is lacking for its benefits. The 5-carbon
¾¾ What is energy? sugars are also used to construct many important
cofactors that contribute to energy metabolism
¾¾ How is it converted from our food into
so it may be this route that confers some help in
energy enhancement.
¾¾ What helps the process, what slows it
down? The 6-carbon glucose is the molecule that serves
most living things as the source for biochemical
¾¾ Without energy, there is no life!
energy. Fructose (aka levulose) is transformed to
In this section we discuss how our food becomes glucose in liver. Simple sugars can pair up with
energy for our cells, what the basic structure of other sugars to make twosomes such as sucrose,
carbohydrates is, and how we can use mind-body lactose, or maltose. Look at the diagrams of glu-
lifestyle strategies along with diet to manage our cose and fructose. They are each 6 carbons yet
energy levels. We will explore both nutritional one has the shape of a pentagon and glucose a
pathways and personal strategies for sustaining hexagon. Fructose can be converted in the body to
energy. In terms of food our emphasis will be on glucose, a time-consuming process. Now look at
carbohydrates since they are the primary chemi- sucrose that contains both connected. Sucrose is
cal resource for making energy. Fats and proteins the partnership of glucose and fructose; lactose of
are back-up sources. The essential function of mother’s milk is GALactose pairing with GLUcose.
carbohydrates in humans is for energy storage.
Carbohydrates also have secondary specialized What’s in a Name?
functions that include fine-tuning cell receptors
and membrane identity markers. Before we go into how our cells use carbohydrates
to make energy, let’s look at food labels to see
how sugar is disguised. All of these contain glu-
Carbohydrate Basics (CHO) C6H12O6
cose or can be converted to it: brown rice syrup,
Carbohydrates are so named because their molec- brown sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, crystal-
ular structure consists of ratios of one carbon and line fructose, dehydrated cane juice, dextrin, dex-
one water or H2O. Carbohydrates (sugars) are the trose, evaporated cane juice, fructose, fruit juice
unique gift from plants. In plants they are both concentrate, glucose, high-fructose corn syrup,
energy storage and structural support, like the honey, invert sugar, lactose, maltodextrin, malt
long stalks and stems. syrup, maltose, mannitol maple syrup, molasses,
NC103: Nutritional Biochemistry 119
Nutritional Biochemistry—CONTINUED
Both cellulose and starch are long strands of glu-
cose; the big difference is how the glucose mol-
ecules are held together. In cellulose the glucose
strand is used for strength in the plant. As starch
it is an energy storage molecule. These long chains
(also known as polymers) of sugar store energy
in its chemical bonds to be used when needed.
Most animals, including humans, are unable to
break the bonds of cellulose. That’s why we call it
insoluble fiber. It may be important in minimizing
colon cancer and improving elimination.
Nutritional Biochemistry—CONTINUED
Mitochondria in each cell generate ATP through
a multi-step process called electron transport or
the respiratory chain. Every cell uses about 1 bil-
lion molecules of ATP which are replenished every
2-3 minutes; meaning we need to generate about
2-3 pounds of ATP each day. Some scientists say
we need to generate half our body weight of ATP
each day. Fortunately much of the breakdown
products for “used up” ATP can be recycled back
into ATP. This process requires adequate nutritional
intake, water, oxygen, B vitamins, Magnesium and
Coenzyme Q10. Coenzymes are factors needed to
assist an enzyme do its work. Often we just say Co.
Nutritional Biochemistry—CONTINUED
into acetyl-carnitine functions as a transporter into
the mitochondria. Carnitine is made from the amino
acid lysine. It is found in meats and limited in plants.
This process requires Vitamins C, B6, niacin, and iron.
contain niacin. FAD/FADH contains riboflavin and Increased Requirements for Energy
CoA contains pantothenic acid. So here you can
¾¾ Growth and development, children, preg-
see if someone is depleted in B vitamins why they
nant women
could be fatigued and energy deficient.
¾¾ Healing, wounds, tissues, emotions, post-
Energy production is actually biological oxida- surgical and post-dental procedures
tion and involves removing an electron from one
¾¾ Illness
molecule and passing it onto the next (electron
transport), like a hot potato. Electron transport ¾¾ Vigorous exercise
takes 5 steps to charge up enough energy to make ¾¾ Stress
ATP. Sometimes an electron escapes and if not
trapped can cause damage to all parts of the cell. Compromises to Energy Production
Unpaired electrons give rise to potentially danger-
¾¾ Stress
ous free radicals.
¾¾ Too many free radicals
Energy production begins only when glucose or
¾¾ Mitochondria damage to DNA
other molecules can get inside the mitochondria.
Molecules forming acetyl CoA easily penetrate into ¾¾ Nutrient-deficient diet or oxygen-deficiency
the inner sanctum of the mitochondria for further
transformation. However, fats need a helping hand How does tension and stress diminish cel-
in the form of L-carnitine, which when converted lular energy and induce fatigue?
122 Bauman College: Foundations of Nutrition Textbook
Nutritional Biochemistry—CONTINUED
A contracted, tense muscle cell produces 2 mol- What about other sweeteners, how do they
ecules of ATP for every glucose “burned” (no glu- contribute to energy?
cose) compared to a relaxed muscle in an aerobic
state that can make 25 molecules of ATP. This The non-sucrose/glucose sweeteners taste sweet but
is because a contracted muscle moves into an most of them are not used by our cells; none can be
anaerobic stage, no oxygen. Our cells need oxygen used for energy production.. They are just discarded
to produce abundant energy. but we need to consider what kind of energy is
needed to eliminate them. The problem for the body
From a practical perspective, if someone is com- with any of these artificial sweeteners they place a
plaining of fatigue it could be because they are burden on the detoxification system. An occasional
highly stressed. When stressed our body is pre- soft drink with one of these substancs is not a prob-
pared for flight or fight, muscles contract to ready lem for most people but too many can tax the body.
us to run and they use up lots of energy in that Another consideration is that all of them, including
preparation. Here’s another lifestyle application to stevia, require chemical processing. If the goal is to
try — stress reduction, deep breathing, or medita- eat a sustainable whole food diet then avoiding all
tion — to increase energy production. artificial sweeteners makes good ecological sense
for the body and the planet.
Mitochondrial dysfunction may be considered
to be part of neurological and muscle diseases Stevia leaves, used first by native peoples in
including Parkinson’s, fibromyalgia and chronic 1,000 AD, is recognized as a “new zero calorie
fatigue syndrome. If someone is suffering from sweetener”, that now has FDA approval as a safe
muscle pain or fatigue, increasing water intake food additive. It’s about 250 times sweeter than
and considering a magnesium malate supplement sugar. But remember that although it is a natural
may help the mitochondria to recover. If the mito- substance, it does go through commercial prepa-
chondria are depleted, muscles break down, pain rations. Its first commercial use was in Japanese
and fatigue are two consequeneces. Magnesium soft drinks about 40 years ago.
malate works in a couple of ways: the magnesium
ion helps the muscles relax and is also a require- Saccharin, an artificial sweetener, was acciden-
ment for ATP production. Malate is one of the tally discovered at Johns Hopkins University abut
acids in the Krebs cycle so it bypasses the need 150 years ago is much sweeter than sugar, with
for sugar for ATP production. a slightly bitter aftertaste. It is 300 times sweeter
than sugar. Honey bees will not eat saccharin. Some
studies suggest this increases the risk of bladder
Foods as Source of Energy
cancer, though the studies were done on rats.
Root vegetables, whole grain pasta, and high
The pink packets of Sweet’N Low® contain a blend
fiber vegetables are complex carbohydrates that
of Saccharin, dextrose and cream of tartar (50
offer an abundance of slowly released glucose
years ago.) A reminder about naming chemicals –
molecules. That candy bar chock full of sucrose
endings of OSE means it’s a sugar. Dextrose is the
(glucose-fructose) is rapidly broken into glucose
same as glucose.
causing a quick burst of elevated blood sugar then
energy production. It soon runs out if there’s no Cyclamate, invented about 75 years ago has zero
ready source of glucose. calories and is 30 times sweeter than sugar. It is
now banned in the U.S.
Honey has the same number of 4 calories per
gram as table sugar. Its still sugar just less pro- The blue packets of NutraSweet® and Equal® are
cessed than white table sugar. brand names for aspartame sweetener (30 years
NC103: Nutritional Biochemistry 123
Nutritional Biochemistry—CONTINUED
ago.) Aspartame is another zero calorie artificial
sweetener 200 times sweeter than sugar. Some
people don’t like its taste because it reacts with
other food flavors. Aspartame is made from amino
acids phenylalanine and aspartic acid. Limited
toxicity has been reported though people who
suffer from PKU, phenylketonuria, should not
use aspartame because it releases phenylalanine.
(2007 Critical Reviews in Toxicology.)
Nutritional Biochemistry—CONTINUED
Personal Energy Management: Holistic Awareness of Physical Body Clues to Link
Perspectives Energy to Emotions and Stress
¾¾ Pulse and breath
What Is Energy Beyond Biochemical
¾¾ Temperature and Tension
¾¾ Awareness exercises and body cues: Tuning
Scientists tell us that energy is the ability to cre- in
ate heat, ATP, and burn calories. But there are
¾¾ Physiological markers: Lie detector and
other immeasurable energies: life force, qi, chi,
bodymind stress
prana, faith, prayer and love. Energy is also pas-
sion, enthusiasm, emotions, and our mood. Other ¾¾ Daily energy cycles — vitality, mood and
world views of medicine, other than Western, tension affect coping with stress
include energy as the key component to health.
Different qualities of energy contribute to our Energy Losses and Stress
vitality and joy for life. Their lack contributes to
As mentioned earlier, stress causes physical ten-
fatigue and despair, pessimism and ill health.
sion it also can cause more shallow breathing
and rapid heart rate. Tension, whether physical or
Energy ABCs
mental, is a major factor in unnecessary energy
¾¾ Awareness and attitudes loss. Tense muscle cells use energy rapidly and
¾¾ Body cues replenish it inefficiently.
¾¾ Care and vultivation The brain does not know the difference between a
¾¾ Debts: stress, disease, relationships, over- real stressor and an imagined one. How we cope
load, fatigue, and burnout and think uses energy. You think about a near
¾¾ Enhancers: nourishment, sleep, stillness, accident and your cells experience stress – fight
movement, exercise, music, relationships, or flight. When our energy is used up we don’t
relaxation, community, nature, creativity cope as well with problems. We may lack the
resources, mental or physical, to handle the situa-
Personal Energy Awareness tion. One definition of stress is thinking you don’t
have the resources to handle the situation.
Understanding one’s own energy is a first step
in making healthy choices that can secure vital-
Energy Replenishment
ity and help prevent burnout and exhaustion. By
journaling you track energy ups and downs, which In reading Bruce Lipton’s Biology of Belief and
assists awareness and change. Body cues tell other mind-body books, you can see how what you
us whether we are under stress. When stressed think influences the physiology of your body. If you
or tense, the pulse rate often increases as does are in constant anxiety or believe there is a danger
muscle tension. The temperature of the hands (real or imagined), your body ‘believes’ your mind
often gets colder and we often hold our breath. and initiates the stress response, the rapid use of
Just knowing this helps you monitor where you energy for ‘fight or flight.’ Your muscles tense and
are moment to moment. It also helps you change soon you are exhausted without moving a muscle.
behaviors. For instance, you’re sitting waiting for ¾¾ Awareness — body scan, breath, fingers,
an appointment and you notice your hands are icy muscle tension, jaw, shoulders
cold. Remedy, some deep breathing or short walk,
visualizing a relaxing place.
NC103: Nutritional Biochemistry 125
Nutritional Biochemistry—CONTINUED
¾¾ Journal and energy tracking — 3 weeks —
monitor lifestyle and energy levels
¾¾ Qigong
¾¾ Progressive relaxation and meditation
¾¾ Creative expression
¾¾ Laughter
¾¾ Physical exercise
Nutritional Biochemistry—CONTINUED
Examples of Amino Acid Types If the diet emphasizes proteins, like vegetarian,
that lack the essential amino acids, a person can
The side chain or R group classifies the amino acid as: get into grave danger since normal functional
¾¾ Aliphatic or branched proteins can not be made. However, combining
¾¾ Aromatic (cyclic compound) plant foods make a whole protein possible. Here’s
a list of common vegetarian protein sources and
¾¾ Basic (positively charged — 2 or more N
the essential amino acid that is limited in it.
¾¾ Acidic (negatively charged — 2 COOH groups) PROTEIN SOURCE LIMITING AMINO ACID
¾¾ Polar (contains additional OH, SH) Wheat Lysine
Rice Lysine
What’s Essential? Legumes Tryptophan or methionine (or
The eight amino acids listed below are generally Maize Lysine and tryptophan
regarded as essential. You can see that these are
the branched chain and the more complex struc-
tures. They are obtained from meat, dairy, eggs — Plants that do contain complete proteins (all
animal foods. Most plant foods lack one of more essential amino acids) are soybeans and qui-
of the essential amino acids. In addition to their noa. Unlike wheat and rice, the seed quinoa,
incorporation into proteins, essential amino acids often used as a grain, contains a balanced array
are precursors for other compounds of amino acids including lysine. Its about 14%
protein. Soy, a legume, on the other hand, also
1. Phenylalanine is used to make tyrosine
contains a complete protein but has additional
2. Valine properties that must be considered. It contains a
3. Threonine is used to make glycine and serine high concetration of phytoestrogens which influ-
4. Tryptophan is used to make serotonin, ences cell estrogen receptors. Studies from Asian
melatonin and niacin countries in which soybeans are a major protein
source show lower incidence of heart disease sex
5. Isoleucine can be used by the krebs cycle
hormone cancers (breast, ovarian, and prostate)
6. Methionine is used to make cysteine, car- linked to the lifelong consumption of soy foods.
nitine, taurine, lecithin, and phospholipids Taking soy supplements is contraindicated in
7. Leucine women with breast cancer.
8. Lysine is used to make acetyl CoA Amino acids have several functions. They all con-
Some amino acids are essential only in infants and tribute to protein structure. Some also act as neu-
growing children: cysteine (or sulfur-containing rotransmitters (regulators of brain function) such
amino acids), tyrosine (or aromatic amino acids), as glutamine and glutamic acid; others are precur-
histidine and arginine. The body does not synthe- sors to hormones (tyrosine to adrenalin; trypto-
size essential amino acids. In addition, arginine, phan to serotonin.) Some amino acids can be con-
cysteine, glycine, glutamine, histidine, proline, verted to glucose and used for energy production.
serine and tyrosine are considered conditionally The most abundant amino acid in our blood is
essential, meaning they are not usually required glutamine. Rapidly dividing cells like the GI tract,
in the diet except to specific populations that can blood cells and hair follicles all need glutamine. It
not synthesize it in adequate amounts. can cross the blood-brain barrier and can be used
NC103: Nutritional Biochemistry 127
Nutritional Biochemistry—CONTINUED
as an energy source for the brain if glucose is low. foods, plant-based diet and following the lifestyle
It’s also a primary energy source for the GI tract recommendations for three months. This field is in
when the gut needs rebuilding. Raw spinach, cab- its infancy and shows great promise.
bage and parsley are good plant sources. Meat,
fish, yogurt and eggs are also good foods. Cooking Protein Functions
destroys some of it.
Amino Acids to Proteins: The Peptide Bond
The human body has about 100,000 different pro-
The amino group of one amino acids links to the teins and at least 5,000 enzymes. All enzymes are
acid group of another. In the process, water is proteins. Enzymes catalyze chemical reactions low-
released. The bond formed is called a peptide ering the amount of energy needed to make the
bond. Several amino acids linked together are reaction possible. In the human body, most enzymes
called peptides or polypeptides. Polypeptides can work best at body temperature and around pH 7.2.
contain up to 49 amino acids; 50 or more amino On the other hand, most digestive enzymes oper-
acids in the chain are now called a protein. You ate under acid conditions, as low as pH 2. Other
can think of a peptide as a small protein. enzymes (and proteins) are destroyed at low pH
therefore when taking oral enzymes, you must be
Protein Synthesis aware if the enzyme is active or destroyed by acid.
They must be enteric-coated to protect them from
For our bodies to produce a protein, it needs the the acid. Stomach acid will denature (break up)
directions from our genes to know the sequence most proteins and make them lose their function.
of the amino acids in the long chain. DNA in Proteins are broken down into their amino acids.
our genes contains the code that dictates which
amino acid is first in the chain, second, etc. The
Naming Enzymes
nucleus of the cell contains the genes for all the
proteins in the body, except those in the mito- A protein with a name that ends in –-ase is an
chondria. The human genome project discovered enzyme, for example lipase, amylase, and prote-
that there are about human 30,000 genes and ase. Proteins that end in –inogen tells us that it
until recently it was believed that our choices has the potential to become an enzyme provided
could not influence them. it’s acted upon by another enzyme. Examples:
pepsinogen becomes pepsin: trypsinogen becomes
Nutrigenomics is an exciting new field of study
trypsin. Most of these break down other proteins.
of how foods affect our genes. This has incredible
potential for preventing or treating certain chronic
diseases like cancer. Dr. Dean Ornish is a cardiolo-
gist who has devoted his life to lifestyle interven-
tion for decreasing or reversing illness in people
with heart disease and cancer. Lifestyle medicine
includes nutrition, stress reduction, meditation,
exercise, and group support. Ornish’s recent study
of men diagnosed with prostate cancer showed
that prostate cancer gene expression and PSA
(indicator of prostate inflammation or cancer)
could be diminished by eating low-fat, whole tent/sitebuilderpictures/EnzymeExample.jpg
128 Bauman College: Foundations of Nutrition Textbook
Nutritional Biochemistry—CONTINUED
How Enzymes Work
You can think of enzymes and what they work
upon (the substrate) as puzzle pieces. They must
fit each other exactly for the reaction to take
place. Vitamins and other cofactors like miner-
als aid in helping make the correct fit. The same
nutrients that are needed to produce any protein
are needed to make enzymes. What may differ is
that some enzymes may have a mineral like iron
or copper as part of its structure.
The immune cells in response to an invading Free radicals are both good and bad. Their ben-
microorganism produce other immune proteins eficial functions include microbial killing, activat-
such as cytokines, interferons, and interleukins. ing genes, liver detoxification, and blood vessel
relaxation. Their negative effects include damag-
NC103: Nutritional Biochemistry 129
Nutritional Biochemistry—
ing other molecules and tissues. If free radicals
damage DNA it increases the likelihood for gene
mutations. They can damage the eye and increase
the propensity for macular degeneration. They can
oxidize LDL-cholesterol increasing the likelihood
for coronary artery blockage. They can also damage
the mitochondria, which affects energy production. Glutathione (GSH)
Nutritional Biochemistry—CONTINUED
Other important molecules to the antioxidant immune diseases, injury, stress (physical and emo-
system are selenium and zinc salts that activate tional), hormonal imbalance and free radicals.
antioxidant enzymes.
The more we understand the biology of disease
the more inflammation is implicated as part of
Who Needs to Take Antioxidants? the process. Whereas we once saw heart disease
Healthy individuals who eat a whole food diet as a result of excess fat intake, we now know
with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables don’t really that inflamed blood vessels are the first step to
need to take supplements. However when you coronary artery disease. The inflamed tissue makes
begin to understand if you are exposed to more a welcome place for deposits of plaque. Illnesses
dangerous free radicals – chronic infections like that have been shown to have inflammation as
HIV, marathon athletes (UV, air pollutants), or a factor include diabetes, heart disease, food
chronic inflammation (diabetes, heart disease), sensitivities and Alzheimer’s. What this means to
taking antioxidant supplements may be something the nutritionist and the general population, that
to consider. The data is conflicting on whether knowing anti-inflammatory strategies, we may
antioxidant supplements can protect us from prevent or delay these illnesses.
cancer and heart disease. In addition, it is con- Histamine is the primary inflammatory molecule
troversial whether people with cancer undergoing that our cells release which initiates the whole
chemotherapy or radiation should take antioxidant process. Therefore, anyone suffering from inflam-
supplements. Some data suggest they prevent the mation, chronic illness, infection, food allergies
treatment from working; other data report that should avoid foods that contain histamine —
they help. This should always be discussed with cheeses, fermented soy foods, sauerkraut, wine,
the nutrition consultant and oncologist. vinegar, eggplant and spinach.
Nutritional Biochemistry—CONTINUED
ments found in blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, REFERENCES
red and purple grapes, grape juice, and red wine. Bland, Jeffrey, Clinical Nutrition
The basic backbone of this family of chemicals. Scientific American Jan. 1998, “The Architecture of Life” by
Donald Ingber, M.D.
Flavanols, such as catechin and epicatechin, are
in cocoa, green tea, red wine, apples, and berries. much-water-do-you-really-need
Flavanones are found in citrus fruit, in the white
material and pulp. wt_rank.html
Isoflavones are in soy products, as well as legumes. beef-what-water-footprint-of-your-food.php
Bioflavonoids should be viewed as a group of
beneficial phytochemicals, which are most effec- ph-indicator.htm.
tive when taken from a variety of organic sources
and needed in small amounts. As long as you eat really-energize
a healthy diet, rich in berries, citrus, soy, and tea, Aspartame: A safety evaluation based on current use levels,
there is no need to take bioflavonoid supplements. regulations, and toxicological and epidemiological stud-
ies. Critical Reviews in Toxicology. 2007; 37(8): 629-727.
We are a biochemical wonder when you consider
that you can eat a big salad, pasta and some
chicken and all that delicious food is broken down Ornish, et al. Changes in prostate gene expression in men
into invisible building blocks for life. Our cells undergoing an intensive nutrition and lifestyle interven-
know what to do and depend upon us to feed tion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
them with the freshest most nutritious ingredi- 105: June 17, 2008, 8369-8374.
ents. When you think about the phrase — you are
what you eat - you are. Choose wisely and enjoy.