The Republic-Monitor |
November 13, 2018
Robert Cox,
Managing Editor
[email protected]
New Arrivals
Motivation needed for exercise
Jaina Madison Turner By Rebecca Gants
Univ of Mo. Extension
cusing on small changes over
time to stay motivated:
tive that will work over the
long haul. Experiment until
provide that motivational
boost to keep you on target.
Alexander Turner and Courtney West of Jackson an- ■■Commit to move in a you discover physical activi- Your cheerleader could even
nounce the birth of their daughter Jaina Madison Turner. Many people profess to new direction with your life- ties you really enjoy. Try line become an exercise buddy,
She was born Monday, October 29 at 11:51 a.m. at South- hate exercise, but there are style. Identify a successful dancing, bowling, weightlift- making physical activity
east Hospital in Cape Girardeau. ways to get motivated and role model who improved ing, water aerobics, exercise more enjoyable.
She weighed 7 pounds, 0 ounces and was 19 inches even learn to enjoy keeping his or her health by increas- classes or yoga. ■■Celebrate as you make
long. Jaina was welcomed home by one brother and one fit, said a University of Mis- ing physical activity and eat- ■■If you usually exercise simple changes that support
sister. souri Extension nutrition and ing sensibly. Make the choice outside, make a backup plan your overall goal.
Maternal grandparents are Shane Kiefer of Perryville health education specialist. to go for a walk rather than for days when the weather is “People may think they
and Jennifer Leible of Chaffee. “Many people get off to watch TV. Walk up the esca- bad, such as having an exer- simply lack the willpower to
Paternal grandparents are Burt and Donna Turner. a bad start by taking the all- lator and take the stairs in- cise DVD for indoor work- change, but this really isn’t
or-nothing approach,” said stead of the elevator. outs. the issue,” Johnson said.
Audrey LeeAnn Besand Lynda Johnson.
Trying to exercise each
■■Believe in your ability to
change. List previous suc-
■■Keep a pair of sneakers by
your desk or the door as a re-
“It’s making the decision
to chart your plan of action
Christopher Paul and Jennifer Sue (Hoehn) Besand of day can leave a sedentary cesses and record your activ- minder to walk. based on small, incremental
Perryville announce the birth of their daughter Audrey Lee- person sore, overxwhelmed ity on a calendar. A few days ■■Place hand weights next to changes that will lead to im-
Ann Besand. She was born Wednesday, October 3 at 11:49 and feeling unable to stay on with no exercise will not the TV so you can exercise proved health.”
a.m. at Southeast Missouri Hospital in Cape Girardeau. task. ruin your efforts. Be confi- while watching your favorite If you think you don’t
She weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces and was 19 3/4 inch- “It’s important to give dent that you can get back on program. have time to exercise, try
es. yourself some slack and not track. Rather than being en- ■■Find a cheerleader—a tracking your activities in
Audrey was welcomed home by one brother and one get discouraged. Missing a vious of friends who stay in friend, co-worker or family half-hour intervals for one
sister. few days of exercise doesn’t shape with regular exercise, member who can offer en- day. This can help you find
Maternal grandparents are Charlie and Sue Hoehn of constitute failure,” she said. learn from their success. couragement. Regular phone ways to save time and build
Perryville. Paternal grandparents are Paul and Lisa Besand Johnson recommends fo- ■■Create a plan to stay ac- calls, e-mails or visits can exercise into your schedule.
of Perryville.
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