Test Paper On Exponents, Class 8, Icse

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Full Mark :20 Date: 15/08/18 Chapter: Exponents

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Question No.1
Simplify each of the following as rational number:
(a,b,c : - each of 1 mark . d,e :- of 2 marks each)

Question No.2
Express each of the following in exponential notation
(each of 1 marks)

Q3.Express 198 hm in cm in exponential notation.
[1 mark]

Q4. In a knockout competition of badminton, 64

players participated .Pairs of competitors are
formed and in each round the loosers are
eliminated, while the winners reach the next
round.How many players moved to the 5th
round?Express in exponential notation.
[3 marks]

Q5.The half life of a DDT, a pesticide is 15 years.A

100g sample of DDT was prepared recently.Find
the amount of DDT remaining after 60 years.
[3 marks]

Q6.A car covered a distance of 45km from CITY A

to CITY B. Express this distance in metres using
exponential notation
[1 mark]

Q7.The RAM of a computer is 8 gigabyte.If each

gigabyte is equal to 109 bytes, then express the
RAM in bytes.
[2 marks]

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