No.Acad/MCM/2018-19 Date: 28 November 2018
‘of the Director is hercby conveyed for the following
1) Presh award of the MCM scholarship with benefit of free tuition Plus women merit scholarship for the academic year 2018-
19 0 the women students of B. Tech.. Dual Degree, 4 year BS and B.Des. (2015, 2016, 2017 batch) Annexure I
2) Fresh award of the MCM scholarship with benefit of fre tuition forthe academic year 2018-19 to other students of B.Tech
Dual Degres, 4 year BS and B.Des, (2015, 2016, 2017 snd 2018 Batch) Annexure II,
3) Fresh award ofthe MCM scholarship with benefit of free tuition forthe academic year 2018-19 to the students of 2 year M.Sc
(2017 and 2018 Batch) Annexure IIT
+4) Award of Remission of fees for the year 2018-19 to the students mentioned in the enclosed list at Annexure IV, These students
‘ill pet fee remission mentioned agains! their name.
ities of free messing (only basic men), Pocket allowance @ Rs. 500 pm. and exemption from payment
Women students of B.Tech., Dual Degree, 4 yr. BS, B.Des
5) Fresh award of fa
6f hostel room rent plus Women merit scholarship to the SCS
(2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 Batch) Annexure V
9 from payment
6) Fresh award of facilites of free messing (only basic menu), Pocket allowance @ Rs. $00 pam. and_exemp!
of hostel room rent tothe other SCIST students of B.Tech, Dual Degree, 4 yr. BS, B.Des. (2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 Batch),
Annexure VI
of free messing (only basic menu), Pocket allowance @ Rs, $00 p.m. and exemption from payment
‘of hostel room rent forthe academic year 2018-2019 to SCIST students of 2 year M.Sc. (2017 and 2018 Baich). Annexure VIE
8) Award of Named Scholarships tothe students of B.Tech, Dual Degree, 4 ys. BS of 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 batch fr the year
2018-2019 whose names are mentioned in the enclosed lst at Annexure VIII. ‘These scholarships are in lieu of Merit-eurt-Means
scholaship which carries the benefit of five tuition, The amount of tition feo for 2018-19 paid by any student who is awarded the
Named scholarship for 2018-19 willbe refunded. (Tuition Fee for 2015 batch is Rs. 90000/- per annum and Tulion Fee for 2016,
2017, 2018 bate is Rs. 200000/- per annum.
9) Award of Named Scholarship which parly covers the MCM scholarship, the remaining amount may be paid from the Institute
{und so as to make optimum utilization of Named Scholarships. The details are shown against each student. (Annexure IX).
‘The Dean (ACR) may kindly arrange to transfor the equivalent amount of Named Scholarship to the Insitute Main Account
‘Mert-cum-means scholarship (Women merit scholarship! Facilities of Free Messing (basic menu), Pocket allowance
From 1/07/2018 to 3004/2019 (for old students)
13/07/2018 to 30/04/2019 (for 2 yr, M.Sc students 2018 Batch)
2307/2018 to 30/04/2019 (for B.Tech, Dual Degree! 4 yr. BS /B.Des students of 2018 Batch)
Joint Registrar
: Se
‘The Deputy Registrar (F&A) Xie
Cony wo:
1. Assan Repitrar(P&A) 2 copies
2 Dean (ACR)
5 Nae Boards of
Note : Refund of Tuition Fees will be made against the submission of Original Fee Receipt.UG women students MCM
‘The following women students of B.Tech, Dual Degree, 4 year BS, B.Des
are eligible for the fresh award of the MCM scholarship for the academic
year 2018-19
income up to Rs. LLakh [MCM scholarship of Rs. 4000/- p.m with
bene offre ution Ph women merit scholarship of RS.1000/-pm. for
10 months | |
2015 Batch
‘Seo [Roll Number [Name
|1-_[150010088 -~{Golapadl Madhovarha
[income above Rs. Lakh upto Lakhs [MM scholarship of Rs 30007 |
[pam wit Benefit offre ution Plus women merit scholarship of Rs.
1000" pm. for 10 months}
2016 Batel
[Roll Number [Name |
[160010028 [Namita Soni |
[160130005 [Rashi Gupta
2017 Batch
[Roll Number [Name
1178080007 __[Shradha Bansal
above RS. 3 Lakhs upto 5 Lakhs [MICM scholarship of Rs. 2000/- ]
.m_with benefit of free tuition Plus women merit scholarship of Rs. |
11000- pm. for 10 months }
2015 Batch
\SrNo [Roll Number [Name
1 |150010062 ___|Nivedya
2 [150110050 —lishani Patni
3 [is0110064__|Megha Venkateshan
4 15D170002|Salehbhai Fatima -
(515170003 [Kesha Tamakuwala
(6 [158030009 /Meeta
2016 Batch
‘St No Roll Number [Name
1 [160010024 |Vishakha Dikshit
2 [16170019 [Aditi Mahajan _|
3 [16130019 _[Aarcha Suresh
2017 Batch
\StNo [Roll Number [Name
fn [170110047 |Sneh Jagwani
17100003 |Akshata Tukaram NagareUG other students MCM.
— Dave: 26/11/2018)
L - a
“he following students of B-Tech, Dual Degree, 4 year BS, B.Des (2015,2016,2017 and |
|2018 batch) are eligible for the fresh award of he MCM scholarship for the academic |
‘year 2018-19 |
Tnicome upto Rs. 1L (Rs. 4000/- p.m for 10 months with benefit of free tuition fee) |
2015 Batch
'SrNo [Roll Number Name —
50010017 ‘Hrushikesh Manoj Loya 7 |
50010024 [Nitin Sharma
150010028, [Sauyam Mobla
150010037, [Ram Milan Kumar Verma
150020055, Sourav Kumar Dalal
(6 [150020065 IKanishk Rathore
7 |1s0020071 [Ashish Kumar
i__[150020088 IMrityunjay Kumar
'«—jis0020092 ‘Shubham Sumit 7
110_[150020100 ‘Boga Vamshi Prectham
[i _—fs00a0027 INagargoje Akshay Atumaram oe
12 [150040026 Ritesh Burde oa |
13 [1S00400a1 ay Agrawal
14 [150040000 ‘Sudip Kumar
5__[1s00400a2 Shivam Choudhary
16 [150040089 Priyharsh - 7
17 [150040098 Raushan Sharma |
18 [150040107 iLakhinana Ravi Teja
19 [150050022 [Neeraj Dhake |
l20 [150050024 [Situ Panda
fai [150080074 [Donthula Akshith Redd
faa [150050103 [Aadhavan Nambhi M oe
ba [is0070051 iKavali Vishnuvardhan Reddy —
ba ___[150100064 Hemant Kumar Mehta
5150100067 [Ashish Kumar
be 150100074 [Rahul Yadav
b7 [150100102 (Cheryala Sainath
faa [150100104 (Chundru Anil Kumar
29 [150100107 Krishna B Muganur “|
‘30150110029 [Rathod Rushikesh Bhagwan
Bi [150110085 IShubham Kumar
[2150110056 [Balraj Kumar
3 [150110078 [anku Kumar Choudhary
fsa [150110079 [Sandeep Kumar
[3515070020 [Dhirendra Pratap
fa [15070034 [Niranjan Suthar
[37 [t5D070080 1 |Ajay Meena
be__[ispi10014 Pawan Kumar -|
Bo [isp110021_ Bhavishya Rathore
lao jiswi30015 Sujay Kumar
- 2016 Batch
(SrNo_ [Roll Number ‘Name
[1 reooro0z7 (Chandra Prakesh Saini -
2 t6001005% [Basireddy Abhinav Reddy
860010058 |Naman Aggarwal
a “eon0062 [Apoorva Singh Gangwar