WTMC Newsletter 21 Oct 2010

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>> Ironman Kona >> Results

>> Membership update >> Events
>> Monday run club moves to Tui Glen


McCormack wins his second title

To the scientists who said he couldn’t McCormack. The first came on the
ever win in Kona, Chris McCormack bike, when he pushed the pace and
has a simple message: you got it got himself in a group that included
wrong. some of the strongest cyclists in the
In 2002, Chris McCormack rolled world – Normann Stadler, Faris Al-
to the Big Island here in Hawaii and Sultan, Raelert and Raynard Tissink.
boldly stated that he was here to win The next came when he and Tissink
the Ironman World Championship. made another strong move to ride
That year he dropped out along Alii themselves clear of the Germans.
Drive. A year later he also dropped That move put McCormack out
out of the race. Eventually he finished in front of Raelert off the bike. The
sixth, then had an impressive second, couple-of-minute lead he held on the
and finally won in 2007. That day Germany was an almost nine-minute
he proved to those scientists that lead over the defending champ. All
he didn’t sweat too much, that he three would fly through the initial
didn’t have problems with heat and stages of the marathon, putting in
humidity, that he could not only beat sub-six minute miles as they flew
the best Ironman athletes in the through the opening miles. Also in “I had 1:20 at 15 miles,”
world, but that he could overcome the the mix was Marino Vanhoenacker, McCormack said at the press
tough conditions typical here in Hawaii who had also ridden clear of many of conference. “I focused on nutrition
to do it. the men in the race, coming off the and knew that he would need to work
“The day is always ridiculously bike in third behind super-cyclists hard to catch me. When he caught
tough,” said Chris McCormack Chris Lieto and Maik Twelsiek. The me with four miles to go, I was feeling
at today’s press conference. “It’s fun really began in the second half of very good. We shook hands – I said
important to do the little things right. the marathon, though. With Alexander “no matter what happens, you’re a
Last year we went back – me and my running at 2:35 marathon pace champion” and we didn’t say another
team – and looked at what we needed behind the them, McCormack, Raelert word to each other.”
to change.” and Vanhoenacker did everything they “I was getting some stomach
McCormack raced less this year. could to go for the title themselves. cramps at the end,” McCormack
He headed over to the Frankfurter “It was hard,” said Marino said of the intensity of the closing
Sparkasse Ironman European Vanhoenacker. “Sometimes I was miles. “Your body starts rebelling. I
Championship to test himself, and got wondering if I made the right moves. was sticking my hand right up my rib
spanked by the man he beat to the Down in the energy lab, there was 45 cage.”
line here in Kona. seconds separating us three. I got to It was the last aid station on the
“Andreas made us all look stupid see the race from the first row. At the course that would prove pivotal.
in Frankfurt this year,” he said of end of the day I was beaten by two “I couldn’t believe he went to the
Andreas Raelert’s impressive win. superb athletes.” aid station,” McCormack said. “My
Craig Alexander, the two-time Those two superb athletes were attitude, at that point, is to close my
defending champion here in Kona, McCormack and Raelert, who would eyes, grit my teeth and go for it.”
wasn’t the only person who credited eventually find themselves running Which is exactly what he did.
today’s win to a few gutsy moves by stride for stride. Raelert wasn’t able to respond and


For the latest club information visit: www.waitakeretriclub.co.nz

To submit an article or piece of information to this newsletter please send to [email protected]

>> Ironman Kona >> Results
>> Membership update >> Events
>> Monday run club moves to Tui Glen


McCormack wins his second title CONT. MEMBERSHIP FEES

had to watch as McCormack ran to his Instead he watched his countryman At the recent AGM it was agreed that
second title. join him in the exclusive world of being fees for membership of the club would
“I think he’ll look back at this one a two-time Kona champion. now be increased slightly. This is to
as the one that got away,” McCormack Raelert would hang on for second, allow further investment in the admin-
said of Raelert, who he feels is finishing just a few seconds ahead of istration of this growing club. October
destined to win this race someday. Vanhoenacker, while Raynard Tissink is the time for renewal so jump online
“I don’t think I lost this race today,” rounded out the top five. to review the new fees and sign up for
the incredibly gracious defending Originally from: http:// another great year. waitakeretriclub.
champion said of his fourth place ironman.com/events/ironman/ co.nz/Membership.aspx
finish. “There were three guys who worldchampionship/kona2010/
had incredible days ahead of me.” kevin-mackinnon-recaps-the-mens-
Of that there can be no doubt. race-at-the-ford-ironman-world- SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL
Alexander ran a 2:41 marathon and championship#ixzz12nRM2rh0 BIKE STORE
it still wasn’t enough to take the title Image sourced from Triathlete.com
here in Kona for the third straight year.

CLUB EVENTS >> The Hobsonville Hustle will return MONDAY RUN SQUAD
before Christmas - keep an eye out on
>> Swimming Mon/Wed, 6.00am our website for more details. MOVES TO TUI GLEN
Massey High School, Don Buck Road.
>> Running Monday, 6.30pm Tui Glen Now we have hit the summer season
>> Sea swim Saturday, 7.30am with Pete Bosch. Wednesday, 6.15pm coach Pete Bosch has taken us back
Kohimaramara Beach, Tamaki Drive at the Rugby Rooms, Trusts Stadium - to the cosy surroundings of Tui Glen,
Fun Run. Henderson. The group have just
>> BIG JIM SWIM A gentle 3.5km
moved into an 8 week strength phase
swim along the stunning Mission Bay >> Sunday RIde West Wave, Henderson
waterfront. 8.45am on Friday 29th or Te Atatu Cycle Way. From 7.00am of running, that will suit all abilities.
October. Email [email protected] or 7.30am. 60 - 100km. If you would like to join why not drop
down and give it a go. $8 non-WTMC
WELL DONE TO ALL THOSE WHO FINISHED members, $5 for members. Email
[email protected]

The Harbour Crossing is a 2.8km on November 21st in Auckland this to Kohi each saturday to get that
course and the ultimate achievement will really let you get a sense of open essential training. See our website for
to tell your friends about. Taking place water swimming. Why not come down more training information.

For the latest club information visit: www.waitakeretriclub.co.nz

To submit an article or piece of information to this newsletter please send to [email protected]

>> Ironman Kona >> Results
>> Membership update >> Events
>> Monday run club moves to Tui Glen


Waitakere Half Marathon YOU ARE ALL WINNERS!

What a day! Perfect for running! really appreciates this kind of support,
Waitakere Tri Club has helped out with and it certainly does not go unnoticed, 11k Run/Walk
this event for many years now. The with the Westy Trust donating $2000 Andrew Sylvester – 42.38
event this year was under new race to the club for all our help and Shaun Gear – 50.36
direction, and we were approached support. Well done again to everyone Kirstin Bosch – 53.39
to continue our support to the event involved. Judy Gray – 56.03
in the way of volunteers. These club On the course, our club shone Daniel Wilson – 59.36
members plus valued friends of the brightly too. It was so good to see Alistair Ball – 1.00.00
club, their families, and their friends so many of our members out there Jenny Lindsay – 1.03.09
gave up their Saturday to help with giving it a go and showing why we Gaylene Wrennall – 1.12.23
race pack preparation, and race are such a strong club. Let’s not Sue Munro – 1.23.51
registration, as well their Sunday for forget the supporters to, I for one was Sheryll Freeth – 1.25.06
race morning late entry and race really appreciative of the clapping Leslie Smith – 1.37.12
registration, then helping on the finish and cheering from the club tent Wanda Smith – 1.41.00
line with chip collecting and water and around the course. We were
handouts. This is a massive task, definitely the loudest group! Below 21k Run/Walk
which gets done professionally and are the results of our members Ben Chidgey – 1.15.32
proficiently each year by our good and close some close associates, Debbie Fillery – 1.28.31
people at WTMC and co. The club congratulations to you all. Pete B Peter Bosch – 1.29.54
Shaun Owen – 1.31.22
Chris Guy – 1.33.46
Jonathan Sharp – 1.34.33
Paul Carroll – 1.34.57
Pete Munro – 1.49.46
Amy Chidgey – 1.57.30
“Ben shatters the
Ruth Boyes – 1.57.30
triathlon record
Clint Jarman – 2.00.20
by doing all three Chris Arnold – 2.02.08
legs at once!” Jim Goodwin – 2.16.57
Amy Barnett – 2.18.25
Stephen Doughty – 2.25.16

From: www.junkertoons.com/triathlon.htm

For the latest club information visit: www.waitakeretriclub.co.nz

To submit an article or piece of information to this newsletter please send to [email protected]

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