Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (G.D.T)

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Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing

§ Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (G.D.T)

§ Why use G.D.T?
§ Geometric characteristics (and symbols)
§ Geometric attributes
§ Fundamentals for tolerance selection
§ Allowance & tolerance
§ Geometric tolerancing

§ Engineering drawing is expected to convey a complete description of every

detail of a part (dimensioning is as important as the geometric information).
§ Dimensions convey the required part size, whereas tolerances convey the
required precision.
§ Dimensioning and tolerancing of a part implies information critical to the
manufacture of a part, which affects the choice of process to be used, tooling
to be used, fixtures and fixture location, and machines required to produce a

Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (G.D.T):

§ Means of specifying engineering design and drawing requirements with

respect to actual “function (the consideration for the movement involved
with assembled parts)” and “relationship (the consideration of an assembly
in a static or fixed situation)” of part features
§ a system of drawing which supplements the traditional techniques with
specifications that permit uniformity and convenience in the interpretation
of drawings (ANSI & ISO standards)
§ a standard throughout the world; a language of symbols
§ an engineering design drawing language and a functional production and
inspection technique
§ a system of building blocks for good drawing practice which provides the
means of stating necessary dimensional or tolerance requirements on the
drawing not otherwise covered by implication or standard interpretation

Why use G.D.T?

1. It saves money directly by providing for maximum producibility of the part

through maximum production tolerances. It provides “bonus” or extra
tolerances in many cases.
2. It ensures that design dimensional and tolerance requirements, as they
relate to actual function, are specifically stated and thus carried out.
3. It ensures the interchangeability of mating parts at assembly.
4. It provides uniformity and convenience in drawing delineation and
interpretation, thereby reducing controversy and guesswork.

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5. Diversity of product line and manufacture makes considerably more
stringent demands of the completeness, uniformity, and clarity of
6. It is increasingly becoming the ”spoken word” throughout industry, military,
and internationally, on engineering drawing documentation.

Geometric characteristics (and symbols):

§ Geometric characteristics are the symbols for form, orientation, profile,

runout, and location tolerancing
§ Used as the basic elements or building blocks, which form the symbolic
language of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (e.g., flatness,
straightness, parallelism, etc.)
§ The symbol has uniform meaning, are compact, quickly drawn, and can be
placed on the drawing where the control applies
§ On the other hand, note can be stated inconsistently, with a possibility of
misunderstanding; notes require much more space and time, tend to be
scattered on the drawing; notes may require translation if the drawing is
used in another country

Geometric attributes:

1. Maximum material condition (MMC):

The condition in which a feature of size contains the maximum amount of

material within the stated limits of size (e.g., minimum hole diameter, maximum
shaft diameter)

2. Least material condition (LMC):

The condition in which a feature of size contains the least amount of material
within the stated limits of size (e.g., minimum shaft diameter, maximum hole

3. Regardless of feature size (RFS):

§ The term used to indicate that a geometric tolerance or datum reference

applies at any increment of size of the feature within its size tolerance; the
tolerance of the form must be met regardless of the specific size of the part

4. Basic dimension:

A numerical value used to describe the theoretically exact size, profile,

orientation, or location of a feature or datum target. It is the basis from which

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permissible variations are established by tolerances in feature control frames or
on other dimensions or notes

5. Datum:

A theoretically exact point, axis, or plane derived from the true geometric
counterpart of a specified datum feature. A datum is the origin from which the
location or geometric characteristics of features of a part are established.

§ Selection of datums:

Ø Features, which are selected to establish datums, must be clearly

identified and/or easily recognizable. Datums must be specified, and must
clearly represent necessary design intent.
Ø Corresponding features on mating parts should be used in establishing
datums to facilitate calculations and ensure proper part assembly.
Ø To be useful for measuring, a datum on an actual piece should be
accessible during manufacture so that measurements from it can be made
Ø Avoid ambiguity of design requirements by specifying datums where
necessary for clarity.
Ø Consider the precision of the features selected as datum features.

6. Feature:

The geometric term applied to a physical portion of a part, such as a surface,

hole, or slot; entity of a part; Features are specific component portion of a part
and may include one or more surfaces such as holes, faces, screw threads,
profiles, or slots.

7. Feature control frame:

Feature control frame consists of a box containing the geometric characteristic

symbol, datum references, tolerance, and the material condition symbol (e.g.,

Fundamentals for tolerance selection:

Ø Before the decision on the precision necessary for a specific part and
specifying the proper fits and tolerances, engineers must have experience in
the manufacturing processes used.
Ø “Many factors, such as length of engagement, bearing load, speed,
lubrication, temperature, humidity, and materials, must be taken into
consideration in the selection of fits for a particular application (ASA
Ø Table of fits (handbook) can be used as a guide for ordinary work.

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Ø In many cases, practical experience is necessary in determining the fit
conditions guaranteeing proper performance.
Ø A common method of determining and applying tolerances is to determine at
the outset how much clearance or interference there can be between the
mating parts without impeding their proper functioning.
Ø Often it is difficult to determine the definite size at which performance fails,
and critical tolerances are sometimes determined through exhaustive testing
of experimental models.
Ø It is essential to know the precision attainable with various machine tools and
machining methods. For example, holes to be produced by drilling must not
be specified to be a smaller tolerance than can be attained by drilling.

Allowance & tolerance:

Allowance & tolerance determine the condition of fit of mating parts, e.g., loose or
tight fit
1. Allowance — specified difference in dimensions between mating parts; the
difference between the maximum material conditions of mating parts;
allowance = the smallest hole - the maximum shaft; the allowance can be
positive, negative, or zero, and thus be stated with a sign
2. Tolerance — permissible or acceptable variation permitted in dimension
(height, width, depth, diameter, angle) of part; the difference between the
maximum and minimum limits of a part dimension; the total amount by which
a specific dimension may vary; can be dimensional or geometric (see ANSI
Y14.5M 1982); in general, close tolerances increase product cost
3. Fit: generally describes the looseness or tightness observed between mating
parts after application of the allowance and tolerance
4. Clearance fit: it ensures that mating parts will always have clearance between
the hole and the shaft throughout their size variations. Thus, the allowance
will be positive; positive allowance; space between mating parts
5. Maximum clearance: loosest fit between mating parts; the largest hole minus
the smallest shaft
6. Minimum clearance: tightest fit between mating parts; the same as the
7. Interference fit: it occurs when there is always interference between the hole
and the shaft. The smallest shaft is larger than the largest hole for this fit. The
allowance will be negative; no space between mating parts
8. Transition fit: a condition where there is clearance between the shaft and the
hole over a portion of the range of size limits and interference over the
remainder of the range.
9. Basic size — dimension from which limits of part size are derived, using
10. Nominal size — part dimension that is used for
purpose of general identification
11. Bilateral tolerance — deviation - plus or minus –
from basic size

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12. Unilateral tolerance — deviation in one direction
only from basic size
§ Comparison of bilateral & unilateral tolerance specifications:

- 2.000 +0.002/-0.002 Limits/basic: 1.998; 2.000; 2.002

Total tolerance: 0.004"

- 2.000 +0.004/-0.000 Limits/basic: 2.000; 2.000; 2.004

Total tolerance: 0.004"

- Note: To permit the same size as the bilateral, basic size for unilateral
specification will have to be changed

- Advantage of unilateral over bilateral is tolerance can be changed, but keep

same allowance

Geometric tolerancing:

§ Geometric tolerancing specifies the tolerance of geometric characteristics;

geometric tolerance is the general term applied to the category of
tolerances to control form, profile, orientation, runout, and location;
normally used to describe attributes of specific geometric features;
eliminate deficiencies in the parametric tolerancing scheme

§ Five types of geometric characteristics:

1. FORM tolerance: how far an actual surface or feature is permitted to vary

from the desired form implied by the drawing; flatness, straightness, &
2. ORIENTATION tolerance: how far an actual surface or feature is permitted
to vary relative to a datum or datums; perpendicularity, angularity, &
3. PROFILE tolerance: how far an actual surface or feature is permitted to
vary from the desired form on the drawing; profile of a line & profile of a
4. RUNOUT tolerance: how far an actual surface or feature is permitted to
vary from the desired form implied by the drawing during full (360o)
rotation of the part on a datum axis; circular runout & total runout
5. LOCATION tolerance: how far an actual surface or feature is permitted to
vary from the perfect location implied by the drawings as related to a
datum, or other features; position, concentricity, & symmetry

§ Tolerance buildup:

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§ When a dimension is specified from another dimensioned surface, the
tolerances for the surface stack (become additive). Tolerance buildup
between features should be closely monitored when you place
dimensions on a drawing because the acceptability of a given
tolerance level is largely dictated by the function of the part.

§ Three methods of controlling tolerance buildup:

1. Chain dimensioning: tolerances are simply summed to obtain the
overall tolerance
2. Baseline dimensioning: dimension from the baseline (reference or
datum) to control the tolerance of a specific feature
3. Direct dimensioning: control the tolerance between two surfaces by
putting dimensions directly between them

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