Emission Control Two-Stroke Low-Speed Diesel Engines: Preface
Emission Control Two-Stroke Low-Speed Diesel Engines: Preface
Emission Control Two-Stroke Low-Speed Diesel Engines: Preface
Preface Contents:
Operational experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Emission results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Introduction Oxygen. Low speed, two-stroke, Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapour.
crosshead diesels operate with an air Basically, the complete combustion of
General awareness of environmental excess ratio of over 3. More than half hydrocarbons will produce carbon diox-
issues is increasing rapidly. Diesel en- of the air is available for the combus- ide and water vapour, and the relative
gine makers were first involved in ques- tion process, while the remaining part amounts of these will be a function of
tions regarding exhaust gas emissions is scavenged through the cylinder. the hydrocarbon composition. Carbon
in the field of stationary applications. Hence, the exhaust gas contains some dioxide, although not toxic, has recently
13-16% oxygen, and this has to be been given much attention because of
A study of the exhaust gas emissions considered when calculating the con- the so-called ‘greenhouse effect’. The
from a diesel engine represents a chal- centration of various compounds in the use of machinery with a high thermal
lenge to both the engine designer and gas. Some exhaust gas emission regu- efficiency and of fuels with a relatively
to makers of exhaust gas treatment lations refer to 15% oxygen; so, if the low carbon content is the only viable
equipment. It is also a valuable tool for actual content is different, the result means of reducing carbon dioxide
reaching a deeper understanding of will have to be corrected accordingly. emission.
the engine combustion process. Such
understanding has led to more serious Nitrogen makes up about 80% of the Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a toxic gas.
treatment of environmental issues in atmosphere. Given the above-men- The formation of CO is, in principle, a
the marine industry. tioned air excess ratio, it is clear that function of the air excess ratio and the
nitrogen constitutes the major part of combustion temperature. The formation
Anticipating this development, the exhaust gas. As nitrogen is practi- is strongly influenced by the uniformity
MAN B&W initiated studies of the cally inactive, only a small but, as will of the air/fuel mixture in the combustion
emission characteristics of their en- be seen later, an important part is chamber, and we expect this to be the
gines some fifteen years ago. These involved in the chemical reactions in decisive factor in our engines.
studies included work on finding tech- the engine.
niques for reducing the exhaust gas
emissions to comply with current as
well as anticipated future rules.The
main focus has so far been on reduc-
ing the emission of nitrogen oxides, Heat
NOx. As a result, we have already sup-
plied emission control equipment for a Exhaust gas
number of ships.
Air 13.0% O2
Within the IMO (International Maritime 75.8% N2
Organisation) there are now discussions 8.5 kg/kWh 5.2% CO2
of emissions limitations in the form of 21% O2 5.35% H2O
air pollution at sea. Authorities in various 79% N2
parts of the world are taking similar 1500 ppm NOx
steps. An example is the proposed EPA 600 ppm SOx
(US - Environmental Protection Agency) 60 ppm CO
rules currently under discussion. Pro- 175 g/kWh 180 ppm HC
posals from both authorities are dealt
97% HC 120 mg/Nm3 Part
with in the paper, and technologies de-
signed to meet the proposals are dis- 3% S
Exhaust Gas Composition 1 g/kWh
97% HC
The composition of major pollutants in
the exhaust gas, as shown in Figs. 1 2.5% Ca
and 2, is a result of the engine process, 0.5% S
its fuels and the means employed to
control the emissions. In the following, Work
each exhaust gas component will be
Fig. 1: Typical emissions from an MC type low-speed diesel engine
Basically, our engines have a very low exhaust gas plume will be visible. This viz. sulphates and carbonates, as cal-
carbon monoxide emission, thanks to is because, for a given Bosch Smoke cium is the main carrier of alkalinity in
the high oxygen concentration and the Number (BSN value), the greater the lube oil to neutralize sulphuric acid.
efficient combustion process. Carbon diameter of the plume, the greater the
monoxide is a compound that is still amount of light it will absorb. For in- Once fuel is atomised in the combus-
burnable, so elimination in the engine stance, a BSN of 1 will mean almost in- tion chamber, the combustion process
process is preferable. visible exhaust gas from a truck engine, in a diesel engine involves small drop-
but visible exhaust gas from a large, lets of fuel which evaporate, ignite,
Smoke. A traditional measure of the low-speed engine. and are subsequently burned. During
combustion quality, and a traditional this process, a minute part of the oil
way of qualifying the ‘emission’, is to Typical smoke values for the most re- will be left as a ‘nucleus’ comprising
look at, or to measure, the smoke in- cent generation of MAN B&W diesel mainly carbon. Consequently, particu-
tensity. The exhaust gas plume, when engines are so low that the exhaust late emissions will vary substantially
it leaves the top of the stack, may be plume will be invisible, unless water va- with fuel oil composition and with lube
visible for various reasons, e.g. its con- pour condenses in the plume, produc- oil type and dosage. It is therefore diffi-
tent of particulate matter and nitrogen ing a grey or white colour. However, cult to state general emission rates for
dioxide, NO2 (a yellow/brown gas), or the NO2 may give the plume a yellow- particulates.
of condensing water vapour. Although ish appearance.
it may be argued that these compo- In general, the particles are small, and
nents are either subject to separate Particulate Emissions in the exhaust it can be expected that over 90% will
legislation (NOx, particulate matter) or gas may originate from a number of be less than 1 µm when heavy fuel oil
not harmful (water), it is a fact that sources: is used, excluding flakes of deposits,
smoke and/or opacity limits are en- peeling-off from the combustion cham-
forced in certain countries, e.g. in the • agglomeration of very small ber or exhaust system walls, which in
USA. particles of partly burned fuel, general are much larger.
Unfortunately, methods of measuring • partly burned lube oil, Apart from the fact that a smoking en-
smoke and opacity vary (see the sec- gine is not a very pleasant sight, the
tion on measuring methods) and the • ash content of fuel oil and soot from an engine can cause difficul-
figures resulting from the different cylinder lube oil, ties, especially if it is ‘wet’ with oil. In
methods are not really comparable. such cases, it may deposit in the ex-
• sulphates and water. haust gas boiler, especially on cold
When considering visible emissions, surfaces, thus increasing the back
we should bear in mind that the larger The contribution from the lube oil con- pressure and representing a boiler fire
the engine, the more likely it is that the sists mainly of calcium compounds, hazard. Combustion process control,
together with appropriate temperature done to protect the engine from corro- What is happening now, with the in-
control in the boiler, and frequent clean- sion by SO2 and SO3 which condense creased emission of NOx to the atmos-
ing, are the ways to avoid this problem. as sulphuric acid. However, only a very phere from combustion, is disturbing a
small fraction of the SOx will convert to very delicate natural balance. There-
Hydrocarbons (and trace organics). calcium sulphate and this cannot, fore, NOx control is advocated by envi-
During the combustion process, a very therefore, be considered as a method ronmentalists and legislators and, in
small part of the hydrocarbons will of reducing the SOx content. The SOx fact, NOx control is the number one
leave the process unburned, and others in the exhaust gas will eventually be emission control issue. As mentioned
will be formed. These are referred to as washed from the atmosphere by rain, earlier, NOx control represents a chal-
unburned hydrocarbons, and they are and will increase the acidity of the soil. lenge for engine designers, and there
normally stated in terms of equivalent Hence, SOx is an undesirable com- are a number of ways of reducing the
CH4 content. pound and is likely to be controlled by NOx (as will be discussed in the chap-
legislation which will limit the sulphur ter on NOx reduction methods). How-
The content of hydrocarbons in the content of bunker fuel. ever, all methods cause a certain loss
exhaust gas from large diesel engines in engine efficiency.
depends on the type of fuel and the Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) are formed dur-
engine adjustment and design. ing the combustion process within the
burning fuel sprays. NOx is controlled Measuring Methods
Oxides of Sulphur. Because of the by local conditions in the spray with
organic origin of fuel oils, various temperature and oxygen concentration There are various ways of measuring
amounts of sulphur are present in the as the dominant parameters. At the the components in the exhaust gas.
oil injected into the combustion cham- temperature in the burning fuel spray, Not only the measuring equipment
ber. During combustion, the fuel sul- nitrogen is no longer inactive, and (the analysers), but also the measure-
phur is oxidised into different oxides of oxygen and nitrogen will inevitably react ment procedures and the sampling
sulphur (SOx), mainly SO2 and SO3, to form oxides of nitrogen. A rule-of- technique are important in obtaining
typically in a ratio of 15:1. The emission thumb says that a change of 100°C in reliable results. Analysers and proce-
of SOx from the engine is therefore a combustion temperatures may change dures are specified in several standards
function of the sulphur content in the the NOx amount by a factor of 3. The (see e.g. ISO 8178 [1]). In the following,
fuel oil. SOx can only be controlled by immediate reaction is the formation of a few comments are given on the indi-
either removing the sulphur from the NO. Later in the process, during expan- vidual components.
fuel or completely or partially removing sion and in the exhaust system, part of
the SOx from the exhaust gas by clean- the NO will convert to form NO2 and NOx is measured by two methods, the
ing. N2O, typically 5% and 1%, respec- chemiluminescence analyser (CLA) ap-
tively, of the original NO amount. proved for certification and the electro-
SOx can be removed from the exhaust chemical sensor (ECS) used in almost
gas by water washing the gas in a Basically, two-stroke low-speed diesel all portable instruments. The CLA can
scrubber; but this leaves the problem engines are optimised for high efficiency, be heated to avoid NO2 condensation
of sulphuric acid in the water, which i.e. low fuel consumption, and for ade- (together with a heated sampling line).
must consequently be neutralized quate combustion chamber tempera- This is a common way of measuring
chemically, in turn creating a disposal ture control, providing high reliability and exhaust gas from diesel engines. The
problem. Alternatively, SOx can be long time between overhauls. Hence, CLA measures only NO but, by means
used to produce raw sulphur or sul- the NOx emission from uncontrolled en- of a NO2-to-NO converter, the NOx is
phuric acid, both of which are market- gines is, as already shown in Figs. 1 measured as NO. The chemical cells
able commodities. In either case, the and 2, fairly high. measure each component (NO, NO2)
handling of SOx after the engine re- individually.
quires a large investment. Oxides of nitrogen in the atmosphere
contribute to the ‘Smog formation’ CO and CO2 are usually measured with
The price of fuel oil depends on the sul- which is a considerable problem in many an infra-red (IR) technique. Because
phur content, and this fact should be cities. The conversion of NO to NO2 this is an optical-light technique, the
considered when evaluating the use of will continue in the atmosphere but, analysers are also sensitive to other gas
low-sulphur fuel versus high-sulphur since NO2 – unlike NO – is easily soluble components. Thus, depending on the
fuel and clean-up systems. in water, NO2 will be washed out by rain amount of these components, we must
and will eventually increase the acidity compensate for the cross-sensitivity.
In principle, a minor part of the sulphur of the soil. Accordingly, the effect of Furthermore, because of the wide range
content is neutralised in the engine by NOx is the same as that of sulphur but, of individual components in the ex-
the use of alkaline lubricants to form unlike NOx, SOx can be reduced by haust gas, different cells may have to be
neutral compounds of calcium. This is limiting the sulphur content of fuels. used to obtain the necessary sensitiv-
ity. Similar to measuring NO and NO2, certain path length of exhaust gas, combustion process directly. The ac-
also for measuring CO, ECS cells may which means that particulate matter as tual degree of reduction depends on
be used for travelling purposes. well as gaseous molecules contribute engine type and reduction method, but
to the measured value. varies from 10% to more than 50%.
SOx. There are several methods of
measuring SOx; infra-red (IR), ultra-violet US legislation prescribes the use of ‘a The secondary methods are means of
(UV) or ECS cells. But the accuracy of qualified observer’, who observes the reducing the emission level without
all cell types is still being discussed. exhaust gas plume and compares this changing the engine performance from
Therefore, ISO [1] calculates SO2 in the with a grey-tone scale. This measure- its fuel optimised setting, using equip-
raw exhaust gas from the fuel-sulphur ment is to some extent subjective and ment that does not form part of the
content. If after-treatment is used, or may be considerably influenced by the engine itself. The most interesting sec-
SO3 is to be measured in the exhaust, atmospheric conditions on site. ondary method so far is the SCR (Se-
different methods must be used. lective Catalytic Reduction) method of
removing NOx. This method makes it
Particulate emissions are measured NOx Reduction Methods possible to reduce the NOx level by
with two different principles that may more than 95% by adding ammonia or
produce very different results. The new NOx in the exhaust gas can be re- urea to the exhaust gas before it enters
ISO standard for diesel engines is a duced with primary and/or secondary a catalytic converter.
dilution-tunnel method, as opposed to reduction methods. Primary methods
the common powerplant raw-exhaust are methods that affect the engine
methods. The difference is the mixing
of air into the exhaust gas to simulate at-
mospheric conditions and the tempera-
ture of the filter, where the particulate
matter (PM) is collected. Since these MAN B&W two-stroke diesel engines
conditions are important to the amount
of material condensed on the particles,
NOx (Nitrogen Oxides): Function of peak combustion temperatures
the conditions or the method used
and oxygen concentration
must be specified with the PM value.
method, as fuel consumption is import- a ship, as the effluent from the cleaning
NOx emission (%) ant. contains sulphur in a non-disposable
0 form as well as unburned hydrocarbons,
20 Air quality control. The partial pressure soot and ash. This problem is obviously
of the reagents oxygen and nitrogen being addressed in depth, but for gas
40 can only be influenced by changing the engines and in cases where clean
specific amount of air entering the en- oxygen-lean gases are available (Case
∆ Bosch (6 strokes) gine, or by changing the ratio between 3), EGR is the proper method to use.
+1 oxygen and nitrogen. The ratio can be EGR could be the right solution in the
0 changed by exhaust gas recirculation process industry, in refineries etc., i.e.
(EGR). If 15 per cent of the exhaust in land applications where the pre-
gas is recirculated, the resulting oxygen viously-mentioned effluent problem
concentration in the intake air will be re- could also be addressed differently.
SFOC penalty (%) duced from about 21 per cent (atmo- Because of the inherent potential of
spheric) to around 18 per cent, and the EGR method, the concept is still
+5 the impact on NOx formation will be being studied for shipboard use.
0 significant. Fig. 5 shows results from
our 4T50MX research engine. Fuel nozzle adaptation/fuel injection.
0 5 10 Fuel nozzle adaptation is a natural part
Retarded Injection timing °CA In principle, exhaust gas can be recir- of any prototype test, along with the
culated both before (Case 1) and after verification of performance at different
: 100% load
(Case 2) the turbocharger, as shown in layouts. During such tests, it has been
: 75% load Fig. 6, but in both cases the gas has to verified that different fuel nozzle types
be cooled and cleaned. EGR can be a have a significant impact on NOx, and
severe drawback, especially on board that the intensity of the fuel injection
Fig. 4: Effect of injection timing on SFOC,
Bosch Smoke Number and NOx
Case 3 Input Case 2 Output
Oxygen m,
lean Texh.
gas Compressor Turbine
Case 1
Fig. 6: Different system layouts for EGR system Fig. 8: Design of mini-sac type fuel valve
bar Injection pressure InFl basic Nitrogen oxides
1000 Pre-injection ppm at 15% O2 1 0% H2O
Standard MC 1250
800 2 26% H2O
1000 3 41% H2O
4 48% H2O
400 750
200 500
0 250
NOx emission
0.2 0.6 1.0 1.4 0
1 2 3 4
Fig. 9: Fuel injection patterns, including pre-injection and Fig. 10: Effect of water emulsification on NOx emission and SFOC
the effects on SFOC and NOx emissions
possible only with the use of an emul- stability, and the engine can be started Cumulative effect. On a number of oc-
sifying agent. These are readily available, up without changing to fuel without casions we have had the opportunity
are easy to use, and are not expens- water. to test the effect of most of the above-
ive. Typically, such emulsifying agents mentioned methods, individually and in
are based on low-cost vegetable pro- Water injection or humidification. combination, on production engines.
teins which are abundantly available Water can also be added to the com- The results (NOx and SFOC) of such a
and used in industrial livestock feed. bustion chamber through separate test are shown in Fig. 11. Obviously, the
nozzles or by means of stratified injec- results of the different methods are not
The emulsification is done before the tion of water and fuel from the same fully cumulative, but with the simple
circulating loop of the fuel oil system, fuel nozzle. The results are similar to technology described so far, we have
i.e. at a point in the fuel flow to the en- the results of water emulsification, but demonstrated NOx reductions of up to
gine from which there is no return flow. water emulsification is simpler to apply 80 per cent of the uncontrolled figure,
It is thus the fuel flow that controls the and minimises water consumption. a reduction level hitherto only thought
water flow, but the water addition possible with catalysts. However, it
could also be controlled by actually Another way to introduce water into must be borne in mind that catalysts
measuring the NOx in the exhaust. This the combustion zone is by humidifying are proven technology, whereas the
would be the case if continuous moni- the scavenge air. However, knowing primary methods, apart from water
toring of NOx was required. that too much water in the scavenge emulsification and special low-NOx fuel
air may be harmful to the cylinder con- nozzles, have little commercial back-
For vessels using emulsified fuel, a spe- dition, and that we therefore use water ground.
cially designed safety system is built mist catchers as standard after the
into the external fuel oil system so that scavenge air cooler, this method is not Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR).
electrical black out on board will not in- appealing. By this method, the exhaust gas is
fluence the fuel/water emulsification mixed with ammonia, NH3 before pas-
The NOx measuring instrument is an in-
1 Reference tegral part of the NH3 dosage control
equipment. All instruments are mounted
Slide valve
Nitrogen oxides on a separate panel located in the en-
3 Slide valve +50% water gine control room. An oxygen analyser
ppm at 15% O2 +Reduced pmax
1400 and an NH3 alarm device are also
4 Slide valve +50% water incorporated, together with a strip chart
1200 +20% EGR
recorder, which provides continuous
1000 5 Slide valve +50% water monitoring of system performance.
+20% EGR + Reduced pmax
The degree of NOx removal depends
600 on the amount of ammonia added (ex-
400 pressed by the NH3/NOx ratio). At high
200 NH3/NOx ratios, a high degree of NOx
removal can be obtained but, at the
0 same time, the amount of unused am-
∆ SFOC corrected to ISO monia (called the NH3 slip) in the
g/BHPh cleaned flue gas will increase. It is de-
5 sirable that the concentration of un-
4 used ammonia in the cleaned gas is as
3 low as possible. This is because when
2 the flue gas in the downstream boiler
1 or heat exchanger cools, the ammonia
0 may react with SO3 in the exhaust gas,
-1 and the heating surface may be fouled
-2 by ammonium sulphates.
1 2 3 4 5 The ammonia feed can be either liquid,
water-free ammonia under pressure,
or aqueous ammonia solution at at-
Fig. 11: Effect of combining NOx reduction methods on a 5S70MC type engine mospheric pressure, or it can be urea
which can be carried as a dry product
and dissolved in water before use.
sing through a layer of a special cata- cess computer dosing the NH3 in pro-
lyst at a temperature between 300 and portion to the NOx produced by the The NH3 is a combustible gas, and is
400°C, whereby NOx is reduced to N2 engine as a function of engine load. The therefore supplied through a double
and H2O. A schematic layout of the relationship between the NOx produced walled pipe system with appropriate
system design is shown in Fig. 12. and the engine load is measured during venting and an NH3 leak detector in-
test runs on the engine testbed. The stalled in the annulus space. The NH3
The assumed reactions are the follow- relationship obtained is programmed is diluted with pressurised air from the
ing: into the process computer and used scavenge air receiver and subsequently
for the feed-forward control of the NH3 mixed in a static mixer. The mixture of
4NO + 4NH3 + O2 → 4N2 + 6H2O dosage. The ammonia dosage is sub- NH3 and air is injected into the exhaust
sequently adjusted for bias by a feed- pipe from the receiver and mixed with
6NO2 + 8NH3 → 7N2 + 12H2O back system on the basis of the the exhaust gas in a second static
measured NOx outlet signal. mixer. In order to ensure the efficient
As can be seen, oxygen must be pres- operation of the SCR process, and to
ent for the process. If the temperature The reason for choosing this method, minimise the NH3 slip from the SCR re-
is too high, NH3 will burn rather than rather than controlling the ammonia on actor, it is important to obtain a homo-
react with the NO/NO2. At too low a the basis of the measured NOx outlet geneous mixture of the NH3 and the
temperature, the reaction rate would be signal only, is that, with the latter flue gas.
too low, and condensation of am- method, the reactor would be too slow
monium sulphates would destroy the in responding to changes in the NH3 The SCR reactor contains several layers
catalyst. dosage, and this would result in ex- of catalyst. The catalyst volume and,
cessive variations in NOx and/or am- consequently, the size of the reactor
The amount of NH3 injected into the ex- monia outlet concentration. depends on the activity of the catalyst,
haust gas duct is controlled by a pro- the desired degree of NOx reduction,
the NOx concentration, the flue gas
pressure and the acceptable NH3 slip.
The amount of catalyst can be ex- Air
pressed by the term space velocity
(abbreviated NHSV), which is defined as Process
the number of cubic metres of exhaust computer
gas per hour which are treated per
cubic metre of catalyst. Ammonia
Evaporator tank
Fig. 13 shows an example of how the
NOx reduction and the NH3 slip vary
with the NH3/NOx ratio for two different SCR reactor
catalyst volumes (NHSV). As can be Air outlet Air intake Exhaust gas outlet
seen, both the NOx reduction and the Deck
NH3 slip increase with an increasing
NH3/NOx ratio. It can also be seen that Support
the same NOx reduction (for example
80%) can be obtained by using only Static
half the catalyst volume (NHSV =
10,000 Nm3/m3h instead of 5,000 NOx and O2
Nm3/m3h) just by increasing the analyzers
NH3/NOx ratio a few per cent. At the 2
same time, however, the ammonia slip
increases considerably. Therefore, the 3
maximum acceptable ammonia slip
has a strong influence on the amount 1
of catalyst required. Normally, the SCR
units are designed for a steady state High efficiency
ammonia slip of 5-10 ppm during the Orifice
lifetime of the catalyst.
Preheating and
Fig. 13 also illustrates that, if a higher sealing air
degree of NOx reduction is desired, it
is necessary to increase the catalyst
volume to keep the ammonia slip low
at the same time. At a higher degree of
NOx conversion, the need for accurate Engine
control of the ammonia addition
(NH3/NOx ratio) increases. If the
NH3/NOx ratio exceeds 1.0, the am-
monia slip will increase considerably Fig. 12: Schematic layout of SCR system for a low speed diesel
because of the amount of unused
In collaboration with the Danish chemi- phur and 0.04% ash content. The test
The catalyst has a monolithic structure, cal engineering company of Haldor unit adjacent to the engine is shown in
which means that it consists of blocks Topsøe A/S (HTAS), MAN B&W has Fig. 14. A detailed description of the
of catalyst with a large number of paral- developed this method – well known set-up and the results of the extensive
lel channels, the walls of which are from industrial applications – for use on tests can be found in Ref. [3].
catalytically active. The channel diameter diesel engines (Ref. [2]).
has an influence on the pressure drop During the first part of the test run there
across the catalyst as well as on the A pilot test was carried out over a were problems with dust accumula-
risk of dust depositing on the catalyst. period of 4000 hours on a 12L55GSCA tion, which caused the pressure drop
The channel diameter is optimised diesel power plant in the Faroe Islands. across the catalyst to increase. After
after a study of the dust content, the A small part of the exhaust gas was about 2000 hours of operation, the prob-
composition of the exhaust gas, and diverted from the exhaust gas receiver, lem was solved by the installation of a
the permissible pressure drop across while the engine was running on heavy better gas distribution system upstream
the SCR reactor. fuel oil of 380 cSt/50°C with 2.5% sul- from the catalyst. Subsequently,
the pressure drop and the activity re-
mained constant during the last 2000
: NHSV = 5,000 Nm3/m3h hours of the test. The catalyst was also
: NHSV = 10,000 Nm3/m3h mechanically unaffected by normal vi-
100 brations of the engine. Consequently,
the influence of the SCR on the opera-
tion of the turbocharger can be pre-
dicted and corrected for in advance,
so the influence on engine reliability will
be negligible. On this basis, the SCR
NOx reduction (%)
Therefore, an engine which, in the pro-
ject phase, is offered with both a guar-
NOx (g/kWh)
anteed fuel rate and a NOx limitation
24 will carry both a fuel penalty and a high-
er tolerance because, as mentioned
22 NOx (g/kWh) = 17 x n <130 before, fuel consumption and NOx are
= 45 x n-0.2 130 < n < 2,000 not independent parameters. Instead
= 9.8 x n n > 2,000 of the 3% fuel tolerance, a 5% toler-
20 Where n = engine speed in r/min ance will be observed when the pro-
posed IMO rules are adopted.
17 With regard to meeting the IMO pro-
16 posal for ships built today, we will
apply low-NOx fuel injection nozzles.
14 It is expected that IMO, five years after
the introduction of the speed related
12 curve, will present further limitation of
the NOx, and this could call for water
10 emulsification. The actual method to
(Ref. IMO meeting BCH 23 in London) be used at that time will be selected
Engine speed (r/min) after the level of uncontrolled NOx for
8 the engine in question has been estab-
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 lished on testbed.
EPA proposal
Case Story, Two-Stroke
NOx g/kWh MC Engine with Water
28 NOx curves:
As described elsewhere (see Refs. [4]
A A= 64.3 x n-0.2 to [6]), engines are in service with NOx
24 B= 45.0 x n-0.2 emission levels far below the IMO limits.
C= 12.8 x n-0.2 A recent power plant installed on the
Where n = engine speed in r/min island of Guam is a good illustration of
20 the commercial potential of primary
NOx control methods. The prime mover
is a 12K80MC-S, a 40 MW output en-
16 Expected NOx level for gine, and the NOx limitation was speci-
“fuel optimised engines” full user fee fied as 950 ppm at 15 per cent oxygen.
The uncontrolled NOx was expected to
be 1800 ppm, so it was decided to use
water emulsification with 50 per cent of
NOx level for “NOx optimised engines”
water added to the fuel. The engine
8 Between 30 and 80% reduction was therefore equipped with fuel pumps
50% user fee designed for a 90-type MC engine in
4 order to allow for the larger volume of
fuel-water mixture to be injected.
NOx level for special “NOx optimised engines”
min 80% NOx reduction: 10% user fee Other pollutants were also subject to
0 100 300 500 700 900 1100 limitations. In November 1994, the en-
Full user fee penalty corresponds to 10,000 USD/ton NOx Engine r/min gine was put through extensive shop
testing, both with and without water,
and using different types of fuel nozzles.
As the results in Fig. 19 show, all
Fig. 17: Schematic layout of EPA NOx-limit user-fee proposal emission limits were comfortably met,
with a very moderate fuel penalty. It
goes without saying that engine per-
be covered (in the US) by emission rules formance parameters were acceptable.
similar to the regulation for non-road The plant was commissioned in the
EPA proposed emission diesel engines (see Fig. 18). The inten- second half of 1995.
standards for new marine diesel tion is to harmonise international ship-
engines not covered/regulated by ping rules, but exactly how this should The first commercial application of NOx
IMO be carried out is not clear. control on an engine of MAN B&W de-
sign was for a 20 MW stationary power
NOx : 9.2 g/kWh Legislation restricting NOx emission plant in Puerto Rico. This plant, which
HC : 1.3 g/kWh levels to as low as 100 ppm or less at also used water-in-fuel emulsification
CO : 11.4 g/kWh 15% oxygen is being enforced in some was commissioned as early as in 1984,
local areas on land as well as in some to comply with the Federal rules of the
PM : 0.54 g/kWh coastal waters. It is believed that such EPA.
Smoke : transient cycles (20/50%) levels may be more frequent in the
coming years and may be enforced in The prime mover of the plant, a
local areas. NOx emissions of the above 7L90GSCA engine, has an uncontrolled
(The standard may include level from high efficiency engines can NOx level of 1150 to 1200 ppm, see
corporate averaging) only be obtained by employing cata- Fig. 20. The EPA rules permit an
lytic converters. emission of 600 ppm, at 15% O2 for
engines with a thermal efficiency of
Fig. 18: New emission-limit proposal by EPA 35%. Since the rules permit a propor-
tional correction for higher thermal
efficiency, the limit for this engine was
approximately 770 ppm. Water emulsi-
fication of the heavy fuel oil, together
with reduced maximum pressure was
identical to the normal heavy fuel ver-
NOx - ppm dry at 15% O2 PM - mg/Nm3 dry at 15% O2
The service condition of the engine
1000 180
was carefully investigated during a
160 planned stop after 11,000 operating
140 hours. The cylinder wear ratio, includ-
800 120
ing running-in, was found to be be-
tween 0.01 and 0.06 mm per 1,000
100 hours, with an average of 0.03 mm per
80 1,000 hours, equivalent to a liner life-
600 60 time of around 120,000 hours (or 15
years). The exhaust valve condition
40 and general engine cleanliness were
20 very satisfactory, and the fuel injection
% Load % Load
0 0 pumps and valves presented no prob-
50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100 lems, except for a moderate fuel valve
nozzle burning, which requires the ex-
change of fuel valve nozzles about
Measured DO once a year instead of once every two
HFO limit years.
Measured HFO
HC - ppm C1 dry at 15% O2 We can therefore conclude that the
CO - ppm dry at 15% O2 above described method of reducing
the NOx can be considered commer-
cially viable, also for other projects with
300 fuel oil burning engines. However, the
125 method has its limitations. Whereas
250 water/heavy fuel emulsions are easily
100 created and are stable, this is not so
200 with diesel oil. With low sulphur fuels
becoming compulsory in coastal
75 waters, water emulsification may not
be feasible using the above technology
50 100
only. Special emulsifiers may be needed.
% Load % Load
0 0
50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100
Case Story, Two-Stroke
MC Engines with SCR
In August 1988, MAN B&W was asked
Fig. 19: Emission limits and actual emissions, stationary 12K80MC-S diesel engine to participate in a meeting at the Cali-
in emission controlled version fornia State Merchant Marine Academy
in Valejo, north of San Francisco, to
discuss emissions in relation to a spe-
therefore chosen as the NOx reduction The 7L90GSCA engine was designed cific project. The California State Mer-
method. specifically for operation with water/ chant Marine Academy had been en-
heavy fuel oil emulsion, so a larger fuel gaged by UPI (USS-POSCO Industries)
Compliance with the US-EPA regula- pump is used, together with modified to evaluate emissions emitted during
tions for NOx emission (at that time) fuel valve nozzles. In order to avoid ca- the transportation of steel to a facility in
was achieved by using a water/heavy vitation and boiling-off in the low press- Pittsburg, California. The project, which
fuel oil emulsion with around 22% ure part of the fuel oil system, a closed, at the time of the meeting was not
water as shown in Fig. 20, and a re- pressurised system is used. Further- clearly defined, involved shipments of
duction in maximum pressure of about more, a water dosage system and a steel from Korea to the United States.
5 bar. homogeniser are installed. Apart from
these minor changes, the engine is It was assumed that, during certain
parts of the voyage, the transportation
Materialisation phase
Puerto Rico 7L90GSCA
Corrected NOx (ppm)
Hyundai Heavy Industries, HHI, were
1200 to build at least two vessels, each of
30,000 tdw, with NOx control installa-
tion. The obvious choice of main pro-
1000 pulsion engine for this type of vessel
was a 6S50MC type low speed diesel,
with a maximum continuous rating of
10,680 hp. The engine is equipped
800 with one exhaust gas driven turbo-
US - EPA limit charger for scavenge and combustion
air supply, supported by two electrically
∆ SFOC (g/BHPh) driven auxiliary blowers for air supply at
4 low load. The reactor is located before
MCR 81% the turbocharger, as shown in the ex-
haust gas flow sheet, Figs. 21 and 22,
2 in order to be in the optimum tempera-
ture area of 300-400 °C.
diesel, or possibly some medium grade
of heavy fuel, had not been finally deter-
mined. For that reason, and given the
design parameters available, a fairly
large channel diameter for the catalyst
structure was selected, and the required
volume of catalyst was calculated.
Operational experience
The intention was to measure the ac-
tual uncontrolled NOx from the engine
on testbed with the very same instru-
Fig. 22: SCR system installation - photo from engine room mentation as would later be installed
on board with that engine and which
would serve as part of the ammonia
vessels are purpose-built they may, at a more integrated layout with the cata- feed control.
some point in time, serve a different lyst in the exhaust gas receiver can be
trade. It was therefore a design crite- selected. Measurements on testbed showed
rion that when the de-NOx system was that the uncontrolled NOx for the
not required to be in use, the engine SCR process and reactor sizing 6S50MC was lower than the conserva-
should be able to operate like any tive estimate of 1600 ppm, viz. in the
other ship propulsion engine. A 6S50MC engine delivers a maximum range of 1200 ppm, which gave an ad-
exhaust gas amount of around 50,000 ditional safety margin to the original re-
The reactor was designed as a separ- Nm3/h. As the uncontrolled NOx had not actor sizing. As mentioned above, the
ate unit, vertically positioned away previously been measured for this en- relationship between NOx produced
from the engine and connected via ex- gine type, it was conservatively esti- and engine load was also established.
haust gas pipes and pertaining valves, mated at 1600 ppm. For reasons of sim- The fuel flow to the engine was se-
as illustrated in Fig. 12. The horizontally plicity, liquid anhydrous ammonia was lected as the load signal and, on this
located SCR reactor, above the turbo- selected in this plant. Ammonia is a quite basis, the curve shown in Fig. 23 was
charger, is an alternative location which familiar product in the marine industry, established and could serve as a
can be more convenient for the engine and rules for its use have already been model curve in the process computer
room arrangement. As can be seen, established by the classification societies. for the feed-forward control of the am-
the reactor is an integral part of the en- The ammonia is stored as liquid gas monia dosage. The equipment was
gine exhaust and turbocharging sys- under a pressure of about 5-10 bar. subsequently installed, and the sea
tem, and the influence of the reactor The ammonia storage tank is located trials of the first vessel took place in
volume and heat capacity must there- on deck, sheltered from sunlight to pre- November 1989.
fore be carefully evaluated in terms of vent overheating. The evaporator is
the control of engine dynamics, espe- heated, and evaporation takes place at Whereas the SCR process, right from
cially during transient conditions such around 70°C. the start of the reaction, showed the
as load changes, start-up, etc. For per- desired NOx reduction in the relevant
manent operation of the SCR unit, for At the time of planning, the actual type temperature window, the engine turbo-
instance in stationary applications, of fuel to be used, i.e. gas oil, marine charging system showed a need for
vessel for the same trade entered
kg/h ppm service in mid-1991 and No. 4 ship
1400 in 1992. Subsequent voyages have
150 shown that the load profile originally
kg/h suggested had been rather unrealistic.
Real life profiles generally turned out
125 to be dominated by lower loads, with
much more frequent stops and idling,
which obviously accentuated the
1200 turbocharging difficulties seen during
100 ppm the sea trials. An actual load profile is
shown in Fig. 24, superimposed on
the original estimate.
To overcome these problems, as well
as the original difficulties, the following
1000 modifications have been introduced:
some modifications. The change-over 1989, Fig. 25, after some preliminary • Sealing air for the reactor has been
procedure from de-NOx off to de-NOx modifications. The second vessel en- moved to the hot side of the air
on, via the opening of valves 2 and 3, tered service in February 1990. A third
see Fig. 12, followed by the closing of
valve 1, was too fast, with the result
that the turbocharger did not get
enough energy, as this was used to Engine
heat up the catalyst. A high exhaust speed
gas temperature alarm was the result.
Furthermore, fairly large turbocharger Expected profile
speed variations over a 5-10 minute
periodic cycle were observed with the
reactor in operation, again caused by
an unsteady energy flow to the turbo- 75
charger. However, even under such
conditions the de-NOx process worked
satisfactorily. 50
[1] ISO 8178, ’Reciprocating Internal
Combustion Engines - Exhaust
Emission Measurement’, Parts 1
to 9.