This Little Light
This Little Light
This Little Light
1. This litt - le light of mine, I'm gon- na let it shine.
2. Ev' - ry - where I
This litt - le light of mine, I'm gon - na let it shine.
Ev' - ry - where I go,
1. This litt- le light of mine, I'm gon-na let it shine. Let it shine.
2. Ev' - ry - where I
Ev'-ry - day,
1. 2.
Let it shine. I'm gon-na let my litt- le light shine. shine. On a
Ev'-ry - day,
Mon - day, On Tues - day, On
He gave the gift of love Peace came from a- bove
Wednes-day, On Thurs-day, On
Told me to have more faith, gave me just a litt-le more grace,
Fri - day, On Sa- tur- day, On
Told me to watch 'n pray Told me just what to say
Sun - day gave me the pow'r di - vine, just to let my litt - le light shine. On a