The document describes heat storage materials suitable for indoor air cooling. It discloses using Na2CrO4.10H2O as a heat storage medium, which can have Na2SO4.10H2O added to provide a melting temperature between 19°C and 31.9°C. Paper sludge or waste products from sugar cane or peat processing can be added to increase viscosity. Additional liquids like trichlorethylene can be included to maintain pumpability.
The document describes heat storage materials suitable for indoor air cooling. It discloses using Na2CrO4.10H2O as a heat storage medium, which can have Na2SO4.10H2O added to provide a melting temperature between 19°C and 31.9°C. Paper sludge or waste products from sugar cane or peat processing can be added to increase viscosity. Additional liquids like trichlorethylene can be included to maintain pumpability.
The document describes heat storage materials suitable for indoor air cooling. It discloses using Na2CrO4.10H2O as a heat storage medium, which can have Na2SO4.10H2O added to provide a melting temperature between 19°C and 31.9°C. Paper sludge or waste products from sugar cane or peat processing can be added to increase viscosity. Additional liquids like trichlorethylene can be included to maintain pumpability.
The document describes heat storage materials suitable for indoor air cooling. It discloses using Na2CrO4.10H2O as a heat storage medium, which can have Na2SO4.10H2O added to provide a melting temperature between 19°C and 31.9°C. Paper sludge or waste products from sugar cane or peat processing can be added to increase viscosity. Additional liquids like trichlorethylene can be included to maintain pumpability.
[54] HEAT STORAGE MATERIALS SUITABLE IN 3,986,969 10/1976 Telkes ................................. .. 252/70 PARTICULAR FOR INDOOR AIR COOLING 4,231,885 11/1980 Rueffel .... .. 252/70 4,267,879 5/1981 Herrick 252/70 X [76] Inventors: Peter Schaper, Am Remsufer 8/4, D 4,287,076 9/1981 Babin . . . ... .. . . . . .. 252/70
7148 Remseck-l; Oliver Laing, 4,292,189 9/1981 Chen 252/70
Hofenerweg 37, D 7148 Remseck-2, 4,332,690 6/1982 Kai .................................. .1111252/70 both of Fed. Rep. of Germany FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS [21] Appl. No.: 225,417 2753598 6/1979 Fed. Rep. of Germany ...... .. 252/70 [22] Filed: Jan. 15, 1981 Primary Examiner-Dennis L. Albrecht [30] Foreign Application Priority Data Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Pennie & Edmonds Jan. 19, 1980 [DE] Fed. Rep. of Germany ..... .. 3001903 [57] ABSTRACT [51] Int. Cl.3 .............................................. .. C09K 5/06 The use of Na2CrO4.l0 H2O as a heat storage medium [52] US. Cl. ...................................... .. 252/70; 165/ 10; is disclosed. Various amounts of Na1SO4.l0 H2O may 165/ 104.17 be included to provide a melting temperature between [58] Field of Search ........ .. 252/70; 165/10 A, 104.17; 19° C. and 31.9° C. A lower melting temperature can be 126/400 obtained by adding CO(NH2)2. Paper sludge or waste products from the processing of sugar cane or peat can [56] References Cited be added to increase viscosity. Auxiliary liquids such as U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS trichlorethylene and tetrachlorethylene or silicone oils 1,656,366 1/1928 Sterling eta]. .. can be added to maintain pumpability of the composi 2,677,664 5/1954 Telkes ............ .. tions. 3,869,870 3/1975 Kuehner .... .. I 3,913,559 10/1975 Dandliker ......................... .. 126/263 1 Claim, N0 Drawings 4,400,286 1 2 means will change, causing the capacity at the desired HEAT STORAGE MATERIALS SUITABLE IN temperature to drop or even be reduced to zero. ‘PARTICULAR FOR INDOOR AIR COOLING The fourth requirement concerns the compatibility of the storage material with ‘the material of which the The invention relates to heat storage materials suit 5 vessel is made. For storage materials which are en able in particular for indoor air cooling. closed in ?at vessels of large surface area, no vessel The greater part of humanity lives in climatic regions materials other than sheet metal or plastics are suitable. in which daytime temperatures during the hours of Accordingly, only such chemicals are suitable which insolation are so high that physiologically optimal in are inert towards iron and aluminium or against plastics door temperatures can only be attained by arti?cial capable of being blow-moulded or extrusion-moulded. cooling. The primary energy requirements for that pur It was surprisingly found that the substances de pose are by comparison greater than for heating, since scribed in the following comply with all the above mechanical cooling plants can only be operated with requirements: mechanical energy, the generation of which requires a multiple thereof in primary energy. In the following percentages are given in terms of 15 mass percentages. An object of the invention resides in the absorbance of excess indoor heat. For this purpose such excess heat l. A ?rst substance according to the invention is is introduced'into heat storage devices which as a stor composed of age material contain crystalline substances which melt 36,45% by weight of Na2CrO4 at a temperature below the physiologically optimal 20 44,55% by weight H2O room temperature and which at the melting tempera 10-15% by weight moisture-expandible cellulose ture, absorb the excess heat. By this process it is possible 4-9% by weight of one or more substances selected to continuously withdraw heat from the indoor air from the group CZH (according to Schoen?ies), without the effectiveness of the thermal storage means e.g. Na2B4O7.l0H2O afld/or Na2SO4.l0H2O. ‘lessening until it has been charged up completely. As 25 A particularly economical mixture of substances ac soon as the environmental temperature drops below the cording to the invention is produced with paper sludge crystallisation temperature of the storage means in the which is obtained as an unavoidable waste product in evening or at night, the heat stored during the day is paper manufacture. Such paper sludges, besides cellu passed to the outdoor air in the form of heat of crystalli lose invariably contain one or more ‘inorganic sub sation or is radiated off, permitting the cooling proce~ 30 stances from the group BaSO4, A1203, CaCOg and dures to commence anew on the next following day. TiOz. In this context paper sludge is intended to denote For carrying out this process, the crystalline masses the waste product which is formed in the manufacture are stored in vessels of large surface area, the surfaces of of paper and which is obtained in the effluent treatment which are subjected to heat exchange with ?owing air plant. Instead of the paper sludges it is also possible to or another fluid. Temperatures between 18° C. and 26° 35 use a paper pulp which is produced in the processing of C. were found to be suitable crystallisation tempera reclaimed paper. Products from the processing of sugar tures. So far no crystallising material has been known cane, peat and straw are suitable to be used in place of for that temperature range. The primary requirement is pure cellulose. accordingly directed to those particular melting and Further embodiments are: crystallisation temperatures. 2. The following are mixed in cooled mixers at tem The invention teaches the obtaining of storage mate peratures below 55° C., the reaction heat being dissi rials which crystallise in that temperature range and pated: which can be changed many times from the liquid into 9,3% by weight NaOH the solid state and vice versa. A second requirement for storage materials enclosed 45 34,6% by weight Na2Cr2O7.2H2O in vessels of large surface area, is a volume constancy 33,l% by weight sludge from paper manufacture, the solids content is composed of about 60% when changing from one phase into the other. Whilst cellulose ?bre in addition to the inorganic admix almost all previously meltable storage materials are tures of paper, in particular one or more from the subject to expansion when melting (e.g. KOH approxi group of the following substances: BaSO4, A1 mately 28%), water experiences a contraction of 10% 50 when melting. All storage materials which suffer a vol 203, TiOz CaCO3 . ume change, are unsuitable for air conditioning pur 19,2% by weight H2O poses where the storage vessels simultaneously take the 3,8% by weight Na2B4O7.l0H2O. form of heat transfer ?ns. For attaining indoor cooling After the dissipation of the reaction heat the de on a technical scale with the use of latent heat storage 55 scribed mass has a heat capacity of 130 kJ/kg. The materials a substantial volume constancy is therefore density is 1,5 kg/l. The material has a crystallisation necessary. According to the invention vthis can be at temperature between 18° C. and 19° C. These values do tained with hydrates in which a substantial part of the not change even after 6000 loading and discharge cy storage material is provided by water of crystallisation. cles. The volume change, when passing from one phase The third requirement relates to the preservation of 60 to the other, is immeasurably small. The material does the capacity. In the past hydrates could not make the not attack iron, aluminium or plastics. grade as storage materials, because it was found that 3. 40,8% by weight Na2CrO4 are dissolved in a homo hydrates are subject to ageing. Any salt which forms geneous pulp'composed of hydrate can do so with variable numbers of hydration 3l,7% by weight very ?nely comminuted sugar molecules based on the anhydrous substance. However, 65 cane sludge I crystals having different numbers of hydration mole 23,3% by weight water with cooling of the mixing cules will melt at different temperatures, so that in due vessels so that the temperature of the mixed course, the crystallisation temperatures of such storage material does not exceed 55'’ C., and 4,400,286 3 4 4,2% by weight NagB4O7.l0H2O are stirred homo Additional water, preferably 0,98 M01 is added to the geneously into the homogenised mass with cool moisture. This methodof adding more water to the ing to'50°' C. anhydrate than is necessary for the formation of the 4. 6,7% by'wei‘ght dried ‘paper sludge obtained by-the desired hydrate has also proved to be an effective expe processing of reclaimed paper are’ homogeneously dient in storage materials for different temperatures in mixed with stirring into order to suppress undesirable hydrates or of the crystal 89,4% weight of a melt of Na2CrO4.10H2O at a lisation of anhydrate. The application of this‘expedient temperature between 35° C. and 50° C. and is accordingly not restricted to Na1CrO4 but can also be 3,4% by weight Na2B4O7.1OH2O and applied to other storage media, e. g. sodium acetate. 0,5% by weight Na2SO4.lOH2O and 10 The melt has such a low viscosity that it can easily be 0,89 Mol H2O (based on Na2CrO4.l0H2O) are then recycled by pumping with little hydraulic pump capac added with agitation. ity in order to maintain the homogenuity and increase 5. 10,6 weight % NaOH are dissolved with cooling in the heat transfer to the walls. However, the advanta the paper sludge-water slurry composed of 31,1 weight geous heat transfer during pumping recycling of the % paper sludge and 17,1 weight % H2O. 39,3 weight % liquid storage material only arises during heat absorp Na2Cr2O7.2H2O are then slowly added with cooling. tion, whilst during heat dissipation the crystallised layer During these process steps the temperature must not of storage material must be traversed by the heat ?ow. exceed 60° C. After the mass has been agitated to However, if the heat transfer is to be improved also homogenuity and been cooled to a temperature below during the discharge, it will be necessary for the storage 50° C., 3 weight % Na2B4O7.10H2O or Na2SO4.1OH2O 20 material to remain pumpable, even in its crystallised are added with agitation. state. According to the invention this is possible by the 6. 11,4 weight % NaOH are dissolved in 17,7 weight addition to the melt of an auxiliary liquid which has the % H2O. The heat of solution is‘ dissipated at the same same density as the melt, but which is immiscible with time. 33,6 weight % paper sludge are stirred into the the melt. In order to attain this density, this auxiliary 25 liquid can also be composed of a plurality of mutually cooled solution. This is followed by the slow addition, with cooling, of 32,7 weight % Na2Cr2O7.2H2O whilst mixable components. For example a mixture composed the temperature is not allowed to rise above 55° C. of about 2 parts by weight trichloraethylene and 1 part After cooling below 50° C. 4,6 weight % Na2B4O7.10 by weight tetrachloraethylene is suitable as an auxiliary H2O are mixed into the mass. liquid for the storage material according to 7. An 30 amount of 10% by volume based on the melt of the In all procedures the mixture at the stage of addition of the moisture-swellable cellulose is to be alkaline be storage material makes possible a pumped recycling cause the moisture swelling properties are increased until about 90% of the latent heat has been withdrawn. thereby. If the proportion of auxiliary liquid is further increased, The melting temperature of the storage material can 35 the storage material will even remain capable of being be increased by the addition'of Na2SO4.1OH2O. In this recycled by pumping until a complete discharge has taken place. The chlorinated hydrocarbons can also be manner any temperature between 19° C. and 31,9° C. is attainable. replaced by other liquids which are immiscible with storage material, e.g. silicone oils as well as any hydro The melting temperature can, however, be lowered carbons containing chlorine, bromine or ?uorine. This in accordance with the invention. This is done by the 40 method as well is not restricted to chromium salts but addition of CO (NI-12);, an addition of 1% resulting in a can also be applied to numerous other storage materials temperature lowering of about 1,2 K., whilst 2% result (e.g. sodium acetate). _ ' in a temperature drop of about 2,3 K. 'Moreover, the application of the storage material ' The addition of the paper sludge or of the aforesaid according to the invention is not limited to processes wastes from sugar cane or straw processing or of 45 and apparatus for indoor cooling. The new storage ground peat, renders the storage material suf?ciently material is, for example, also suitable for the absorption viscous to avoid the separation of the individual compo of the heat of an energy roof during daytime and for nents of variable densities. feeding the heat to a heat pump during night time. If conditions permit a prevention of the separation of We claim: ' the components by shaking or recycle pumping of the 50 1. Storage material for storing latent heat, character storage material, a mixture may be used composed of ized in that said material contains a mixture of Na2CrO4, 7. Na2CrO4+1O Mol H2O at least 10 M01 H2O for every Mol Na2CrO4, an amount To this mixture insoluble crystals of the group C2}, of Na2SO4.1OH2O suf?cient to raise the melting temper according to the crystal structure system according to ature of the mixture to a desired level between 19° C. Schoenflies, and having a meltintg point of more than and 31.9“ C., and 6.7—33.6% by weight of a paper 30° C., are added. The ?ner the crystals are the less are sludge. the amounts required. 0,1 to 1% are suf?cient. * * =k * *