Augmented Reality in Education

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96 Augmented Reality Applications in Education

By Misty Antonioli, Corinne Blake, and Kelly Sparks

The Journal of Technology Studies

Technology is ever changing and ever growing. Research conducted for this literature review
One of the newest developing technologies is focused on educational applications of AR.
augmented reality (AR), which can be applied The initial search of K-12 applications was far
to many different existing technologies, such too broad to provide a valuable synthesis. The
as: computers, tablets, and smartphones. AR keywords included educational applications,
technology can also be utilized through wearable science or STEM focus, and augmented reality.
components, for example, glasses. Throughout Journals with a concentration in technology and
this literature review on AR the following aspects education that held significance to AR within
are discussed at length: research explored, the classroom setting were sought. References
theoretical foundations, applications in education, were included that explained the concept of AR
challenges, reactions, and implications. Several as well as studies that implemented AR. Most
different types of AR devices and applications are of the references for this analysis were published
discussed at length, and an in-depth analysis is within the past five years; however, a few articles
done on several studies that have implemented AR included were published as early as 2001. The
technology in an educational setting. This review majority of the research found focused on
focuses on how AR technology can be applied, applications in a middle or secondary level. AR
the issues surrounding the use of this technology, appears to have potential extending into lower
viewpoints of those who have worked with AR elementary grades. Additionally, research at the
applications; it also identifies multiple areas to be college level provides insight into windows of
explored in future research. opportunity that may extend into the K-12 sector.
Researchers often choose students at a middle
Keywords: augmented reality, science
school level because of the critical time period
education, self-determination theory, flow
it is for increase in science interest and building
theory, situated learning theory, just-in-time
self-confidence (Bressler & Bodzin, 2013).
learning, constructivism
Several studies seemed to take a mixed methods
INTRODUCTION  approach combining both quantitative and
In today’s society, technology has become a qualitative analysis. Researchers noted that
crucial part of our lives. It has changed how providing case studies and opportunities for
people think and apply knowledge. One of the participant feedback extended the wealth of
newest developing technologies is augmented knowledge available and provided key insights
reality (AR), which can be applied to computers, to the quantitative data (Bressler & Bodzin,
tablets, and smartphones. AR affords the ability 2013; Enyedy, Danish, Delacruz, & Kumar,
to overlay images, text, video, and audio 2012; Iordache & Pribenu, 2009; Morrison
components onto existing images or space. et al., 2011; Serio, Ibanez, & Carlos, 2013).
AR technology has gained a following in the Qualitative data was also thoroughly inspected,
educational market for its ability to bridge gaps specifically acknowledging the positive and
and bring a more tangible approach to learning. negative components of AR that both students
Student-centered activities are enhanced by and teachers experienced (Arvanitis et al., 2009;
the incorporation of virtual and real-world Billinghurst & Dunser, 2012; Bressler, & Bodzin,
experience. Throughout this literature review 2013; DeLucia, Francese, Passero, & Tortoza,
on AR the following aspects will be discussed at 2012; Iordache & Pribeanu, 2009; Morrison et
length: research explored, theoretical foundations, al., 2011; Serio, Ibanez, & Carlos, 2013).
applications in education, challenges, reactions,
One of the quantitative research studies completed
and implications. AR has the potential to change
by Dunleavy, Dede, and Mitchell (2009), used a
education to become more efficient in the same
design-based approach with interviews to put the
way that computers and Internet have.
engagement of high school students under the compared to a behavioral learning environment; 97
microscope. The authors use the AR situation however, AR can be used to bridge the gap

Augmented Reality Applications in Education

Alien Contact! with role- playing scenarios. between practical and theoretical learning
The study was conducted over the 2006-2007 practices along with real and virtual components
school year and used data from three schools being blended together to create a unique
in order to determine if AR technologies aid in learning experience.
the learning process. Jefferson High School,
AR also relates to the just-in-time learning
Wesley Middle School, and Einstein Middle
theory. This theory suggests that students learn
School are all located in the northeastern United
information that they need to know now. Collins
States. Through the collaboration of MIT and
and Halverston (2009) stressed that teachers
the University of Wisconsin at Madison, a
should “reconceptualize” how they view learning
hand-held AR program known as Alien Contact!
and “rethink” what they should teach. AR
was created. This game was designed to focus
allows them to do both of these things by letting
on several educational aspects such as math,
educators use a new and engaging technology to
language arts, and scientific literacy (Dunleavy et
view aspects of the real world in a different way.
al., 2009). Students used this device throughout
the study to participate in roles and collaborate as Dunleavy et al. (2009) discussed the possible
a team. The authors found that there was a high connection between the situated learning theory
level of engagement. and AR. According to situated learning theory,
learning occurs naturally during activities.
Engagement was also found while using
Some AR situations, like Alien Contact!, allow
augmented books through a qualitative research
students to use real-life experiences to facilitate
study. Billinghurst and Dunser (2012) surveyed
learning. Some learning will occur naturally,
user studies concerning elementary and high
as they go through their problem-solving
school students to determine if AR enhances the
environment. Students will use social interaction
learning experience. The authors found that,
and collaboration to learn from one another.
“AR educational media could be a valuable
and engaging addition to classroom education Rigby and Przybylski (2009) identified that
and overcome some of the limitations of text- AR can be linked to the self-determination
based methods, allowing students to absorb the theory (SDT). SDT defines learning that occurs
material according to their preferred learning through motivation. People have the natural
style” (Billinghurst & Dunser, 2012, p. 60). tendency to do what is healthy, interesting,
important, and effective. The virtual learner hero
THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS situation created in the virtual worlds focused
AR educational programs are student-centered on in this study determined that students are
and related to student interests. It allows engaged because they are in charge of their own
students to explore the world in an interactive learning. The same concepts can be applied to
way. Constructivism also encourages students an educational setting.
to work collaboratively, and AR provides Flow theory describes how people who are
students the opportunity to do this in a engaged in meaningful activities are more likely
traditional school setting as well as in distance to stay focused. Bressler and Bodzin (2013)
education. Dunleavy et al. (2009) believe that investigated a science gaming experience in
the engagement of the student as well as their relation to flow experience. Their study had a
identity as a learner is formed by participating mean flow experience score of 82.4%, which
in collaborative groups and communities. indicates that the average student experienced
Constructivism has also changed the role of flow throughout the science mystery game that
the teacher to become a facilitator, where the they played on an iPhone. This particular type
responsibility to organize, synthesize, and of AR, as well as various others, connects their
analyze content information is in the hands real-world surroundings to learning in a new and
of the learner (DeLucia et al., 2012). Wang engaging way.
(2012) warns that because AR follows a
constructive learning theory it does not generate APPLYING AR IN EDUCATION
consequences for students’ actions as needed,
AR allows flexibility in use that is attractive
98 to education. AR technology can be utilized had access via their mobile devices to
through a variety of mediums including information provided directly from the instructor
The Journal of Technology Studies

desktops, mobile devices, and smartphones. and other students. The QR codes within the
The technology is portable and adaptable to a classroom allowed for location determination,
variety of scenarios. AR can be used to enhance which was necessary because the information
content and instruction within the traditional was not available online. Having the virtual
classroom, supplement instruction in the special environment accessible in a single location
education classroom, extend content into the encourages consistent and active participation in
world outside the classroom, and be combined person instead of just the virtual environment.
with other technologies to enrich their The learning experience of the traditional
individual applications. classroom was enhanced by the content sharing
of both instructor and peers.
Traditional classroom uses
In any educational setting, there are often Special Education Uses
limitations in the various resources available. With the ability to bridge learning and physical
This is often seen foremost in the traditional barriers, AR has the potential to bring value and
classroom. Due to budget restraints or high quality educational experiences to students
constraints on time, the means to teach students with learning and physical disabilities as well
in scenarios that allow them to learn by doing as the special education classroom. Billinghurst
can be a challenge. Desktop AR allows students and Dunser (2012) found that using augmented
to combine both real and computer-generated storybooks have led to more positive results
images. Iordache and Pribeanu (2009) used as students were able to recall stories and have
desktop AR that combined a screen, glasses, better reading comprehension. Augmented
headphones, and a pointing device that allowed storybooks could especially help students
students to conduct a hands-on exploration who were less able to comprehend only text-
of a real object, in this case a flat torso, with based materials. Physical movement is often
superimposed virtual images. It would not a component and consideration for AR tasks.
be feasible to explore the digestive process A student who may struggle to engage under
interactively as these students were able to do normal circumstances can become more actively
along with visualizing the nutrient breakdown involved in the kinesthetic nature employed
and absorption in a classroom setting without the by augmented tasks. Dunleavy et al. (2009)
AR technology. Computer images could show found in their interviews that teachers felt that
the process, but the pointing device allowed students who were identified as ADD as well as
students to guide their learning. unmotivated students were 100% engaged in the
learning process during an AR simulation.
Classrooms can shift from the traditional
lecture style setting to one that is more lab and Because of the variety of tools that can be
student-oriented. A case study conducted with overlaid in an augmented environment,
a visual arts class noted that allowing students students with physical disabilities can benefit
to freely explore a room that was set up with from the potential learning aides that could be
webcams and desktops encouraged more activity incorporated. Something as simple as overlaying
while the students perceived that they were audio for those with visual impairments or
more motivated to learn (Serio et al., 2013). text for those with hearing disabilities can be
Instead of receiving information via images effective tools when considering disability access
and lecture, students had access to multimodal (Forsyth, 2011). Physical limitations can make
representations including text, audio, video, and handheld AR devices more difficult to work with.
3D models. Head-mounted displays (HMD) can provide a
hands-free device to project the overlay visuals
Quick response (QR) codes can also open up
to a student and adjust the images based on the
opportunities to have a mixed reality setting
orientation of the student while other devices
within the actual classroom. DeLucia, Francese,
enable students to interact with the environment
Passero, & Tortoza (2012) conducted an
via voice recognition, gesture recognition, gaze
evaluation study on collaborative classroom
tracking, and speech recognition (Van Krevelen
environments in a university setting. Students
& Poelman, 2010). Bringing this technology mobile AR within the confines of the school 99
to the classroom has the potential to allow for campus. Students used iPhones that were

Augmented Reality Applications in Education

differentiated instruction and enrichment of the Wi-Fi enabled to collaborate in small groups
learning experience of students with special to complete a science inquiry game. Not only
needs. Evaluation trials conducted by Arvantis did the technology enable the students to move
et al. (2009) showed that using wearable AR freely about the campus, but also the design
technology with students who had physical of the game fostered a social constructivist
disabilities produced, “interestingly comparable approach by using a jigsaw method in which
results with able-bodied users,” (p. 250) in terms students had independent roles that relied upon
of “wearability” and pedagogy. one another to complete the task. Dunleavy et
al. (2009) employed a similar approach to jigsaw
Outside the Classroom collaborative methods for successful completion
Mobile applications can extend the traditional of an AR simulation.
classroom beyond the physical walls. Annetta,
Burton, Frazier, Cheng, and Chmiel (2012) Combined Learning
reported that the percentage of 12 to 17 year The technology employed with AR does not need
olds who have their own mobile device is 75%, to be exclusive to the AR experience. Motion
compared to 45% in 2004, and regardless of sensors that modeled force and motion during
a student’s socioeconomic status, the number Learning Physics through Play (LPP) activities
of students carrying their own mobile devices and AR in the form of QR codes enabled
is growing exponentially every year. Camera students to use, visualize ideas and share them
phones and smartphones allow users to gather with others for discussion (Enyedy et al., 2012).
information in a variety of locations. QR codes Combining the technologies helped to enhance
and GPS coordinates can be used to track and the learning experience, which is similar to
guide movement of the students. Although research done by Kamarinen et al. (2013) who
several researchers chose to take students off pointed out that the combination can help to
campus and conduct investigations in a field enhance the learning experience in a way that
trip setting, others chose to remain within the neither could do alone.
grounds of the school.
If an educator is looking to model scientific
In an off campus setting, the AR technology practice, AR provides the opportunity to support
needs to be portable and relatively easy to use. the multifaceted world of science exploration.
Students traveling to a local pond have the As a general rule, scientific researchers
ability to study water quality at specific locations typically do not use a single tool for evidence
while having access to overlaid media about the to come to a conclusion. Likewise, a literature
pond from the AR device (Kamarainen et al., review that embodies just research from one
2013). This type of experience opens up a world scientific journal does not begin to tap the
of opportunities to mesh classroom information wealth of knowledge widely available. Using
into the real-world environment. Morrison probeware and sensors to collect data and AR
et al. (2011) used real paper maps and GPS technology to guide and visualize helps to
coordinates in a treasure-hunt-style game that bring a more student-centered dynamic to a
allowed for group collaboration. Participants in learning experience, resulting in gains in student
the game were aware of their surroundings and engagement and content understanding (Enyedy
chose to work together on a task that fostered et al., 2012; Kamarinen et al., 2013).
small group collaboration. An important point
to note from this research is that GPS will not Applications Beyond Science
work inside of buildings. Therefore, any indoor Research shows that the use of AR, regardless
activity would need to be conducted without a of grade level or subject area, allows students
location-based AR technology. to be actively engaged in the learning process.
“Building and using AR scenes combines active
Using QR codes allows individuals a means to
complex problem solving and teamwork to
avoid relying on location-based technology and
create engaging educational experiences to teach
focus on the augmented experience. Bressler
science, math, or language skills, and studies
and Bodzin (2013) chose to use vision-based
100 have found that this activity enhances student A training should be provided for teachers to
motivation, involvement, and engagement” learn a hands-off approach with their students
The Journal of Technology Studies

(Billinghurst & Dunser, 2012, p. 60). Though and show them how this way of teaching will
most research shows the use of AR in education foster an effective learning environment. The
through middle school science, there are some fear of not knowing what is on each student’s
implementations in other subject areas and age device can be elevated according to the authors
groups. For example, AR was utilized in a visual through the process of allowing the students
arts class as researched by Serio et al. (2013) and more control over their learning. In addition,
during the MapLens research by Morrison et al. Kamarainen et al. (2013) also found that teachers
(2011) when participants ranging in age from 7 felt they would be unprepared to manage the
to 50 were observed. same experience over again if they were by
themselves without the researchers present.
Outside of a traditional school setting, AR
Training should be provided to the educators
has many uses and can be applied to other
from the researchers if continued use of the AR
areas of interest as well. The medical field
technology is expected to be implemented.
can utilize this technology to see information
about the body systems without having to leave Many AR applications require the use of the
the sight of the patient. In addition, families environment to set up areas for study. Students
can see what furniture will look like in their walk around and use their AR technology
house before purchasing, contractors are able devices in order to receive information. The
to design different components and see how information must be triggered by either GPS
they will fit together before construction, and coordinates or other methods when students
tourists can find information out about the area get near the correct locations. The developer,
without an in-person tour guide. Van Krevelen as well as the educator, must be aware of the
and Poelman (2010), determined that AR can environment in order for this to work effectively
be particularly helpful in industrial situations (Van Krevelen & Poelman, 2010). Therefore,
in designing and assembling vehicles as well teachers need to either train themselves or attend
as military applications for combat training. training sessions on the environment that they
Companies such as Volkswagen and BMW have can use. For example, if an AR application
already started to use AR technologies in their is specifically designed to be completed in a
assembly lines (Van Krevelen & Poelman, 2010). school where students get close to fire alarms,
Therefore, AR has many benefits outside of the information appears on their device about fire
educational field. safety, and the educator or developer must be
aware of where all the fire alarms are located.
Training Billinghurst and Dunser (2012) understood that
Training is an important aspect of AR. “Most there are many aspects of AR that are considered
educational AR systems are single-use prototypes to be obstacles when trying to implement this
for specific projects, so it is difficult to generalize type of technology in the classroom. Many
evaluation results” (Billinghurst & Dunser, teachers do not have the skills to program their
2012, p. 61). Each AR situation researched own AR learning experience and therefore must
was unique and required a different program rely on the ability to create this AR environment
and requirements of the educator. Due to this through pre-made creation tools, which are rare.
uniqueness, training is needed for both educators This was slightly contradicting to the Annetta
and students to understand how to utilize each et al. (2012) statement that there are many free
AR program to its fullest potential. During the resources available for teacher use but stress that
Dunleavy et al. (2009) Alien Contact! AR lesson, because teachers are not properly trained they are
teachers expressed a concern for more support. unable to use these available resources.
Teachers did not feel confident when setting
AR tools are becoming more user-friendly and
up or implementing the program. In addition,
require less programming skills making them
teachers who are normally lecture focused had
more attractive to the common educator. Mullen
a hard time letting go and allowing students to
(2011) focused his work around providing
explore the learning environment on their own.
individuals with a resource for basic skills that can be uncomfortable and embarrassing to wear. 101
would enable them to not only understand how Gloves, backpacks, and headgear can all cause

Augmented Reality Applications in Education

AR applications run but also to get started with a student to become uncomfortable and distract
creating AR content. Kamarainen et al. (2013) them from the purpose of the assignment. In
pointed out that AR platforms could be employed addition, such items could potentially discourage
that allow “an author to create augmented reality students from trying AR in the first place.
games and experiences with no programming
Van Krevelen and Poelman (2010) identified
experience required” (p. 547). In addition,
the need for the AR technologies to be designed
Billinghurst and Dunser (2012) predicted that
effectively and with high usability. For instance,
by the year 2030, students will be building AR
the video display must make sure that the images
educational content on a regular basis to connect
shown do not appear closer or farther away
collaboratively with the outside world from
than they really are. This problem can lead to
within their classroom.
misconceptions if dealing with location-specific
Technical Problems tasks. Some devices may require calibration,
Dunleavy et al. (2009) showed that the GPS failed and this can potentially be very difficult to do.
15-30% during the study. A GPS error refers to Acquiring devices that are calibration free or
either the software of the GPS itself or incorrect auto-calibrated can be beneficial to the user as to
setup. This was considered the “most significant” avoid malfunction and user frustration.
malfunction. Other malfunctions identified in
Bressler and Bodzin (2013) found that players
this study were the ability for the devices to be
involved in gameplay within the building did
effectively used outdoors. The glare from the sun
not fully utilize the GPS on their mobile device,
as well as the noisy environment could impair the
since the students were familiar with their
learning of the students.
surroundings. This seemed to reduce the overall
Morrison et al. (2011) identified that students who cognitive load; however, location-based AR can
collaborate in teams score higher than students add a new level of frustration when students are
who worked on their own. These multi-user placed in an unfamiliar place, where they must
teams need to share information with each other. rely on GPS navigation to complete gameplay.
Therefore, one of the challenges identified in this Using AR technologies that include both audio
study is the need for developers to create places and visual components can allow students to
for collaboration among team members. Without use their cognitive abilities to retain information
this additional platform, the successfulness of the more efficiently based on cognitive load theory.
AR environment can be compromised.
Student Issues
There are several different kinds of devices One issue identified in Dunleavy et al. (2009)
that can be used when implementing AR in the determined that some AR situations can be
classroom. Glasses, hand-held devices, and dangerous. In this particular Alien Contact!
headwear are ways for the user to see computer- scenario, students must look at their handheld
generated images imprinted on their reality. devices to participate. When engaging in
Iordache and Pribeanu (2009) determined that activities outdoors the students are unable to
the cameras the students were using should be work on their devices and watch where they are
hands free and that they should be set at table going simultaneously. Therefore, students were
level for the maximum results. Carrying around found to be wandering into roadways and needed
large devices can make AR inconvenient and to be redirected to safety by teachers.
frustrating. Arvanitis et al. (2009) had students
Some of the AR learning experiences require the
wear a backpack as part of their AR technology
student to be mobile. Exploring the world is not
device. The study showed that students felt
an uncommon task; however, Annetta et al. (2012)
that it was hard to wear and made them feel
were concerned with gaining approval from school
embarrassed. If AR technologies hinder the
administration for students to travel outside of the
self-esteem of the students, this can also affect
classroom. Without this component the teachers
how much information the student can retain
and students would be very limited in their use
within each lesson. Van Krevelen and Poelman
of the AR technologies. The authors found that
(2010) also identify that certain AR technologies
classroom management is an important part of
102 using AR technologies with students. technology, which are in no particular order:
field science, field visits, games, information
Certain health problems can arise from using
The Journal of Technology Studies

services, and guides. AR games can be played

AR devices if they are not properly designed.
independently or dependently. Researchers,
Tunnel vision can be a side effect of using poorly
teachers, and students alike were very pleased
designed AR devices, and this should be avoided
to find more collaboration while using the AR
(Van Krevelen & Poelman, 2010). Developers
technology (Annetta et al., 2012; Billinghurst
and educators should be aware of the method and
& Dunser, 2012; Bressler & Bodzin, 2013;
the amount of information being presented. This
DeLucia et al., 2012; Dunleavy et al., 2009;
could prevent the brain from being overloaded.
Kamarainen et al., 2013; Morrison et al., 2011).
In addition, when the user feels overwhelmed,
Students reported after completing an AR game
stress and other frustration can arise, which will
called School Scene Investigators: The Case of
distract the student from the objective of learning.
the Stolen Score Sheets (SSI) they had a desire
AR learning environments are often designed to to perform at a higher level, felt a sense of
have many roles in order for students to work in exploration, and 93% of students were more
teams and collaborate with each other. Dunleavy curious to learn about forensics (Bressler &
et al. (2009) stated, “As is, if one of the roles Bodzin, 2013).
is absent, it severely restricts if not disables the
Students also reported that learning in an AR
game” (p. 19). Student absences are a natural
environment is more stimulating and appealing
occurrence but affect the learning environment
than viewing a traditional slide presentation
drastically. In addition, students who are
(i.e., Microsoft PowerPoint, SmartNotebook)
working without constraints can rush through or
because they preferred the audio, video, and
skip information depending on the AR program,
feeling as if they were part of the 3D model
teacher assertiveness, and intrinsic motivation.
that was transposed into a real physical space
Kamaraien et al. (2013) also found that students
(Serio et al., 2013). Finding “hotspots” also
might rush through the activity without fully
known as “triggers,” and using the smartphone
comprehending the information presented in
were both reported as what the students really
that part. Therefore, though AR leads to a high
enjoyed while using AR technology (Kamarainen
engagement level students should be monitored
et al., 2013). Utilizing handheld devices was
to stay on task and on pace as well.
considered the most motivating and engaging
As AR scenarios are developed for the classroom factor when students played the AR simulation
the developers must be aware of their target game Alien Contact! (Dunleavy et al., 2009).
audience. For example, Enyedy et al. (2012)
AR is continuously growing and improving
made a point that the AR technology used in
every day, and using students’ feedback allows
their experiment was made for students to
AR technology developers to incorporate these
be able to make right and wrong decisions in
helpful tips to improve user experience. Students
order to foster play; however, this would not be
had issues keeping the AR superimposed
the ideal situation for older students learning
images in the right position; they could not
physics. Therefore, the cognitive development
select an image as well as they would have
of the students should be taken into consideration
liked, and sometimes the image was shaky,
when developing programs as well as utilizing
which could ultimately lead the program to lose
already existing AR applications.
the image altogether (Iordache & Pribeanu,
2009; Serio et al. 2013). DeLucia et al. (2012)
noticed that when using AR technology the
Students students had to hold the mobile device in order
Overall, students reacted positively to using AR to complete the activity, which limited the
technology both in and outside of the classroom. users’ maneuverability. To work around these
AR is a fairly new development within the field situations, Morrison et al. (2011) found that
of education, and there are areas that students users would sit down to stabilize their device.
reported that need improvement. Annetta et Other researchers used head-mounted displays
al. (2012; as cited in Benford and colleagues, (HMD) for students with muscular dystrophy,
2003) listed four educational uses to AR mobile cerebral palsy, and arthogerposis to experience
AR simulations (Arvanitis et al., 2009). These students so they can take part in AR activities 103
students used the HMD because they depended (Enyedy et al., 2012).

Augmented Reality Applications in Education

on a wheelchair for their mobility. Students
Teachers are concerned with the programming
felt embarrassed and self-conscious wearing
and coding that is required to integrate AR
the HMD, and they also found the device
activities into their classrooms. Software is
uncomfortable. Both Arvanitis et al. (2009)
being developed (i.e., The Art of Illusion)
and Iordache and Pribeanu (2009) reported
in order for teachers to focus on building
stress on student vision after completing the AR
educational content and not having to worry
simulation. However, Goodrich (2013) noted
about programming skills (Billinghurst &
that technology developers are already working
Dunser, 2012). Another concern is how quickly
on a more user-friendly AR technology called
some students are completing the AR activity
Google Glass. This device is set up like a pair
in comparison to other students. Going through
of glasses the student could wear with ease
the activity too quickly, as the student cannot
and confidence. The superimposed images are
wait to see what will come up next on the screen,
displayed to the glasses through a small projector
can hinder their comprehension (Kamarainen et
that is viewed only by the individual student.
al., 2013; Dunleavy et al., 2009). In contrast,
Researchers are working on expanding this
Serio et al. (2013) mentioned that students who
technology to include bionic eyes that function
finished early or could fix technical problems
without the glasses and would have far reaching
were willing to help other students. When
potential for students with visual impairments
using AR on a field trip, teachers expressed
(DNews, 2013).
concern with how they would manage all of the
GPS is a major factor in completing AR technology, along with technical difficulties that
simulations. GPS signals are not normally arise throughout the trip—on their own.
obtained in a building and to adapt, in order
Some AR simulation games require a significant
for AR simulations to function properly inside
amount of complex material the student must
a classroom, QR codes have been developed.
process. For example, running the mobile
The mobile device using AR technology can
device, using the AR software, following the
scan a QR code and retrieve the information,
navigation, completing all the required tasks
where it is then loaded on the device (Bressler &
for the activity, and collaborating with peers
Bodzin, 2013; DeLucia et al., 2012). Dunleavy
about the information, can be quite daunting
et al. (2009) found that the biggest limitation
tasks, even for a student who is advanced at
for students and teachers while completing a
multitasking. Teachers are always looking out
simulation was GPS error.
for the best interest of their students resulting in
Educators worry that AR simulations may cause students
Educators may feel alarmed as if AR will to have cognitive overload. Students reported
“overtake” their classrooms; it seems that cognitive overload when participating in an
once students experience this type of learning, outside AR game, and teachers could expect this
they will not go back to their previous ways to be more likely to happen when students are in
of learning. However, Annetta et al. (2012) an unfamiliar area (Dunleavy et al., 2009).
expresseed that AR can be an activity to
engage students in future units and discussions.
One of the advantages of AR simulations is it
Billinghurst and Dunser (2012) believe that
allows students to participate in multiple field
AR is a new form of face-to-face instruction, as
trip-like experiences from the comfort of their
students share the learning experience. Teachers
own building, which can be a huge incentive for
have reported students taking responsibility
districts that are affected by budget constraints
and ownership of their learning (Kamarainen
(Dunleavy et al., 2009). AR simulations can take
et al., 2013). Therefore, educators using AR
place in or outside of the traditional classroom,
technology are becoming facilitators to their
and administrative support is needed in all
students. Even within the elementary grade
cases. For example, administrative approval
levels, teachers plays a very important role
is needed anytime traveling outside of the
in engaging the students, especially when
school’s premises. Innovative teachers can
introducing complex technical equipment to their
104 capture administrative support for their students necessary for learning, the tendency for student
using AR technologies by maintaining strong competitiveness, and the infancy of effective
The Journal of Technology Studies

classroom management skills and, equally instructional design. How these challenges
important, facilitating good instruction (Annetta factor into placement of AR materials in a single
et al., 2012). classroom or broad age level warrants extensive
focus by future researchers. Although much
IMPLICATIONS FOR RESEARCH of the research focuses on student or teacher
The importance of this literature review is that reactions to AR in the classroom and how it can
it not only showcases the current trends in AR be used, the technology itself has not allowed for
technology but also its focus on the increased long-term studies on the appropriate guidelines
research and potential further application in the to implementation that will assure student
educational setting. Several components remain growth and achievement of learning goals. The
to be explored. When using AR outside of the long-term effect of AR past a single classroom
classroom, teachers and students are able to use or group of students needs to be evaluated and
this as a tool for physical activity (Dunleavy compared. DeLucia et al. (2012) suggested that
et al., 2009). Linking learning with exercise the effects of their AR system be evaluated over
and activity in an educational way can improve a longer period of time. Supplementary research
the perception that technology creates a non- could explore what is the most appropriate range
interactive environment (NAEYC & Fred Rogers of members utilizing AR in groups and when is
Center, 2012). Since AR varies in the amount of the best time for AR to be introduced (Dunleavy
room required, there is a concern for how much et al., 2009). To further expand upon possible
space is needed in order to make implementation future research, additional studies would need
successful (Dunleavy et al., 2009; Morrison et al., to seek out if students using AR communicate
2011; Wither, Tsai, & Azuma, 2011). Particular more effectively and frequently compared to
interest within AR is that it has not expanded to students who are not exposed to AR platforms
fully utilize other learning styles, such as audio (Arvanitis et al., 2009; Rigby & Przybylski,
and kinesthetic (Billinghurst & Dunser, 2012). 2009). Throughout the multiple studies that
Another is that the amount of visual information were examined, many of them suggested further
that can be displayed on the screen can be analysis in what types of AR platforms would
overwhelming to students. Studies should further be the best fit for educational purposes (Azuma,
explore the effects AR has on cognitive load in Baillot, Behringer, Feiner, Julier, & MacIntyre,
the brain and how much information should be 2001; Dunleavy et al., 2009; Forsyth, 2011;
displayed before it turns from a beneficial device Iordache & Pribeanu, 2009).
into a distracting device (Bressler & Bodzin,
2013; Van Krevelen & Poelman, 2010). Many CONCLUSION
educators are already concerned with how to AR has already begun to help students
hold students’ attention to keep them engaged learn more efficiently as well as increase
throughout the lesson and maintain focus beyond their knowledge retention (Billinghurst &
the novelty of the technology (Kamarainen et al., Dunser, 2012). However, before AR becomes
2013). In one study, Serio et al. (2013) discussed mainstream in education, like desktops, laptops,
how AR could potentially increase memorization tablets, and even cell phones have become,
and concentration skills and suggested that special consideration must be taken into account
further research should be conducted to validate on the usability, cost, power usage, visual
these claims. appearance and the like, in order for content
AR simulations activities to become part of the
Educators must be digitally literate with an
regular academic curriculum (Van Krevelen
understanding of child development theory
& Poelman, 2010). AR has proved to be an
to select digital tools that are age specific and
engaging way for students to participate in
avoid the potential negative impact on learning
their learning. This new technology allows
(NAEYC & Fred Rogers Center, 2012).
the learning to be student-centered and create
Dunleavy et al. (2009) pointed out the challenges
opportunities for collaboration that fosters a
of using AR before students have collaborative
deeper understanding of the content. AR is
problem solving skill sets and behaviors that are
on the way to becoming an important part of
education, and its use will continue to grow. 105
Misty Antonioli is a high school mathematics

Augmented Reality Applications in Education

teacher for the Bradford Area School District
located in Bradford, Pennsylvania.
Corinne Blake is a middle school science teacher
for the Clark County School District located in
Las Vegas, Nevada.
Kelly Sparks is a high school science teacher and
technology facilitator for the Roanoke Rapids
Graded School District in Roanoke Rapids, NC.
The Journal of Technology Studies

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