PCI Strut & Tie
PCI Strut & Tie
PCI Strut & Tie
8.2.1 Allowable Stress Design (ASD) Theory Stage 1 Loading Stage 2 Loading Stage 3 Loading Stage 4 Loading Stage 5 Loading Tensile Stresses - Normal Strength Concrete Tensile Stresses - High Strength Concrete Tensile Stresses - LRFD Specifications Allowable Concrete Stresses Standard Specifications LRFD Specifications Design Procedure Composite Section Properties Theory Procedure Harped Strand Considerations Debonded Strand Considerations Minimum Strand Cover and Spacing Design Example Design Requirement 1 Design Requirement 2 Design Requirement 3 Strand Debonding Harped Strands Other Methods to Control Stresses Design Requirement 4 Fatigue
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8.4.1 Standard Specifications Flexure-Shear Strength, Vci Web-Shear Strength, Vcw Web Reinforcement Contribution, Vs Minimum Spacing Requirements Minimum Shear Reinforcement Application of Standard Specifications to Continuous Spans
8.4.2 1979 Interim Revisions
8.4.3 LRFD Specifications Shear Design Provisions Nominal Shear Resistance Concrete Contribution, Vc Web Reinforcement Contribution, Vs Values of β and θ Design Procedure Longitudinal Reinforcement Requirement
8.4.4 Comparison of Shear Design Methods
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fpc = compressive stress in concrete after all prestress losses have occurred
either at the centroid of the cross-section resisting live load or at
the junction of the web and flange when the centroid lies in the
flange. In a composite section, fpc is the resultant compressive
stress at the centroid of the composite section, or at the junction
of the web and flange when the centroid lies within the flange,
due to both prestress and to the bending moments resisted by the
precast member acting alone. [LRFD]
fpe = compressive stress in concrete due to effective pretension
forces only (after allowance for all pretension losses) at
extreme fiber of section where tensile stress is caused by
externally applied loads [STD]
fpe = effective stress in the pretensioning steel after losses [LRFD]
fpi = initial stress immediately before transfer —
fpj = stress in the pretensioning steel at jacking [LRFD]
fpo = stress in the pretensioning steel when the stress in the
surrounding concrete is zero [LRFD]
fps = average stress in pretensioning steel at the time for which the
nominal resistance of member is required [LRFD]
fpu = specified tensile strength of pretensioning steel [LRFD]
fpy = yield strength of pretensioning steel [LRFD]
fr = modulus of rupture of concrete [STD], [LRFD]
fs = allowable stress in steel under service loads —
f ´s = ultimate stress of pretensioning reinforcement [STD]
fse = effective final pretension stress —
fsi = effective initial pretension stress —
f *su = average stress in pretensioning steel at ultimate load [STD]
f(tj) = stress at time tj —
fr(t,t0) = relaxation stress at a certain time —
f(t0) = tensile stress at the beginning of the interval —
fy = yield strength of reinforcing bars [STD]
fy = specified minimum yield strength of reinforcing bars [LRFD]
fy = yield stress of pretensioning reinforcement [STD]
f ´y = specified minimum yield strength of compression reinforcement [LRFD]
fyh = specified yield strength of transverse reinforcement [LRFD]
H = average annual ambient mean relative humidity [LRFD]
h = length of a single segment —
h = overall depth of precast beam [STD]
h = overall depth of a member [LRFD]
hcg = height of center of gravity of beam above road —
hd = deck thickness —
hf = compression flange depth [LRFD]
hr = height of roll center above road —
I = moment of inertia about the centroid of the non-composite
precast beam, major axis moment of inertia of beam [STD], [LRFD]
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Vuh = factored horizontal shear force per unit length of the beam [LRFD]
vu = average factored shear stress [LRFD]
W = total weight of beam —
w = a uniformly distributed load [LRFD]
w = width of clear roadway [LRFD]
w = weight per unit length of beam —
wc = unit weight of concrete [STD], [LRFD]
x = distance from the support to the section under question —
y = height of center of gravity of beam above roll axis
(beam supported from below) —
yb = distance from centroid to the extreme bottom fiber of the
non-composite beam —
ybc = distance from centroid to the bottom of beam of the composite section —
ybs = distance from the center of gravity of strands to the bottom
fiber of the beam —
yk = distance of the centroid of element k from edge —
yr = height of roll axis above center of gravity of beam (hanging beam) —
ys = height above soffit of centroid of prestressing force —
yt = distance from centroid to the extreme top fiber of the
non-composite beam —
ytc = distance from centroid to the top of deck of the composite section —
z = lateral deflection of center of gravity of beam —
zmax = distance from centerline of vehicle to center of dual tires —
z o = theoretical lateral deflection of center of gravity of beam with the
full dead weight applied laterally —
z ´o = theoretical lateral deflection of center of gravity of beam with the
full dead weight applied laterally, computed using Ieff for tilt angle
θ under consideration —
α = super-elevation angle or tilt angle of support in radians —
α = factor used in calculating elastic shortening loss —
α = coefficient defined by (Eq. to account for interaction
between steel and concrete in pretensioning loss calculations —
αs = angle between compressive strut and adjoining tension tie [LRFD]
β = factor indicating ability of diagonally cracked concrete to
transmit tension (a value indicating concrete contribution) [LRFD]
β1 = factor for concrete strength [STD]
β1 = ratio of the depth of the equivalent uniformly stressed compression
zone assumed in the strength limit state to the depth of the actual
compression zone [LRFD]
δc = time-dependent multiplier —
∆ = deflection —
∆ = camber measured with respect to the beam-ends —
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φk = curvature of element k —
φ0 = curvature at support —
λ = parameter used to determine friction coefficient µ [LRFD]
µ = Poisson’s ratio for beams [STD]
µ = coefficient of friction [LRFD]
θ = angle of inclination of diagonal compressive stresses [LRFD]
θ = roll angle of major axis of beam with respect to vertical —
θL = left end rotation of beam due to simple span loads —
θR = right end rotation of beam due to simple span loads —
θi = initial roll angle of a rigid beam —
θmax = tilt angle at which cracking begins, based on tension at the top corner
equal to the modulus of rupture —
θ´max = tilt angle at maximum factor of safety against failure —
ρb = reinforcement ratio producing balanced strain condition [STD]
ρ* = ratio of pretensioning reinforcement [STD]
ψ = a factor that reflects the fact that the actual relaxation is less than
the intrinsic relaxation —
χ = aging coefficient —
χ(t,t0) = aging coefficient at certain time —
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8.12 Traditionally, models used in the analysis and design of concrete structures have been
STRUT-AND-TIE based on elastic theory and the basic assumption that plane sections remain plane,
MODELING OF regardless of the loading. However, it is well known that disturbances do occur in
DISTURBED REGIONS regions near discontinuities, for example, at concentrated loads and abrupt changes
in member dimensions. Such regions are referred to as “disturbed regions.”
Methods used to analyze and design disturbed regions must include procedures that
reflect the actual flow of stresses in such regions. In considering stress distribution
before cracking, it is customary to apply elastic methods of analysis, especially when
predicting where significant cracking will occur. Since significant stress redistribution
takes place after concrete cracks, elastic methods cannot adequately predict stresses
subsequent to cracking.
8.12.1 A rational method for dealing with disturbed regions subsequent to cracking is the
Introduction use of strut-and-tie models. These models can give an excellent representation of the
flow of forces in disturbed regions of cracked concrete systems.
The theoretical basis of the method prescribed in the LRFD Specifications [Article] for the design of a section subjected to combined shear, axial load and flex-
ure, is the modified compression field theory. This method considers the equilibrium
of forces acting on the idealized, variable-angle truss, the compatibility of strains, and
the effects of cracking of concrete. Simplifications in the method include the use of
average values of stresses and strains over a length greater than the crack spacing.
Figure 8.12.1-1 shows that there are three types of regions that need to be considered
in general shear design of a beam as follows:
1) Regions that can be appropriately treated as a system of struts and ties. This
approach is discussed in this section.
2) Disturbed regions of fanning compressive stresses characterized by radiating
compressive stresses near supports and regions where the shear changes sign.
In such regions the value of θ varies.
3) Regions of uniform compressive stress fields where the value of θ is constant.
The second and third types of regions are discussed in Section 8.4.3 using the gen-
eral modified compression field theory and the corresponding LRFD Specifications
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8.12.2 The LRFD Specifications encourage the use of strut-and-tie models in design where
Strut-and-Tie Models appropriate. It has been determined through sophisticated analysis and laboratory
testing, that cracked reinforced concrete carries load mainly by development of a
truss system represented by compressive stresses in the concrete and tensile stresses
in the reinforcement. Furthermore, upon the occurrence of significant cracking, the
originally curved principal stress trajectories in concrete tend toward straight lines,
and it is appropriate to regard the resulting compressive forces as being carried by
straight compressive struts. Examples of strut-and-tie modeling of a simply supported
and a continuous deep beam are shown in Figures. 8.12.2-1a-1b and 8.12.2-2.
Figure 8.12.2-1a-1b P P
Strut-and-Tie Model for a
Simple Deep Beam B Nodal zone C 0.85 φ f c′ max.
f cu 0.75 φf c′
Tension tie Effective
P anchorage
Anchor tension tie area
beyond this point to
develop necessary force
a) Flow of Forces
Truss node
Compression strut
A Tension-tie D
b) Truss Model
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Figure 8.12.2-2 P
Strut-and-Tie Model for a
Continuous Deep Beam
Tension tie
Compression strut The significance of using correct geometry in defining a truss should be obvious in
Truss Geometry Layout the necessity to have a triangularized system of struts and ties. At first glance, the
use of a strut-and-tie truss system to resist loads seems like an easy solution that
any engineer should be readily able to accomplish. Since the real structure is a con-
tinuum, however, there are an infinite variety of trusses that could be designed inside
a concrete member. The best or most efficient truss layout will be one that most
closely fits the applied load and reaction conditions while resisting forces through
the shortest load paths.
Identification of the existing boundary conditions is the first step in selecting a truss
layout for the strut-and-tie system. In the hammerhead pier cap of Figure
1a-1b, two different sets of boundary conditions are shown depending on the loca-
tions of the design lanes and loading on the roadway above. In Figure,
the two 12 ft. design lanes are placed symmetric about the pier centerline and the
girder reactions on the pier cap, representing the top boundary condition, are all
identical. In Figure, the two design lanes are shifted to the left side of
the roadway and the reactions vary across the top of the pier cap, giving a second top
boundary condition.
Regardless of the truss layout that might be selected within the pier cap, the forces in
the pier column can be directly calculated: with pure axial compression in the first case
and compression plus bending in the second case as shown in Figure
In the first case, the bottom boundary condition is simply an axial force acting at the
middle of the pier. The boundary condition in the second case, however, must be cal-
culated and includes a column compression block and tension component as shown in
Figure The forces shown in the pier of Figure are assumed
to exist at a distance “d” from the bottom of the pier cap – away from the disturbed
region and in the portion of the column assumed to have sectional model behavior.
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Pier Cap under Symmetric
and Unsymmetric Lane
a) Symmetric Loads
rebar tension
compression stress block
force couple
b) Unsymmetric Loads
In the first case of Figure, the truss layout in the pier cap need only
meet the condition of developing a compression thrust at the bottom of the cap. In
the second case of Figure, the truss must develop both the compression
and the tension force in the pier column. Clearly two different truss layouts could be
designed depending on which set of loads/boundary conditions was being considered
as shown in Figure The truss in the Figure would be
inverted if the trucks were at the other side of the roadway.
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a) Symmetric Truss
b) Unsymmetric Truss The nodal zones are regions where the struts and ties of the truss join. While the
Nodal Zone and truss diagrams of Figure idealize the truss members as connecting at
Member Dimensions points, the actual structure has struts and ties with finite dimensions. The nodal zone
sizes are related to both the effective tie member sizes and the mechanism by which
exterior loads are transferred into the structure. As shown in Figure
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Effects of Anchorage la sinθs ≤ 6d ba ≤ 6d ba
Conditions on Cross-Sectional
Area of Strut x
d ba
6d ba s
6dba d ba
x la
Section x-x
l b sinθs + ha cosθ s
θs hs
6d b
0.5h a lb sinθ s +hs cosθs
b) Strut Anchored by c) Strut Anchored by Bearing and Strut
Bearing and Reinforcement
[LRFD Specifications Commentary Figure] the dimensions of the nodal
zone and adjoining struts are controlled by the anchorage conditions of reinforcing
tie bars or bearing areas of applied loads. The strength of tension ties depends directly on the type and strength of reinforcing
Strength of Members used in the ties. Strengths of the individual truss strut members are normally con-
trolled by the limits on stresses within the nodal zones. The nodal zone compressive
stresses are defined by the relation between compressive stress capacity and perpen-
dicular tension strains invoked by compression stress field theory. Figure 8.12.2-1a
shows the principal tension strain, ε1, which may exist perpendicular to the compres-
sion strut, BP. The strain, ε1, is dependent on the truss geometry and the tensile strain
in adjoining truss members. The adverse effect of this tensile strain in the cracked
concrete must be considered in calculating the capacity of a strut. In such struts the
limiting compressive stress, fcu, is a function of f ´c and ε1. The value of ε1 is, in turn, a
function of the tension strain, εs, in the cracked concrete in the direction of the ten-
sion tie, and the angle between strut and tie.
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8.12.3 LRFD Article states that “strut-and-tie models may be used to determine
LRFD Specifications internal force effects near supports and the points of application of concentrated
Provisions for loads at strength and extreme event limit states.” The statement appearing in the sec-
Strut-and-Tie Models ond paragraph of this article is stronger, and more specific, namely, “the strut-and-tie
model should be considered for the design of deep footings and pile caps or other
situations in which the distance between the centers of applied load and the support-
ing reactions is less than about twice the member thickness.”
LRFD Article 5.6.3 provides the following specifications for strut-and-tie model-
For an individual strut, the more basic expression for ε1 includes an additional term,
εs, outside the bracket of LRFD Eq.
For a value of principal tensile strain, ε1 = 0.002, the concrete in the compression
strut can resist a compressive stress of 0.85f ´c , i.e., the limit for regions of the strut
not crossed by or joined to tension ties. It is thus conservatively assumed that the
principal compressive strain, ε2, in the direction of the strut is equal to 0.002.
In the presence of a tension tie at a node, if the reinforcing bars are to yield in
tension, there must exist significant tensile strains in the concrete. In LRFD Eq., as εs increases, ε1 increases, and fcu in LRFD Eq. decreases.
From LRFD Eq., it is seen that as αs decreases, cot2αs and ε1 increase,
and therefore fcu decreases. In the limit when αs = 0, the compressive strut direction
coincides with that of the tension tie (i.e., incompatibility occurs, and fcu = 0 which
is an impractical case).
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The value of Acs depends on conditions of anchoring of the strut at the node (as
shown in Figure; e.g.
• Strut anchored by reinforcement
• Strut anchored by bearing and reinforcement
• Strut anchored by bearing and strut
The following rules are prescribed for calculating the value of εs for substitution in
• For a tension tie consisting of reinforcing bars:
εs = tensile strain in reinforcing bars due to factored loads
• For tension tie consisting of prestressed reinforcement:
εs = 0.0, up to decompression of concrete (i.e., fpe)
εs = (fps − fpe)/Ep, beyond decompression
If εs varies over the width of the strut, εs is taken as the strain at centerline of the strut. For a strut containing longitudinal reinforcement which is detailed to develop its
Reinforced Concrete Struts yield stress, the nominal resistanc, e, is calculated as:
Pn = fcuAcs + fyAss [LRFD Eq.]
Ass = area of reinforcement in strut
Acs = area of concrete strut, calculated as shown earlier LRFD Article states that the nominal strength of a tension tie should be
Tension Ties calculated as:
Pn = fyAst + Aps(fpe + fy) [LRFD Eq.]
fy = yield strength of longitudinal mild steel reinforcement
fpe = stress in prestressing steel due to prestress (after losses)
Ast = area of longitudinal mild steel reinforcement in tie
Aps = area of prestressing steel in tie
In the absence of mild steel, a value of fy ≈ 60 ksi may be assumed in the equation,
in order to reflect the fact that the stress in the prestressing elements will be increased
due to the strain which will cause concrete to crack. [LRFD Art. C5.] The tension tie reinforcement must be anchored in accordance with LRFD Article
Tie Anchorage 5.11 which deals with development of reinforcement. This ensures the satisfactory
transfer of the tension force to the node regions.
Stress limits at a nodal zone are controlled by the type of truss members meeting at the
node. At nodes B and C (Figure 8.12.2-1a) where compression members meet, and at
bearing areas at these locations, a higher compressive stress (0.85φ f ´c) is allowed than at
A and D where it is necessary to anchor the tension tie, AD. In the latter case, the allow-
able maximum compressive stress is reduced to 0.75φ f ´c. This limit is reduced even fur-
ther to 0.65φ f ´c when tension ties converge from more than one direction at a node.
The above reductions in the presence of tension ties reflect the detrimental effect of
tensile strain in nodes in which tensile reinforcement is anchored. It can be seen that
stresses in nodal zones can be reduced by increasing the size of bearing plates, or by
increasing the dimensions of struts and tension ties. In order to control crack widths in members designed with the strut-and-tie model
Crack Control Reinforcement (except slabs and footings), and to ensure minimum ductility so that significant redis-
tribution of internal stresses is possible, LRFD Article states that an orthogonal
reinforcing grid must be provided near each face. The spacing of bars in such a grid
should not exceed 12.0 in., and the ratio of reinforcement area to gross concrete area
should exceed 0.003 in each direction.
8.12.4 The use of strut-and-tie models typically involves a trial-and-error procedure. The
Steps for Developing following steps, if followed, should help reduce the effort required:
Strut-and-Tie Models
1) Use strut-and-tie modeling for disturbed regions of the structural member. Solve
for internal forces, and their resultants outside of the disturbed regions using sec-
tional analysis with all of the controlling load combinations. These forces from
sectional analysis may be considered as boundary forces for the disturbed region
model. Apply the resultant forces to the disturbed region along with any external
loads that fall on that part of the member.
2) Assume initial models for each of the appropriate controlling load cases and bound-
ary condition force sets. Estimate likely member widths. Elastic stress distribution
may be used as a guide. Static equilibrium is then used to determine forces in mem-
bers due to factored loads. These forces are used in checking member dimensions.
It may be necessary to modify the assumed model if the members are determined to
be inadequate. A number of appropriate models for different applications are avail-
able in the literature [Guyon, (1960); Gergely and Sozen, (1967); Schlaich, et. al.,
(1987); Collins and Mitchell, (1991); Breen, et. al. (1994)].
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3) Draw the strut-and-tie model to a reasonably large scale. This will help avoid
errors and give a better appreciation of the proportions of the structure.
4) There is no single strut-and-tie model for a particular system. Generally, the forces
will flow in accordance with the pattern of reinforcement. Well-distributed rein-
forcement should be provided to ensure the redistribution of internal forces in the
cracked concrete.
5) Good detailing of the structure is essential to ensure that the assumed flow of
forces can be achieved in the cracked structure. Accordingly, reinforcement in
tension ties must be effectively anchored to develop the strength of the member.
Nodal zones must be checked to ensure satisfactory load transfer between struts
and ties.
6) Complicated stress fields such as fans, arches and bands can usually be replaced by
simple line struts. Unnecessary complication of the model is not warranted. Regardless of the strut-and-tie model adopted, the following design criteria must be
Design Criteria met:
1. Limits on bearing stresses and on compressive stresses in struts
2. Satisfactory anchorage and careful detailing of tension tie reinforcement
3. Critical examination of nodal zones to determine their maximum capacities
4. Provision of adequate crack control reinforcement throughout, to ensure the
redistribution of internal stresses after cracking of concrete Step 1 Determine bearing areas [LRFD Arts. and 5.7.5]
Summary of Steps
Step 2 Assume appropriate truss geometry (draw a large-scale diagram)
Step 3 Select tension-tie reinforcement [LRFD Art.]
Select reinforcement distribution [LRFD Art.]
Step 4 Check development of tension-tie reinforcement [LRFD Arts. and 5.11]
Step 5 Check strength of compression struts [LRFD Art.]
Step 6 Select crack control reinforcement [LRFD Art.]
Step 7 Detail structure carefully
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Flow of Forces and
Truss Geometry
Figure Pu = 500 kips
Pu Pu Pu Pu
Assumed Truss Geometry
3'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 3'-0"
C Tension Tie D E F
A 2'-6" 2'-6" B
a) Strut-and-Tie Model
27.4° lb = 2'-0"
5'-0" ha = 1'-0" 26.5°
= 56
C =1 5.35'
0.6 θBE = 62.8°
2.1 k
tan θBF = 5.35/10.75 A B θBF = 26.5°
θBE = 26.5° FAB = 1,259.7 k Node C:
Forces in Assumed Truss
FCD = = 1,002.8 kips
tan (26.5°)
FAC = = −1,120.6 kips
sin (26.5°)
Node D:
FAD = = −562.1 kips
sin (62.8°)
FDE = FCD + FADcos62.8° = 1,002.8 + 562.1cos62.8° = 1,259.7 kips
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Node A:
FAB = FADcos62.8° + FACcos26.5° = 562.1cos62.8° + 1,120.6cos26.5° = −1,259.7 kips
= −FDE
500 k
Actual F/A1 = = 2.08 ksi < maximum allowable O.K.
24 (10)
αs = 26.5° [LRFD Art.]
ε1 = (0.68 x 10 + 2.0 x 10 )cot 26.5° = 10.8 x 10
-3 -3 2 -3
Strut AD:
Strut AD is anchored by bearing and reinforcement at end A, and crossed by tie at
end D.
FAD = 562.1 kips
End D: Tensile strain in tie, DE = 1,259.7/[(20)(1.27)(29,000)] = 1.71 x 10-3
Strain at center of strut, εs = 1/2(1.71 x 10-3) = 0.86 x 10-3
ε1 = (εs + 0.002)cot2 αs
αs = 62.8°
ε1 = (0.86 + 2.0)10-3cot2 62.8° = 0.755 x 10-3
fcu = f ´c /(0.8 + 170ε1) ≤ 0.85f ´c
fcu = 5.0/[0.8 + 170(0.755 x 10-3)] = 5.39 ksi > 0.85f ´c = 4.25 ksi
Capacity of strut AD at D: φfcuAcs
Acs = (lbsinθs + hacos θs)(48) = (24sin62.8° + 12cos62.8°) x 48 = 1,288 in.2
Capacity of Strut = (0.7)(4.25)(1,288) = 3,831 kips > FAD = 562.1 k O.K. End A is obviously not critical (not crossed by tie).
Nodal Zone at Pier
2 .8° ,120.
6 1
H = 1,259.7 k b = 26.5°
V = 1,000 k
JUL 03 Check at throat and provide this reinforcement throughout (assuming 12 in. spacing).
Minimum Reinforcement
for Crack Control
Minimum As required = 0.003(12)(48) = 1.73 in.2/ft [LRFD Art.]
Use (2) #9 = 2.00 in. , #9 each face at 12 in. on center = 2.00 in.2/ft, or #6 bars each
# 6 Horizontal bars
@ 6 in. on center
each face
(20) # 10 bars
Orthogonal grid of # 6 bars
@ 6 in. on center on 4'-0"
each face
View A-A
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