Part D: Tasseldo Module: Tasseldo - User's Manual
Part D: Tasseldo Module: Tasseldo - User's Manual
Part D: Tasseldo Module: Tasseldo - User's Manual
Figure D.1 : Point vertical load Q applied to the soil surface ........................................................................... 6
Figure D.2 : Rectangular uniform load q - Superposition method ................................................................... 7
Figure D.3 : Application of Steinbrenner’s formula .......................................................................................... 8
Figure D.4 : Void ratio e versus ’v ................................................................................................................. 9
Figure D.5 : “Parameters” tab ........................................................................................................................ 11
Figure D.6 : Wizard for importing a Tasplaq file into the Tasseldo module ................................................... 12
Figure D.7 : “Layers” tab ................................................................................................................................ 13
Figure D.8 : “Loads” tab ................................................................................................................................. 15
Figure D.9 : View of a particular load ............................................................................................................ 16
Figure D.10 : Automatic loads (wizards) ........................................................................................................ 17
Figure D.11 : "Uniform circular load" ............................................................................................................. 18
Figure D.12 : Calculated values: "Uniform circular load" ............................................................................... 18
Figure D.13 : "Uniform annular load" ............................................................................................................. 19
Figure D.14 : Calculated values: "Uniform annular load" .............................................................................. 20
Figure D.15 : Example of 3D embankment-type load ................................................................................... 20
Figure D.16 : Wizard: "3D embankment-like load" ........................................................................................ 21
Figure D.17 : Calculated values: "3D embankment-like load" ....................................................................... 22
Figure D.18 : "Consolidation" tab .................................................................................................................. 23
Figure D.19 : "Calculation" tab ...................................................................................................................... 24
Figure D.20 : Selection of a calculation point – Graphic representation ....................................................... 25
Figure D.21 : Example of graphic representation of side view (Oyz plane) .................................................. 25
Figure D.22 : Calculation points situated along a segment ........................................................................... 26
Figure D.23 : Calculated values: Calculation points situated along a segment ............................................ 27
Figure D.24 : Calculation points situated along a horizontal circle ................................................................ 28
Figure D.25 : Calculated values: Calculation points situated along a horizontal circle ................................. 28
Figure D.26 : Calculation points distributed on a horizontal rectangle .......................................................... 29
Figure D.27 : Calculated values: Calculation points distributed on a horizontal rectangle ........................... 29
Figure D.28 : Calculation points distributed on a horizontal quadrilateral ..................................................... 30
Figure D.29 : Calculated values: Calculation points distributed on a horizontal quadrilateral ...................... 31
Figure D.30 : Calculation points distributed on a horizontal disk .................................................................. 31
Figure D.31 : Calculated values: Calculation points situated on a horizontal disk ........................................ 32
Figure D.32 : Numerical and graphical results .............................................................................................. 33
Figure D.33 : Numerical results: Formatted results – Data reminder ............................................................ 33
Figure D.34 : Numerical results: Formatted results – Results (normal printing) ........................................... 34
Figure D.35 : Numerical results: Formatted results (detailed printing) .......................................................... 35
Figure D.36 : Numerical results: Formatted results – Results (adjusted plane) ............................................ 36
Figure D.37 : Numerical results: Stresses and settlements .......................................................................... 37
Figure D.38 : Numerical results: Consolidation settlements (oedometric) .................................................... 37
Figure D.39 : Graphical results: Stresses and settlements ........................................................................... 38
Figure D.40 : Graphical results: Oedometric consolidation settlement ......................................................... 38
Figure D.41 : Graphical results : Settlements at given Z ............................................................................... 39
Table D.1 : Soil layer parameters .................................................................................................................. 14
Table D.2 : Oedometric calculation parameters ............................................................................................ 14
Table D.3 : Parameters for loads definition ................................................................................................... 16
Table D.4 : Parameters for uniform circular load ........................................................................................... 17
Table D.5 : Parameters for uniform annular load .......................................................................................... 19
Table D.6 : Parameters for 3D embankment-like load .................................................................................. 21
Table D.7 : Consolidation parameters ........................................................................................................... 24
Table D.8 : Parameters for defining calculation points situated along a segment ........................................ 26
Table D.9 : Parameters for definition of calculation points situated along a horizontal circle ....................... 28
Table D.10 : Parameters for definition of calculation points distributed on a horizontal rectangle................ 29
Table D.11 : Parameters for definition of calculation points distributed on a horizontal quadrilateral .......... 30
Table D.12 : Parameters for definition of calculation points distributed on a horizontal disk ........................ 31
Table D.13 : Details of numerical results (stresses and settlements) ........................................................... 36
Table D.14 : Details of numerical results: Consolidation settlements (oedometric) ...................................... 37
D.1. Introduction
The Tasseldo module is a program based on analytical formulas designed to compute the
variations of the vertical stress and vertical settlement in an elastic, homogeneous and
isotropic medium, subjected to uniform rectangular loads on the soil surface.
It can take account of a horizontal multilayer soil, with elastic and/or oedometric behaviour. In the
case of an oedometric calculation, it can also take account of degrees of consolidation.
Numerous wizards are available for automatic generation of a load mesh and calculation points, or
for importing results from the Tasplaq module (interaction pressures and calculation points).
Finally, it is possible to adjust an average settlement plane by the least squares method.
D.2.2. Stresses
Boussinesq formula: point load (Figure D.1)
The vertical load Q is applied to the surface of a semi-infinite, homogeneous and isotropic medium
(Figure D.1). The vertical stress variation at any point N of the medium was given by Boussinesq:
3.Q 1
zz = .
2 2
2. .z r
1+ z
z: depth of point N,
r: horizontal distance from N to the action line of Q.
The vertical stress variation zz, due to a uniform load of density q distributed over a surface is
obtained by integrating the formula (1) over the considered surface. If the load surface is a
rectangle (l x b), where l is the length and b the width, the analytical solution at all points along axis
D passing through one of the four corners of the rectangle can be written (Figure D.2):
zz = q.k o (2)
1 l.b l.b.z 1 1
k 0 .atg . 2
2 z.R3 R3 R1 R2
with R1 = ( l 2 + z 2 ) ; R2 = ( b2 + z 2 ) ; R3 = ( l 2 + b2 + z 2 )
The vertical stress under a rectangular load is also independent of the characteristics E and
(homogeneous medium).
As the medium is isotropic, homogeneous and linearly elastic, we use the superposition method to
calculate the stress variation zz and the settlement at all points, for all allowable loads. The
solution is known, using formula (2), under one of the four corners of the rectangle; the problem
can thus be broken down in a way appropriate to the solution.
n n
The solution can be written: zz = izz and zz = izz
i=1 i=1
D.2.3. Settlements
The vertical displacement at a point M is deduced from zz, calculated with formula (2), in the
case of the calculation of a one-dimensional and oedometric settlement. In the case of a three-
dimensional displacement (Steinbrenner formula), the settlement of a given layer is calculated
directly from the geometry of the surface loading.
The stress used in the calculations is the mean value of the vertical stress in the considered layer.
The one-dimensional settlement H is then equal to:
H = .H
E oed
1 1 l² 1 l² d ²
F1 D l ln
l l² 1 1 d ²
l 1 1 d ² l²
l 1 d ² l²
F2 D 2 arctan
d l D L
with d and l
d 1 d ² l² B B
We assume that lateral displacements are nil (one-dimensional displacement assumption is valid)
and that the volume of skeleton grains remains constant. The relationship between the variation in
vertical displacement and that of the void ratio is defined by:
H e
Ho (1 + eo )
The oedometric settlement H due to a rise in the effective stress zz' (calculated) depends on
the reference state and the soil loading history:
first case: normally consolidated soil: 0'=p', the oedometric settlement can be written:
Cc +
if 'zz>0, H = H. .log 10 o zz (5)
1 + eo o
Cs +
if 'zz<0, H = H. .log 10 o zz (6)
1 + eo o
If p'< 'zz+0' and zz'>0 (load case), oedometric settlement can be written:
H o . . p o + zz
H = C s log 10 + C c . log 10
(1+ eo ) o p
If p' > zz'+o' then settlement H can be deduced from formula (6).
b) Settlement at time t
We can consider that in the overconsolidated domain, consolidation is far faster than in the
normally consolidated domain.
Thus, for each layer, the degree of consolidation is only applied to the stress variation exceeding
the consolidation pressure.
At a time t, we consider that the stress value is:
'v t ' p U s t '0 ' p
Us(t), provided layer by layer by the user, must be deduced from a prior consolidation calculation
(to be carried out with specific software).
The additional stress at time t can be written:
t ' v t ' 0
The value thus evaluated is input into whichever of formulas (5) to (7) is applicable.
Figure D.6 : Wizard for importing a Tasplaq file into the Tasseldo module
It is also possible to export the results of a Tasplaq calculation to the Tasseldo module. For more
details, check the Tasplaq User’s Manual (part I).
The following table describes the soil properties to be defined for each layer:
Foxta can be used to save soil layers in the project soils database and/or in the global soils
database by clicking the button.
This saves the soil layers with their parameters and avoids having to input them again when
creating a new module in the current project, or in another Foxta project.
Use of the soils database is described in detail in part C of the manual.
To make the definition of “routine” loads easier, this tab has a Wizard button used for simple
definition of:
a uniform circular load;
a uniform annular load;
a 3D embankment type load.
Figure D.10 illustrates the various available wizards:
Choose the type of load;
Fill out the various input fields;
Click the button.
The use of the various load tabs is described in the following sub-chapters.
Note: it is possible to use several wizards or the same Loads wizard several times for the same
Tasseldo calculation.
Generation of rectangular loads representing the circular load and calculation of their properties Xr,
Yr, Zr, LX, LY, r and qr, are activated by clicking the button:
The generation of rectangular loads representing the annular load and the calculation of their
properties Xr, Yr, Zr, LX, LY, r and qr, are activated by clicking the button:
10 m 15 m
100 kPa 100 kPa
75 kPa
D C 50 kPa
Ly = 15 m
10 m
A B 15 m
Lx = 10 m 75 kPa
50 kPa
25 kPa 25 kPa
Figure D.15 : Example of 3D embankment-type load
Load density at C kPa - Always Yes calculated from the
preceding 3 values
Table D.6 : Parameters for 3D embankment-like load
The generation of load rectangles representing the “3D embankment-like load” and the calculation
of their properties Xr, Yr, Zr, LX, LY, r and qr, are activated by clicking the button:
It is advised to choose a beginning of calculation elevation Zp situated on a limit between
Settlements and stresses are only calculated from (below) the elevation of the point
The “group” column appears when the calculation points wizard has been used: a group of
calculation points corresponds to a set of calculation points generated via the wizard;
The application marks the point selected in the table with a green cross in the graphic part:
Note: the view presented by default in the graphic space is the project top view. Using the
and buttons, it is also possible to display the side view (planes
Oyz or Oxz).
These views can for example be used to visualise load and calculation points defined at depth.
Once the wizard data have been completed, click the button: the points generated are
then automatically copied into the table of calculation points in the “Calculation” tab:
Once the wizard data have been completed, click the button: the points generated are
then automatically copied into the calculation points table in the “Calculation” tab:
Figure D.25 : Calculated values: Calculation points situated along a horizontal circle
Once the wizard data have been completed, click the button: the generated points are
then automatically copied into the calculation points table in the "Calculation" tab:
Once the wizard data have been completed, click the button: the points generated are
then automatically copied into the table in the “Calculation” tab:
Once the wizard data have been completed, click the button: the points generated are
then automatically copied into the calculation points table in the "Calculation" tab:
D.3.6.1. Calculation
The calculation can be started from any tab, provided that the tabs have been correctly filled out, in
other words when they are all marked with a green cross (for example: ).
They are marked with a red cross (for example: ) until they are correctly filled out (data
missing or not conforming to expected values).
To start the calculation, click the button.
D.3.6.2. Results
To display the calculation results, click the button.
The following window then appears and proposes the different types of results accessible after a
Tasseldo calculation:
3 types of numerical results: formatted results, stresses and settlements, and consolidation
settlements (oedometric);
3 types of graphical results: stresses and settlements, consolidation settlements
(oedometric) and settlement shadings.
Click the required button according to the data format.
The following chapters describe these different types of results in detail.
In the “calculated” column, for each calculation point, recalls the calculated settlement using
the calculation method adopted for the average plane (display of 3D elastic settlement if the
3D elastic average plane was requested, for example);
In the “adjusted” column, gives the settlement value, at the same calculation point,
corresponding to the position of the settlement average plane.
This window can be used to show the settlement intensity for a given level Z.
The following can be selected in the strip at the top of the window:
The chosen level
The type of settlement to be displayed: Elastic 1D, Elastic 3D or Oedometric (if available).
In the example presented above, the colours illustrate the distribution of 1D elastic settlement
values in plane (OXY) at elevation Z = 0.00.
D.4.1. Example 1
D.4.1.1. Introduction
The first example comprises two parts:
Calculation of one-dimensional and three-dimensional settlement of three soil layers under
the effect of a rectangular load
Then calculation of the oedometric settlement in the same conditions.
q = 50 kPa
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3
“Project” frame
Give a title to the project;
Enter a project number;
Complete with comments if necessary;
Leave the “Use the soil database” unticked (we will not use the database for this example), and
click the button.
“Import” frame:
A project can be imported from the Tasplaq module, but we will not use this option for this
To move onto the next tab, click either the name of the “Layers” tab or the button.
Note: the discretisation chosen makes it possible here to create “sub-layers” from 50 cm to one
metre thick.
The drawing in the left-hand part of the screen shows the layers defined.
Tasseldo can be used to save these soil layers in the project database and/or in the global soils
database by clicking the button.
This makes it possible to save soil layers with their parameters, to avoid having to input them again
when using another module for the same Foxta project, or when creating another Foxta project.
The database will not be used in this example, but part C of the manual describes its use in detail.
Click the button to add a line and input the above values.
Note: in the examples covered in the manual, the loads are always applied at surface level.
However, it should be noted that it is also possible to define loads at depth.
A help diagram can be accessed by clicking the button and illustrates the meaning of
parameters Lx, Ly and r:
The “Loads wizard” is not used in this example because the load only consists of a simple
rectangle. This wizard will be used in example 2.
The drawing in the left-hand part of the screen now shows the defined load.
Click the button to add a line and repeat this operation for all the points to be defined.
Note: here we define the calculation points manually. Use of the "Calculation points" wizard will be
illustrated in example 2.
After defining these points, they appear in the left-hand part of the window as blue points (the point
corresponding to the line selected in the table appears as a green cross).
N° Xp (m) Yp (m) Zp (m)
1 0.00 0.00 7.50
2 5.00 10.00 7.50
3 5.00 0.00 7.50
4 0.00 10.00 7.50
5 -5.00 10.00 7.50
6 -5.00 -10.00 7.50
7 5.00 -10.00 7.50
8 -5.00 0.00 7.50
9 0.00 -10.00 7.50
10 0.00 0.00 1.50
11 5.00 0.00 1.50
12 0.00 10.00 1.50
13 5.00 10.00 1.50
D. Calculation
As long as all the tabs have not been correctly filled out, the button used to start the calculation is
marked with a red cross: .
Once all the data have been correctly input, the button (accessible from all the
tabs) is active.
Clicking this button will start the calculation.
To access the results in the form of tables and graphics, click the button.
Results not
accessible for this
D. Results
The main available results (in particular the settlements for the 9 calculation points) are presented
on the following page.
The results given in terms of settlements are the 1D and 3D elastic settlements. The oedometric
results are not available because the oedometric calculation was not requested for this example.
Select a type of results to be displayed then click the button to return to the result
types selection screen.
It should be noted that for each elevation (7.5 or 1.5), maximum settlement is obtained as planned
in the centre of the loaded zone (points 2 and 13). Maximum settlement obtained on the surface is
thus at point 2, with a value of 7.07 cm for 3D elastic settlement at this point. Settlement at point 13
(also at the centre of the loaded zone, but at elevation 1.5 m) is of 4.64 cm.
As oedometric calculation was not selected, the Toedo column is displayed, but contains only nil
To quit the results display, click the button.
(kN/m )
Name Cs/(1+e0) tc Cc/(1+e0)
"Consolidation" tab:
Do not tick the “Consideration of consolidation" box (this feature will be illustrated in example 2).
Save the project under another name (TASSEL01bis for example) and restart the calculation. For
analysis of the results, use the same method as before.
The numerical and graphical results of “Consolidation settlements (oedometric)" are still not always
accessible: this is because although we activated oedometric calculation, the “Consolidation”
feature for calculation of settlements with time is not used.
Maximum surface settlement is indeed at point 2 (17.0 cm for oedometric settlement and 7.1 cm
for 3D elastic settlement.
For points outside the footprint of the loaded zone, the v term is nil on the surface and increases
with depth.
Move the mouse over a curve to obtain the values corresponding to the points on the curve;
The settlement curves for the calculation points situated at elevation 1.5 m are extended
vertically between levels 1.5 and 7.5 m (no settlement calculated above the calculation
D.4.2. Example 2
(kN/m )
Name Zbase (m) Cs/(1+e0) tc Cc/(1+e0) n
Layer 1 1.50 8000 0.33 0.012 -50 (kPa) 0.08 20.00 10
In the “Loads” tab, use the "Load Wizard" button (bottom-left of tab) and select the “Uniform
annular load” tab.
The radius to be input is the average radius of the ring. In the case of this example, the inside
radius of the ring is 5.5 m and the outside radius is 6.5 m.
Once the data are input, click the button to create the corresponding load rectangles in
the loads table: it is possible to check that the wizard has actually generated 50 rectangles to
represent the ring.
The rectangle selected from the list is surrounded by a green frame on the drawing.
To add date values (that is columns in the table), click the button.
The values to be input are as follows:
t1 t2 t3 t4
1 5 20 50
Layer 2 20 50 90 100
Similarly, the size of the disk chosen for defining these points will have an influence on the average
plane calculated: here we intentionally opt to define a disk wider than the loaded zone.
Click the "Calculation points wizard" button , and select the “Distributed on horizontal disk” tab.
The data to be input are as follows:
The wizard automatically calculates the total number of points generated: 45.
Here we decided to add a 46th point manually: add point (0, 0, 7.50) corresponding to the centre of
the loaded zone.
D. Calculation
Click the button to start the calculation.
To access the results in the form of tables and graphics, click the button.
D. Results
New types of results are accessible by comparison with example 1:
The oedometric settlements at the different dates defined, for all calculation points (below is
the display in graphic form, using the "Shift" key to select and thus superpose several curves
on the graphic).
These results are available because we chose oedometric calculation with consolidation.
On the graphic below, we selected calculation points 46, 1, 10, 19, 28 and 37, aligned along a
radius, with point 19 being situated under the mean fibre of the ring (the points selected are
illustrated in the following figure).
It is logical that starting from point 46 (centre of the ring) and moving outwards, settlement
begins to increase the closer one comes to the loaded ring and reaches its maximum under
the ring (point 19, with oedometric settlement of close to 13 cm), and then decreases again as
one moves away from the loaded ring.
46 1 10 19 28 37
The 3D average plane equation, calculated on the basis of the 3D settlement of all the
calculation points defined (average plane displayed below after the formatted numerical
It should be noted that the adjusted settlement (3D average plane for this example) is the
same for all the calculation points: this corresponds to the uniform load case and a
homogeneous distribution of calculation points under the loaded zone. The average plane
settlement is here equal to 3.6 cm.
With regard to 3D elastic settlement, the “calculated” column tells us that it is maximal for the
points situated below the loaded ring, as previously seen, with a value of 6.65 cm (point 19 for
example). In addition and as expected, we see that settlement has the same value for all
points situated on a given circle centred on the centre of the loaded ring, given that this is a
uniform annular load.