The nominal bearing resistance of foundation soils In application of these empirical methods, the use of
may be estimated from the results of in-situ tests or by average SPT blow counts and CPT tip resistances is
observed resistance of similar soils. The use of a specified. The resistance factors recommended for
particular in-situ test and the interpretation of test results bearing resistance included in Table assume
should take local experience into consideration. The the use of average values for these parameters. The use
following in-situ tests may be used: of lower bound values may result in an overly
conservative design. However, depending on the
Standard Penetration Test availability of soil property data and the variability of
the geologic strata under consideration, it may not be
Cone Penetration Test possible to reliably estimate the average value of the
properties needed for design. In such cases, the Engineer
The nominal bearing resistance in sand, in MPa, may have no choice but to use a more conservative
based on SPT results may be taken as: selection of design input parameters to mitigate the
additional risks created by potential variability or the
Df paucity of relevant data.
qn 3.2 10 5
N 160 B Cwq Cw ( The original derivation of Eqs. 1 and 2 did not
B include inclination factors (Meyerhof, 1956).
qn 8.2 10 5
qc B Cwq Cw (
Sowers, 1979
Tomlinson (1986)
The elastic half-space method assumes the footing For general guidance regarding the estimation of
is flexible and is supported on a homogeneous soil of elastic settlement of footings on sand, see Gifford et al.
infinite depth. The elastic settlement of spread footings, (1987) and Kimmerling (2002).
in mm, by the elastic half-space method shall be The stress distributions used to calculate elastic
estimated as: settlement assume the footing is flexible and supported
on a homogeneous soil of infinite depth. The settlement
2 below a flexible footing varies from a maximum near
qO 1 A the center to a minimum at the edge equal to about
S ( 50 percent and 64 percent of the maximum for
e E
s z rectangular and circular footings, respectively. The
settlement profile for rigid footings is assumed to be
where: uniform across the width of the footing.
Spread footings of the dimensions normally used
qo = applied vertical stress (MPa) for bridges are generally assumed to be rigid, although
the actual performance will be somewhere between
A = effective area of footing (mm2) perfectly rigid and perfectly flexible, even for relatively
thick concrete footings, due to stress redistribution and
Es = Young’s modulus of soil taken as specified in concrete creep.
Article if direct measurements of Es The accuracy of settlement estimates using elastic
are not available from the results of in situ or theory are strongly affected by the selection of soil
laboratory tests (MPa) modulus and the inherent assumptions of infinite elastic
half space. Accurate estimates of soil moduli are
= shape factor taken as specified in Table 1 difficult to obtain because the analyses are based on
(dim.) only a single value of soil modulus, and Young’s
modulus varies with depth as a function of overburden
stress. Therefore, in selecting an appropriate value for
= Poisson’s Ratio, taken as specified in
soil modulus, consideration should be given to the
Article if direct measurements of are influence of soil layering, bedrock at a shallow depth,
not available from the results of in situ or and adjacent footings.
laboratory tests (dim.) For footings with eccentric loads, the area, A ,
should be computed based on reduced footing
Unless Es varies significantly with depth, Es should dimensions as specified in Article
be determined at a depth of about 1/2 to 2/3 of B below
the footing, where B is the footing width. If the soil
modulus varies significantly with depth, a weighted
average value of Es should be used.