Styrene Definition Definitivo
Styrene Definition Definitivo
Styrene Definition Definitivo
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Article history: An economic study of two alternatives for styrene monomer purification based on equilibrium staged
Received 11 December 2009 processes is presented. For this purpose, the solubility of t-butylcatechol (TBC) in styrene and the
Received in revised form 22 February 2010 styrene–water liquid–liquid equilibrium were experimentally determined. In terms of economics, a com-
Accepted 6 March 2010
bined process extraction–distillation shows worse results than a conventional distillation process, for the
Available online 12 March 2010
styrene purification, but this process could be suitable in a high energy cost scenario. Measured activity
coefficients NRTL model and UNIFAC predictive model were used for the process optimization.
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0255-2701/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
368 I. Díaz et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 49 (2010) 367–375
predicted by the UNIFAC [9] group contribution model. Economic and melting point (Tfusion ), must be known. In the case of low
feasibility studies have been carried out for both purification sys- temperatures, the difference between ideal and real equilibrium
tems, showing noticeable differences. The calculations of capital composition of the mixture is about 85%.
investments and operational costs were performed with the help of The experimental results presented herein have been also com-
ASPEN ICARUS® software and information in the literature [10–13]. pared with the prediction of UNIFAC model. In terms of activity
coefficients of TBC in solution, the UNIFAC group contribution
2. Experimental measurements of equilibria method predictions, as well as NRTL equation fitting, are shown in
Fig. 5. It can be seen that the lower the temperature, the higher the
2.1. Materials deviation from UNIFAC model. At −23 ◦ C the difference between
the experimental and the UNIFAC predicted value is about 80%.
Styrene was used in analytical grade and was purchased from
Sigma–Aldrich. TBC was obtained from Fluka in HPLC grade. Milli-Q
water was used from a Millipore on site generator.
2.3.2. Styrene–water system
Fig. 6 shows the experimental equilibrium curve of the biphasic
2.2. Procedure
region, along with the values obtained from NTRL fitting, those pre-
dicted by UNIFAC method, and the literature values [15]. It can be
To study the styrene–TBC system, a magnetically stirred tank
seen that, again, the NRTL model adequately fits the experimental
(25 mL), placed in a thermostatically controlled bath was used
data. UNIFAC predictions are quite good for the aqueous phase, but
(Fig. 3). Initially the tank was filled with pure styrene and small
not for the organic phase. The experimental results are in reason-
amounts of TBC were subsequently added, until a solid phase began
able agreement with literature data [15]. The differences between
to appear. Once this second phase had appeared, the system was
them are assumed to be related to the analytical apparatus used.
left until equilibrium was reached (minimun time 2 h) and a sample
of the liquid phase was taken in order to analyze TBC content. Each
sample was analyzed using a PerkinElmer A/S gas chromatograph,
equipped with a 60 m × 0.32 mm × 1 m DB1 capillary column and
a flame ionization detector. Since TBC is solid at ambient condi-
tions (melting point 50 ◦ C), solubility experiments in styrene were
carried out in the range −23 to 30 ◦ C. To study the styrene–water
system, liquid–liquid equilibrium data were obtained from 3 to
80 ◦ C, in the same thermostatically controlled bath previously
employed. In this case, the stirred tanks were bigger (250 mL) and
were equipped with a syringe needle fixed onto the bottle plug, in
order to take sample of both bottom (aqueous) and upper (organic)
phases, minimizing experimental errors. All the experiments pre-
sented herein, were carried out at least four times analyzing each
sample three times. Experimental errors for all measurements were
below 10% (standard deviation/average value × 100).
The samples of the aqueous phase were analyzed by total
organic carbon analysis (SHIMAZDU VCSH). The styrene compo-
sition was calculated from the total organic carbon measured in
the aqueous phase. The water content in the organic phase was
analyzed by Karl–Fisher titration (Mettler DL32).
Fig. 3. Thermostatically controlled bath: (1) water bath; (2) temperature controller;
(3) magnetic stirrers; (4) tanks for liquid–liquid equilibrium; (5) plug with fixed
Fig. 2. Initiator deactivation because of moisture. needle.
I. Díaz et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 49 (2010) 367–375 369
Ec = Cv + Ct + (ir + im ) × FC (2)
where Cv are the process variable costs, mostly annual utility con-
sumption, Cf are the annual fixed costs, i.e. maintenance and wages,
FC is the fixed capital investment, ir is the fixed capital recovery rate
applied to FC , and im is the minimum acceptable rate of return on
FC . Cf is assumed to be 10% of FC , and ir + im is assumed to be 25% of
FC hence EC expression can be rewritten:
Ec = Cv + (0.35) × Fc (3)
Table 2
Capital (D ) and operating cost (D /y) summary for two-distillation column process.
Capital investment (D )
Column (COLTBC) 112,400 111,700 187,175 112,600
Column (COLWAT) 79,900 110,500 234,530 113,800
Condenser (COLTBC) 75,500 63,900 75,500 63,900
Reboiler (COLTBC) 70,900 70,900 70,700 71,300
Reboiler (COLWAT) 69,200 65,600 78,200 64,900
Ejectors (COLTBC) 28,900 12,500 28,900 12,500
Reflux pump (COLTBC) 27,300 27,300 27,300 27,300
Reflux pump (COLWAT) 20,300 22,600 22,600 22,600
Condenser accum. (COLWAT) 16,800 15,000 16,800 15,000
Condenser accum. (COLTBC) 12,500 13,300 12,500 13,400
Condenser (COLWATa ) – – – –
Fig. 12. Combined process extraction–distillation for the purification of styrene monomer.
Table 4
Capital (D ) and operating cost (D /y) summary for the combined
extraction–distillation process.
Capital investment (D )
Column (COL2) 133,100 133,100
Column (COL1) 110,500 110,600
Extraction column 96,000 96,000
Condenser (COL1) 66,300 62,100
Reboiler (COL1) 65,100 65,800
Reboiler (COL2) 63,500 65,300
Condenser (COL2) 53,800 53,800
Reflux pump (COL1) 22,700 22,700
Reflux pump (COL2) 22,700 22,700
Condenser accumulator (COL1) 16,500 16,500
Condenser accumulator (COL2) 15,000 15,000
Ejectors (COL2) 12,500 12,500
extractant flow and 15 theoretical stages were fixed for the extrac-
tion column. The optimum now is the design with the minimum
EC,COL2 (EC,COL2 = Cv,COL2 + 0.35·FC,COL2 ). Thus, a column of 6 theoreti-
cal stages operating at a mass reflux ratio of 0,53 would determine
an EC,COL2 around 130,000 D /y.
Table 5
Operational costs of different processes.
5. Conclusions could be feasible. For the case where most of the methanol would
be purified and recirculated in the process (assuming zero cost of
The purification of styrene monomer has been studied in order methanol), the combined process would be even more appealing in
to seek a new process with lower costs than the current method terms of operating cost. The operational costs of all processes pre-
(adsorption onto alumina). Economic assessments (capital and sented here are much lower than the current adsorption process.
operating) of two alternatives have been undertaken showing the There are significant differences in the final results of EC for the
lowest costs for a conventional distillation process. Experimen- proposed processes when using different values of mutual solubili-
tal measurements of the phase equilibria were undertaken which ties of the various binary mixtures (experimental values or UNIFAC
significantly improves the accuracy of the economics. Table 5 com- predicted values).
pares the EC of the two processes proposed with the current Future research should investigate improving the com-
purification process. bined extraction–distillation process with other extractants and
The relative high price of alumina (1000 D /tonne) as well as the improvements by complex distillation designs (divided wall
price of solid waste treatment, make the current process expen- columns, thermal coupling, etc.).
sive. A consumption of 200 tonnes/y of alumina is estimated for
The two-column distillation process is the most economic. Since Acknowledgment
this process has a high energy usage, which may become more
significant, a combined extraction–distillation process with lower Financial support from Spanish Education Ministry (AP2006-
energy use is proposed. 02300) for a short stay in a foreign institution is acknowledged.
This combined process is feasible and reduces energy consump-
tion by 38%, however, the costs are higher mainly due to the
consumption of methanol. The capital needed is also higher than Appendix A.
conventional distillation because the required equipment would
be larger. In a future scenario of very high energy costs this process See Table A1.
Table A1
Utility costs.
Table B1
Stream data for the two-distillation process at 20 mmHg (NRTL model).
Feed stream Bottom COLWAT Distillate COLWAT Bottom COLTBC Distillate COLTBC
Temperature ( C) 25 46 9 47 10
Pressure (mmHg) 20 20 20 20 20
Mass flow (kg/h) 3750 3745 5 5 3740
Mass frac
Water 0 0 0.225 0 0
Styrene 1 1 0.775 0.925 1
TBC 0 0 0 0.075 0
Table B2
Stream data for the optimized combined extraction–distillation process (NRTL model).
Feed stream Fresh Extractant to Raffinate Extract Bottom COL1 Distillate COL1 Distillate Bottom COL2
extractant extraction column stream stream COL2
Mass frac
Water 0 0.5 0.372 0.001 0.424 0.943 0.322 0.043 0
Styrene 1 0 0.043 0.985 0.049 0 0.059 0.19 1
TBC 0 0 0 0 0.001 0.006 0 0 0
Methanol 0 0.5 0.586 0.014 0.525 0.051 0.619 0.767 0
I. Díaz et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 49 (2010) 367–375 375
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