Analysis and Control of Commutation Torque Ripple in Four-Switch, Three-Phase Brushless DC Motor Drive
Analysis and Control of Commutation Torque Ripple in Four-Switch, Three-Phase Brushless DC Motor Drive
Analysis and Control of Commutation Torque Ripple in Four-Switch, Three-Phase Brushless DC Motor Drive
Conference Paper in PESC Record - IEEE Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference · January 2007
DOI: 10.1109/ICIT.2006.372210 · Source: IEEE Xplore
9 169
3 authors:
Hassan Moghbelli
Arak University of Technology
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Fig. 1. Ideal signal waveforms of the BLDC motor
Brushless DC (BLDC) motors with trapezoidal back-EMF
have been widely used due to their high efficiency, high presented. An overlapping of phase current for noise reduction
power/torque density, low maintenance and easy control has been proposed in [8] and the direct phase current control
method [1]. BLDC motors are fed with rectangular stator cur- has been presented in [9].
rent as Fig. 1, and so the produced torque is theoretically con- In this paper, in order to obtain a better understanding of
stant. However in practice, torque ripple may exist, due to the FSTPI brushless dc motor and to develop the effective torque
machine itself but also to the feeding system. Torque ripple ripple minimization strategy, Firstly, an original analytical
generated in commutation period is the main drawback of study of commutation is proposed. Then, availability of reduc-
BLDC motor which deteriorates the precision of BLDCM [2]. tion the torque ripple during commutation for a FSTPI brush-
Carlson announced relation between speed and conversion less dc motor drive is proposed. Finally, a novel torque ripple
form through relation with back EMF with DC link voltage in minimization method is developed for performance enhance-
a six-switch inverter BLDC motor drive [3]. ment of the drive. As will be shown, because of the unbalanced
For low cost application, the four-switch, three-phase in- phase voltage in FSTPI topology, drive performance in six
verter (FSTPI) employs only four switches, a pair of comple- operation modes are different and proper switching strategies
mentary switches as shown in Fig. 2. However, in the four- should be applied.
switch inverter, generating of 120o conducting current profiles
is inherently difficult. Therefore, in order to use the four-
switch topology for the three-phase BLDC motor drive, new
control schemes should be applied. The reported control tech-
niques because of asymmetrical voltage problem have paid to
conduction interval operation and so there aren't available the
considerable works in commutation interval [4].
Torque ripple generated in commutation intervals is the
main drawback of BLDC motor which deteriorates the preci-
sion of BLDC motor especially in high speed region. Many
methods for reducing the commutation torque ripple in a six-
switch inverter BLDC motor drive have been reported in the
literature. A current control with a chopping action activated
only during commutation intervals reduces the current peak
appeared in the un-commutated phase [5, 6]. In [7] a current
control algorithm using Fourier series coefficients has been Fig. 2. Configuration of FSTPI-BLDC motor drive system via Direct
Phase Current Control technique [6]
(a) Before commutation (b) Commutation with two switches (c) Commutation with two Diodes (d) After commutation
ing on S1, the circuit configuration is same of Fig. 4(b). From • Case B:
this point, three cases A, B or C can be found. To analyze of In this case, the commutation is made in two sequence I and
circuit in these cases, first, the current derivative are obtained II. In the first sequence (0 < t < t ′) , current ic vanishes. It is
as follow: The sequence of Fig. 4(b), the KVL equations by characterized by the circuit of Fig. 4(b) and from (5), ic(t) is
using (1) are as: given by:
V di a 4E
+ 2 = R ⋅ i a + L dt + e a + Vno i c (t ) = I − t (10)
V dib The duration of this step is given from (10) by:
− = R ⋅ ib + L + eb + Vno (3)
6 LI
2 dt t′ = (11)
dic 4E
0 = R ⋅ ic + L dt + ec + Vno At the end of this sequence, ia is given from (6) by:
−3V + 4 E
Where L = L s − M . By substituting back-EMF's we have: i a (t ′) = I (12)
e a + eb + e c E
Vno = − =− (4) For the second sequence (t ′ < t < t c ) , only two phases a and b
3 3
conducting in series (i a = −ib ) , and KVL is as:
With simplifications, the current derivatives are given by:
di a 3V − 4 E di a di di
V =L + e a − L b − eb = 2 L a + 2 E (13)
dt = + 6 L dt dt dt
So, the current ia is given from:
dib 3V − 8 E
=− (5) 3V − 4 E V − 2E
dt 6L i a (t ) = I+ t (14)
4E 2L
dic 4E
=− At the end of sequence II, ia reaches to +I. So, the duration of
dt 6L this step ( ∆ ′ ) is given by:
Similar to above calculations, for the sequence of Fig. 4(c), the −3V + 8 E 2 LI
current derivatives are given by: ∆′ = ⋅ (15)
V − 2E 4E
di a 3V + 4 E The total duration of the commutation in case B is obtained by:
dt = − 6 L LI
tc = t ′ + ∆′ = (16)
dib 3V + 8 E V − 2E
= (6)
The condition for having case B is given by i a (t ′) < + I is:
dt 6L
dic 4E 3V < 8 E (17)
=− This equation is corresponding to high speeds region of
dt 6L
FSTPI-BLDC motor. In this case current ib is not directly in-
According to operation condition of the motor (speed), three
volved in the commutation, but does not remain constant be-
following cases can be occurred.
• Case A:
cause derivative of currents ic and ia are different. Hence, as
In this case, ic and ia reach to final value simultaneously. shown in Fig. 3(b), in high speed region non-commutated cur-
Therefore their slopes are equal and the condition for case A rent ib has dip and so, torque decreases.
from (2) will be as:
• Case C:
3V = 8 E (7) In this case, the commutation is also made in two se-
Taking the beginning of the commutation as the time origin quence I and II as shown in Fig. 3(c). In the first se-
and by using of (2), current ia is given by: quence (0 < t < t ′′) , current ic vanishes and it is characterized
3V − 4 E by the circuit of Fig. 4(b). At the end of this sequence, ia(t)
i a (t ) = t (8)
6L reaches to +I. By using of ia(t) from (5) and some calculations,
So, the commutation time tc can be calculated from duration of sequence I is given by:
6 LI 6 LI
tc = (9) t ′′ = (18)
3V − 4 E 3V − 4 E
Second sequence (t ′′ < t < t c ) corresponds to Fig. 4(c) and at • Case C:
the end of sequence II, ic reaches to zero. So, duration of this 6 LI 4V − 4 E
t c = t ′′ + ∆ ′′ = ⋅ (30)
step ( ∆ ′′ ) is given by: 2V − 4 E 3V + 4 E
3V − 8 E 6 LI The condition for having case C is given by ib (t ′′) > 0 , that is:
∆ ′′ = ⋅ (19)
3V − 4 E 4 E V > 8E (31)
The total duration of the commutation in case C is obtained by: In this section, the phase commutation in modes II, IV and
6 LI VI were analyzed. It is found that commutation is different
t c = t ′′ + ∆ ′′ = (20) with those of six-switch inverter BLDC motor drive. The same
The condition for having case C is given by ic (t ′′) > 0 , that is: explanation can be applied to modes I, III and V. Their analy-
sis is a same as of modes IV, VI and II respectively.
3V > 8 E (21)
This equation is corresponding to low speeds range of FSTPI- IV. TORQUE RIPPLE IN COMMUTATIONS
BLDC motor. In this case current ib is not directly involved in
the commutation, but does not remain constant because deriva- A. Torque During Commutation
tive of currents ic and ia are different. Hence, as shown in Fig. General expression of torque for six operation modes is as:
3(c), in low speed range non-commutated current ib has swell
2 EI
and so, torque increases. T= = Tn (32)
i) Mode IV Also, the general expression of torque between commutations
is given by:
According to Fig. 1, in this operation mode, id, ir and inc 1
are corresponding to ia, ib and ic respectively. Commutation is T = (ed id + er i r + enc inc ) (33)
from phase a to phase b. This current transfer is done by
Supposing the back-EMFs are constant in the commutations,
switching on S1 and switching off S3. It can be shown that in
this mode, only case B will occur and that is the different with 1 2 E ⋅ i nc
T = ( E ⋅ id + E ⋅ ir − E ⋅ inc ) = − (34)
commutation in mode II or in six-switch inverter BLDC motor ω ω
drive. To analyze of circuit in case B, by using KVL equations To calculate the torque ripple amplitude during commutation,
and with some simplifications, ia and ib derivatives are as: it is only necessary to calculate its value at the end of the first
step in each case of operation modes.
dia 3V + 4 E
dt = − 6 L
(22) i) Mode II
dib = − − 3V + 4 E According to Fig. 4(b) and using (5) we have:
dt 6L
3V − 8 E
With manner as same as of case B in mode II, we obtain: inc (t ) = ib (t ) = − I − t (35)
6 LI
t′ = (23) • Case A: (3V = 8 E )
3V + 4 E
In this case, ib(t) will be constant in commutation. So,
8E 4 LI
∆′ = ⋅ (24) torque remains constant and equal to Tn and also,
3V + 4 E V − 4 E ∆T = 0 ( pu ) (36)
2 LI
t c = t ′ + ∆′ = (25) • Case B: (3V < 8 E )
V − 4E
By substituting the duration t ′ from (11) in (34), torque
ii) Mode VI at the end of the first step is given by:
2 EI 3V − 8E
In this operation mode, id, ir and inc are corresponding to ib, T (t ′) = 1+ (37)
ic and ia respectively. Commutation is from phase b to phase c. ω 4 E
and current transfer is done by switching off S3 and S2 is held By some calculations and dividing by Tn, the relative
on. With manner as same as mode II, for three cases we have: torque ripple is obtained:
• Case A: T (t ′) − Tn 3V − 8 E
∆T = = ( pu ) (38)
6 LI Tn 4E
tc = (26)
3V − 4 E • Case C: (3V > 8 E )
The condition for occurring of case A is as:
By substituting the duration t ′′ from (18) into (34),
V = 8E (27) torque at the end of the first step is given by:
• Case B: 2 EI 3V − 8 E
2 LI T (t ′′) = 1+ (39)
tc = t ′ + ∆′ = (28) ω 3V − 4 E
V − 4E
By some calculations and dividing by Tn, the relative
The condition for having case B is given by ic (t ′) < + I or torque ripple is obtained:
V < 8E (29)
T (t ′′) − Tn 3V − 8 E
∆T = = ( pu ) (40)
Tn 3V − 4 E
With similar manner for mode IV and mode VI we will have:
ii) Mode IV
T (t ′) − Tn −8 E
∆T = = ( pu ) (41)
Tn 3V + 4 E
iii) Mode VI
• Case A: (V = 8 E ) Fig. 5. Relative torque ripple amplitude in different modes
∆T = 0 ( pu ) (42)
• Case B: (V < 8E) 1
Modes II, V
T (t ′) − Tn V − 8 E
T (t ′′) − Tn V − 8E
∆T = = ( pu ) (44) 0.2
Tn 2V − 4 E 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
The same explanations can be applied to modes I, III and V E/V
and same results for commutation torque ripple will be ob- Fig. 6. Commutation duration in different modes
tained. Equations (36), (38) and (40)-(44) are only valid as
long as current is controlled (t c ≤ 60 0 ) .
in all six operation modes, relative torque ripple reaches to
+50% and passes the zero for the speed corresponding
B. Analysis of Theoretical Results
to V = 4 E and slopes to -50 % at high speed which is limited to
Developed equations show that for a constant voltage of the speed corresponding to V = 2 E . Also, commutation dura-
DC-link (V), the relative torque ripple due to commutation is tion slightly decreases as speed increases in low speed range
independent of current but depends on the back-EMF voltage ( V < 4 E ) and it increases rapidly as speed increases in high
(i.e., of the speed). The relative torque ripple and the commu- speed range. This duration is the minimum for V = 4 E .
tation duration calculated from above equations are shown in
Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 for a typical BLDC motor respectively for V. TORQUE RIPPLE MINIMIZATION IN
different operation modes. Relative torque ripple is in per unit COMMUTATIONS
and torque base is rated motor's torque. According to Fig. 6, in
different modes, the maximum relative torque ripples are dif- In previous section, we analyzed the inverter performance
ferent together. Relative torque ripple in modes II and V in the commutations and found that it is different with own of
reaches to +100 % at low speed and passes the zero for the six-switch inverter. As follows, we develop a new control
speed corresponding to 3V = 8 E . It also decreases to -50% at technique based on the current slope equalization of two
high speed which is limited to the speed corresponding commutated currents. This method is applied for modes II, IV
to V = 2 E . This point is the limit of current control of this and VI. It should be noted that for operation modes higher
mode. For modes I and IV, the relative torque ripple decreases than E / V > 0.5 , in any operation mode, current control is im-
from zero and reaches to -50% at high speed. For modes III possible
and VI, the relative torque ripple reaches to +50 % at low
speed and passes the zero for the speed corresponding A. Torque Ripple Minimization in Mode II
to V = 8 E . It also decreases to -50% at high speed which is
limited to point V = 4 E . In this mode with respect to 8 E / 3V for two cases B and
For commutation duration, according to Fig. 8, in modes II C, the possibility of the technique to equalize the mismatched
and V, it slightly decreases as speed increases in low speed slopes of two commutated phase currents ic and ia are studied.
range ( 3V < 8 E ) and it increases rapidly as speed increases in 8E
i) Case B : ( > 1)
high speed range. This duration is the minimum for 3V
3V = 8 E when the torque ripple is zero. In modes I and IV, In this case only for interval 3 / 8 < E / V < 0.5 , the current
commutation duration slightly increases as speed increases. control and so torque ripple reduction is possible. Fig. 7(a)
Also, in modes III and VI, duration of commutation has no shows the circuit topology and current behavior. It is clear
change until to point V = 8 E . After that it increases rapidly as that ic > ia . To match of these current slopes, either slope of
speed increases in high speed range, until near to point
( V = 4 E ). But, for the six-switch inverter BLDC motor drive ia should be increased or slope of ic should be decreased.
Switching of S1 decreases the slope of ia. So, we should in-
(a) Current behavior (b) Circuit topology when S4 is off (a) Current behavior (b) Circuit topology when S1 is off
Fig. 7. Current behavior and circuit topology in case B Fig. 8. Current behavior and circuit topology in case C
(high speed) of mode II (low speed) of mode II
(a) Current behavior (b) Circuit topology when S1 is on (a) Current behavior (b) Circuit topology when S3 is on
Fig. 9. Current behavior and circuit topology in case B Fig. 10. Current behavior and circuit topology in case B
(high speed) of mode IV (high speed) of mode VI
From Fig. 4, we find that the current control limit point for
modes I and IV is E / V = 0.25 . So, the developed duty cycle D. Analysis of Results
(DHigh) is valid to apply to the PWM inverter. Same explana- We studied the current controllability at different condi-
tions can be found for commutation in mode I. tions in the six operation modes of the FSTPI-BLDC motor
drive. For each case, we developed a control law to minimize
C. Torque Ripple Minimization in Mode VI the commutation torque ripple. Table I summarizes the devel-
8E oped results. From table I, it is found out that for case B of all
i) Case B : ( > 1) modes, the developed techniques is able to reduce the current
In this case only for interval 1 / 8 < E / V < 0.25 , current ripple that leads to torque ripple reduction, whereas the re-
ported methods such as the direct phase current control tech-
control and so torque ripple reduction is possible. Fig. 10 nique are unable to do. Also, the triggered switches for each
shows the circuit topology and current behavior in this case. It case have been listed. It to be noted that all developed control
is clear that ib > ic . To match of these current slopes, law are valid for regions lower than corresponding current
switching of S3 decreases the slope of ib. Using explanations as control limit points. Table II also shows the result of the six
same as mode II and equalizing the slopes of ib and ic currents, switch inverter BLDC motor drive, that control law is same for
we have: all operation modes, whereas for FSTPI, they are different [5].
1 8E 1
D High = − (56)
2 V 2
Since 1 / 8 < < 0.25 , the developed D High is always greater
V Current
Operation Control law
than 0 and so it is a valid duty cycle for high speed region. Mode control Case Switch
interval (Duty cycle)
8E limit
ii) Case C: ( < 1) S4 3 E 1 2 8E
V B < +
As shown in Fig. 11, for this case (dash line), it is clear II E (S3) 8 V 4 3 3V
= 0.5
(V) V S1 3 E 1 3 8E
that ib < ic . To match of these current slopes, Switching of C > − +
(S2) 8 V 2 2 3V
S2 decreases the slope of ic and slope equalization will be ob-
tained. Fig. 11(b) shows the circuit topology when S2 is off. I E
= 0.25
S1 0.25 <
E 4E
(IV) V (S2) V V
With same manner as explained in mode II, duty cycle is ob-
tained as: S4 1 E 1 8E 1
B < −
3 1 8E III E (S3) 8 V 2 V 2
D Low = + (57) = 0.25
4 4 V (VI) V
S2 1 E
3 1 8E
8E (S1) 8 V 4 4 V
Since < 1 , D Low will be lower than 1 and so, it is a valid
duty ratio. Same explanations can be found for commutation in
mode III.
Operation Control law
Mode control Case
interval (Duty cycle)
E 4E
B 0.25 < −1
All E V V
six = 0 .5
(a) Current behavior (b) Circuit topology when S2 is off modes V E 2 1 4E
C < 0.25 +
V 3 3 V
Fig. 11. Current behavior and circuit topology in case C
(low speed) of mode VI
Firstly, an analytical study of commutation torque ripple of
phase currents in a FSTPI brushless dc motor drive has been
presented. The results show that by effective control of phase
current, the ripple is independent of the current. With DC-link
constant voltage, it varies just only with speed. Because of
asymmetrical stator phase voltages, the commutations are dif-
ferent in six operation modes. The relative ripple reaches to 50
and 100% at low speed in different modes and it slopes to -
50% at high speed for all operation modes. However, the limit
points of the current control in the six modes are different and
they are often lower than corresponding points in six-switch
inverter configuration. So, in high speed region, operation of
FSTPI-BLDC motor drive has been limited and it is needed to
develop new control techniques.
Finally we developed a duty ratio control strategy to reduce
the commutation torque ripple for entire range of speed. The
developed technique was based on the equalization of the de-
caying and rising current in commutation interval. This method
enjoys only one current sensor in dc link just in this interval
and for other intervals two current sensors should be used.
The proposed method enhances the performance of the FSTPI-
BLDC motor drive and can be used for low cost applications.
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