Ista 3e
Ista 3e
Ista 3e
You may purchase the full procedure by visiting our STORE.
Similar Packaged-Products in Unitized Loads for 2
Truckload Shipment 1
Procedure 3E is a general simulation test for unitized loads of similar retail or institutional packaged-products shipped from a
manufacturing location to a distribution center. The unitized loads of packaged-products are shipped through a motor carrier
(truck) delivery system, where an entire trailer-load is filled with unitized packaged-products, often of similar retail packaged-
products, intended for one destination. This type of shipment is called Full Truckload (FTL).
A unitized load is defined as one or more products or packaged-products usually on a skid or pallet, but always secured together or
restrained for distribution as a single load. Examples would be a stretch wrapped pallet load of individual containers, a single non-
packaged machine banded to a pallet or a pallet with a corrugated tray, tube and a cap.
It can be used to evaluate the protective performance of packaged-products related to vibrations, shocks and other stresses
normally encountered during handling and transportation.
It can be used to evaluate load stability.
The test levels are based on general data and may not represent any specific distribution system.
The package and product are considered together and not separately.
Some conditions of transit, such as moisture, pressure or unusual handling, may not be covered.
Other ISTA Procedures may be appropriate for different conditions or to meet different objectives.
Specific suggestions:
To test the individual packaged-product that might be shipped non-unitized from a distribution center to a retail outlet, use
ISTA Test Procedure 3F.
To test packaged-products prepared for shipment via a Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) delivery system carrier. LTL is defined as
a motor carrier (truck) shipment, where different types of packaged-products, often from different shippers and intended for
different ultimate destinations, are mixed in the same load then use ISTA Test Procedure 3B.
Refer to Guidelines for Selecting and Using ISTA Procedures and Projects for additional information.
Δ – Most recent technical change(s) ISTA 3E 2016 - Page 1 of 12
Ο – Most recent technical addition(s) © 2017 International Safe Transit Association. All rights Reserved.
Scope Procedure 3E covers the testing of unitized loads, made up of either single or multiple products or packages of similar products
prepared for shipment via a Full Truckload (FTL) delivery system carrier. FTL is defined as motor carrier shipment, where an
entire trailer-load is filled with unitized packaged-products, often of similar retail packaged-products, intended for one destination.
Product Damage
Tolerance and The shipper shall determine the following prior to testing:
Package what constitutes damage to the product and
Degradation what damage tolerance level is allowable, if any, and
Allowance the correct methodology to determine product condition at the conclusion of the test and
the acceptable package condition at the conclusion of the test.
For additional information on this determination process refer to Guidelines for Selecting and Using ISTA Procedures and Projects.
Samples should be the untested actual package and product, but if one or both are not available, the substitutes shall be as
identical as possible to actual items.
Sequence # Test Category Test Type Test Level For ISTA Certification
1 Atmospheric Temperature and Humidity Ambient Required
2 Atmospheric Controlled Temperature and Temperature and humidity Optional
Conditioning Humidity chosen from chart
Δ 3 Shock Incline Impact (Conbur) 48 in per second Required
(Alternative methods (1.2 m per second)
allowed – select one Horizontal Impact
test type)
48 in per second
(1.2 m per second)
Δ 4 Shock Rotational Edge Drop Height varies with packaged- Required
product weight
5 Compression Machine Apply and Release Calculated Test Force x 1.4 Required
Δ (Alternative methods
allowed – select one Machine Apply and Hold Calculated Test Force
test type)
Weight and Load Spreader Calculated Test Load
Equipment The following alternatives are acceptable for the equipment required for the Impact Test:
Type of Shock Test Equipment In compliance with the apparatus section of:
Incline Test Incline impact tester (conbur) ASTM D 880
Horizontal Test Horizontal impact test system ASTM D 4003
Equipment The following alternatives are acceptable for the equipment required for the Compression Test:
Compression Type of Compression Equipment In compliance with the Additional Required
Test apparatus section of: Equipment
Compression Test Machine ASTM D 642 Use an identical pallet on
Ο Apply and Release Test top as what the test item is
Fixed or Floating platen
acceptable shipped on.
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